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love is a riddle.
untold story

G; Lips that taste of tears,
they say, are the best for kissing.

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orangeeeeyy Missyan

eXTReMe Tracker
Thursday, November 30, 2006


first and foremost,

- mwahhs :DD

well readers, as gwen here is typing away, she is pretty
much stoning away.
oh gosh, cadbury marble is delicious. and i'm still having
a cough, but whatever.
hokay, here to update update. been MIA for three days.
seemed as though i have been disconnected from the
rest of the world then. however, i'm finally home after
my two-nights-three-days chalet.

i cant really deceive myself to blog that the chalet was a
blast because the number of ppl who came, to put it in a nice
way, was little. therefore, its antonym, the bad way,
it was somehow pathetic. the numbers i mean.
but but but, i enjoyed myself, barbequeing the night away.
it came to the point where only five of us were left to stay over
on the first night. daniel, my lovely brother from primary sch,
elson, that 3A1/4A1 classmate, and i got bored and fiddled with
poker cards. lady luck was with me, i must admit.
but all too soon, she ran away. and that was just when all the
forfeits were brought in. geez.

guess what, forfeit's to drink water -.-
it started off with only one full mouth of water as punishment.
then two, three.... six.... then the worst came. half a bottle of those
1.5L bottles. and Gwendelyn Monique here won the privilege
for that 750ml of water. how lucky i was to pick out ace of spade.
that's like a probability of 1/52 aint it. -claps. kuddos to gwen.
sheesh, and i had already more or less drank close to a bottle
before that. the next one to join me for half a bottle too was
elson lee. lols. daniel, you lucky one. but not for long -smirks.
being bloated with water aint exactly the best feeling in the world
ya'know. it sucks. and i was still ill all along.
it must be round 5am when elson and i crawled into bed.
i crawled in between weipeng and eldora, and elson crawled in
next to daniel. lest your imaginations run wild.

the day after was even more... lifeless?
weipeng went home. eldora and her darling boyfriend, daniel,
went to bugis to get his clothes for prom. thus, elson and i
were left stranded at costa sands pasir ris.
thank god there is an arcade over at downtown. took a shot
with 'time crisis 4' with elson after lunch. there is pool there,
buttttttttttt... elson lee isnt SIXTEEN yet -.- so no pool. booo.
waste our life away watching random tv shows back in the chalet.
wanted to run to 'escape' when eldora and daniel came back
but it was closing already. sigh.
we barbequed the night away again. being gwen, the creative,
innovative... in short ecentric one (hahas), i was experimenting
barbequeing the food we have, coated in sambal chilli.
the rest of them were like "you really have got nth better to do"
AYE AYE, but it turned out YUMMY okayyy. quick, thank me :D
- sambal pork chop
- sambal black pepper sotongs
- sambal chicken wing


four of us went to the beach. it was real nice to be stargazing
with eldora as we reminisced and relived those innocent days.
while the two guys had their "beng beng" talks somewhat >10m
behind us ((:
this time round on the second night, daniel won the entitlement
for 750ml of water twice, once for me, and none for elson. lucky you.
eldora slept the earliest, then daniel. elson and i spent the night
playing SNAP! hahas. you should have seen how spazzed he was.
lols. or maybe i looked that way too. but whatever.
train yourself in SNAP i'm waiting for the next battle, elson :DD
anyhow, took a cab home with elson lee beng beng, thanks for
sending me back ((:

i'm exhausted people, dint sleep for a whole night.
i just had to blog :DD

this is what you get when gwen and kristle gets together:

replies to tags:

prunella: yeah i know already, bobby sent me the soundtrack!
lols. and HAPPY BIRTHDAY! mwahhs. love.

bobby: ahehehe. lols. that's for owing me B&J's! muahahas.
aiyah, cute what. hahas :P

renuka: -sizzles- hahas. beach outing! mwahhs.

mallory: and i miss you too! i'm finally back! i wanna go to
your house to watch meteor garden, lols.

; : hahas, thanks. you are?

kravO: thank you, and you are? hahas.

