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love is a riddle.
untold story

G; Lips that taste of tears,
they say, are the best for kissing.

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orangeeeeyy Missyan

eXTReMe Tracker
Sunday, April 22, 2007

♥ TRACK <3

pictures from 18 april's national x-country (:

- YJC & MI :DD

- CJC, YJC & MI (:

- i miss you guys so much!

good work fiona & liwen! 07A3 will always be there to support you
guys! mwahhs. love love. it was nice to meet up after so long.
i miss a3 so much. & we cant deny that we are indeed drifting. kinda.
but we'll withstand the test of time yeah. though we're not able to meet
often, the bonds are still there. so when we do meet up, we'll play till
we drop! muahaha. i love you guys (:

wokay. shall go do work. tons of it. gees.

unraveled @ 4:35 PM

Saturday, April 21, 2007


well well, i was looking through old pictures again...

- the day O levels ended.



hohoho. reminiscence. haha. what a fruitful year last year.
i'll make this year a better one! awesome~ ((:
i'm injured. again. period. pfft.
my right hip this time. worn out. lalala~ sheesh. God, please bless me.

busy & exhausting week i had. jc's just really texting.
work's piling. & i'm struggling. but, i'd be fine. wont i?
uh-huh. yeaps. shall go get ready for lunch with mal then
off to church we go ((:

unraveled @ 12:30 PM

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


some day we will know...

wokay. dearest peeps. gwen the geek has once again sustained an injury -.-
due to excessive running, my right hip is worn out. thus, painful to walk
& climb. crappy aye. i guess i should really ensure that i'm perfectly healed
before i run again. dont wanna aggravate it. tsk tsk tsk.

on a lighter note, i'm feeling blissful (:
you feel my joy, don't you?

unraveled @ 11:13 PM

Saturday, April 14, 2007


yeah, i realised i've been MIA for days. but the hectic school schedule
i've got has pretty much left me with Hobson's choice. uh-huh. pfft.
anyhow, track training was cancelled yesterday, & thus, loy, eldora, mary
& i buzzed off to town (:

gosh, loy is TEN times more spastic than me can. lol. he's really funny.
eldora & i couldnt stop laughing at coffeebean in centrepoint. hah.
let's chill there again yeah. i need these kinda days to relieve stress. bahh.

& so, school work's still mountaining. tests are coming up.
one word. busy. & not to mention, frazzled. sigh*

the good old carefree days...

& this is now my new life...

oh well. shrugs. i love my life still anyway! :DD
wokay. needa get ready & go down to mal's house for lunch.
*yums. & then to church at indoor stadium. we're having usher
duty today. & it's such a big event. oh God, please bless us.
we're not even full-fledged ushers yet -.-

unraveled @ 11:50 AM

Sunday, April 08, 2007


Jesus Christ died, was buried & He rose again on the third day.
praise the Lord, the Almighty, my dearest Father.
yet another wonderful performance by the church drama
this year. i enjoyed it to the fullest, yet in the midst, not forgetting
His great love for us. thank you Jesus.

- easter people (:

wee. had dinner at thai express at city link after service ytd
with mal, mary, nigel & his girlfriend (: tim went off to meet his
friends. booo. uh-huh. nigel & his gf are really cute. hahaha.
dinner at thai express was filled with bloopers as usual.
mal kept trying to kiss me, pfft. lol. i escaped from her wrath!
dessert at gelare thereafter (: awesome, i finally got to eat my
honey malt crunch ice cream, heaven. chilled for quite a while
there. mal, that spastic girl, made funny faces at the ppl walking
outside. gees, what's new? but it was really hilarious. oh gosh.

well, nigel's gf, stephanie left after dessert, while the four of us
proceeded to our "reflective corner" again. haha. it's the area outside
esplanade. it was nice just sitting there, chatting the night away.
literally. we totally forgot bout time ticking away & it was about 11.30pm
when we rushed off for the train station from there. thank god there
were still train services (:
shall we spend all weekends like that? :DD

joke of the day (by tim):

a lil boy needed to pee desperately while on the train with mummy.
the flustered mother tried frantically to hush her boy, reassuring him
that their stop was about to come & then he could go pee.
but a mere three, four year old lil kiddo wouldn't really have the ability
to control aye?
he dint pee in the train, if that was what you were thinking.
well, the lil boy asked him mother suddenly, "mummy, can i pee in your
the mother was flabbergasted, cause you know, that kinda question's
kinda rude. tsk tsk. she was a lil offended but went on to ask her son
why did he ask such a question.
thereafter, the lil kid replied, "cause i saw daddy doing it!"
OH MY GOSH! gees. you bet, the mother's face did turn tomato red,
cause the entire train cabin she was in were laughing, at her of course.
(did you get it?)
it's a true story by the way.

- we're happy people! ((:
taken on the first day we went to our reflective corner.
haha. life's much better with them around.


- hugs & misses.
& 07A3's still the best class i've ever had.

unraveled @ 5:44 PM

Sunday, April 01, 2007


one of the reasons why you should keep your hands away from gwen (:

- courtesy of mal.

- this was done by mal.

- gaya's arm! by ME.

wokayy. haha. poor mary XP
oh well, i've been home all day. POS training was suddenly cancelled.
but but, i still aint sure if i should pull outta it. studies & cca's taking
up a lot of time. & i dont know if i should use my remaining time for
revision & all for POS instead. studies are more important, right?

i aggravated my leg injury yesterday accidentally. bahhhh. i forgot
about the muscle pull & ran because i was caught in the rain.
yeah, & of course the pain came back. craaaap. i honestly dont know if
i'd be able to do training tmr. pfft )): God please heal meeeeee (:

Easter service commences in less than a weeks' time. i am praying
over the friends that i have pledge to bring for easter :DD
the easter productions are duper fantabulous! so do come & experience
our love (: hah.
mary gave me a total shock during saturday's service. so abrupt can.

the night is getting late (according to daddy). so yeah, i shall hop into
my bed before i get yelled at.
& mal's coaching off to GENTING!!! pfft. come back soon!!! mwahhs ((:

daddy's precious princess,
mummy's little devil. -grins.

the people i look forward to daily :DD

unraveled @ 10:25 PM