Sunday, May 15, 2011

Lips like licorice, tongue like candy.

So here I am, writing this entry with a mask on. Few days back, on two different occasions, both my mum and June asked why is my face so white? I really hope it's the good, bright white and not the pale like vampire white ): So yeah anyway, I need to go for facial. There are some pimples which had healed a while ago but there's still the pimple mark there. & some with small bumps still. Can someone tell me why my pimple marks always take so long to heal? :/ Although Jme's recommendation to apply vitamin E oil on pimples and marks really works. Pimples heal damn fast (Y) HOWEVER, it's still taking a while for my pimple marks to go away! Depressed max. *chants* facialfacialfacialfacialfacial.

Ladies night @ Zouk last Wednesday. Somewhat large group we had considering it was two groups combined.. E, Jeremy, Nick, Jinhong and Jerold.. Mok, Eadelin, Sandra, Joey, Derrick, Derrick's girlf, Angela, & her cousin. So anyway, thank you Mok for driving me down to Zouk! Saved me my cab fare ^^

Pictures with E are on my fisheye, and so are many other pictures I've taken. I can't wait to finish and develop the film. Damn eager to see how the photos would turn out.

Side ponytail hairdo for work on a rainy Friday the 13th.
It's been about a week at work.. If you still don't know where I'm part-timing, it's at Glacious. A frozen yogurt store at Nex. Even though I could easily get an admin/office job that pays a fixed 1.2k and above per month.. I don't think I'd want to be stuck sitting by a desk from 9-5 everyday. Well, at least not now. Yeah, so now I get to have froyo everyday! #everydayimfroyoing ^^ Besides.. I love their froyo!

Bkk trip is finally all set, flight and hotel all booked! (Cept informing my parents :/) Counting down eleven days. Perhaps I should start researching a bit on bkk to give myself a bit of a heads up huh? I was told to try out Baiyoke Sky Hotel's restaurant. Anyone tried that out before too? Really overjoyed. This long-awaited trip is about to be materialized :D

Besides pimple woes, Zouk night, work and bkk trip.. I've at last gotten my new passport and just another six days to my i/c collection. Was seriously getting sick of having to bring my passport out to club and then having the bouncers ask for my i/c number because they doubt that that's my passport. I can't really blame them though, the old one had my 11 or 12 yrs old picture on it. Even I don't think it's me :/