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love is a riddle.
untold story

G; Lips that taste of tears,
they say, are the best for kissing.

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orangeeeeyy Missyan

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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

♥ I love the way you lie.

Daddy once told me that good friends don't have to meet and talk all the time to stay close and connected. I've never put much thought into that sentence because I used to think that he only said that so I would perhaps stay at home more often and go out lesser with my friends during my secondary school days. But now, I find that it's true.

You don't have to meet all the time and talk endlessly to be close to your friends. What's most important is that you understand each other. Not meeting often doesn't mean that you don't care about them, nor that you won't be around for them. In our current era, social networking sites are a fantastic tool to keep connected. Well, lest your friend ain't a facebook or twitter addict. There's always still msn. Take my bffs and I for example, none that I meet regularly and I only talk to perhaps Eldora at least once in two nights. & yet every time we meet, I don't feel like we're disconnected nor distant. Yes of course we'll have to update each other on our lives from where we had last left off but closeness-wise, it's still the same. At the end of the day, I know that these bunch of friends will be there rain or shine. I think that's enough.

Praise God for the awesome friends I have though some chose to leave here and there, it's okay cause maybe they're just friends for a season. What life had taught me thus far is that friends come and go. Only the true ones stays, and they're the ones who are truly worth every bit of your time and love. Some friends will stray away, but eventually they'll find their way back. Some will never understand you, some will never know you. Some will even misunderstand you, & some will end up stabbing you in the back. But these are just part and parcels of life. Deal with it. Even though it leaves you with endless doubts, human behaviours are not something that's easily understandable anyway. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter as long as you know who your true friends are.

Food for thought.


On a lighter note, my hamsters are called Bully & Pussy. Cause one's a big bully and the other is a downright pussy. They're funny to watch though, especially Pussy. They're getting fatter and it's about only the fifth day since I'd gotten them :/ But that was my initial plan anyhow. To have them fat fat so that when I turn them over, instead of wasting strength on trying to get back up, they'll just fall asleep. Sounds weird? Well, that happened to my previous hamsters 12345 years ago. Maybe I should put in the wheel for them to start exercising soon huh?

I'm starting to screw up my bio-clock again. I'd better go straight to bed once I end this post. Coursework grades are out and yay! I think I did quite alright. My papers start next month, and I've not touched anything at all. It seem like my coursemates had started mugging, and it's seriously beginning to scare me. Jme Lee if you see this, hurry let's start mugging! (Now that you're back from HKG alr!) Okay, this entry is getting lengthy but oh well.

Cheer on Sunday was awesome. Finally saw Jiayu after a hell long time, & it was great having some talk time with her. Stunts-wise, it was fannnnntastic. Continued to work on my elevator pop with Marcus and Aldrich (nothing much but it was without a backspot, so it makes me have to work harder.) For old times sake, Dennis and I did our shoulder sit to hands. Did a single lib with CC. Some partner stunts and a group lib with Marcus and Aldrich. Oh and I also followed on with an arabesque after the lib. Nothing big but at least I managed to hit it (: Did everything without a backspot that day. Though I did crash, slightly injuring my ankle, shoulder and neck, thank God it wasn't anything serious. I'm pumped up for more cheer leading (Y)

Can't wait for the BBQ on Friday ^^ Okay, bedtimezzz. Meeting drich later for dinner and some chocolates to help me feel better with my nasty period. Dang, why can't guys be the ones having it? :/

unraveled @ 3:19 AM