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love is a riddle.
untold story

G; Lips that taste of tears,
they say, are the best for kissing.

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orangeeeeyy Missyan

eXTReMe Tracker
Sunday, September 28, 2008


hello there (: imma leave for malaysia soon. cameron and genting highlands! like finally. hah. well, i should get going soon, meeting the rest at serangoon interchange & then head down to golden mile :D urm, part of me feels weird, cause i'm actually homesick already. yeah, just thinking of it makes me homesick already. gosh.
aight, 3D2N. i'd be back in a jiffy. aw man, i'm gonna miss my youtube. and not forgetting gg's episode 5's gonna be out. rawr. hokay dokay, i'll save the long ramblings.
toodles :D


unraveled @ 7:40 PM

Thursday, September 25, 2008


at powerhouse one morning.

all gleeful to be back at expo.

sour cream & onion.

procrastinated again, what's new? din't tidy room, i only got up at 5plus in the evening cause i only went to bed at 8am. haha. youtube entertained me for the night. it's currently 3.25am, and i should really be hitting the hay soon, working later.
hah, clement got me the frolick badge, as promised :D yay. and you bet, i'm craving for that frozen yogurt already. yums, i think i should really just stock up on some yogurt at home as a substitute. haha. well, holidays are almost a month over. i'm loving the holidays yet i can't wait for the new semester to start. pray hard that i'd get the cds-es of my choice, and a good time-table this sem. it's gonna be one hell of another crazily busy semester (:

so the highlands trip is only just three days away, and man, i'm getting more excited. without mom and dad with me, i'm gonna be missing them ): how weird it is huh, when you're around them, you'd aways want to run away from their nagging but when you're finally away, you miss them. haha. i'd better check if i've got auto-roam, i'd want to call them. i realised i dont know what to pack... dont even know which bag to bring. gosh. shucks. had better call J soon to pack pack pack! it'd be a nice lil' getaway :D
mom mentioned that she may head to bangkok in october, if possible (i pray hard it is!), i'd get her to take me along. hahaha, how can i miss going to bangkok *grins.

& gosh, i really need to start saving. there's just endless wants to fulfill. like clothes, that's needless to say. new bags, accessories, yadaa yadaa. i should start looking out for new phones soon. the omnia would be good but i kinda think it's a lil big for me, ah shrugs. i'm still an avid sony ericsson fan (: &&& how bout canon's powershot e1?! the only thing that i'd have to think twice about it is that it runs on AA batteries ): oh, and the holga and the vivatar camera. aaaaahhhh. not forgetting that arise & build campaign is coming soon, like real soon, meaning... i cant go around spending like how i want to. shucks. but it's okay! my lord will provide :D
oh, & i still don't know if i should get my room painted. hmmms...

give & it will be given to you;

unraveled @ 3:12 AM

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


let pictures do the talking.

look at mal, not me :D

clement din't pout.

i want that!

pepperlunch-ed with clement yesterday noon, and we collected our shutter shades :D coolio. practice was sadly, canceled ): so with all my training gear, we decided to head home first since we stay only a few blocks apart. waited for mallory to get off work, before we headed to chomps for a scrumptious dinner.
can you believe that dear girl has never tried eating lala before?! like how can?! gees, so we made her try and she ended up snatching more of it than i did. chicken wings, kangkong and sugarcane juice completed out meal. frolick next, and it was awesome. i love love loveeeee it please. mal's virgin go at frolick, gees. that girl seem to be from the countryside or something.
and since training was canceled, raymond and i dint meet for dinner. so i couldn't try out that syrup limau drink, hah. but it's okay, next practice you drive me to that pratashop and we have dinner kay, raymond! :D
finally a day of rest today. my messy bedroom however is calling out to me, about time huh?

flavoured frozen yogurt,
topped with strawberries;

unraveled @ 1:44 AM

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Jesus, He conquered the grave.

MAJOR BOO-HOO ): cheerleading practice's canceled today ): so here i am back home. was supposed to bus down, after lunch with clement, to have dinner with raymond, prata prata prata and to try out that syrup limau thingy. butttttttt, while lunching halfway, received text that practice's canceled ): pfft. so am home now to dump my stuff and to rest before going out to chomps later with clement again, and mallory.
to add on, i've gotta miss two practices cause i'd be away in malaysia. *cries. urgh, shan't slack away. i shall take this time to self-practice more. when i go back to training again, raymond you're gonna help me with the pop! hah.
anyhow, am feeling really sleepy. i hope i wouldnt fall aslp or clement would have to wait for me again. muahaha. lunch at pepperlunch just now. hmms, what should i have for dinner?

