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love is a riddle.
untold story

G; Lips that taste of tears,
they say, are the best for kissing.

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orangeeeeyy Missyan

eXTReMe Tracker
Sunday, February 22, 2009


i'm so supposed to be mugging now, but i've unknowingly been "taking a break" for like the past hour. so anyway i intend to take a bath after this post & then it's back to bloody orgbeh. goodness, the truckloads of information to stuff into my head. so not looking forward. i hope whatever went in remains there till after 11.30am tmr where i semester 1.2 officially comes to an end. my stomach's growling away, & i kinda crave for chicken chop for dinner.

i know i've been on a hiatus for quite awhile. so, valentine's has been good. met up with old friends and then received many many gifts after church service ended. i liked the way it went. thank you guys, for the gifts ((:
this whole entire week was jam-packed. really crazy, cheerleading training everyday. and with ig event and ssm measurements, it dint really leave me with much time to mug for that econs paper on friday. considering the fact that monday being my only free day, i instead slept the whole day away. but thank god, really. that i managed that paper well having only started studying for it late on thursday night after my tiring training. that even though throughout the paper, my mind was reminding me that i had to finish it fast so as to rush off to jurong west for cheerleading performance.
i'm really glad everything went well. i can't say that i'd score an A for that econs paper. but i know that i've done it relatively well (: praise God!

it was great to hear that i did well in the cheer performance. and now that euphoria is becoming an official ministry and trainings would continue, i cant wait to learn more. i love the sport, the ministry, the people. may god bless us (: let us continue to cheer, dance and fly! :D
cheerleading must be my second passion after badminton. haha.

so yeah, that was a quick update. i smell freedom in approximately 18 hour's time. i'm going to party the hols away!
p.s. & not forgetting to tidy up my messy room and wardrobe -.-

you're the soundtrack;

unraveled @ 5:32 PM

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


by requests from waiwai to put this
hardworking picture of him up.
there you go!

geogtravel test's over, marks the freedom for me. just for a few short days. but yeah, last two papers to go, and i'd have finish the race of semester one of my poly life. it's the last week of school and i cant help but hope that it goes by as slowly as possible. one of the times that i wished i could slow time down.
a few of us got down to playing captain's ball this noon after the test. and while running around was sure tiring, having sarah around is just plain hilarious. she is such a joy! hahaha. made me laugh so much i could hardly stand straight to catch the ball. siangchong was yet another joker there. i'm glad i decided to join in the game, i was initially being a very girly girl and not wanting to perspire. so anyway, the guys lured us all the way down to parklane thereafter, which we all along thought we were going to parkway, and not parklane.
ended up playing L4D in a lan shop, omg, my first virgin try at a lan shop. lol. and though i really dont like lan gaming, i must say that L4D is really fun, and not to mention, gory as well.

two more papers to go, i guess i should start studying soon. no more last minute mugging gwendelyn monique. tomorrow's thursday already, that's really fast. i guess i should at least attend the last orgbeh lecture?

i'll be there;

unraveled @ 11:27 AM

Monday, February 09, 2009


a pile of overdued pictures awaits. soon, i promise.
i'm elated that the five hell weeks are over. today was retarded, took a cab down just for commskills which only lasted for 10mins. no wait, prolly just 7mins. dumb mock interview thing. on a happier note, i'm over and done with comms! and also bcs ($@%^#$#!), publicspeaking, french! left with geogtravel, econs and orgbeh & WHAM! we'd no longer be freshies no more. though i cant bear to part from 1h03 still ):

this week's word was really cool. hah. love pastor kong. and the drama. i cant wait for part 2 of the sermon already. & it's still really great to be back at expo :D sunday was cellgroup. went for a dip in the pool before it started at delicia's condo. sadly, it wasnt long enough for me to get tanned. boo. but like dennis said, we'll go tan everyday once exams ends! hahaha, omg. we'd be totally barbecued!

finally managed to meet up with nigel, the diva. saw his spilt tongue, & omg, i'm still a little freaked out by it. haha. was chatting with him and we kinda reminisced back to the good old MI days. AND 07A3, I MISS YOU GUYS TONS! and also the rest who made up the PAE 07' batch. school was a real joy then. really. you're the most awesomest. it's great that we're all still pretty close. if only we could stay as 07A3. i love you guys, period. & yeah, we'll be meeting soon :D
jerome and my nineteenths!

