Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Easy come, easy go.

Beautiful rainbow caught after the downpour on Sunday evening (: That must have been only the second time I chanced upon a rainbow. Never had the habit of looking into the skies after a downpour and even when I did, I aint usually that lucky. So that rainbow completed my lazy Sunday :D

Well hello blogger. My last dated entry on this space is 04/03, today.. it's already 30/03. How time flies. So results were finally out and I can't be any more glad to say that I've graduated from TP - HTM. Awesome much ^^ Three years flew by just like that. I'm blessed with some really great ppl I met there and I'm just really thankful. Not to forget Chels too, we've gotten closer and tighter thanks to HTM. Well friends, you know who you are.. I love you. Thank you for filling my days at TP with love and laughter ((:

Been bumming around much ever since school ended so I decided to get out in the sun with the boy on Monday. It felt good to be doing something new again together. So we impromptu-ly got down to serangoon swimming complex for a swim. Well, actually he swam and I tanned..

My camera app made the day look a lil' cloudy but my sun burn is prove that the sun was scorching :/

Showered and headed to Nex for Morning Glory. Rachel McAdams is forever gorgeous. Had breakfast/lunch/dinner, yogurt and some fun at the arcade in between before our movie commenced. Oh, I've got to say.. the froyo store, Glacious at Nex is pretty good. Comparable to Red Mango's and now I'm swayed from being a kinda hardcore Red Mango fan into loving Glacious more. Hmmm >:/ I should prolly stop talking about froyo cause I'm really really craving it now.

Anyhow, I'm really hoping I'll get my passport renewed and IC replaced later finally. So I guess it's bedtime now if I'm thinking of waking up early to get to ICA. & only after that is done, can I proceed with my uni application. So many things on my mind, that when I start thinking of 'em individually, I get a massive headache. God bless my soul.

P.S. Idk why but Rebecca Black's Friday is stuck in my head now. Shittt!

Posting photos of my twenty-first on fb and twenty-first birthday blog entry soon. Stay tuned ((: