Monday, August 15, 2011

I was screaming long live the walls we crashed through.

So Jon and I took a tour at the National Museum of Singapore on national day this year. Free entry for us, cheap thrill ^^ Well, all I can say is there's really nothing much there :/ Nothing really fascinating for me but nonetheless it was time well spent with Jon.

Jon half squatting..

We were at the museum pretty late, and as you know, museums closes pretty early. Thus we dint get to see all the galleries. Hmm.. maybe the peranakan or asian civilisation museum next since for all the times I've been there, it was for school and I've never actually took a good look at all the artifacts there. Took a walk up fort canning park thereafter, just in time for the fire works. Though there were buildings blocking some parts of the fire works show, I'd say that's a pretty decent place for fire works if you're not one for crowds.

This week marks week 6 of semester 1 for me. It's already the assessment week. One individual assignment paper due and an accounting test this week. Time is flying by. School had been nice thus far. I don't feel that it's a drag and I'm actually enjoying my lectures. Even though it's like accounting, organisational behaviour and marketing all over again.. Having taken these modules alr in TP helped. Made understanding a whole lot easier. Wonder why haven't I paid any attention during my TP days? Maybe a lil' bit of maturity is finally sinking in. Maybe I actually seek to do well in uni now. I thank God for bringing me this far.

Was watching Evan Almighty on Saturday evening, during the last scene when "God" appeared to Evan under the fig tree.. a sudden rush of emotions overwhelmed me and I broke down and cried. I don't know why.. but it felt as if God was telling me that He misses me. I feel blessed.

P.S. I miss you too, Father ♥