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love is a riddle.
untold story

G; Lips that taste of tears,
they say, are the best for kissing.

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orangeeeeyy Missyan

eXTReMe Tracker
Wednesday, January 31, 2007


pictures are pretty much gonna speak for today's entry :DD

- you bet, the short haired one's JARED!

-this is mal on either monday or tuesday...
kinky? urmmmmm.

after school today...

- jaz & i shared the kid's meal at coffee bean :P

- blossom, bubbles & buttercup!
and yeah, we bought PPG (powerpuff girls) pencils! hehe.

i'm exhausted. aching. elbow's hurting. gastric. influenza.
and so, GWEN MOMO out~

come to me on a summer breeze`

unraveled @ 9:46 PM

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


i feel utterly silly -.-

- swapped ties :D

07A3's class unity is awesome. we got punished today.
well, cause we were playing badminton during our second break today.
we're not allowed to play in sch uniform you see. and so happened
many classmates dint bring pe attire. and thus, all three of jerome's
rackets got confiscated cause those three ppl who were holding on
to his rackets were in sch uniform. uh-huh. thus, to retrieve all 3 rackets...
we had to mop the entire hall. hah. it was pretty fun :DD

- this is how absurd we can get in school.
and that's not the end...

- swatch valentine's edition.

left school really late. and made mojo, who was gonna have
dinner with me, waited for quite awhile. my apologies ):
and thanks for dinner again. was practically laughing at "blinded"
mojo :P

totally wiped out today. therefore, adieu`

unraveled @ 10:54 PM

Monday, January 29, 2007


my darn breathing problems are back haunting me again.
dammit. and my 'lao kok kok' chinese teacher dint believe me.
sheesh. but it's nice to have caring classmates. thanks guys (:

was feeling pretty awful today. the weather's sucky too.
and i was blowing hot and cold. breathing problems added
a toll. lastly, giddy spells topped it off. i am thankful i dint
actually faint. thank God.

- his highness!

- our class crest. AWESOME huh?

- both are haemal's artwork :DD



these two cuties are lay sheng's dogs ((:
-melts. i can never resist dogs :D
i just only realised that... lay sheng and i have never talked.
ever since we knew each other years back. uh-huh.
never talked before right up till today. he's nice. i think :P

playing badminton during second break tmr! awesome.
i miss hitting the shuttles. the sound of it```
i hope my breathing problems wont be too bad tmr ):
wish me luck.

unraveled @ 10:06 PM


took these pictures at hougang mall today. before we parted.
today's weather's kinda cocked up... i was freezing the whole
day ): especially in the bus, and it dint do any better for the
fact that we took a bus all the way from depot road to habourfront,
and then another bus from habourfront all the way to hougang
mall. practically took us more than an hour? there were traffic
jams too. bahhh, i was lucky i dint freeze. hah, kinda over-exaggerated :P

well, walked from the mall to kristle's house after parting ways with
mal. she wasnt home yet. and dinner wasnt till 3 hours later.
so i took a nap in her room all the way till dad came over, and dinner
started. krislte wasnt home yet then, mind you. i miss her! ((:

new modem's coming tomorrow. shall rush home after school.

unraveled @ 12:10 AM

Sunday, January 28, 2007


morning starshines (:
i kinda wished i could have slept in on a sleezy sunday morning.
:P then again, i am getting ready for God's word today. gayyy :D

morning blues. am feeling terrible now. the aftermath of having
inadequate sleep ): and perhaps it's an addition of pms. crappy aye?

- we all look fugly, but i'm posting this anyway.
(don't whine, mojo :P)

math assignment's waiting for me, but it'll have to
wait till i get back -grins.

unraveled @ 8:45 AM


- 27th jan, saturday -

singing in chinese was weird today. we had to sing some of
the worship songs in chinese cause we were like filming videos
for churches in taiwan. therefore, yeah, we needed to sing in
chinese. and though the lyrics were flashed on the LEDs screens,
i was pretty clueless. considering my chinese has de-proved
tremendously. mal and i just kept laughing most of the time.
number1: we dont recognise most of the chinese words.
number2: those were fast songs -.-
uh-huh. met and chatted for quite awhile with alvin while
mal and i were waiting for cellgrp members down at foyer
three today. he was pretty different from the guy whom we
knew from crash course. hahas. anddddd, he doesnt know
how to tie a tie -.-
(i just recently learnt how to!)

mal and i spent approximately fifteen minutes laughing about
yawns on the bus. all cause i made some weird noise to end off
my yawns... rrrright.

