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love is a riddle.
untold story

G; Lips that taste of tears,
they say, are the best for kissing.

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orangeeeeyy Missyan

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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

♥ GOODBYE 2008!

well, i think you could have guessed by now that the person in cheer skirt and sports bra is... DENNIS! hahaha. it was definitely a memorable night, what a blast. i was roflmaottm. it was good. thanks for the effort guys. pictures of our steamboat and the surprise blast are up on my facebook, have fun :D

sudden change of plans, and soon i'd be zooming off to town. not really looking forward to the crowd there but anticipating meeting some family there (: movie & kbox to welcome the new year tonight. gosh, it's gonna be my virgin go at kbox later. lol. alright, i needa go. loves ppl. see you next year! ((:

hello 2009 (:
you'd better be good;

unraveled @ 7:34 PM

Tuesday, December 30, 2008






i'm off to visit grandpa. he's not feeling so well, hand's been numb for awhile ): what's wrong gong gong? i miss you badly. Father i pray that you heal grandpa's hand, and watch over him for me please. gong gong, you'd recover soon, i know.


unraveled @ 6:59 PM




unraveled @ 2:36 AM

Saturday, December 27, 2008


hello dears, a tad late, but still...

so how's christmas for you thus far? mine's been good, cept for the fact that i got hit with gastric flu hours into christmas day itself. but it's alright, i'm recovering (:
enjoyed christmas drama totally on the eve, those beautiful angels. and then spent the first few hours of christmas with seema and dennis. they dropped by my place for a mini gathering. haha. sadly, i fell ill after eating loads of sambal kangkong. retarded right? haha.

christmas day, party at the braberry's. uncle derrick's house. it was good seeing all the cousins again, and not forgetting those uncles, aunties and lil toddlers (: had a good time playing cards and board games. learnt new games. hahaha. stayed over kristle's for the night only to return home early in the morning cause she has got school, poor her. rested and then it was off to junior's house for yet another celebration. played the old games like casino royale and chiki jipun, with those small bets i made, i actually won quite a lil'.

today's out to town with kamy love. some last minute items to grab. gosh, i totally don't want to think about the crowd in town later. i wouldnt like it.
what's next anyway? sunday's zone thanksgiving and celebration at auntie dott's house, monday school starts and celebration with euphorians (:, tuesday's collin's party and lastly on new year's eve, party at uncle mike's house. and then... it's goodbye to 2008 and hello to 2009! omg. that's fast. ahh, now you see, my christmas does actually last pretty long.

amidst all, i'm thankful for this day. Christmas, my day of hope. where the lights shine ever brighter, cause on this day my savior, my friend, Jesus was born. and He is greatly to be praised.

You're the love of my life;

unraveled @ 1:25 PM

Monday, December 22, 2008


my lil' niece, charlotte!

hokay, i'm good. moody no more! cept for the fact with my dad. hahaha. but oh well, i have my ways (: so anyway, i strained my neck while trying to do a front tuck on crash mats ytd. goodness, and you bet, it hurt like crap now. i can hardly turn my head much without straining it. great right? yokoyoko has since became my best friend overnight and sadly, home has ran out of salonpas. i basically smell all minty now. my neck!!!

just received a call from dipsy (den)
it's celebration time :D happy for you! now you should really teach me more. hahaha.

christmas is in three days, oh my goodness. but somehow, i still don't feel all christmasy. shrugs. parties soon. school's reopening soon too. ahhh, crap.

p.s. blogger's screwing up, explains the different fonts.


unraveled @ 8:59 PM

Sunday, December 21, 2008


i give my hand to you with all my heart
can't wait to live my life with you, can't wait to start
you and i will never be apart
my dreams came true because of you

congratulations cousin kok tong!
haha. and your lovely wife, justina :D
God bless!!! ((:

my beloved cousin, june.
not seen you in a million years pls.

moody. blog in detail tmr. toodles.
psst, look here if you want.

yeah whatever;

unraveled @ 2:22 AM

Saturday, December 20, 2008


hello. goodbye, i'm off to get ready for my cousin's wedding dinner :D


unraveled @ 5:40 PM

Friday, December 19, 2008


practice with felicia chin! :D

that's den's legs for you.

