Thursday, August 19, 2010

Life's too short, we shouldn't wait for the water to run dry.

Happy Birthday Tan Li Ling!
Have a great nineteenth. I love you babygirl ♥

K. No need for assumptions, this time you're right. I hate it that we're both still kids with mouthfuls of pride. I'm not sure if things could be like before but this seem to me like another one of those lil' tiffs we had back when I was 9 and you were 12. I don't believe what we had called 'sisterhood' for the past 11 years could be this easily broken. Much has happened as well, & I wished I've got you by my side. Maybe I used to depend too much on you in the past, maybe that's why you feel used. I don't know what or where went wrong, but I'd like for things to be alright again. When's the time? No one knows. Though I reckon that we've already lost precious time being mad and proud, it's about time we swallowed our prides.