Sunday, November 13, 2011

Yellow diamonds in the light .

Well well.. about time for an update on this neglected blog of mine. Had been doing some blogging on my tumblr instead all these while. Well, mostly reblogging actually. You must agree that tumblr is much more addictive. But, the thing about blogging on tumblr is that all my reblogs of pictures and quotes soon piles over my posts.. So yeah, here I am.

Here goes the mini photo spam to somewhat sum up what's been going on I guess..

Dessert with my two cheer bbgs :D

Super Novas' SIM student week performances :DD

The boyf

Japchae omnomnomnom.

Conquering projects with the schoolmates.

Vanny's smurfy twenty-first!
Oh I love you bffs

Lovely lahlings

Crying for the umpteenth time while watching Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets. I'll never get sick of watching Potter, ever. Anyway, besides the student week cheer performance, I had another mini performance during one of the SIM hand/dodge ball matches. Then it was down to mugging madly for final exams again. I prolly dint mug as hard again, what's new? Though I must say I'm really worried about biz stats. It was the last paper, but never had I felt so doomed amidst the liberation :/ One of the worst papers I've ever taken thus far.

Since the exams, shopping, eating, watching tv, going out and sleeping pretty much sums up all I had been doing. Someone give me a job? I'm really excited to collect my new glasses but they have not SMSed me to do so ): Before I go, yes I do realize that my brows need some grooming. Oh! & so does my hair. Kthxbai ._.