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love is a riddle.
untold story

G; Lips that taste of tears,
they say, are the best for kissing.

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orangeeeeyy Missyan

eXTReMe Tracker
Saturday, January 28, 2006


*bestest buds. where's mal?

* JOSHUA ANG lovers <3

okie dokies. yeps, went down to

Plaza Sing. today. or rather yesterday.
caught "i not stupid 2".
it's yet another great production of jteam.
the senerios it potrayed,

are so real and true.
tears trickled down our faces as the many
touching scenes flashes across the screen.
it is truly a common situation in today's
society. i greatly encourage

those who haven't watched it to spare
some time and indulge in this movie. (:

did a lil' shoppin' before the movie started.
bought this brown top at 77th street.
and at the same time i renewed my membership,
which entitled me to a lucky draw.
and i've gotten 2 free complimentary passes
for the movie "cheaper by the dozen 2"
yay! (: bought another halter top from 77th street
and this clutch from ebase on thursday.
goin' broke. i need "ang baos"!

* yes. hug the pole.

estee insisted she took this picture.
so suit her. hahas. well, mal went off earlier
for dinner with her family. and i was so bright
for bout half an hour? imposing on estee and
her elephant. lols. they look so cute together!

oh yeah, concert in school was for once quite
enjoyable. saiful won the "wang wang" eating contest!
like... 10 packets of that "wang "wang" biscuits!
*chokes* and his prize : a chinese book? lols.
had lotsa fun cheering, jeering and laughing. (:
except that some sec1s had to spoil the atmosphere.
provoked us. and so of cos the lot of us got angered.
sec1s nowadys... utterly rude and no respect.

finally one month (: babaaay!


unraveled @ 2:09 AM

Thursday, January 26, 2006

you see. guys do piggyback
each other too.

okay. geography lesson was a ball of fun today!
*hugs mr bay* not literally.
he really has a way in his teachings.
i give him my utmost respect.

had geography lesson in the hall.
now, as you may think.
i was puzzled to why the hall?
instead of the usual humans homeroom as well.

*the landscape that held 7 people.

this was what we were given at the start.
i was pretty confused.
geography ---> newspaper? no link?
so yeah. it was the common fold the paper
smaller and smaller and see whether all of you
can squeeze together standing on it.
yeps. so i just had my fun and for awhile it
seems as though we're having PE.

den came another 2 more queer activities.
the 7 of us,
Mish, Gaya, Pru, Sijie, Bel, Heni and me
were grouped together.
imagine hordes of laughter follows on
as the insanes were reunited.

* (left-right) the INSANES :

* class' "disrupting" clowns.

do not. i repeat, do not.
ask me why we were sitting in that caterpillar
position. cos honestly -shrugs- ?
and yeah, we were actually kiddish enough to
go "choo-choo-train"
what exactly were we up to?
must have had too much sugar. (:

my double math teacher, andrew yeo,
is annoying enough.
keep insisting that i oh-so "worship" mr neo.
please. well, i told mr yeo
:" you're so irritating. shut up and do math lars."
lols. at least he's one teacher you can speak to

like this and he will continue dissing you as well.

hmms. left class at 1pm today for tournament.
we WON! hahas. great match.
well, more to come. (:

erm. went shoppin' after match again today.
and yeah, i'm pretty much gonna be broke soon.
like, i think i'll be broke by tmr. shopping again.
oh ya. and thanks emphraim for treating us to
tmr's movie. so relieved that estee chose you.
heh. more free movies aye?

i dont understand bowen secondary.
no half day tmr?!
die die must have lessons.
argh. math test again.
but then again. chinese new yr's in 3 days
or so! cant wait. all the lovely goodies. *yums*

alright alright. that's all for today i guess.
feel as though i have alot to say.
blame it on myself, dint blog for quite awhile. =P

here's wishin' all of ya a


unraveled @ 10:06 PM

Sunday, January 22, 2006

service was tremendously great today.
i believe the presence of
God was felt by everyone.
i love the song we sang, Come Holy Spirit.
wept uncontrolablly with this song.
greatly touched my heart.
the lyric's so real and true. (:
finally purchased my bible study book.
cant wait for bible study!
pastor kong was highly
entertaining this evening.
but of cos in the preaching way i guess.
he recommanded this book that's called
"Christ the Lord" (if i'm not wrong).
very interesting. it's by anne rice.
i guess i'll be getting it. (:

*another version of "YOUandME"

yeps. and that's my new bag i jus got today.
i like it loads. very "streets" lookin' guy on it.
well, but my shoppin' aint done yet.
hehe. cash's running low already.
must start saving again...
oh. i forgot. chinese new yr's
rnd the corner. hahas.

babaaay's asleep on the phone right now.
i'm lovin' it hearing his soothing breathing.


unraveled @ 2:22 AM

Saturday, January 21, 2006

NYP looks boring?
well, it seems so. nth had pretty
much interested me there.
darn should have gone to SP.
however, what i really am interested
is SAJC and NP. so yeps.

continued with volleyball lessons again
today for PE. my arms and the hand area
are all bruised and sore from hitting the ball.
sijie's arm's one looked worse. mine looks
weird. like blood cloths or sth. with blue-blacks.
hahas. gaya's more drama. lols.
cos of her long fingernails, her pinkie's nail
sorta scrapped across her fourth finger.
and there goes the blood. yucks.

anyways, mum's bugging me to go have
supper. but before i sign off, i'd like to thank
some of my dearest friends. (:
for standing up for me. whatever the person
might say, i couldnt care less. much less be upset
by it. perhaps it's true. so what? no one can be sure
that he/she isnt being hated by anyone.
"no one's perfect" aye? hahas.
i love you guys. this time i really think back.
and i realise i love my dear friends alot. (:
they're God's heavenly gifts to me.

brought estee to the turkish ice-cream stall at
far east today. lols. she totally dint know what
was to happen. and isaac and i had much fun in the
anticipation of estee's reactions. hahas. it was hilarious.
hehe. well, that guy dint tease me much with the ice-cream.
but if he did. i'd totally grab his hand and take my ice cream.
all for just a cone of turkish ice-cream.
it's simply indulging. (:


unraveled @ 3:03 AM

Thursday, January 19, 2006

* ME and Gaya (:

*Mish and ME.

mishal's left eye was red the whole day. =x
weee! pictures taken in between e and amath.
was jus bored and den, i rmbed i brought my cam.
hehes. was fiddling with it.
disturbing the trying to slp gaya with the
camera's flash. hahas.
sigh. mr yeo started on a new topic in amath.
"binomial theorom" complicating.
that's the only thing i can cough out at the end
of the lesson. and i was dozing off. really sleepy.

*need i say more?

*whassup with estee?

*spazzed after training.

training today again.
my body has yet to recover from monday and
tuesday's training. aching all over.
well, first match's on tuesday.
i cant wait! the anticipation's burning.
but yet at the same time, i'm dreading it.
weird mixture of emotions.
anyways, it's my last yr playing for bowen
and i wanna give it my best shot. (:

"sensitivity". exactly how may you know
how sensitive one is? sometimes what you've said
may seem fine to you. but not to the sensitive one.
holy crap, difficult society to live in.
-watch your words-


unraveled @ 10:20 PM

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

* you are HERE.

this are the several medications
that i had to force down my throat.
thank goodness i'm finally done with it.
i dislike tablets.
medical fees came up to 52 bucks.
well, got dad to pay it. hahas.

ps: thanks babaaay for accompanying me
to the doctor's. (:

while i was coughing til as though i was
gonna cough out my gullet,
dad bought me this "gui ling gao" thingy.
says it's "cooling".
so i listened and started on it.
at first, it was still okay.
as it was jus tasteless and cold.
due to my flu, i couldnt taste. but...
the taste started coming back. which is supposed to be good
and this jelly jelly thingy just tasted... disgustin'

* here's a picture of it.


` i've RECOVERD. almost.

unraveled @ 10:53 PM

Sunday, January 15, 2006

darn! my idiotic brudda just had to.
made me went down all the way just
to pass him his car-wash cloth at 11.15pm.
how "considerate" of him.
when his dear sister here is terribly sick.
argh. annoying. brothers.

the drowsiness is getting the better of me
again and there's school tmr but i just have
this urge to finish up this entry 1st. heh.

well, after reading this blog just now.
it made me kinda think " can one really be that
emo that he/she spuns tales that are totally so
not true about others?"
can "emotions" really get the better of someone?
it makes me kinda wonder whether i'm too emo

thinking back on my past...
there are certain things that i've realised.
i've definitely grown and became stronger, as
a person, with things that i've gone thru throughout
this 15yrs of living.
regrets are part of one's life.
and i must say that of all my 6 ex-boyfriends,
i've kinda only regretted being more than friends
with just one of them.
i dont know why the regret. but somehow, i just feel
that being with him was a total waste.
and loving him was one of the greatest thing that
i did wrongly.

