Monday, June 28, 2010

MICE project is finally O-V-E-R! Hallelujah. Oh my goodness, it's like a tonne of burden had just been lifted off my shoulders. And yeah, I've at last fallen sick as well. Cough and migraine :/ I'm actually waiting to see the doctor now. Couldn't at all get up this morning. Not even with two alarms and seventy-seven calls from Yunting. You power luh (Y) Win already. Hahaha. I'm just too worn out. I guess we all are.

Two more projects and one more individual assignment to go apart from the class tests and final examination. Thinking of the coming sleepless nights, spending weekends in school, and doing reports and designing for more than twelve hours a day makes me shudder. It's like a never ending nightmare. A nightmare that I've already gotten used to. Weirdly, I kinda like it. Maybe not the sleepless nights and spending weekends in school but I've to admit that having to churn out reports endlessly makes me feel productive and tells me that I've not gotten that dumb since entering poly. Yeah, I'm weird like that.

It's Monday again; another week of working hard. I pray for God's grace and strength. Nothing is impossible, God can turn your circumstances around even when it seems the least possible. And he did so for me. Praise God ((: