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love is a riddle.
untold story

G; Lips that taste of tears,
they say, are the best for kissing.

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orangeeeeyy Missyan

eXTReMe Tracker
Wednesday, July 30, 2008


when i love you no matter what.

every cloud has its silver lining;

'that's when i love you' has been on repeat mode playing on my itunes. current record
stands at 43 counts. and, i'm glad i'm still not sick of it. rather, i think i've grown
attached to the song. it plays in the background as i study, it's replayed before i fall
into deep slumber, it's set as an alarm tone so i'd wake up to it. call it obsession, but i
think the lyrics to it touches my heart deeply.

anyhow, i dint wake up at my intended time, 40 mins late in fact. and so, it's currently
12.05pm and i'm left with one more chapter to go. time to get ready for school, i
specially took the chance of this interval to blog actually. well, i dont really know the
purpose for this post. *shrugs.

first lesson of the day, macroecons. and i think i'd be studying iht during class itself. wish
me luck for the test yo. i wonder how much information is retained. i am so stressed
please. F&B submission tmr, after iht test today, thank god our F&B's like done. oh man,
i simply love my groupmates please. thank you guys! next, commskills outline sub. on fri.
die, have not even touched it yet. then macroecons project sub. next monday and... my
group hasnt done anything yet, and so have i not touched my individual assignment for
macro either. so so dead. FOP this saturday (: i suppose i'd have to forgo working at the
NATAS fair. andand student forum meeting minutes by monday, ig shirt draft designs
by monday's meeting too! RAWR! it's amazing that i'm even aware of the manymany
tasks to do! so now, i shall go shower and get ready for school. goodbye!

when you don't have much to say;

unraveled @ 11:58 AM


you can count on my for life.

N, G & J.

J says i've got power fists!

you don't mess with us!

it's 3.24am currently and i'm only halfway through studying for iht. i've decided on
skipping rht lect, to stay home, wake up early, and mug for iht. rawr. so, you'd catch
me in school only at 2pm. intended time to wake up to mug, 9.30am.

school's been good. busy busy busy still. student forum's done. not too bad. though
writing the minutes made me strain my injured nerve on my right hand again. and it's
bad. i should go see a "sinseh" huh? i think the nerve's kinda badly injured? it's been for
a few weeks and it doesnt seem to be healing yet. well maybe it's cause i keep straining
it? right. shall see how it goes then. please recover soon ):

J and i chill at the weirdest places. like for eg. we sat on those benches you'd find
around/outside void decks, and she did her proj, while i mugged for iht. we've got weird
past times i tell you. so anyhow, J, retail therapy after this week hokay. dying already.
we need our shopping, haji laning and coffee club-ing. rawr. and thereafter, we'd be
chilling at changi airports so very soon to start studying for semestral examinations!
year 1.1 is sure flying past in a wink.

managed to chance upon this song that i like alot in J's lappie (:
so here it goes.

When you have to look away
When you don't have much to say
That's when I love you
I love you
Just that way

To hear you stumble when you speak
or see you walk with two left feet
That's when I love you
I love you endlessly

And when you're mad cause you lost a game
Forget im waiting in the rain
Baby I love you
I love you anyway

Cause here's my promise made tonight
You can count on me for life
Cause that's when I love you
When nothing you do could change my mind
The more I learn the more I love
The more my heart can't get enough
That's when I love you
When I love you no matter what

So when you turn to hide your eyes
Cause the movie, it made you cry
That's when I love you
I love you a little more each time

And when you can't quite match your clothes
Or when you laugh at your own jokes
That's when I love you
I love you more than you know

And when you forget that we had a date
Or that look that you give when you show up late
Baby I love you
I love you anyway

Cause here's my promise made tonight
You can count on me for life
Cause that's when I love you
When nothing you do could change my mind
The more I learn the more I love
The more my heart can't get enough
That's when I love you
When I love you no matter what

That's when I love you
When nothing baby
Nothing you do could change my mind
The more I learn the more i love
The more my heart can't get enough
Thats when I love you
When I love you
No matter what

No matter what
sweetest dreams, xoxo; G.

unraveled @ 3:11 AM

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


the beauty within.

actually, don't come over!

bad picture day, so we decided
on scrunched up poses (:

yoghurt ice cream :D

hohoho. yeaps, i said i'd be back to blog.
so, travel fair was tiring yo. buttttt, it was awesome.
the start was madness please, and singaporeans are really ugly. oh my goodness.
you've no idea how they surrounded me left right front back! well, cause i was giving
out the queue numbers. thanks alot. urgh. so... besides crawling all over me, they,
not only snatched the queue cards from me, but also snatched it in stacks.
like wth, you only need one queue number. ONE. why the hell do you want to grab
a stack for?! and thanks again for slitting my hand each time you guys pulled the cards.
urgh, i cant believe it. why so "kiasu"?! pfffft.

best part was, the customers scolded us for every single shit. queue took too long, scold.
service counter ppl dont want to give them the info, scold. queue not moving, scold.
agency doesnt want to give out the itineraries, scold. we know no info, scold. like hello?!
the travel ppl did not provide us with any info at all, not even the basics?! omg. RAWR.
to think i walked over to the counters to help enquire again and again. and then we get
ppl throwing the queue numbers in our faces, and sarcastic comments. right, we're just
very lowly paid part-timers, who are students, working for the fair. so thanks, uncles
& aunties, for being so nasty. i wonder how matured you ppl are. gosh.
& do not go to a travel fair if you dont want to fork out your time to wait!
ridiculous please. and i'm still going to work for them again at the NATAS fair this
weekend. rawrrrrrrrr. persevere momo, persevere!

not forgetting FOP this very weekend too. finally! (: wheeeeeeeeeeeee.

anyhow, after the fair, J and i went to chill at suntec city mall. i'm actually amused
that ppl do actually walk three rounds around the fountain of wealth while touching
its water. does it seriously work?
so yoghurt kept both of us happy, and so did shopping at fox :D that mall sure closes
pretty late. it must have been 10plus 11 that J and i finally took a bus ride home.
all in all, i had fun (: surprisingly, loads of tpians there.

2.18am now, i seriously doubt i'd be able to get up for F&B lect. though i said i'll make
an effort to attend it. but, by the looks of it... alright, i'll try. try.
student forum today. needa mug for iht test! f&b pbl submission thurs, commskills
submission friday. goodness, driving me mad. till then, goodnight :D


unraveled @ 1:45 AM

Monday, July 28, 2008


it's finally my 400th post (:

good morning morning sunshines! (:
it's 8.52am, and i'm gonna make a run for school or i'd be late.
am soooooo sleepy still please. class at 10am. pfft. oh, and my stomach's giving me
problems again, not good. i need my "pochai" pills. it's like my life-saver man!
haha. hokay dokay, see you all!
will blog about work tonight :D

unraveled @ 8:47 AM

Sunday, July 27, 2008


an umbilical cord.
-as said by nigel.

you're one funny dude with the weirdest ideas please!
anyhow, so today was comm skills test. rawr. it was hokay, but really lengthy.
thereafter, project project project again. but we had fun (: i love my f&b group mates.

went for sa tours work briefing with j, angelyn and evelyn.
i tell you, we're feel so cheated please! urgh. 12 hours of work, i'm going to die.
on a happier note, we're allocated to long haul flights, so we're pretty happy cause it
includes faraway destinations like america, europe and all. hah.
i hope all goes well. interestingly, there's some other tpians as well.
not really looking forward, experienced IT fairs before, it was tiring to the max! rawr.

over dinner at kenny rogers, marina square...

nigey wigey, G and J

nige! you moved.


dearest don came over to kennyrogers for a short while, and i realised that he'd
be working at the fair too (: yayness. remember pictures kay, we need to compare
it to our k1's, if we're ever able to retrieve those k1 pictures in the first place.

tourfairtourfairtourfair. and i'd have to miss service ):
perhaps i shouldnt have, but somehow i feel that it would be worth it.

aight, nights peeps. i'm almost 3/4 dead already. not enough sleep at all for the
entire week. pfft. shucks. sweetest dreams, loves; G.

unraveled @ 1:07 AM

Saturday, July 26, 2008

♥ 2.45AM;

it's early in the morning now, 2.45am. and commskills test is in a few hours'
time at 9.20am. so dead, i'm still not asleep. rawr. just kinda in a way, finished
studying. i hope that it'd be adequate :D

well, yesterday was sure fun. F&B madness all the way till 7plus in the night...
but it was laughter-filled. had an awesome time with dynna, adel, simon, baba
& arthur. you guys are coolness please, F&B F&B F&B all the way! haha.

thereafter, met up with J (:
had dinner at yakun cause we werent exactly hungry. and ended up eating only
half of what we ordered. that was bad. wasted food! haha.
oh well, chilled at esplanade. they've got cockroaches there! EEW! scared shit
outta J and i. pfft. it felt good staying out for the night, though there were early
morning lessons for both of us. we even took a bus back all the way from ms.
next date's up on thursday :D don't forget yo.

today's gonna be one messy day, my plans are unconfirmed. pfft. and i don't like
it what like that. rawr. anyhow, it's 2.52am, and i had better get to bed.
my posts always seem to end with me going to bed. haha. aight, sweet dreams folks (:

unraveled @ 2:33 AM

Friday, July 25, 2008


so let the pictures do the talkin' for now...

subway (:

G & J.

kiss, pout, pfft.

siangchong says: let's do your tilted pose!


sorry, had to cover adel cause she wasn't prepared.

momo's happy today (:
goodnight lovelies.

unraveled @ 1:34 AM

Thursday, July 24, 2008


simon was really sleeping, it aint a post.