`alright signing off`

unraveled @ 12:40 AM

Monday, November 27, 2006


i love my cell group.
most importantly, I LOVE GOD, I LOVE JESUS :D
i'm sorry i was kinda falling asleep during pastor phil
pringle's sermon. couldnt take it, and my flu got
worst during service. boo.
i will start having regular quiet time.
i will get myself to start praying daily,
i know you're there my Lord.
i love you dearly.

`i could sing of your love forever`

- before service started ((:

PROM updates :

- ladies.

- she's my LALING.

- pretty classmates :D

- awesome primary/secondary school mates ((:

alright, am really ill.
my fever has officially hit 37.7°.
ack, and i know how it all started. really dumb. lols.
well, that day after coming back from prom, i was online.
then i got hungry, thus i took the tin of chocolate wafer sticks,
sat it on my lap and just ate and ate and ate while my mind
focused on the monitor screen. and only God knows how
much of it have i ate unknowingly.
i stopped when i realised that my throat was sore.
sheesh, gwen gwen gwen.
it must be a throat infection. slowly, i've contracted a flu too
and now, it's both of the previous mentioned plus fever.
urgh. never will i bring this upon myself again :P

yayness! chalet tomorrow! oops, no no, scrape that.
it's later! coolness. primary school class chalet,
how fun that sounds?! hahas. i loveeee.
simply cant wait. and i really really do hope my fever, cough and
influenza will get better! mwahhs ☺☻

chat log - gwen & bobby -
pikachu is cute too
why arewe talking about it
Gwendelyn Monique; freakin' ill.
Gwendelyn Monique; freakin' ill.
Gwendelyn Monique; freakin' ill.
gotta catch'em all!
i want to be the very best
Gwendelyn Monique; sick again.
i forgot
Gwendelyn Monique; sick again.
that no one ever was
Gwendelyn Monique; sick again.
ya la
to catch them is my ...
what huh
Gwendelyn Monique; sick again.
Gwendelyn Monique; sick again.
no idea
Gwendelyn Monique; sick again.
only quest?

" everyday i draw closer to you Lord
i long to see Your face
and hide in Your embrace
all my life dwelling in Your holy place
my heart o'Lord you've changed
i'll never be the same. "

unraveled @ 1:19 AM

Sunday, November 26, 2006




23rd NOVEMBER 2006:

- me, mallory & yee wen.

- Jhawn & me ((:

- xiang xiang and me; my lovely brother brother :DD

- been there, done it.

sleepy and sick. tomorrow.

unraveled @ 4:51 AM

Friday, November 24, 2006


PROM was good. much better than expected!
coolness. a very big thank you to all the organizers!
alright, will post the pretty prom pictures once i'm
done editting them :DD
and now i miss all of them already...

pictures from SURGE. sorry bout the narcissistism,
but i still love it!:

- hair's drenched from all the dancing.

- MOS' washroom.

- wassup doc?

- mirror image. bahh.

- i dont know why but i LOVE this picture :DD

alright, gonna go eat then rush off for cell group.

"i'm reaching for Your heart
you hold my life in Your hands
drawing me closer to You
i feel Your power renew
nothing compares to this place
where i can see You face to face
i worship You in spirit and in truth"

unraveled @ 3:57 PM

Thursday, November 23, 2006

♥ SURGE @ MOS! <3

oh gosh, i swear i had a fantabulous time at MOS!
partying the night away and all.
at first, it was pretty boring, cause we had to
wait for the program to kick-off.
some raffles guy was suppose to battle with this
acs guy. omg, the guy from raffles, daniel, is totally
hawt! they had a draw at the end of round three.
thus, what more would the judges, daniel ong and sheik haikal,
do than to ask those two guys to remove their tops and dance.
goodness, eyecandies. jason's, acs guy, body aint that good.
whereas, daniel's! goodness gracious, his chest, his abs,
that six-pacts! ahhh, drools.
nice way to start the night aint it?

