Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Piss me off.

Seriously, this whole MRT breakdown saga thingy is just getting too annoying. MRT break down, people complain. SMRT tried to repair, still break down, people continue to complain. Now SMRT said need to spend 9 million to repair and upgrade... People complain even more, saying "long overdue", "& guess whose money they're going to use?", blahblahblah... You think good transport network comes for free is it? You think the MRT tracks don't deserve to be worn out  after so many years is it? You think magic uh? Everything can magically repair itself overnight without incurring costs. Omg. So unhappy with the MRT then take bus luh! Take bus for awhile will die is it? Okay, maybe you need to travel from one end to the other, take bus journey super long cannot take it. So... suck it up! This is life! C'mon even our joints wear out, you don't sleep body also suffer from exhaustion. You get my point. Okay abrupt end to this entry cause I just needed to rant. Kthxbai.