- lucky fan of the RED COLD SAMBAL BALACHAN :DD

- boy & girl band of 07A3 ((:

- 07A3's bands :P

- i love them a hell load.

politics, politics in school. sheesh. they just ruin my entire
mood for the day right in the morning. urgh. they're a disgrace.
c'mon man, have more self-respect. but then again. they're
like entertainment. but i guess the guys would rather not have
it yea? haha. SMILE ((:

cell grp meeting later. am gonna meet mal at round... 9.15am?
yeah, that early. we've gotta get our asses to somewhere near
commonwealth. bahhh. far far awayyyy. adios :D

For love is as strong as death,
Jealousy as cruel as the grave;

unraveled @ 1:35 AM

Saturday, January 27, 2007


yay! changed skin :DD

it's gonna be a lengthy entry today peeps.
loads of pictures to post. sorta like clog up over the
week. heh. sorry for not blogging aye, too tired.
so here it is! ((:




okayyyy, that took me quite awhile to upload those tons of
pictures. it's already... 1.59am! bahhh. i wanna go to bed.
this whole week has been filed with tremendous fun.
i guess, looking at the pictures, you'd know why already.
wee! we're gonna have a class shirt. it's been sent for printing
already, i think. it's a jersey (: awesome. today's movie trip
was cancelled. no idea due to what. sigh ): oh well, plan another
one then ((:

uh-huh, and i poked my eye on thursday night while removing
my contact lenses. now there's a red spot on my left eyeball.
pretty worried bout it ): bahhh, i shall visit the doctor's if it still
doesnt get better by sunday, yea?

there's like politics in school. muahaha. shant elaborate on it.
it's risky, considering my blog's open to the masses. haha :P
it's really annoying yet entertaining... how's that? beats me.

alright. loves people. i'm zonking out. shagged. pardon me.
school drains me... BUT, i love it nonetheless (:
who wouldn't if you've got fabulous, equally spastic/bimbotic
buddies and amazing classmates? -grins.
toodles` mwahhs :DD

`say that you love me;

unraveled @ 1:06 AM

Sunday, January 21, 2007


i have no freaking idea why those photos shikin sent
me, refuse to appear on the comp to be copied. so,
i shall get the photos again tmr or sth so that i can
post them up alright :DD

basically, mal, jaz, shikin and i were going all hyped up
in town. bouncing here and there, screaming, lesbianing,
shouting to this guy that his boxers were super visible.
haha. you can imagine, can you? we did loads more.
but i should keep it short till i get the photos yeah?
haha. and i bet eka and his friend (i cant remember
his name :P), were pretty shocked. haha. today's great.
bimbos outing soon again yeah? ((:

anyhow, here are some class photos of 07A3 ((:
and because of being too engrossed in our photo-
taking session, we were 5 minutes late for literature
class, and had no choice but to tell a white lie to
mrs leong. we're sooooo sorry! )):
we told her that some bugger brought us all the way
to the fourth floor to the wrong class and her classroom
was on the first level. ack :P

- 07A3; we are the mighty ones!

- the ladies :DD

- beautiful ones.

- the gays opps, i mean, the guys.

- bleh :P !

school's not a bore. i love.
hokay. that's bout all for today. shall pack up
and then sleep yeah. must be all charged up for
school tmr! mwahhs :DD

and i worship you Lord
my life in you restored.
here is my heart
make it your sanctuary
for nobody else but Jesus
only you.

unraveled @ 10:51 PM

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


awesome day i had. mass lecture early in the morning
together with the gang. consisting of alot of people. haha.
had loadsa fun during the lecture. haha. 'BUTTER & GUNS'
sheesh. mal, jaz and i. shhhh. shall not expose our spasms.

