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love is a riddle.
untold story

G; Lips that taste of tears,
they say, are the best for kissing.

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orangeeeeyy Missyan

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Monday, June 29, 2009


Bumped into Gaya on Saturday night while I was walking home. The scene where we finally saw each other was epic cause we literally ran for somewhat 30m and then embraced each other with a hug, total drama mamas. But I missed her bad, I wanted to cry as I hugged her, but I guess I was more excited than teary. Girl, I'm so proud of you for making it into NTU! & I'm sorry I had to leave yj, and for not being there with you. I know you love me still! :DDD & I can't wait to see you on Wednesday! My Gayaya; face of a Geisha, body of a Godzilla and memory span of a goldfish! I love you luh, kay! Xoxo.

So, service at Top Table is finally over, I can't help but miss it a little. Being the bartender for the final week was sure fun. I'm now a great milk steamer. Lol. To TCC we go, I hope we end super early everyday. Anyhow, I've manged a "B" for Proficiency Test 1, omg. Considering that I screwed up Table setting, getting a "B" is awesome. That said, SSM still remains the bane of my life. We share a love-hate relationship.

My Twitter account's at last completed. I had wanted to sign up for one much earlier but I couldn't think of a username then. Hah. I like my username so much now, I'm considering changing my blog's url to it. How would mypaintedponies.blogspot.com sound to you?

P.s. I think I might be having an eating disorder. Oh God, I need help.


unraveled @ 2:34 AM

Monday, June 22, 2009


Holidays has finally come to an official end. No more late nights, no more partying. Say hello to tutorials, assignments, projects and stress again. In short, that equates to "no life". Hokay, I seem to be imagining up the worst already. Someone tell me that semester 2.1 is actually going to become fun, pretty please?

Skipping lectures today, thus left with two tutorials for the day before taking the mrt down to dover to help with cheer recruitment. I wonder if the seniors are going to be assessed today, omg, I'd have to practice my dance again! So anyway, my bag's not packed yet and tutorial worksheet's probably not printed. So not prepared for school!

I also need to switch back my bio-clock. Goodnight for now, imma attempt to sleep.

Oh, now you care;

unraveled @ 2:23 AM

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Random jumbled-up pictorial updates.

IG Retreat.

Performance day.

Ladies Night!

Swedish Fall.

Fish & Co. dinner.

Movie Marathon night.

Movie Marathon.

The term break has been a great ball of fun, laughter, peace and joy thus far. & school is in approximately another 30 plus hours away, how dreadful ain't it? I tried hard not to dread school this much but this semester has been one horrible one, I can't help it.

So my last IG Retreat has gone by in an instant flash. Those two and a half days together were great & I miss it already. How much I'd miss night cycling, which has left me bruises on my inner thighs once again & what's new is an injured toe. I kicked it on a pavement while cycling, how intelligent -.- All the IG traditions, I hope the subcomm would keep it well, I'm missing it already. & right now, I'd very much like to be at the chalet, Saboteur-ing my night away.

Thursday night, movie marathon-ed at Lynn's. I watched a total of four movies altogether; Bride Wars, Fired Up & both the Harold and Kumar movies. Not to mention that we ate like pigs that night. Goodness. All the abs exercises done during cheer and night cycling during the retreat have gone to waste, gees.

It's daddy's' day today, so HAPPY FATHERS' DAY to my dearest Papa (though he'll never be reading my blog) & also to my Abba Father! THANK YOU FOR LOVING ME NO MATTER WHAT!

Father's day drama during this weekend's church service got me all hooked to The Carpenters' songs all over again. Caught Ghosts of Girlfriends Past at Shaw House with cellgrp, I totally loved the show. & seeing all the Harry Potter posters and advertisements for The Half Blood Prince got me all excited, I might just re-read the book again if time permits.

Deeper in love with You.
Deeper in love with You.
Oh how I love You, Lord.

Those old melodies;

unraveled @ 3:26 AM

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


IG Retreat chalet in about another eight hour's time, and I've barely four hours of sleep left. I'm gonna crash now loves. Home sweet home on Thursday morning, then it's to Lynn's house for stay over together with Dennis. I shall update this space here with past events when I'm back, I promise. It's goodnight & goodbye for now.

Blow the candles out;

unraveled @ 4:28 AM

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Oh, you stupid fool. People often don't realise how the things that they say & do can hurt others. I guess Dennis was right after all, I don't have to & I'm greater than just that. My God will take care of it. You know, I know, don't need to say.

6:19am in the morning, and I've still not caught a wink. Lunch with Lynn later and I think I'm so gonna be late. & it's off to Butterfactory for Ladies Night later as well. Awesomeness.

