Monday, May 09, 2011

Stockings ripped all up the side.

Counting down eleven minutes to 2am, which would be bedtime for me. The night's finally a lil' cooler with gentle breezes blowing through my window. Work's at 10am later on and though I'm skeptical that I'd actually manage to fall asleep at 2, imma hope. I had just went on soccernet to check the score and well, my sleeping boy would be elated later in the morning with my text updating him that Man Utd had thrashed Chelsea 2-1 (assuming that I dint get the wrong info). Work had been so far so good, with only having done one shift. Dins later tonight with J and friends to finalize our bkk, this is dragging far too long :/ So.. I hope all mamas out there had a good mother's day. Besides mummy, I wish grandma in heaven had a great day too. I love you mama ♥