i'm starting to love geography more and more. it's like a never-
ending sea of knowledge to learn from. coolness. there seems
to be many "twins" in school. alot of people looking like
each other. so adorable. (oh gees, i can see me becoming more
of a bimbo now.) had another one and a half hour's break today.
it's relaxing. 07A3's unity is strengthening by tons by the days.
i love them alright :DD

school ended like at 1.15pm today. so it was pretty relaxing.
went to play petanque after school with jaz, mal, gary and
wee teck. it's this metal ball game that you'd usually see
old uncles and aunties playing. but i assure you, it's great
fun. and it isn't as easy as it looks. however, mal, jaz and i dint
play for too long. we ended up sitting on a bench to watch
gary, wee teck and the team play. did bimbotic and spastic
stuff as usual and made loads of noise. haha. we're the
' siao nang wave ' mal's 'siao', jaz's 'nang' & i'm 'wave'. hehe.

dinner with them was cool. played pranks on shun da,
this sec4 guy in the petanque team, nicknamed 'cheeky',
alot. haha. poor fella. every week. he'll soon be dead. haha.

i'm seriously gonna like miss all these ppl you know.
it's a dread to be separated and then all of a sudden you'll
be like in a new environment again, starting all over.
kinda depressing but i guess, like what jaz said,
these are like the many many chapters of our life -nods.

some of my class girls and i even agreed to bathe after
PE tmr. so i'm like in-charge of bringing the facial foam.
haha. class unity is mighty mighty. whoever said school
was boring? haha. love love.


jaz and i saw this lil' princess coming our way
at the toa payoh petanque area there. we ran like
maddos towards her, she's called 'Lady" btw.
only 11 months old. such a darling. really adorable.
like... totally makes you melt okayy (: and she's so
totally shy. awwwww```

anyhow, would be going for NP's open house tmr
after school, which ends at 4.15pm. so yeahh, whoever's
going, see you there or sth! adios :D

unraveled @ 10:47 PM

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

♥ 07A3`

just rushed through geography research on plate tectonics.
totally forgotten bout that man. thanks amirah for reminding
me! haha. but well, i only did task 1. bahh :PP

you know, my class is actually having a class outing next
friday! awesomeness. and pizza delivery to school for lunch
on next wednesday. though we barely know each other for
more than three weeks, 07A3's pretty much like a big
family. we're, surprisingly, pretty united. i love :DD

we had like two 1&1/2 hours break today. and 07A3 went
and sat together at the grandstand, meaning the stadium's,
to discuss our outing. oh, and we might be making a class
shirt. kinda weird. however, really cute ((: though there's
a minority in class that doesnt seem to mix with us, the
larger clique, often. -shrugs.
perhaps now you'd understand why i love going to school.
it's because i have got 07A3! and mal, jaz, shikin, sya and
atiqa of cause! oh, and not to forget nigel too :DD


left to right: me, mal, atiqa, shikin & sya.

- physical geog```

it's late and i should retire. lessons till 1.15pm tmr!
yay! and gary and titties invited me to go play "pitong"
(is that how you spell it?) with them & mal tmr. coolness.
now, again, you see why i love school :DD

unraveled @ 11:41 PM

Monday, January 15, 2007


okayy, the cash card system in school is downright
dumb. yes, we are moving in times... but cant they
like wait till the pae batch are out first before they
start with it? now all of us has gotta get a cash card
which can only be topped up by nets in school. urgh.

gees, timetable's out and i've got lessons till 5pm on
both mondays and tuesdays. unfair, all of mal's lessons
ends wayyy before 5pm on any random day. and also
cause lessons ended at 5pm today, i couldnt meet
up with estelle to have my very last bible study lesson
for book one, 'getting started'. boohoo )):
anyhow, geography class was good. i love geog ((:

i am loving school more and more. gwen's becoming
a geek! had i said that before already?

- i couldnt help it... she was spending way too
much time in front of the mirror. and we
were only going down to kristle's -.-

- then i got bored...

- finally.


uh-huh. gonna hit the retro bed soon then.
lessons till 5pm, i need my battery recharged baybeh.
so that i'd be able to stay bubbly and hyper
for school tomorrow. hearts. and yeah, i agree with
amira that 07A3, our class, is soooo totally awesome honey :D

ps: and thank you bobbayyyyyyy for being such a nice
gentlemen to send me to my life lobby even though
you were semi-sick today (: i shall bump into you more often
so i'd have someone to send me to my block. haha :DD

God's grace is infinite love expressing itself
through infinite goodness.

unraveled @ 10:13 PM