Anyhow, had an awesome day with E. I was bimbo much, she'd say. Catching up was great, & I can't be anymore glad she's happy now. You know I love you, xoxo. Shopping therapy worked well, though she was the one buying more items. Aight girl, we've gotta fix a day for our manicure cause once school starts, it's goodbye to painted nails and hello to short fugly nails for me. pfft ):

I'll need a lil' good luck to get me by;

unraveled @ 6:09 AM

Monday, June 08, 2009


Internet connection and Facebook all screwing up. My wireless connection can't be found, I don't even know if I'm connected to the right one now. That said, i keep getting disconnected anyway and the speed is real slow. Imma call up singnet later today! Pfft! & for some reason, FB refused to allow this picture to be uploaded, I guess it's gotta do with the connection again. Rawr! ): I want my internet fixed!

Dinner at Fish&Co. with POS loves was great, cept that a few favourite people weren't there ): Vanessa & Bettie, where art thou?! lol. Glad that everyone had fun, and hoped that Poly/Ite cluster liked the gift (: Stayed overnight at Joshua's to do up the gifts, & a bloody cockroach totally scared Lynn, Su, Joshua, Hongwei and myself. Yuck. Prata for supper and finally bed at 6plus in the morning. Cheer pract resumes on the 15th, and I can't wait at all :D heal ankles, heal!

IG Retreat starting the 16th! Break camp on the 18th, and thereafter start getting prepared for school again. Ahhh, I don't want school to start at all, I don't want no SSM. Dreadful. Neither would I want my accounting paper back ):

On a happier note for now, Butterfactory on the 10th with Lynn & Vanessa, & Ben as well?! Therapy day on the 10th. I hope Ben doesn't forget the Strawberry Cheesecake that he's baking for us :D Yayness. Hokay, bed time!

I should have known what I was getting myself into right from the start. You're a mystery and I don't quite get you which is why I want you at the same time. But no, I'm not letting you in just yet. "I'm staring up at the stars. I wonder just where you are, You feel a million miles away."

I'll need a little more luck than a little bit;

unraveled @ 3:58 AM

Wednesday, June 03, 2009


Emerge Youth Conference; Parade of Schools 09' finally over, SSM Proficiency Test 1 over, & finally liberation for a short while after Accounting paper later today. The long awaited term break; though project meetings dates, IG camp and Cheer Ministry training dates have all been written down in my planner already. I need much rest, I'm thoroughly exhausted and fatigued. & I want my shopping therapy! :DDD

Half a month since the last entry, do you see how busy I was? hah. To sum it all, Emerge POS was the most awesome. 4 performances. All we needed were the standing ovations coming from pastors, and we did it! Real proud of Poly/Ite cluster, you guys did great! :D

Gwendelyn Monique Tan is so proud of Poly/Ite cluster! Awesomely great performances! We cheer, dance & fly; climb, fall & sigh; kick, scream & cry; whine, laugh & get high! :DDD

People often use the term "Ugly Singaporeans", & yesterday, I finally tasted a gist of what they meant by that. I thought it wouldn't get any worst than what you see happening on trains, hawker centres, shopping malls, etc. I was harassed by this mental guy at macs while studying. that man was already staring at J and i for quite awhile, and when she went to the washroom and i was left alone at the table. omg, he sprung up immediately and approached me. I dint get what he was mumbling, all i know was that he kept advancing towards me. hands reaching nearer and nearer to me. i was so terrified i wanted to cry.

so guess what?! the people around me dint move one bit to help. no one came over to shoo the mad man away, no one shouted at him, no one even went to call for the macs staff. oh gees, can you believe it? it happened in a freaking crowded macs, with loads of ppl around. & yet the mad man had dared to make his move. i was desperately looking for someone around who would help, but no. zilch. none. i was left to save myself.

then i saw the mad man's arms coming towards me again, this time i heard him through his mumblings, saying "awhile only, awhile only" like WTH!? took my sheets of paper to kinda defend myself, but seriously, how fatal does those few sheets of paper looked? i could have done better. freak out, i noticed my phone, picked it up and started dialing for J. and that was only when he backed off, just a few steps back. I was extremely thankful that J was outta the toilet and walking back to our table already, and she stared at that mad man who went to sit just two tables away. J continued to killer-stare him (her stares kill please), and he finally got up to leave but not without turning back a million times to stare at us still.

well, we thought that was the end of the saga, but he came back repeated still, walking all around the macs, still staring at us. omg luh. he is insane. finally after two to three times, he disappeared. Thank God, really.
Now, look at all those people sitting around, but never helped. Could I have been like them should this incident happen to someone else?

Accounting paper later. Imma bury myself in my notes once again, kbye.

I should be mugging
& not blogging;

unraveled @ 1:28 AM