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love is a riddle.
untold story

G; Lips that taste of tears,
they say, are the best for kissing.

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orangeeeeyy Missyan

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Thursday, July 30, 2009


Great, how come Blogger's still having problems? No pictures for this entry.

This week's been a bundle of stress, I can't even begin to explain. Left me all deflated, tired and exhausted. I don't know what to do. But thank God for the friends around me. People who I could confide in, and those who shares the same faith that I was able to talk about God with. I really appreciate it, thanks much (:

I'm really happy that we had all pulled through SSM, Sugarloaf, this week. With four team-mates down, we made as much adjustments as we could. Thank God for the help from the TCC group and all the support from the friends who came down to Sugarloaf to support us on Wednesday. I managed to sell 98% of all my pastry with only 6 plum tarts and 1 chocolate mousse left on the shelve. I know I've done my best. Sadly tonight, I've lost the drive to mug for both BESE and Accounting tests tomorrow. Tell me why?

Amidst all, I've been reminded again that my God is indeed faithful. How far had I always drifted away from Him, yet He has been constantly speaking to my heart. I'm grateful and thankful.
"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." - Matthew 6:33-34

Man shall not live by bread alone;

unraveled @ 11:54 PM

Wednesday, July 22, 2009




Looked through some pictures and decided to scan in some. I miss the good old days, being young and carefree. Still, I guess we all need to grow up some day. I love my cousins, I love my family (:

Can't be anymore glad that projects for sem 2.1 had all finally been completed. All that's left to go are a few class tests, Bese individual report and then End Sem exams before the two months break again. I so need the break man, this semester had been nothing but a bundle of stress. But I thank God still for this semester, cause I've made many more friends and I'm glad to say I love 2H08 as well as 1H03, you're not forgotten. SSM later, first Sugarloaf service. Excited! :D Can't believe that I am actually looking forward to SSM. What is the world becoming to?!

Somehow, I feel that I'm really screwed for this sem. Not knowing much about any of my modules, hardly attended lectures, participated in tutorials but whatever I learnt from there flies outta my head as soon as I step outta class. Had a few totally messed up weeks, and started clubbing and partying away like nobody's business. Omg, God save me. This has seriously gotta stop, it ain't the kinda life that I want. Cut down Gwen, cut down. Cut down on retail therapy, playing, clubbing, partying and slacking. I need to focus, focus on my studies now!
E, don't worry. We'll mug hard together and at the end of the day, we'll both make it! Xoxo.

Something's still missing, and I still can't quite tell what. Take me to the place where the spirit of God is. Hold me close, empower me. The love of Christ will set you free.

I guess I need my life to change;

unraveled @ 12:24 AM

Monday, July 20, 2009


19th July 09'; first toss-to-hands!
Credits to Ken :D

I'm a happy kid! At least for tonight. First toss-to-hands achieved! I am so so so happy :D A dozen onlookers, tons of laughter, a few falls, 100% effort and two successful toss-to-hands. Many more to come. I am a conqueror in Christ.

I can't help but feel that there's something missing in my life now. & I can't say what, exactly. I don't quite feel that happy, but I want that cheerful me back. It's like being in a masquerade, where everyone's wearing a mask, it's tiring. & all I want for myself is to unveil the mask and be just as I am. Sigh, it'll all be over soon, right?

P.S. I need my happy pills.

Now I don't want to say Goodbye;

unraveled @ 3:24 AM

Saturday, July 18, 2009


13th July 09'; first toss-up chair!
Credits to Dennis Tan and Chen Cheng :D

Well, Transformers wasn't that bad after all. Thank God I eventually understood all the jargon; autobots, decepticon, megatron, optimus prime etc. Hah. I think the inner me secretly loves shows of such genres, Transformers, Terminator. Oh man, what happened to my chic flicks?! So anyway, I'm really looking forward to watching Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince! Omg. Though reviews have said that it's not as good as compared to the book, like duh, I'm still watching it :D

Crazy week's over, fighting those projects sure wasn't easy. Last one to go, and done. Done, done, done with all the projects. & mugging starts like tomorrow, if I manage to complete marketing project by tonight. I know, I know, my life's all about projects and school now. I guess reading this space is kinda getting a tad boring. Gees. That's when I need the holidays to come. But anyway, school's good. 4 more weeks baby, time to put in some hard work.

Am down with an upset stomach, and I've now got charcoal tablets to force down my throat. I've never liked tablets, period. Now, imma actually shower and dress up for church. It felt good to be up early on a Saturday morning. I love mornings, but sadly, I'm never really awake when it is. Ciao.