well, mal and i got there say bout 10pm. uh-huh, that early.
the dancing only began round 11plus. totally awesome,
i tell you. though it was packed, but we all had great fun
bumping into one another. there was this "wrestling ring"
being used as a stage initially which was later turned
into a dancing ring :DD mal and i managed to get up there,
climbing up with our heals aint an easy task alright.
i just reached out my hand for someone to pull me up.
embarrassing i know, but who bothers?
the ring was really cramped, we continued to dance there,
and then this annoying indian guy kept trying to grind us.
sheesh, he sure got the wrong girls for that.
danced with some good-lookin' malays up there.
unfortch, mos was pretty much filled with lots of bengs
and mats. bahh.

this is really funny. some ah beng was like, dancing,
weirdly. that kinda ah beng moves, mal and i kept laughing.
geez, even the guys who held the ropes to let mal and i up
and the one who pulled me up were laughing. probably cause
they saw mal mimicking that beng beng -.-

it must be round 1plus in the morning when we both took
a breather down stage. this malay guy whom we were sorta
dancing with, followed us. he invited us to pub with him
and his friends, but, nahhh.
things went really good ((:
and yayness, while we both were making our way back to
the dance floor, we got approached by one of the mos crew.
i actually thought that he wanted us to do a survey,
but turns out, he wanted our particulars for the mos gd-lookin'
ppl database. coolness.
(i asked nigel, my model friend, what would they do actually,
and he told me that if we're lucky, we'd be given membership! :DD)
continued shakin' that ass. yet more guys with raging homornes
came to grind us. yadaah yadaah.

and yeah the place was so small i kept bumping into edmund de silva.
he's a model, only know him by face and by name. but he and his
friends are cute.
also saw shawna de cruz, david de cruz's (that sg idol contestant who
cant freaking sing from the first season. pretty face, fugly voice)
sister. that's bout whoever i know that were there.

i must be down on my luck yesterday. some nerdy lookin' geek
approached me to ask me for a dance, but sadly for him,
i was resting, freaking exhausted.
well, actually if i werent, i wouldnt either. sorry mate.
after gaining back enough energy from the second break
of the night, mal and i got approached from what we thought
guys that looked decent. turns out, they're not exactly
what you'll call decent. Hobson's choice, we already agreed to dance.
they kept grabbing our waist, and all i could do was to push
the dan, the guy whom i danced with, away. countless times.
geez, they really dont understand the simple phrase of "i mind you
touching me." do they?
oh gosh, thank god mal got us outta it soon. i couldnt stand
yet another minute of them dirty-dancing us.

overall, i still love that place. we danced all the way from
the first to the last song. exhausting, but we love it.
mos wrapped up at 5plus in the morn, and with no bus/train
services yet, we both walked, painfully for me, to liang
court's mcdonalds. and then at 5.50am, we walked all the
way from liang court, back to mos, then to clark quey mrt
station. those heels were killing me i'd say.
knees, toes, soles, thighs were aching. it was terrible! )):

finally, home sweet home at round 7am. daddy was shocked to
see me. hahas, told him i was gonna stay over at mal's after
the party initially. no scolding, amazingly!
told daddy that i was out at mos the whole night, and nope,
no scolding. yayness, freedom after Os. i'm lovin' it ((:
showered and only crawled into bed after 7.30am. you bet,
i was frazzled!

aftermath of dancing the night away, i woke up with aching
legs! and they still are aching right now, at this moment.
sobs, and prom's in less than 17hours. booooo.
URGH, i know i'm whining, but i dont really care cause my
legs are in terrible condition! oooh, but i managed to drag
myself to town with mal to get my prom dress. lols.
almighty ladies!

PROM PROM PROM. i'm sooo gonna get a manicure and get my
hair done later in the day for PROM ((:
and i've still gotta run down to school to get my results slip
to apply for PAE later. boooo. so much to do, so lil' time!
alright, i think, i'd better end. lols. long entry aint it?

