Monday, December 20, 2010

All I want for Christmas...

Counting down five days to Christmas 2010. Last Christmas, I was all hyped up & anticipating it cause I know Christmas can't go wrong with K around. This Christmas, I'm dreading it cause it's not the same without her. Nonetheless, I'm still thankful to have my family, wonderful friends & J with me. Christmas will still be good. Yeah, it will.

Another year is coming to an end. Why does time have to go by so fast? Though I'm glad 2010 is coming to an end, cause it's been a whirlwind of a year. I've been in a mess, I got out & up, then I fell again. In summary, it has just been a bad year for me. Yet in this bad year, good things had happened to me so I ain't complaining. Perhaps it's now time to sit down & really think of resolutions for the new year. Time to let go, to forgive and to forget, to make up, to move on, to face your fears, to open up, to love and to be loved. & so I'm glad that in this joyful season, I'm loved