midnight-movied and caught Underworld: the rise of the Lycans. i've taken a liking to it, though it's kinda gory. major destress with shane, dennis and seema before our movie. and omg, shane and i played DDR, uber old school please. oh gosh. it was funny!

it's the last week of lessons, let's make good use of our time left h03! loves :D

p.s. this post is in total random order and is made up of draggy/naggy sentences. happens when i'm in much of a sleepy state.


unraveled @ 11:38 PM

Tuesday, February 03, 2009


this post has absolutely zero purpose. i merely felt like blogging.
another week of hectic school days, i know i've been going on ranting about school for like the 123456789th post already. but i cant help it, we're just too stressed out!
i am glad to say that i'm finally recovering from being ill. it's good cause i really loathe the headaches and pains on my forehead.
commskills test later today, am really not looking forward to it. no, not at all. please just dont let me flunk it. i hope whatever i've remember is sufficient.

i'm hooked back on online shopping again. apparels, oh sweet apparels. mineeeeeee! as you can see, i'm getting slightly lunatic. & anyway, i really want to catch several movies like The Wedding Game, Love Matters, Alls Well Ends Well, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and Bride wars and Rachel Getting Married and etc etc etc. school has been holding me back, so ppl, call me out this weekend for movies! omg. so many many to watch!

i've been neglecting my beloved Junsu and of course DBSK as well for quite awhile. & yes, blame school again! so to reward myself for being so diligent, well not so diligent, rushing projects and meeting deadlines for the past few weeks, i was looking through many many pictures of DBSK just now. am now currently a satisfied and happy (for awhile) girl! JUNSU!!!

cause it's you;

unraveled @ 1:32 AM

Sunday, February 01, 2009


& as they say,
now let the pictures do the talking...


truly, little miss sunshine.




two pictures only, we were too busy playing wii :D



that's for not blogging for 123456789 days, blame it on hectic school schedule. well, in a blink, seven days of chinese new year 2009 has gone past already. & zomg, it's already feb? wasnt ytd like just the start of 2009? gosh, time's really ticking fast. i've not been keeping track of life itself either, just flowing down this rapid river of semester 1.2, which is coming to an end soon. it's sad that 1h03 is going our separate ways when just about a year back, we had all been put together, all from different walks of life.
my 3-4 weeks of hell was finally over on friday, that sums up to about a month. yet this coming week is going to be another challenge yet again. but i know i will pull through, i know i'd meet all the deadlines. cause God has carried me through the past month and i know that He would do it again for me (: though monday hasnt even arrived, i cant wait for this week to be over already.

so saturday night was really fever high. zoomed off after service with seema and chen cheng, since they joined me at service ytd. and yes, it was my first serivce back at expo ytd! am excited excited :D i miss expo much and the many familiar faces that i saw ytd were just great. yet, i do miss our jurong west building as well. aight, back to what i was saying... the gang gathered, consisting of myself, seema, chen cheng, dennis and marcus.

dinnered at this hawker centre at old airport road and took many many pictures. taught marcus a new feature to play with on his camera, hah! thereafter, went for a spin around the red light districts in Geylang and we were kinda blown away, drove to changi village thereafter and spun around too, looking at... you know what. then we drove to the old changi hospital. i must say that it's really huge please. seema drove us all the way to och's main gate and she & chen cheng even wanted to climb up this long staircase up to i dont know where. thank goodness the reluctant ones over-ruled the ones willing.
it was already say 1plus in the morning. we finally reached the 24hr hong kong cafe at kovan around 2plus in the morning and i seriously wonder how did dennis and i muster so much energy to cam-whore still when we're both actually really sickly.

so yeah, that was how my saturday night extended into the wee hours of sunday morning went. it was crazy crazy then sleepy sleepy cause i only got home close to 4am, and mummy was still up waiting for me. spending time out destressing with the gang was worth mummy's naggings of how i ought to have been asleep and that i'd never recover if i keep sleeping so late.

uh huh. heavy update eh? but i kinda like the picture spam. hahaha. another busy week ahead, so i'm off to work on my public speaking speech for now.


unraveled @ 8:07 PM