formal :D

kg, seema & julian ((:

met up kamy love. turns out she got me dbsk's mirotic version b! awesomeness. thank you much dear! oh, and for that cute lil' kitty pouch as well. did some shopping and bought a mere few items and i'm getting broke again. gees. had fun listening to kamy's updates of japan, while i updated her with what's been going on back here as well. i'd really love to head over to korea now please. hahaha. yes, i know she's been talking about japan, but i really love korea!

christmas party at evelyn's with cellgrp today :D we've got many many confirmed new friends coming already. am happy happy. will be heading over to her place early to prepare pineapple hotdogs, haha. and prolly help out jovy with baking as well. those young ones, i'm like getting old. lol. approximately another 3 mths till i turn nineteen. omg. that's like real fast.
this christmas is gonna be a really packed one. party after parties, all lined up. gosh. then new sem has to start on 29th. like wth. i dont want school to start, at all.

dad's pissed that i keep going to bed only when he wakes up for work, so i'm gonna turn in now. i shouldnt mess with my bio-clock again. haha. well, doesnt every post seem to end with me heading to bed nowadays? oh well *shrugs.

say that you love me;

unraveled @ 3:30 AM

Thursday, December 18, 2008


a feeling of great happiness.

gg gang with ijc cheerleaders :D

campus superstar performing team!

seema & chen cheng
ME & raymond.

my very strong seemamamamamama!!! :D

well darlings, i'm currently still too lazy to post those million trillions of pictures from our performance, so head over to my facebook for it all. and some's on friendster. hah. well, anyway, our performance was good. all stunts up, could have done better but we still did real good and at the end of the day, what matters most is that we all enjoyed ourselves! and all glory to God :D i'm really glad that we did a short prayer before the performance, cause i really felt the peace of God with me, and had more confidence (:

all these experiences with Euphoria's really awesome. first, asia conference, then this campus superstar performance. like our name, i feel great happiness! training resumes sunday! don't forget. nope, no breaks. hahaha. i think we love each other too much. lol.

my darling, kamy's finally back from japan! and she got me my dbsk's 4th album! :D hah, i just dont know which version she got for me. will find out later! meeting her today, time for some catching up and shopping!
oh, i'm like giving up otcw ): boo. it would have been a great opportunity. but i've chosen to commit my time to church and cellgrp activities instead. so yeah (:

imma head to bed already since my bffs, seema and dennis are both going to bed too. haha. goodnight and sleep tight :D

try my love;

unraveled @ 3:40 AM

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


willy! :D

the very small stage.

willy and raymondmond!

look at them playing happy family!
i tell you, julian and kg are like the noisiest ppl you can find around!
full of nonsense! hahaha. but still are my awesome bases :D
and so are edmund and seema!

rehearsal at mediacorp went well. today's gonna be the filming, and so breakfast with the north-easters and the only mister east as well (: then it's off to andrew rd for the filming already. it'll be good, i know.

and i ought to head to bed already. au revoir.

never meant to be;

unraveled @ 3:55 AM

Monday, December 15, 2008



i wont write much today. say, goodnight world.
p.s. blogged over on this other side -> CLICK.


unraveled @ 3:59 AM

Friday, December 12, 2008


in the blink of an eye, mid-sems are over and my december hols have finally commenced. it's good to finally have a break from school though the new semester has just started not too long ago. december's moving really fast, we're just thirteen days away from christmas and nineteen days till we wave goodbye to 2008. it's been a good year, life's been good, through all the ups and downs. god's been good, real good. nineteen days left, and i feel that i can achieve much more before the new year kicks in, so i'm gonna work much harder. now, on the last day of this year, as i look back i'd be sure to thank god for everything. i'm a much stronger person today and i've been living a much fuller life now, truly, He never fails.

