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love is a riddle.
untold story

G; Lips that taste of tears,
they say, are the best for kissing.

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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

♥ Fold up the dreams into a paper airplane and send it as a letter.

Do you know what girls want? We want real conversations and real love. We want cute dates together, nothing expensive, the truth is we only want to be with you. We want to hold hands and lie beneath the stars. We want to be able to say something stupid and not worry about it. We want a guy who will love us for nothing but being us plain & simple.

I believe that everyone, at some point, do find a balance in life. The ups and downs seem to have already been incorporated into everyday life, it takes something more dramatic to upset me majorly. I miss you once in awhile, or maybe more often than not. I can't help but think always about how deep down inside we're still kids with mouthfuls of pride. Pride that gets in the way, and how we're losing time being mad at each other. Then again, am I still pissed? I doubt so. I dreamt of you calling and us heading out for lunch just today. I woke up wishing it were true, knowing that if I did something, all would be fine again. Yet at the end of the day, we're just too proud to begin with.

Days like these, I appreciate the solitude that I get and I very much like to be alone at this kind of moments. Some people call this being emo, but I think that once in awhile we all need some alone time. I wish for more days like these.

Human behaviour, sometimes I wished I understood that better. I don't like you blowing hot and cold. It's okay to have other close friends, but most importantly never forget the ones whose lives you tried to enter previously. I'm not one to allow just anyone to be part of my life and share my problems with, so if you do get pass those high walls of mine, please know that it hurts me when you are blowing cold.

I don't know why that up till today I still do dream of you. Was it because there were too many fond memories together that sub-consciously my heart still do not want to let go of? I don't know either but I reckon that some day, someone will surpass all of what we had. Because life will only get better. Some day.

//P.S. Thank you for being there, even when I throw my temper tantrums. From getting all my cravings satisfied to cooking yummy food for me, and walking all over in search of lomo cameras.

unraveled @ 10:19 PM

Enjoying some form of solitude today, at last.

unraveled @ 6:13 PM

Saturday, July 24, 2010

♥ I like the way you sound in the morning.

It seems like life is a lil' too peaceful at the moment, I can't think of what exactly to blog about. There are things that are weighing heavy on my mind, but those aren't things I wish to talk about here. Perhaps not yet. I feel burdened but sometimes, I'm just not that good at expressing the way I feel. Neither am I very good with my words when it comes to the people who matters. Maybe I had built too many walls, all in the name of protecting myself, that you won't know me anymore. Call me selfish, but that's just how I am. Cause I've been through much, those trials made me this way, I can't help it. As strong or intimidating I seem to be, many times I don't know what to do nor how to handle the situations I am in. I think I'm a contradiction, or perhaps I just have split personalities? I don't know either.

Finally heading back to church today after a very very long hiatus. I miss God, I miss the church and I miss W497. I hope all will turn out fine, I pray for God's guidance. I miss His presence.

unraveled @ 2:49 PM

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

♥ You take my hand and drag me headfirst; fearless.

Emotions were like a whirlwind just minutes back but thank God you and other friends made everything feel a whole lot better for me. Thank you. I don't know what to say anymore cause my mind's spinning. I just think that the whole matter is ridiculous. What's the point of having a committee when you make decisions without first consulting us? Sometimes I can't comprehend how the higher up leaders work. It's disappointing and upsetting, I feel unjustified. What exactly had I been working so hard for? What had we been fighting hard for?

On a happier note, I so look forward to today cause imma get many of my cravings satisfied. Oyster mee sua, durian pancake, koi bubble tea, etc! On top of that, imma head to SP to finally do some stunts. All these with A. Awesome day ahead or what?

unraveled @ 1:14 AM

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Oh. & I miss Daddy :/ He went to Genting yet again.

unraveled @ 9:03 PM

♥ I'll be here holding you high above it all but don't let me fall.