HELLO HELLO! am like at marina square's subway now.
rawr. no school today, but project project project. i do not like PBL. pfft.
11am plus at esplanade's library, survived soundless conversations.
subway for brunch! (: and here i am, still at subway, still on the project.
boo. aight, on to FILA chart now! (wine list just now!)

unraveled @ 5:53 PM


it was just being kept away.
but tonight, it leaped out for a moment.

pompompom presentation's over.

baba asleep!

well well, we're all finally done with pom presentation. so now, we may heave a sigh of
relieve. *phewwwww. anyway, the presentation today was fun-ness. hilarious maxed.
i'd show you pictures of it in the next post perhaps? (:

my pompompom group mates, well done! G double O D J O B, GOOD JOB!


momo, cw, sarah, fel lee, pj.

*note how red/tan i am... -.-

now, a few pictures from OLYMPIAK! 08'
there'd be more to come, so stay tuned...


HTMIG & Soccer champs :D


G, S, J!
don't bother asking what i'm doing,
cause i've got no idea either.


am happy cause...
there's no school on thursday!
am sad cause...
F&B project meeting at the esplanade instead.

sleep sleep sleep, i need slp. meeting 11plus at the "durian" later.
and meeting baba at 10am to bus down! gosh. 2.40am. RAWR.

unraveled @ 1:52 AM

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Father has the time came?


i've got to be in sch by 8am! ohmygoodnesswhatamistilldoingonlineandnotsleeping?!
goodnight lovelies.
oh, and i love you, xiah! :D

Father is that You i hear calling?
i'd jump for joy & sing praises of You.

unraveled @ 11:31 PM

Monday, July 21, 2008


into Your glory.

i am going to go bonkers soon! rawr. work work work. do work momo!
don't procrastinate any longer. pfft. finally done with POMPOMPOM, break time now.
and after this post, it's back to F&B mugging. goodness, there's just too much to
memorise for the F&B test tmr! goodness ): some have given up, should i too? it's
tempting, since it weighs only 10%. but, it's important right? this 10%. right?
rawr. i'll see how it goes, just stuff in however much i can. i hope my brain would
expand more. hah. oh well. wish me luck. welcome.

on a happier note, i've got dates upcoming :D


unraveled @ 11:54 PM


i know You are my God.

beancurd with jamie!

rawr. shant blog about olympiak! first. waiting for jamie to send over the pictures to me.
but it went pretty alright. had loads and loads of fun! GOOD JOB TO ALL IGIANS! :D

so church today, awesome awesome. and i finally memorized and took down the lyrics
of the new worship song. wow, i think i've got a great memory :D anyhow, celebrated
delicia's sweet fifteenth during fellowship, at mos burger. they've got great lighting
there for taking pictures man. shall take many many pictures there in the future. hah.
and went over to mal's place after fellowship, thanks kenny for driving. rawr, great
convenience please. yeap yeap. saw welan, and lee eng yong who owes me lollipops!
fangirling over at mal's place thereafter. awww *melts into a puddle (:
camwhored while in the midst of melting. haha. alright, i'm really just crapping here
tonight. oh well, pictures! (some of it...)

latest phone model!

hello? pfft!

mal (cut off); momo; faith.
i am so pink ):

mirror mirror standing against the wall;

omgoodness, i'm really really pink can. 8am-4+pm in the sun! wearing black polo
tee. rawr. i was practically radiating! and uneven tanlines! ): boooo. i'm so flushed,
i dont even need to apply blusher now. and my arms and legs are all pink too.
boohoo. it's gonna stay this way for the next few days, and i cant even go to the
beach to even my tan cause projects and tests just weighs me down this week.
cries. why did i not apply sunblock?! pfft. oh well. i did wanted to tan. but not in
this manner! haha.

aight. goodnight yo. i'm hungry hungry hungry :D

unraveled @ 1:39 AM

Saturday, July 19, 2008


for great is my God.

and so, iht presentation is finally over! and to all of our surprise, we did awesome
for our group report! omgoodness. felicia! dont cryyy. great job everyone (:
rht test over too, goodness, SPSS! bane of my life ):

OLYMPIAK! later, and again, i should really be sleeping. butttt, i just painted my
nails red. so while waiting for it to dry, i decided to blog (: today's a really good day.
rawr. test went o-kay. presentation went well. oh! but my feet hurt like mad.
killer heels please and with those amount of stairs in school. pfft.
hokay dokay, i'm really excited about OLYMPIAK! so... i should go get rest (:

let the pictures do the talkin'...





you are greatly to be praised.

unraveled @ 1:01 AM