"spread the good news of the gospel to the world
show them a better future lives within His hands
as we step into His presence
as we reach out for His heart
our walk of faith has just begun to start"

unraveled @ 2:21 AM

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


as we waited for the tram to siloso beach...

- my honey buns :DD

over at siloso...

- estee's wonderful idea,
and i couldnt form my "G" cause i was the photographer -.-


on the tram back...

- LOVE ♥

the sun was sweltering. which was good ((:
dint really get much tanned, but at least there's some. some.
i dont wanna get too roasted now, after all, i've still got
surge @ MOS and senior prom to attend. looking roasted
and chocolate brown wouldnt do me much good in these
events. so yeahh, all out tanning real soon.
you get vitamin D from the sun ya'know? but of course,
too much sunlight and be wary of skin cancer :P

it's been really long since we last had a GEM outing.
it was really great today, back together and all.
the bloody fruit juice at siloso costs S$4.60. no wonder
tourism's like the biggest income booster for the country.
when i really could have gotten another mask with
that money at missha today. tried out the mask i got today,
jasmine scented. it was so refreshing and cooling! geez, i should
have just gotten like 2-3 more packets to last me this week.
my face feels all cleansed and moisturized now. glee.
still have got another packet of gel mask, those which you have
to apply on the face like cream, i'll try that out soon (:
i'm becoming a mask lover, i swear.

now that...

retail therapy, top of my list. like so totally`
had not only gotten mask, i splurged on a pair of pretty
black heals from Charles & Keith and a beady top
from Outfitters. am feeling ecstatic again, this easy?
yes, retail therapy completes me.

well, mummy just gave me like another three hundred bucks
for retail therapy and for a prom dress (:
oh gosh, time's like running out and i'm still stuck with no
prom dress. boo. well, at least i got my heals :D
it's alright. i'd be shopping on the 22nd in town, so i'll see whoever's
gonna head down to town then.
oh yeah, not to forget, manicure! perhaps a pedi too? -nods :D

i'd be sooooo packed till the end of this month that i can
hardly breathe at the thought of it. all in all, i'm still really excited.
Surge @ MOS later tonight! and i've yet to tell daddy, shucks :P

"to think that the universe
could not withold Your glory
You choose to live in me
i'm so amazed."

unraveled @ 1:38 AM

Monday, November 20, 2006

♥ IT'S O-V-E-R!

i'll miss you, not! :DD

- the lil' file that my entry proof and i/c has been in for the past mth.

- one last look...

- reduced to confetti ((:

- classroom days...

i cant explain to you how stress-free i feel now to begin with.
although, it still pretty much feels like any other random day.
i'm done, done with stinking O LEVELS. however much i'd
like to say how gay i am, there's still this weird tingling feeling
that my secondary school life is all over.
just in a blink of the eye. four years of secondary education,
been there, done it, over. someone tell me i aint dreaming?
perhaps i've let time slip me by. sweet sixteen.
oh well, i'm glad, finally am outta that stupid school, relief.
but i miss my friends! and the retarded stuff we do in school.
i guess, we'll all have to grow up.
it's time to bade BOWEN goodbye, and hell i'll miss you, not!

- gaya and me at renu's birthday party.

alright, time to throw the fugly uniform aside,
and here i come SENTOSA! with home-clothes on of course.
my long awaited tan. with both my lovely babes,
mal and estee. it's G.E.M. all over again! :DD

"when my world was in darkness,
you spoke your word
night turned into day,
your beauty filled this place.
when my world stood in silence,
you filled my heart
with songs that never end,
forever i will praise."

unraveled @ 10:06 AM

Sunday, November 19, 2006


' i'm coming back to the heart of worship' :D

i've finally returned to church! felt great. goodness.
ecstatic!!! :DD i miss that place. went to cell grp on friday
night at yieling's. and i had to get a migraine when cell grp
session started. thus, the pain persisted all the way till
the session ended. sheesh. had lots of fun cooking supper.
dint do much actually :P
service on saturday was terrific! it really felt sooooo gooooddd
to be back in church, squeezing thru the crowd to get to our
seats, praising and worshipping God, listening to the sermon,
and fellowshipping after that :DD
the feeling's pretty much speechless. hahas.
though, there were times that i felt really awkward because
of some things. close friends of mine should probably know
the reason behind this, so yeahhh.

look! this picture was taken round august.
baby dedication :DD so adorable, those toddlers!
that's pastor derek and .... urm, i forgot :x oops.