i cant say that i'm very much excited to usher in 2009 now, cause i feel that there's still things undone before we call it an end for this year. but yet, i'm really curious as to what 2009 will bring. this year, i've loved and lost, learnt to live and found love and joy again. found a new passion, cheerleading, and learning much everyday. though i'd love to fly every time, the opportunity aint always there. but i believe that my father will open the doors for me (:

i'm really glad to have found many more precious friends this year. these pillars of my life, i've never loved you guys more. dad & mum; though they don't say much, i know i'm always the only princess in their eyes. brother; no matter how annoying he may be, he cares like how an elder brother should. cellgroup; a new beginning, w497 is my family. studies; alls good & well. h03; school would be hell without them. God; always there, no matter when. Our love goes on and on.

i dont know why the sudden urge to blog like this, maybe it's just in the season. been spending the past few days with dennis and seema alot. although we only knew each other a mere few months back, you guys have unknowingly became ppl who i'd like to run to when i'm happy or upset. i've never said this before, but thank you for being there :D

so kamy is now in Japan, i'm so happy for her! yet i miss her like mad ): kamy come back quick! my hols are here! it hadnt been that long since w497 was formed, but i can really see a big great family forming already. thank you guys for your support, love, care and concern! (:

so anyhow, i guess some of you must be wondering why did i head to mediacorp for on wednesday. well, you see, euphoria is doing a short performance for the opening of campus superstar this season (: so we went down to mediacorp on wed to learn some dance steps from them together with last season's campus superstar alumni and with felicia chin, lee teng, pornsak and this other celeb whom i have no idea what's his name (sorry!)

seema, bettie, raymond, chen cheng and i arrived a tad early that day at mediacorp, so after registering at the recept, we went to the canteen to grab a bite. just before we reached the canteen, i was saying how i wouldnt mind meeting nat ho and inside of me i was secretly wishing that i'd see that male actor who acted as the jap guy in channel 8's new 9pm nyonya show, and hooray! i saw both nat ho and that guy, whose name i think is dai yangtian. ahaha! awesome right. i can die a happy girl now, lol! i'm just kidding. and felicia chin's real friendly and not to mention, gorgeous as well. we managed a group photo with her, which seema hasnt uploaded!, and julian even asked if she wanted to join us in cheerleading, to which she very excitedly agreed. hahaha. omg. overall, the experience there was really good. and i cant wait for monday's rehearsal and tuesday's filming over there already (:

i'm sorry if you dont like today's lengthy post, but too bad, bear with it. so i figured that den is really nice to bully, and i guess i am to him as well. seema and i both are waiting patiently for his liberation day. change of plans, no lil india this sat. how bout having dinner at ikea?! :D i'm having this sudden craving for their meatballs. hehehe :D and our twilight date, and operation: dye dtzw's hair, dont forget. i seriously think we're one crazy bunch of nocturnal kiddos. rawr. love you love me kay!

list of darlings that i want to meet up with before the year ends:
gaya, prunella, isaac, gomes, kristle, june, ling and karmen!
and not forgetting the annual christmas parties with the braberrys! kristle, i miss you!

alright, there you go. momo's lengthy post, i should sign off, like now already.

& all i can taste is this moment;

unraveled @ 3:41 AM

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


well, it wasnt so bad. at least there's only two papers this time round. liberation is arriving today at 2pm. i am happy happy happy. but first, the org.beh. (organisational behaviour) paper is going to kill me. the theory for just the first six chapters on individual behaviour is already a killer. i'm not wanting to think of how stressful it is gonna be studying for this module for EOYs. gee. *shudders at the thought of it. studying at macs again last night was bad enough. thank god, i managed to sneak into bed without my parents realising what an unearthly hour i was returning home at again :P
anyhow, 1 hour paper and then poof! freedom for two weeks. oh.m.g. two weeks only ): sigh, i think all of us are still in holiday mood. oh gosh. and dennis tan's papers doesnt end till saturday! muahaha. proper celebration after his liberation :D we're heading to lil' india :D lol.

so it's down to mediacorp later this evening. i'm anticipating what they'll be showing and teaching euphorians. there, if you could even figure out these clues. i'm running off to get ready for ORG BEH paper! toodles.

ORGBEH. hahaha -.-


unraveled @ 11:11 AM

Tuesday, December 09, 2008


i totally dint realise i've uploaded two of the same picture in my previous post, but i'm too lazy to go and edit and take one away, so yeah. anyway, it's econs paper today, omg. wish me the best of luck please. so many many graphs and formulas to remember, ahhhh. not surprising why i'm having a headache now after mugging for the day. but my dbsk is the awesome-mest, i'm hooked to their videos. hahaha. my outlet to destress :D

practice on sunday went pretty well, routine's done. then again, there would always be changes. so let's hope it'd be finalised soon. i'm basing with seema for this routine. awesome :D from the last training, i've gathered that we're both really blur! haha, but no worries, we just need more practice. then our stunts would go real smoothly thereafter. i got really pissed during training however, like extremely. gees. i wont elaborate it here, if you want to know, ask me personally then (: bruises surfacing again. rawr! love the sport still, nonetheless.

suppered with dennis, shane and seema at mac's somewhere in the east. mugging session followed on. it wasnt till bout 2 or 3 plus in the morning when dennis tan went high again. this time round playing with my nano's sound. called it a night finally when it was close to 4 in the morning. dropped shane home, and while seema took us back to the north-east, dennis and i completely knock out in the back seat.
and i so dint wake up for sentosa today, again -.- seema gave me 24 miss calls! omg. well, i hope they had fun. we shall plan another outing soon again :D

9am microeconomics paper. goodnight world, i'm giving in to my headache. amidst this all, i'm still bloody sick. tuesday marks two full weeks of being sick. gees.


unraveled @ 1:30 AM

Sunday, December 07, 2008


makes you beautiful to me.

i cant be anymore glad that i've survived through this week and it's finally over. cause it was a hell of a week for me. besides having tons of tests and submissions, i had to be sick for more than over a week, and than a mighty migraine had to hit me as well. managed to meet all those darn deadlines thankfully and even passed that bloody bcs excel test, much of it due to uncle elton being very lenient. hahaha. so friday was a good day at school cause we had tons of spare time to play bridge over at biz park after lunch. poker cards are like the source of life for my class and me in school now. every single spare minute is dedicated to games like "bridge", "snap-Jack!" and "homojaleh". and at least one in four of us has poker decks in our bags everyday. and i'll miss h03 for that, right now, i really dont fancy any change of class. but yet, what choice do we have?

met dennis tan zeng wei to mug at gardens friday night. dinner at r.k. eating house was so not filling cause every time i divided my prata into a smaller half, he'd fork away the other half of it after he was done with his plate of kway teow goreng which was so little i could've eaten two plates of it. finally got to satisfy my craving for frolick as well, which i very kindly shared my order of Cup B flavoured with strawberries with dennis. to the utter dismay of dennis tan, there wasnt any power sockets at garden's mac thus his lappie couldnt last long enough for him to play his Pokemon. and i tell you! ppl are already like playing pokemon on psp version? he plays pokemon, GAMEBOY version on his lappie -.- HAHAHA.

anyway, seemama joined us shortly. and as i've said, no power socket, so we zoomed off in seemama's car over to kovan's mac where i bumped into don chua and abby. unfortch! no power socket, again! gees. so we gave up and settled there for the night. cramped in some microecons while seemama and dennis movied away on his ipod touch! pfft. rawr!

i think it was about 3plus in the morning when we left there with dennis and seema both almost dead, while i stayed pretty energetic still :D

gave sentosa outing with cellgroup a miss, due to still being sick and the migraine that is still bugging me ): i miss W497 but good thing i'd be able to see them later during service. dint get to fellowship much with 'em last week cause there was no cellgroup meeting and i had to go home after lunch last week after serivce cause i was very sick ): and today too, wont be able to stay long with them after service and lunch. boooo. sorry guys.
town and then cheerleading practice after service tmr! ahhh!!! cheer cheer cheer! omg. i can't wait. i miss everybody and of course i miss cheerleading itself! :D
another mugging session after practice and supper too! :D then then then monday's sentosa outing with euphoria!

i talk as if i'm already holidaying -.- anyway, microecons paper on tuesday and then org beh on wednesday, wish me luck. liberation after 2pm on wednesday! then down to mediacorp! for... hah, you'll know soon :D

cheer dance fly!

unraveled @ 1:21 AM