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love is a riddle.
untold story

G; Lips that taste of tears,
they say, are the best for kissing.

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orangeeeeyy Missyan

eXTReMe Tracker
Wednesday, February 28, 2007


presenting the march babies :DD

- tim (25th), me (9th), jerome (8th) & joyce (1st).

- tim (25th), nigle (23rd), me (9th), jerome (8th) & joyce (1st).

amazing how such a short sentence would make my day
jared: "Gwen, we're taking you out on your birthday."
it means so much to me, & thank you, 07A3.
you guys are so sweet, it makes parting difficult.

comin' from the lips of an angel,
hearin' those words it makes me weak.

bahhhh. life at MI's gonna be so quiet tmr. mal & jaz withdrew.
jerome cant come anymore cause parents making noise...
sobs. few more days till pae ends officially. could we stop
the hourglass right here, right now? i know i'd be a crying
kid on the last day of school. but i wont be able to control
that kinda emotions on that day, so pardon me.
i cant bear to leave. what else can i do? we're gathered
together only to part. kinda ridiculous, but that's life.
talking about it now, makes me wanna start weeping.
how do i get through the last day in MI?

07A3; tickle me baby

unraveled @ 10:36 PM

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


sick. yes sick. i am feverish.
must be due to all the chinese new year binging.
i think my throat's sore ):

& so, joyce & i wore ij uniform today. hah. we've
got chosen days that we'd wear it. yayness.

- fiona, me, maira & joyce :DD
(only maira's the real ij girl. lol)

- haemal's ambigram (:


- guanlin & i love the handicap toilets.

- hello lil' bin (:

last week...

- class jersey :DD

well, well, we skipped ms ng's lit class today. as a protest.
& to show how much we dislike her. i'm thinking we might
get into detention. hah. but mr azlan (home tutor), discipline
teacher, said that he'll be taking our class if we get into
detention for that. so... it'll be better i guess? hah. we went to
tell king azlan that we wanna skip ms ng's lesson, cause she
insulted one of our classmates badly, & he was pretty cool
about it. advised us on what to do like writing her a letter,
saying that we're not skipping, we're protesting.
lol. right right. but ultimately he did tell us to go for the lesson
& not skip it. oh well, we still dint. i skipped h1 math today
again. the teacher's horrible, you cant blame me :D

chilled with maira, nigel, jerome, zhan wei & haemal at westmall
before heading home. if only jc life would be this carefree.
i'd better wake up from my dreams... hah. jerome would say
"you'd better wake up your idea!" haha (:

poor sickly me. i'd better turn in. kinda fancy sleeping
earlier these few nights. weird huh? bahhh.
OH, boooooo, mal & jaz are withdrawing tmr )):
cause all those going to poly would have to pay for march's
school fees if they continue staying in sch till 6th march.
pfft. wth. i'd be soooooo sad. sobs.

goodnight. goodnight.

unraveled @ 10:16 PM

Monday, February 26, 2007


well, well, tiring day today. lessons all the way till 5pm.
so exhausted that i nearly missed my bus-stop when i was
dozing off on the bus. hah. tomorrow's gonna be a longggg
day again. 8am to 5pm. boohoo. but never mind. at least i've
got 07A3 :DD loves. badminton day again tomorrow. yayness.
have to lug my rackets to school though. bahhh. but but, jerome
offered to carry it around for me. yayness (: thank you!

our class shirt's out. like quite some time ago. hah.
but i dint have the time to post it. so yeah...

the crest on the left breast:

& the back of my shirt (:

a gift from albert, jared, zai, maira & me to mr azlan (:

- it says 07A3.

sometimes daddy's really ridiculous. sigh.
what the difference with me staying & not going over there just
yet? i really dont comprehend your thinking. & neither do you
understand mine. -sigh-

Running away you can’t pretend,
up to the door and back again with me.

unraveled @ 10:09 PM

Sunday, February 25, 2007


wokay. & so i stayed home all day.
thought of spending some time home with daddy today &
cause i was too exhausted to go anywhere. but instead,
daddy went out -.- so i was left all home alone. pfft.
ack, it's alright i guess, since i managed to watch meteor
garden without daddy hogging the television. yes, i know that
show was so yesterday, who cares? hah.
i've been hooked to the manga 'fruits basket' too. kinda surprising
yeah? normally, i wouldnt touch comics or animes. however,
as rare as fossils, i do occasionally get hooked onto some anime.
uh-huh. so i'm off once i'm done with this post to go read book
3. thing is, it's in chinese & i'm not falling to sleep while reading
it. hah. it's good cause it's gonna help me maintain my chinese standard.
at least till i'm done with it in jc1, if i make it to jc :D

mal & i went for some audition for show host by kids central.
coincidentally, we bumped into jazreel there! my jaw dropped when
i spotted her amidst the tons of applicants there, which i was told
was about a 1000. gees. so probability of hitching it is really low.
& since i kinda screwed up the first part of my audition, bahhhh.
somehow when we face the camera... all of us went... blank. hah.
crap, & we kinda like waited there ever since morning 9plus all
the way till 5plus in the evening before we stepped into the audition
room for say, less than 2 minutes? gees. well, it was worth a shot (:
since this is what i'm interested in, the more experience i get from it
the better (: awesome. we were rotting while waiting, so what else
but cam-whoring would ease our frustrations?

- these shades belongs to An, a friend we made at the auditions (:

- JAZREEL loves ME!

