Friday, January 07, 2011

Every time I think of you, I always catch my breath.

Happy 2011 ((:

I counted down to the new year with love in the cinema watching Love and Other Drugs. Love the show except maybe for the countless number of times that Anne Hathaway boobs spilled out onto the screens but Jake Gyllenhaal made up for it by being overly charming. Spent the rest of the night at Clarke Quay with some friends whom J played drinking games with while I skipped on it cause I dint wanna aggravate my bad cough :/ 01.01.11

So 7 days later, I've been busy with work still & J's been busy with the graduation parade for the recruits. Prolly another 21/24 days more till the end of internship. I can't quite figure out if I'd actually be happy or sad when it ends. I just know I really dread going back to school, I can't wait to graduate. Really.

Life thus far in 2011 has been good, & I hope it stays this way. Or maybe get even better ((: