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love is a riddle.
untold story

G; Lips that taste of tears,
they say, are the best for kissing.

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orangeeeeyy Missyan

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Monday, June 28, 2010

MICE project is finally O-V-E-R! Hallelujah. Oh my goodness, it's like a tonne of burden had just been lifted off my shoulders. And yeah, I've at last fallen sick as well. Cough and migraine :/ I'm actually waiting to see the doctor now. Couldn't at all get up this morning. Not even with two alarms and seventy-seven calls from Yunting. You power luh (Y) Win already. Hahaha. I'm just too worn out. I guess we all are.

Two more projects and one more individual assignment to go apart from the class tests and final examination. Thinking of the coming sleepless nights, spending weekends in school, and doing reports and designing for more than twelve hours a day makes me shudder. It's like a never ending nightmare. A nightmare that I've already gotten used to. Weirdly, I kinda like it. Maybe not the sleepless nights and spending weekends in school but I've to admit that having to churn out reports endlessly makes me feel productive and tells me that I've not gotten that dumb since entering poly. Yeah, I'm weird like that.

It's Monday again; another week of working hard. I pray for God's grace and strength. Nothing is impossible, God can turn your circumstances around even when it seems the least possible. And he did so for me. Praise God ((:

unraveled @ 4:28 PM

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Hello you. It's a Sunday and guess what?! I AM IN SCHOOL. ZOMGWTHBBQ?! This week has got to be one of the worst weeks. In school for an entire week straight, seven days. 9am till 9, 10, 11pm. Semester 3's projects are a killer, like seriously. But well, tough as it may be, I'm getting used to this routine already. I just crave for more rest cause I'm really all worn out.

Achieved Single Lib with Marcus again (Y) and got my pop twist back though not very sharp, but at least I did it again. But the circumstances at cheer now makes me gloomy. Disappointing. How people can fail you, it's really disheartening. Is this a test from God?

It's 6.04pm at current, I'm still stuck in Business sch with my project mates. Our weekends were completely burnt, I feel depressed. Someone take me out soon please :/

unraveled @ 12:04 PM

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

♥ Raindrops and Ribena.

Hello all. It's actually raining out there and freezing cold in MICE lecture now. Half an hour left and the lecturer is only at page 4 out of 6 of today's notes. I wonder if she'll be able to finish it but she always does somehow. Oh well. I'm so glad I'm done with my MICE project tasks for ytd such that I can move on to another section of the project now. I feel a sense of relief although I'm kinda worried about MICE project since its submission is just next Monday. There's so many deadlines to meet and it's all piling up, it feels like it's tough to breathe normally anymore. But I pray for God's grace to be upon me, and expand my capacity so that I am able to do more.

Just yesterday, I've had horrendous thoughts of dropping out of poly. & I'm amazed that I was actually seriously considering it :/ but I know better than to do that. I've come so far, giving up ain't an option anymore. I realized that I just got to have to press on and take this narrow way. Above all I'm thankful for my groupmates this semester, really.

Everything seems to be caving in, but this is just yet another test. A trial, an obstacle. & I know that my God will never place me in situations which I am not able to handle. So imma emerge victorious. You bet I will.

It's cheer recruitment day today. Am really looking forward to doing stunts again later. I miss cheer much and I miss Euphoria too! Alright enough of my rants for the day. Apel tutorial now. Zzz.

unraveled @ 2:22 PM

Saturday, June 19, 2010

One down, three more to go! Finally done with F&B. Zomg. What a relief, buttttt DPD individual aint done. Oh goodness. Why is there always a never ending stream of work to do?! I just want to lie around, hang out, shop and party with my friends :/ I know, I've been whining about this since forever. Oh well. Happy Daddy's day in advance. I love you Daddy

We're driving down the road
I wonder if you know
I'm trying so hard not to get caught up now
But you're just so cool, run your hands through your hair
Absentmindedly makin' me want you

unraveled @ 9:15 PM

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

♥ There's something about the way the street looks when it's just rained.

Hello blogsphere. You've been neglected for a long long while, about time I revived you. So... where do I begin anyway? Right, Asia Conference POS. I wouldn't exactly say it was fantastically awesome, but still I'm really proud of Poly/Ite cluster (Y) Thank you all for putting in your utmost efforts into POS 2010. I sure miss trainings now, every Mondays, Wednesdays and Sundays. I miss all the times doing the awesomes, opening stunt, 221, btosses, ticktock, teddy bear, & even the dance. I actually miss every single thing about POS now that it is really over :/ Though I'm really glad we're still keeping the bond, let's not let this fade away. Love you guys deep deep ♥ AHWOO!

Rather than the end of POS, I'd say it's just the beginning. Cheer recruitment next week, & then off we go again. We start all over again (Y) I like. Well, besides being busy with cheer trainings, cheer appreciation, cheer cluster shirts and ministry meetings, I've been bombarded with projects as well. But well, I guess that's just the life of a year 3. Though I really think I need a breather, or if time could stop? (Okay, enough with talking about the impossibility)

Anyhow, look here for some picture updates of outing with Joy & Yunting -> CLICK!
Liz & Michelle had to leave earlier though. Outing soon again girls ^^

Life is full of ups and downs, & unfortunately, I've hit another down again :/

Hey everyone in the hall, listen up!
Army of God we'll wage the war
We care & love with all our hearts
Salt & light for Jesus Christ
Making every second every moment count
We'll fight & storm the world, EMERGE!
Passion, fire & with zeal
Raise a generation in the call of God
Storming in Asia with youth & all
To bring revival all throughout!

unraveled @ 1:20 AM