- baby dedication :DD

i should have posted this like four days ago, but...
hahas, here goes.


- hazelnut cake, and my rose for that babe.

- birthday girl.

- yours truly and the lovely birthday girl ((:

- i fell head over heals for this drama :DD


liberation in less than ten hour's time.
how great is that? ((:
(it's 12.47am)
well, sentosa tmr! or rather, later.
i'm ecstatic! surge @ mos tmr! coolness.
it's time to party baybeh! :DD

"i just want to be more like you
walk with you beside me
Lord, wont you be my guide
place your heart inside my soul
a heart that's ever true
one that's after you"

unraveled @ 11:25 PM

Tuesday, November 14, 2006



- what would i do without you? monique and macy :DD

- awesomes; gaya, pru and me.

- rekindled friendship, mal and gwen ((:

- for you i will. me, renuka and suba.

oh well, it's yet another time of the day that gweniee gwen gwen
over here starts getting all emo again. i cant help it alright.
i miss them, i really do. it's never the same, once you're outta
school. the bonds may be there, but what's lacking are the classroom
spasms, canteen binging and parade square/hall madness.
i realised, i've yet to formally thank my buddies in school. so i shall
express my gratitude in this entry, and let us rewind to the past...

GAYA: i remember i had not actually have a very good impression
of you when we first started out in 1A, four years back. you were like
the super stuck-up, arrogant girl i thought i'd never be close with.
it was till we both entered 3e4 last year, things changed dint it?
i really miss those times with you and mishal, when things werent
that complex and everything was easy. thank you babe, you've sorta
been like a leaning pillar for me in e4 and not once have i ever regretted
meeting you. people can say all they want but babe, dont ever let anyone
put you down and keep in mind that my cellphone is always on for you.
you're a really beautiful person to me, and i love you like hell.
i will always keep in mind of the times spent together and i hope for our
friendship to be forever :DD

PRUNELLA: times spent together were short but i'm grateful to have
found you in the midst of stinking bowen. perhaps we might have used
to dislike each other, but what matters is how friendship has blossomed
between us. i'm grateful that you were there when i was down and i'm sorry
for not being able to completely comfort you when you're upset. i miss chicken
wings sessions with you and whining for tom yum stingray. remember what
we carved in school on the last day yea? we'll look for it next year (:
precious moments in class would be kept in my heart. i love you LALING!

RENUKA: babe, i wont forget mugging days down at delifrance and how
awful the cakes were at hougang mall's ge**** ((: and of course those
hours spent on movies when we really should have been mugging!
never really imagined that we'd be such closs friends, but yet, i thank God
for it. thank you for being there when i was down.
rainy days will soon be over and you'll see your silver lining in your
cloud. and dont be upset cause you know i'd always be around for you too!
bring your worries unto the Lord. and i love you toooo! :D

SUBA: subababababaaaaaaa. oh gosh, i sure miss singing that song to you!
i miss those times where you'd teach me tamil songs (: and dont forget my
dunks when you get to aussie! hahas. forget bout past hiccups, what we've
got here is a great friendship! i'll miss you when you fly to aussie for your
tertiary education ): dont forget us alright! especially those heartwarming
moments together, i'll treasure it! i love you subababababaaaaaa!