- the bimbs.

cam-whoring dint stop when i got home either.

on the second day of chinese new year (:

- mwahhs :DD

okay dokay. Gwen out.
the comic's waiting. & there's still school tomorrow!
weeeeee. 07A3 you're missed. the movie with some classmates
on friday was good (: we watched 'Just Follow Law'
it's was alright. but not one of Jack Neo's best though.
next movie's 'Hannibal Rising'. can we seriously please dont watch
that? -whines. boooooooooooooo.

i just want to be more like You
walk with You beside me Lord.

unraveled @ 11:47 PM

Thursday, February 22, 2007


the stupid haze is annoying me. giving me difficulties in
breathing again. gees. & again, it's got sth to do with indonesia.
as so said mal. bahh. please stopppppp ):

freakin' skipped lessons today. lol. together with mal, jaz &
jerome. and thus, it was how i landed with this neo-print...

(click to enlarge)

tiring day i had. geography was balls of fun. outta-classroom
teaching again. awesome. there was a game of captain's ball,
in which we had to score from different 'grids' (the court was
divided) & each time you score, you'd have to answer a question.
obviously related to geog. yeahh, only when you answer it
correctly that you can cross out that grid. hah. i'm surprised
that i even got the question on the world's replacement rate
correctly. thank god for that. haha. & only the person who scores
can answer the question. no help from team mates. boohoo.
i got hurt too. dammit. lol. i leaped & landed (mermaid pose)
on the floor & even slided, while trying to block/snatch it. lol.
awesome huh? lalala. my poor hips. bahhhh.

& next, i got scratched while playing captain's ball, again,
during pe. down on my luck. boohoo. basically, i only had
attended geography & pe today. haemal, maira, kala & i
decided to skip our h1 math too today. cause it's really boring.
haha. praying hard that i wont get into trouble. lalala```

anyhow, movie tmr with 07A3! awesomeness :DD
& then cell group meeting after that. yayy ((:
love love. i feel like eating myojo instant noodles with
garlic chili :P rawr!

unraveled @ 10:01 PM

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


my newest eye candy...
crazily in love with his hawtness :P

- matt long (young johnny blaze from ghost rider)

- when you're unaware.

- & i loved you all along.

- it makes me weak.

random post again it'll be. i realised i dont really have
anything to blog about.
well, nonsensical rantings, here goes...

- i reckon my class jersey is totally awesome.
- because it's red and black.
- i needa do up mal's birthday card.
- i needa go get her present.
- not so much of a surprise anymore aint it?
- well well, she still wont know what the card would look like &
what present i'm getting her. so yeah. hah.
- am uber pissed off by someone today.
- kinda flared up right there at KFC.
- mal & jaz got afraid of me. lol.
- wanted to take neos with nigel & mal today, but no time.
- i should sleep early.
- trying hard not to procrastinate.
- pe tmr, good day to burn those cny fats.
- i've got an annoying zit on my left eyelid.
- cries.
- i feel exhausted already.
- i laughed so much in school today, my tummy kinda hurt.
- i am missing kristle.
- i am anticipating school tmr.

` would you lie with me & just forget the world?

*gwendelyn monique out*

unraveled @ 10:21 PM

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


havent been blogging for the past few days again i know.
so yeah, here i am. again.

uh huh uh huh. went movie-ing with spencer, maira, zai,
jared and albert today. watched ghost rider at vivocity.
not too bad. though i was laughing at the wrong timings
and screamed quite a lot. hah. cant blame me -pouts.
the devils pop out suddenly outta nowhere! bleh :P

i wanna watch more movies!!! -hint hint. hah. back to school
tmr, cant wait. alright, photos from chinese new year.
then off to bed i go -smiles.

- dearest mummy.

- i love this picture ((:

-li ling, micah & me ((:

- zai look! that's the necklace you gave i'm wearing ((:

- name's bobby, only 4 mths old -hugs!

- & i love you all so very much.

- fingers by li shan -.-

- photo shoot? hah.

- shining star, micah.

- kids apparel. lol.

- no one knew staircases were that fun aye?


- the TAN's angels?


- overnight madness.

- natural cam-whores.

- i love you li ling!

- & i still do not know how her name's spelt :P

- i love you too karmen!

- what happens when you're too hooked onto the xbox.

- we were told to act cool. too cool at that aye?

- & this we were told to act macho.

haha. took many many more pictures. but yeah.
i wont put all up, it's a hell load. uh-huh, i was pretty hooked
onto the xbox too. playing 'dead or alive 3'.
never knew it was that fun :P

i miss mal, jaz, nigel & 07A3! bout another 8 more hours
till i see them (: yayness.

` the splendor of the King

unraveled @ 11:13 PM

Thursday, February 15, 2007


everyday's VALENTINE's when you're in good company (:

- my works (:

- i did this for gumgum (:

- our gifts :D


- from Zai to me (:

- a card, heart-shaped pendant necklace & the rabbit sweets ((:

- from YANA!

- from nic joel, "best friend"

- a card, a bear, a crucifix necklace & a bottle of stars :D

thank you guys so so soooo much. i really love all the presents a
hell load ((: and i appreciate all the efforts put in. you guys have
made valentine 07' memorable and special -hugs. and by this i meant
07A3 too :D cheers mates! love love love.
and of course mal and jazreel too! mwahhs!

and yes! pru's rose too! hah. sorry babe. THANK YOU! :DD
gaya and renu are not to be forgotten too.
outing soon yeah. i dunno when though. hah :P


unraveled @ 10:45 PM