Monday, August 30, 2010

Scratch and win.

Am totally addicted to this drama on youtube called Make It or Break It and it's about gymnastics. All thanks to Drich for introducing it to me, I'm quite hooked to it. Exams are a week away, and I've not touched my notes at all. I'm starting to really panic. I should start today yes? & I ought to set my bioclock right again; why do I keep screwing it up? :/

Drich and I went to Vivo yesterday since we decided to take a break from training this week and had a pretty good time eating our entire day away. Literally. Our day was all about food. It even ended with us getting some pretty awesome sushi at the Cold Storage at great deals for dinner. I'll soon grow very fat, I've gotta train harder. Chilling at the rooftop did us some good to sit back to just enjoy the evening.

Alright so, it's about 4am now and I should be about heading to bed. I'm turning nocturnal again, this is not good. Oh, and my hamsters are still totally at odds with each other still. I found out yesterday that Bully bit Pussy and she bled slightly, but she's alright now. I myself got bitten pretty hard by Bully while I was trying to get her outta her pink house. Gees. She's turning into a monster :/