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love is a riddle.
untold story

G; Lips that taste of tears,
they say, are the best for kissing.

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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

♥ So this is Christmas.

Compliments of the season ((: So.. Christmas dint turn out too bad after all. Spent the eve with the boy having a good dinner at The Asian Kitchen before heading down to Chijmes to countdown with Lynn & Gaya while the boy attended midnight mass. Had a great time at Chijmes, food & drinks, although I would have loved counting down to Christmas with J beside me still. This year, I had a different Christmas day by having steamboat. It was going good till it started pouring badly and I was stucked under a big umbrella, my only shelter which was slightly damaged & water leaked from it, with the strong winds blowing the rain into our faces. Still, thankfully our big umbrella managed to keep Lynn, Daniel and me 95% dry or Christmas would have turned into a disaster. The boy came to pick me up for home after his family dinner since I was due for morning shift on Boxing day :/ I received a phone call which got me euphoric, & completed Christmas for me (:

Boxing day was spent with J as well after morning shift at the airport. We caught Gulliver's Travels which was hilarious and pretty awesome (Y) I'd give it a 4 or 4.5/5 stars rating. All too soon, it's back to exile island for the boy. I now dread Sundays :/ but thank god it'd just be for another one and a half months.

So, that kinda summed up my Christmas but I know it aint over yet. Three more days to the new year, I'm all psyched up! Are you ready for 2011? Need to start thinking about those new year resolutions! Anyway, here's wishing you guys a Happy New Year in advanced (Y)

P.S. Hey baybeeboy. Thank you so much for making sure I spent not a single moment alone during this Christmas season. Thank you for taking the effort to make sure Christmas wouldn't suck for me because I kept saying it would. For going out into the rain to pick me up after my steamboat though you were already warm and cosy at home. For doing so many things to make me happy; the Chanel perfume, the handwritten card & letter, fake Chanel perfume tester strip, your very lame sense of humour, the kitty & Chanel rings, mee sua & pink dolphin, movie, wearing the grey checkered shirt, your jacket, busing me home before returning to exile, & for the gentle loving words you say to me. I thank God for you. It's been a wonderful Christmas with you, a lil' bumpy on that night but we'll only get better. Thank you baybeeboy

unraveled @ 5:16 AM