Got myself a new toy, the Robot 3 camera. Out a long time ago, but this might be a good start to a lomography collection. I would really love a Hello Kitty polaroid camera or maybe a holga next, any kind soul out there to get it for me? Mhmm, I guess not :/

So the flea at The Arena turned out disappointing for me. Not only was there vomit smell at a certain area (I bet some idiot must have threw up on their velvet sofa the night before.), it was incredibly squeezy. Bought zero clothes, and that makes it seem as though I've got excellent self-control when it comes to shopping. Hell no, I'm a shopaholic. Period.

Yello Jello was a pretty good place to chill at with friends. Besides, they've got awesome chicken wings! Just don't overestimate your tummy and order way too much like how Jiale and I did. We were stuffing the wings into our tummy and by the end of the night we were extremely bloated.

Okay dokes, perhaps I should go make dinner now. Though, I don't think I'm hungry? Well, anything beats having to start on work. F&B presentation speech to do & MICE to read up on. Dang. On a lighter note, Friday was a great day with having Despicable Me, pasta, KOI bubble tea, durian pancake & great company (:

unraveled @ 8:07 PM

Friday, July 16, 2010

♥ I believe we shouldn't let the moment pass us by.

A change of blogskin at last. It usually takes me ages to decide on a good enough skin but I fell in love with this at first sight. Made some minor edits like lengthening the widths, so on and so forth, and I was done. I love it being real simple. Kinda amazed that I'm still pretty familiar with the html codes though, I'd have thought that I'd completely be lost.

So the last project submission is finally over, and man did I nearly go bonkers while doing up the appendices yesterday night. It was chaos, but I'm glad it all turned out well. Now, I can feel the effects of my meds kicking in. So imma be heading to bed soonest. Ticketing again later today, there's 49 pages worth of notes just for this lesson. Wth?

A few more assignments and I'll be about done with sem 3.1, cept for the main examinations. I'm so looking forward to the month long study break, there's much to do, many to attain. Alright, as for now, it's bedtime. Zzz.

// p.s. sorry for the temper tantrums and thank you for being there with me to go through one of my busiest and most stressful point in life thus far ((:

unraveled @ 2:20 AM

Sunday, July 11, 2010

♥ I'm just a little girl lost in the moment.

High tea at Equinox (Y)

I had totally forgot to mention the high tea at Equinox with my group mates. The food was gooood, but the spread wasn't that extensive. They could have more variety, but it was high tea anyway. Oh well. The view up there on the 70th level of Swissotel was fantastic. I'd like to go back there at night, it should be really amazing.

I'm starting to think that I type in a real boring manner now. The side effects of churning out reports daily. I type monotonously now :/ Gees. Anyhow, I'm still trying hard to get used to my new short fringe again. On a side note, I hope I recover from being sick soon-ness. Not that great being sick when there's still a hill (no longer mountain) of work pending.

Alright, this entry is kinda all over the place. I shall get back to my hill of work. Kthxbai.

unraveled @ 4:00 PM

Friday, July 09, 2010

♥ Acting oblivious comes natural to us.

Oh wow, you mean it's Friday already? This week seem like it went by in a glance though it is one of the toughest week. A total of two presentations and two tests on top of the usual project workload. I can now finally heave a sigh of relief, just for today. Spending this weekend in school to rush projects again. What a life.

I shan't complain more about it anyway. Projects, though seriously stressful and taxing, had been fun in a way. Thanks to Jamie, Samantha, Jiale, Evelyn and Sindy. Really. Thank God for them. In any way, I should really be jumping over the moon now cause I'd finally gotten my internship placement. Just one day before the e-filing is due, I must be some really lucky kid. But rather than say it was luck, it's God. It really is. He's never early nor too late, always just nice. He heard my cries, praise God. Where God guides, He provides.

//I thought I'd long put it past me, judging by how well I recovered. Then it hit me that I'm not. I'll forever hold a soft spot for you and this can't be changed no matter how I try to fight it. That said, I know that I'll have to keep on keeping on cause the best has yet to come.

On a side note, the wisdom tooth on my right lower jaw seem to be peeking out of my gums recently. It has yet to start hurting, so I pray it'll not. Amen!

unraveled @ 3:39 PM