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love is a riddle.
untold story

G; Lips that taste of tears,
they say, are the best for kissing.

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orangeeeeyy Missyan

eXTReMe Tracker
Sunday, May 25, 2008


it's been a really long week, though monday was a public holiday.
i took mc on tuesday itself cause i'm really sick, and got an extra off day to rest.
after dropping by the gp's, i had loads of time till meeting boyf, thus, i paid a visit
to some of my cousins(: it was good seeing them after what seemed like years.

anyhow, back to the point, i think it was due to the two tests that made this week
felt like a hundred years. of course, i'm exaggerating here. i pray hard that i'd do
alright. pretty please.
other than that, it was great playing badminton on thursday. finally had the
showdown with the "sports elite". hah, the outcome... after the "smacks" and "high
balls"... well, i shall leave it to your imagination. haha.

the way to relax after doing FILA charts... take pictures with your classmates.

there's more... i'll post em up when i get em yeah (:
cell group and prayer meet's been awesome for me today! for more on this, stay
tuned to my livejournal blog.
service tmr! lalala.

on the downside, i've been missing my dearest one really badly ):
havent seen boyf for three days straight already. he's been studying hard, and it wasnt
convenient for us to meet. exams next week, all the best baby!
on a happier note, i'd get to meet him later after church. these were three
torturous days please. DARLING I MISS YOU TERRIBLY!

unraveled @ 12:17 AM

Sunday, May 18, 2008


h03's ccn (campus care network) day! :D
we dint earn as much as others, but nevertheless, it was a great success!
and we had loads of fun. some of us girls donned on uniforms.
that was part of our marketing strategy. and it worked. captured attention
everywhere we went. many even thought we weren't from temesek.
maybe we honestly look that young :D

wanying; the "guai kia"

wanying. abby. hui juan. chong ning.

felicia lee. sarah. felicia ng. adeline. jacqueline. wanying. tivona. abby.


lil' school girls (:

G double O D J O B
poly life proved to be better. though it's getting more hectic.
i pray hard i would be able to cope.
projects projects projects! aaaaahhhh. screams. momo shall work very very hard.

oh congratulate me cause i got into htm IG (interest grp). comfort me cause i'd be
quitting badminton as it clashes with cell grp on saturdays ):

anyhow, am gonna play some mahjong online with baby and hooper for awhile before
heading to bed. service's tmr, and elroy's coming with me! yay. goodnight yo.

i love you, my one and only dearest.
you are everything to me.
my sunshine, my shelter.
my precious one, i'll never let you go!
god loves you and me (:

unraveled @ 12:46 AM

Sunday, May 11, 2008




8.10am, on an early saturday morning. say, where were you?
that was the time i reached school this saturday morning.
i kind of just realised that there's not even one day that i can sleep in.
no, not even weekends ): well, saturday's badminton training and sunday's church.
oh gosh, no good rest at all. i want sleeeeeeeeeep ):

still, i'm thrilled that i actually got through the trials for badminton and am on to
round 2 of the trials for HTMIG (hospitality and tourism management interest group).
uh huh. i think i'm gonna be busy busy ): with all the assignments, which i dont even
like know what and when. goodness. i need a big whiteboard to hang in my room to
write everything down! seriously.

well, training was tired tired tired. rawr. maybe it was cause i am sick. thankfully,
mr wong, the coach, cut down the amount that i had to do. but still, rawr, it was
draining. and the next training's like on monday. like doesnt make sense at all.
trainings on mondays and saturdays. you practically only get one day to recover after
training on saturday, then you get to rest for four days after monday's training.
rawr. not well spreaded out ):

i miss my darling boyf. i hope we'll be able to meet today! thank you darling for
always being there for me (: your gilf's so troublesome right?! hah. i love you!

unraveled @ 12:58 AM

Friday, May 09, 2008


hello blogospherians.
yes, i know that word doesnt exist, but whatever.
so yeah, i created a livejournal account. this blogspot will still be in use.
i'll blog on lj from time to time (:

anyhow, i'm pretty sick now. my nose is leaking and it's itching really bad.
am annoyed. RAWR! aight, i should go to bed.
school's at 10am!

unraveled @ 1:49 AM

Monday, May 05, 2008


look how cute prisca eats her chew stick! :D

lil kitty i was playing with in school (:

i'm like aching all over pls. due to badminton trials. rawr.
well, i went through the 1st round, then 2nd, and now, i'm finally in.
but, i'm still kinda half-hearted. and i dont know why.
dont get it wrong, i still love badminton, i've still got this satisfying feeling when i
hold my racket. but i just dont really think that i still want to play it at a
competitive level. maybe it's right that i should have a change, do a new sport.
try out new things? yeah. maybe.

i miss my baby. see you later aight! i'd be stinky later! RAWR.
shall go wash up and get you to call. school later at 9am...
baby i love you!

unraveled @ 1:28 AM

Thursday, May 01, 2008



love you dearest baby.
well, we had dinner at shin kushiya over at vivocity.
the ambience there was great (:
thereafter headed to the rooftop to chill.
i love sitting by somewhere, anywhere, just to hang around with baby.
baby got me a book! loves. kinda seem like another task from him to complete.
hah. i hope you love your presents.
happy awesome seventh month dearest!

and so, tutorial time. researching for hospitality and tourism...
here. i. come... ):

unraveled @ 11:59 PM