perhaps i was too blinded by love.
and did not heed my friends' advices.
and true enough, he brought
me more tears than joy.
and really sorry to all those friends
that i've neglected during that time.
thank you all for always being there for me!
it's always that sweet at first.
but once the "honeymoon" period is gone,
he treats you like trash?
i seriously dont mind that after a mth or 2 the guy
will no longer be that sweet.
it's common. mostly all guys are liddat.
but not to the extend of treating you like a spare tyre.
and still i gave him utmost love.
and was so into him that i dint even realise how much
he's hurting me. i guess i was foolish.
well, i dont blame him now.
i dont wanna bear grudges, so remaining as friends
was the best option i could think of after we finally
broke up. really clean-cut.
what's worse after you've been stabbed several times?
he had to have a relationship going on
with one of your friends.
and even wanted you to help him lie to her.
sheesh. but it's all over.
and i wont wanna be close to him anymore.
i'd rather he be a stranger to me.
that way, i wont get hurt anymore.
true, feelings for him are no longer existing.
but as a friend, one could get hurt too.
so it's best for me to keep this distance between us.
i'm comfortable this way.

life is evolving.
minutes are ticking by.
i wanna grab hold of each and every second.
make the best outta everything.
i love my baby. (:
i love my friends. (:
i love my family.
and of cos, above anything else,
i love GOD. (:
i'm learning to treasure each and
everything that i own now.
you'll never know when it'll leave you.
i'm just thankful to wake up in the morning everyday.

well, i outta hit the hay.
babaay's bugging me to slp. hehe.

ps: babaaay you're still not sweet!
you've said you will!"

nitey nites.


unraveled @ 11:05 PM

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

hey hey heys!!!
wow, long time since i've blogged.
well, been pretty busy ever since sch started
and i could nv find the energy to blog.
but well, here i am today.

hmms, school's pretty much the same.

jus that by being a sec4, you could very much
use ya eyes and just by staring, scare the sec1s.
awwws, such a poor lil' lot.
constantly getting intimidated by my frens and i.
hehe. well, it's part and parcels of being a sec1.
so jus suck it in. *evil grins*

math teacher's horrible. 2 tests in the very 1st week of sch.
crappy shit. and i failed the a math one. lols.
gonna have to mug mug mug and mug.
O's. seems so far yet so near.
well, i've Hobson's choice. i MUST study.

badminton north-zone coming up again.
must train hard.
but with me still so sickly...
i'm like down with fever, flu and cough.
bad enough. been coughing throughout lessons.
it's getting on my last nerve.
argh. pathetically, i think i'm getting better?

it's been 2 whole weeks of being attached.
and i cant deny how contented i am right now.
life is short and i do treasure this angel God had sent me alot.
though you may think otherwise, i still entrust with him my fragile heart.
he may not be that dashing, he may not be all that a romantic,
but it's enough. really. (:

ps: perhaps you could be a lil' more sweet?
*pouts* lols. =P

` treasure what you have

unraveled @ 10:07 PM

Monday, January 02, 2006

phew, it's been quite some time since i've blogged.

well, Happy New Year everyone!!!
so so so glad it's 2006.
cept for the fact that i'm taking my O levels this year.
sheesh. time's been passing very fast!

it hadnt been stopping for me to catch my breath.

in the twinkling of an eye,
christmas is over and so is 2005.
well, a brand new yr, brand new beginning.
and yea, new resolutions too i guess.
i'll come up with one pretty soon i hope.

i miss christmas.
tho all the endless parties, all the way from
25dec to 31dec, made me so shacked.
nonetheless, all had its fun.
what i've really gotta say is that i miss the ppl.
the christmasy feeling.
and the family bonding.
it's gonna be another year b4 i'd
see all of us together again.
sad isnt it. but well, at least
there's sth to look forward to.
may God bless all of them.
and of cos i miss the alcohol. =x

i've jus stepped into 2006 unknowingly.
but i thank God for sending a special someone to me.
someone to share ups and downs with.
someone whom you're able to phone
at 4am in the morn.
it's nice, aint it?


i do hope it'll last...
and no more heartbreaks pls. :P

ps: baby! loving you loads.
thank you so much for coming into my life.
without you, days would have been much darker.
thank you baby! dont you feel
oh-so lucky too?! hahas. :P


unraveled @ 3:03 AM