We both found what we're looking for;


unraveled @ 2:31 PM

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Could I even begin to say how relieved I am now that Proficiency Test 2 is finally over for me? I guess none of you that's not in TP's HTM will never understand. That said, four more weeks of SSM left. Sugarloaf next, however, operations there seem to be a tad boring as compared to Top Table. & now, I'm just really missing Top Table.

Thursday! Is a good day. Two hour Japanese tutorial only, and that's the end of my day in school. Though I've to be in school earlier to do a project, but what surprises me is that I'm actually kinda motivated to do it. Hah. I can't wait for Friday and Saturday already.

Retail therapy with E later on before dinner altogether with Dennis, Lynn and Seema. I like. Days like these makes me feel less stressed, but thinking of the upcoming test just makes me scream 'Headache!'. Boo ):

Eyelids are getting heavier by the minute. Kbye.

Happily ever after;

unraveled @ 3:37 AM

Monday, July 13, 2009


Hello folks! I've officially became a geek again. Okay, maybe not. Cause all I'm doing now is rushing my projects and getting all of it done, not so much of mugging yet. I wish that after this week's crazy submissions and deadlines to meet, I'd turn all of my energy to mugging. The days are flying by so fast and I'm so far behind in my studies, I won't make it through the sem tests if I don't start reading up on my lecture notes. Or actually, start printing it first. It feels good getting back on track. Big thank you to all my dear friends for standing by and encouraging me during this messed-up time of my life!

Life in the past few weeks has been a blur, I lost control of it and it was kind of miserable. The amount of stress and anxiety was literally eating me inside out. But I thank God that it has all been straightened out. After last Wednesday's mistake, I knew I couldn't let stuff cock up like that again. I need my diploma, I need a higher GPA. & now I know that living life without counting on God really sucked, I'm heading straight back to Him. If only I had continued to lean on His strength, I wouldn't have been in a mess. I've learnt my lesson.

Saturday's service with Dr. A.R. Bernard was awesome. He had totally blown me away. I wasn't exactly looking forward to it initially, being all exhausted from the week and cause I've never really understood what he preached before, I admit I was sceptical. & again, God has proven me wrong, He amazes me. Really. Maybe I've grown, or maybe I was just desperately seeking God this week, but the word from Dr. Bernard literally blew me away. Ever had those jaw-dropping incidents, well I did.
Father, I've drifted but now, I'm coming back to You. I need You.

Anyway, I'm really glad at how my tour flyer and logos for TTO and Marketing turned out. Maybe I'll upload it on this space when the submissions are over. Hard work's worth it after all :D
Hokay dokes, I'm launching my Sims2 again. No, I'm not gaming away again. It's for Marketing project. Oh, & I shall make myself a cup of Milo Dinosaur before I start.

Could it be;

unraveled @ 1:13 AM

Thursday, July 09, 2009


There's no need for words today. I'm exhausted, period.

unraveled @ 1:19 AM

Tuesday, July 07, 2009


Blogger's screwed again, refused to allow me to post my pictures up. So, short updates for now. Aight, finally changed my blogskin. The previous one was used for ages. How's the new one looking anyway?

& yes, I know I ought to be asleep and I ought to be attending that Accounting lecture at 11am. But well, maybe next week. So school's been a terrible stress, so badly that I think it made me develop an eating disorder. I can't stop eating! Omg, I need help. I've got to stop eating so much. Gees.
Proficiency Test 2; Wine Service this coming Wednesday. God, please let me perform well.

All the reminiscing with Gaya were great and I miss her already. Let's meet again this week. On a side note, those Cinnamon Melts from Macs weren't too bad. I ain't a cinnamon person, but that as a dessert/snack is pretty decent. Cept that it kinda feels like you're eating "man tous" (buns).

My legs are already aching from cheer practice. Gwen! More PT for you! Oh, and get well soon Mister Muscleman, you've got to resume your role as a bodyguard asap. Sayonara! (since I'm taking Japanese now)

looks like a solo tonight;

unraveled @ 4:40 AM

Thursday, July 02, 2009

♥ E;

Cause in your eyes i'd like to stay says (2:39 AM):
okay i just cut bangs

G; & the painted ponies go up and down. says (2:40 AM):

Cause in your eyes i'd like to stay says (2:40 AM):

G; & the painted ponies go up and down. says (2:40 AM):

Cause in your eyes i'd like to stay says (2:40 AM):

Cause in your eyes i'd like to stay says (2:41 AM):
i had fringe past me nose in sec 4
and i was watching tv one day and saw a girl wih bangs
i was like, nice
so i went into the room and cut bangs for myself

G; & the painted ponies go up and down. says (2:42 AM):
always doing this kinda random rubbish shit
but you are MADNESS.

G; & the painted ponies go up and down. says (2:43 AM):
i was wondering where the hell you went
idled for so long

unraveled @ 2:40 AM