He is mighty to save;

unraveled @ 5:09 PM

Monday, September 22, 2008


it's where people come into Your love.
yes i'm gonna tell the world how awesome is this place!

ah, 3am already. that's 12 hours prior to my starting time for work today. i'm happy yet sad to be working. happy cause i'm earning extra bucks for malaysia trip, sad cause... i can't rest today? hahaha. oh well, it's one and a half month long of holidays, i'd better earn some extra shopping money! :D
anyhow, training yesterday was hilarious to the max. goodness, had a great laugh please. you should really see raymond's face when he became a flyer today! by flyer, i don't actually mean that we tossed him, it just means that he did a shoulder stand. hah, anyway looking at him trying to lock his body was *indescibable*. he had this "omgidontknowhowtolockiamgoingtofallnowcantfindmybalancesmilesmilesmile" face. sorry raymond, that look is unforgettable! to top it off, he was screaming! (more than i did, and i only screamed once!) kay luh, cute luh okay! haha. and so was julian funny when he did a shoulder stand as well, he kept grabbing jesse everywhere and to end it off, he even used her head to stabilise himself. ahh, i know you guys don't really get the picture, but oh well. i'm laughing as i'm typing now :D
so i kinda over-cracked my back and i'm in pain ): kinwei's too strong, he was helping me to crack my spine but i guess he used too much strength so from being really "shiok" just now, it's killing me now. hah. but still, thank you (: oh, and i tell you... i'm super guilty please. due to not being able to really lock myself totally yet, i urm... accidentally injured both raymond and kinwei at where it matters. i am so sorry! i will train myself hard to lock totally! ah yes, they were helping me learn how to pop down and i kinda swung backwards and urm.. yah. you get the picture.

moving on, it's just six more days to the malaysia trip! zomg! *jumps around* maybe i should start packing huh?
down to bugis with clement on tuesday to that photography place and then off to SP for training again in the evening, and being such a nice friend, he has volunteered to send me there :D i am really blessed please. hah, and i realised that i dint even have to take any public transportation on sunday. kenny drove me to church. raymond drove us to rica's house, chilled there, then raymond drove us all to SP for practice. after practice, syma (idk how to spell her name!) drove me back home. praise the lord! :D
it's raining cats and dogs out there now, so goodnight.

shout Hallelujah!

unraveled @ 2:40 AM

Sunday, September 21, 2008


no matter what happens
here i am standing.

for the longest time, i'm early and on time today. but sadly, kenny sia just woke up when i phoned him. rawr. it's okay, my turn to wait :D leaves me time to blog as well. haha.
anyhow, i snatched a really cheap deal ytd and finally bought my long-wanted gladiator sandals :D which makes me a really happy kid now. managed to grab what was on my shopping list ytd while out with my darling mal and kamy. mal got her shoes too, however kamy dint manage to get a pair of boots that was to her liking. it's okay, we'll shop again! :D
prayer meet had the three of us girls and jacob attending ytd only. and zomg, i lost my phone in church. must have slipped out when squatted down to grab my stuff. thank god, the kind soul who picked it up sent it straight to the reception for me, or i'd be getting an earful from thy parents again. i shall be more cautious, lost phone once before, don't wanna lose any no more.
service today, then lunch+dinner, then it's cheerleading practice at SP at 6pm! awesomeness. hopefully raymond drives to church today *grins.
right, i'm already typing as slowly as i can but kenny's still not calling. oh well, i shall do some online shopping perhaps? :D

let's waste time,
chasing cars;

unraveled @ 11:20 AM

Saturday, September 20, 2008


pixelated pictures ahead.
my damn camera died on me.

almost completed liberty!