SOTONGS: thank you guys for the past two years. i dont have much to
say but do know that i'll place the times we spent together deep in
my heart. kota tinggi was great, it really brought out the sotongs in
us, dint it? the way we helped each other. campfire night, i'm sure we
all had fun (: and those who spent the last night in the multi-purpose
hall, memorable aint it? who counted the numerous times that we got
into trouble? and being famous, not cause we're top class nor was
it cause we're notorious, but because we were labelled the "lovebirds"
class, now that's something special. hahas.
i'll miss the sports day team, those times we spent training to compete
in sports day for our class. and our gold medals for two consecutive years
in 4 by 400m relay, this team consisting of shingrong, jin qin,
deemei and me (: it's our glory. classroom antics, jokes and spasm would
never be forgotten. congratulations e4, we've graduated :DD

ESTEE: badminton was never enjoyable without you around.
all those hours spent training till we went berserk and till our
aching legs could not move any longer. filson's playground aye? we've
endured the worst and now we're tough! hahas.
thank you so much, in every single way, for the past four years.
and most importantly, thanks for always being there for me.
making me realise the harsh reality of this society we're in and also
for scolding me when you knew i wasnt doing the right things. it shows
of your concern and i really appreciate it. we both annoy each other at
times i know, but hey! we love it, dont we? hahas. we may have drifted
slightly apart but we'll keep close. cause you're one friend i dont ever
wanna lose :D i'm sorry for not being able to always be there for you,
i'm sorry that i wasnt the one you looked for when you were down.
i'm sorry i dint treasure the friendship as much as how i do now, in the past.
badminton camps! i miss!!! another one coming soon :D d&t block expedition,
remember? i love you tons macy! we'll achieve our dreams together, wont we ((:

MALLORY: i'm sorry babe, for having once turned my back against you.
lesson learnt, and i'm glad to have your forgiveness ((: as you said, God must
have a purpose to have put us in the same class when we entered bowen
and also in the same cell grp in the same church now.
i miss 1A and 2e1 days with you, more of 2e1 though. hahas.
moments spent looking at eyecandies in town, tanning ourselves brown, shopping
till we dropped, mugging and memorising every single point till we went
psychotic. and praise God, we're returning to church real soon! :D
thank you for never failing to be there for me when i was at my lowest.
i'm sure we'd catch up on all those lost time during that period.
and i miss your maid cooking campbell's soup for me. lols.
the night cycling down at seletar with nadia. conrad, cantina, council!
we'd be missing the council board, wont we? four years of hard work,
and all we can do now is to sit back and wish the juniors all the best.
obs, council pulau ubin camp even kota camp, it's all in our memories.
all i can say is that i'm gleeful now, having retrieved the lost friendship (:
i love you madly ((:

GEM always

CK BOY: i'll never know if you'll read this. if you do, i guess
you'd be feeling disgusted because i know you really detest
me now. but whatever it is, this might be the last time i'd talk
about you, or rather the last shoutout before i stop clinging on
to the last thread of hope for reconcilation.
well, thank you so much for being my strongest pillar of support
thus far. thank you for being able to listen me out even if it
were 4am in the morning. thanks for giving me advices, for the
care and concern, for the warnings that i've never headed and
yet never turning a deaf ear to me when those warnings came true.
thank you for having once loved me as a friend, maybe you dint
but i really tasted the meaning of true friendship then.
i'm tremendously sorry for not cherishing you from sec2-3.
foolish as i was in the past, believe it or not, i really treasure
our friendship this year. perhaps it was too late, but i've never
expected things to turn out this way. never. i dont wanna begin on
how upset i am, lest you'd and/or others would start saying that
i'm trying to gain sympathy. yes, i was mean and bitchy then,
but that's it, no second chance given. i shant battle any longer.
say whatever you all want.
ck boy, i really do think of you as a brother.
and cliche as it is, i love you.

day of liberation is coming, hang in there buddies.

- mcdonalds' fanatics.


unraveled @ 12:06 AM

Sunday, November 12, 2006


how very true...


She likes to be in a dream world than to be in reality.
She is weak and sensitive when it's come to "Love".
She can cry if her best friend is breaking up,
and she can be over excited when her friend gets a new
boyfriend who is a good looking and rich even it is
nothing concerning her at all.
You might be surprise to see that she is shy just because
she is in love.
More or less it will be in Pisces woman.
She loves small animal and gifted in training animals.
She has sixth senses and she can guess what will happen next,
it's her nature. Even she has a good sixth senses,
she can not pick or foreseen her own choice of lover.
She can not tell if she meet a sincere guy or a one night stand guy.
She likes to buy and pick her own clothes.
She likes to dress cute and be cute.
Pisces woman tend to be a good looking woman
and she has nice skin. Her hands and feet are small and soft.
Pisces woman loves to shop for shoes as if she collects them.
She is a hot lady that everyone wants her.
Whether she has a man in her life or not ,
she will never try to over powered any man. It's not even in her thought.
She thinks man can handle things better,
and she will make her man feel that way.
She is an easy going person, so being with her is easy.
She is a confident woman and likes to make people who
stay with her happy. She knows how to please and how to
comfort a man. If something is wrong, she will try to
make other people belief that it's must be because of
someone else, not because of her love one.
She will not push her man to be ambition but to make him
feel like he should be happy with the way he is now.
She is happy with you for what you are now.
A Pisces woman , if she has a bad childhood,
she will always remember it and it will make her a very
unhappy person. She will pity herself and feel sorry for herself.
She tends to hurt herself with out knowing it and
so vulnerable to drugs (real drugs or just sleeping pills).
She has many choices and you can never tell which path
she going to take.
If you love her , then hold her tight because she
never knows why she did what she did or what she will do next.
A complex character.
You may think she is a shy innocent type
and can not hurt anyone, then you are wrong.
You might think she is a fragile person who needs protection,
wrong again.
She has been through a lot, a tough cookie.
She is a dreamer and love the word "Love",
so she is the type who will buy gift for anyone for any occasion,
especially if it is a gift for wedding or an anniversary even
for someone who she does not know so well.
Be very careful if fall in love with Pisces woman.
She can be a total different person before and after.
She can be an angel before and later a witch,
but everyone is not perfect, right?
She will be soft and gentle most of the time,
so not to worry.
She is emotional and extremely sensitive when she
frequently got hurt.
She is the type who can cry her heart out.
She can have a secret fear inside,
when she says she does not need anyone.
She badly needs someone to protect her,
but sometimes she can hide that feeling by being stubborn.
She likes t o hide her shyness and her weakness from her enemy.
She does not like to follow any fixed rules.
She can be a good housewife if you know how to handle her.
Many men will ask to marry her because she is a 100% woman.
If she wants to be sweet, she is a real angel.
grabbed it from amanda's blog :D
and it's really accurate. coolness.
i HATE dislike my brother.

unraveled @ 2:55 AM

Saturday, November 11, 2006


- big hug to estelle!
you bet! i cant wait to get my ass back to church!
i miss and am constantly thinking of ya'all! mwahhs.

- mugging sessions.

- guitar love.

- tell me when will you be mine? tell me quando quando quando`

- gwelala`

FOUR more papers to go!
addmath paper 1, paper 2, f&n and phy/chem mcqs.
coolness. there's just so many things to do after Os.
but first i need to regain all the lost sleep.
i'm exhausted. bahh. well, it's o levels, what do i expect?

am really glad that i'm done with most of my major papers.
this week's really a packed week.
all the important papers together. was really freakin' out.
all i could do was to mug. and i actually think that i've
turned into a mugging freak... i suddenly like to study.
wth right? urgh. i'd have to hang in there for a tad bit more.
the exam's so far, relatively easy. thing is, i just dont know
whether my answers would be correct. sigh.

yet another mugging session later. and i'm seriously sick
of fast food. i want seoul gardens badly now.
alright, hitting the hay already. i need beauty sleep :DD


unraveled @ 3:27 AM

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

♥ HURT )):

what a sad day it is today.

unraveled @ 9:42 PM

Sunday, November 05, 2006


- just where might you be?

- ambassadors :DD

- girls i cant live happily without.

- goodbye to you. we wont miss you.

- it's just the memories that are cherished.

oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh.
social studies, math, chem, phy, geog.
somebody save me )):


unraveled @ 1:03 AM