hokay, so as planned, i did have lunch with clement then frolick-ed :D thanks for the treats yo. (btw, i am so so so hungry now that i just want to go to bed!) anyhow, i had prata prata for lunch while he had maggi goreng -.- eh, i cook for you luh dey! well, i took the longest time to eat my one egg one kosong cause we talked alot, and i really mean alot. like verbal vomit. finally had my favourite frolick, too bad no badges available today ): but fruity pebbles made up for it (:
rushed off for grandmama's dinner, it was kinda boring. god-grandma you see. so i wasnt close to any of my god-cousins no more. but it was nice seeing them luh, after so long.
when the dinner was finally over, i rushed over to rica's condo, i tell you, it's the most magnificent condo i've seen thus far. really really pretty, the pool and all the day beds and everything else, zomg. rawr. but i got bitten by mosquitoes, nine bites in all. they love me too much, itchyness to the max please. mopiko saved my day!
bbq started and as usual, i was chef for the night. together with mal love. hahaha, we ruled the pit yo. the place for the bbq was beautiful and spacious. 2 pits, one at each end, in the middle is a huge counter and behind it are the mini fridge, a lil ice container, stoves and the hot plate thingy. goodness. above all, it's all sheltered. so no worries even if it rains. condo managements are screwed however, the security guard kept coming over complaining, same thing happened at tiv's condo during h03 bbq as well. gees.
cooked, rested, ate, cooked again. hah. i tried doing "liberty"s on mal and kenny. aint that perfect cause they dont really know how to grab me and how to balance me! haha. we had hell of a laughter though.

so prayer meet's later on in the evening in jurong west. shopping with kamy love and mal in the noon. god please kick me outta bed again. close to 6am already now, hallelujah.

eyeing that holga!
chef momo;

unraveled @ 5:26 AM

Friday, September 19, 2008


we're supposed to be on a roller coaster ride.

my legs aren't burnt,
i had black stockings on.

mal sends her love.

almost forgot bout these prints. so brother aint home for me to use his scanner, so i whipped out my camera and tried my best to snap clear enough images of the prints. yeah, it's kinda blur, but i did my best using macro mode already. anyhow, it's the grandmama's bday dinner and cellgrp bbq today. gotta rush rush around. rawr.
meet up with clement for lunch, frolick frolick frolick! god, please help kick me outta bed when the alarm rings later. i've been bad, snoozing and snoozing all the time. never waking up when my alarm rings. so ytd i had wanted to get outta bed at 12plus, i only managed to get outta slumber at 5pm. shucks, it's always like this during the hols. and it aint good, my bioclock's totally screwed. i need to change it back! then again, the mind is willing, but the flesh isnt. shit.
anyhow, gonna get clement to accompany me to central to get my tights as well, i need it for practices. thereafter rush off for the dinners. ack.
i am craving for frolick, chocolate, bulgogi (korean beef stick), mochi icecream, beef noodles, etc. aaaahhhhhh. too many to satisfy.
p.s. brother, the dove chocolate bar sitting in your room is getting extremely tempting.

narang gachi yeogi isseo;

unraveled @ 1:11 AM

Thursday, September 18, 2008

♥ H-H-H-03!

The 1H03 BBQ @ The Florida.

Gwen & Abz!

CW, Abz & Gwen.

our host for the night, tiv!



Cheng Wai.

highlight of the night,

Simon doesn't want to grow up.

Arthur, Simon & Cheng Wai.

so yesterday's bbq wasnt exactly a blast, cause only half the class managed to make it. nonetheless we had our fun. did loads of the cooking, it was actually enjoyable playing around cept that the heat from the pit was really overwhelming. turns out, we bought too much food. thus we tried our best to finish up all, so at the end of the night, all of us were really bloated. we also had a bottle of Chateau, which was too bitter for us. but still, thanks tiv for the wine! :D
played a new game called "Homojaleh" (is this how you spell it?) which got us all really excited! we'll play again again kay! sentosa outing next week aight!
well, all the cooking, screaming and eating got me all tired out for the night. still, i stayed up all night watching youtube, videos after videos. omg. i think i'm becoming a youtube addict, or rahter, dbsk addict ((:

anyhow my whole week's packed again, from tmr onwards. and cheerleading practice's on sunday night. awesomeness. i'm really looking forward to it though i'm still aching from the last session! and and prayer meet on saturday night. whee. i'm loving it. it's just ten more days to the malaysia trip, yay!
i've recently got my eyes on canon's latest powershot e1! and i want it in cotton pink (: oh, i've been thinking if i should change my phone again. the apple iphone and samsung's omnia are both tempting, maybe the omnia slightly more cause it's the haptic phone! haha. aight, i dont think you really get me. but yeah.
darren's taking me on the flyer in october! :D

break one sweep;


unraveled @ 9:33 PM