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love is a riddle.
untold story

G; Lips that taste of tears,
they say, are the best for kissing.

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orangeeeeyy Missyan

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Friday, January 29, 2010


& this is how my nails look like currently. I've managed to not screw up any finger nor toe nails, and thank God for that cause I've ran out of the remover. It's 3.49am already and I very much want to jump into bed, but cause I'm still waiting for the nails to dry further, I can't.

Well, today was liberating. Thursday, I mean. It felt as though a whole tonne of weight has been lifted off my shoulders. This week-ful of CRS interview, FEM & TTB Presentations and the Culture exhibition was madness. Just on Wednesday night, we stayed all the way till 11.15pm in school to do up our Culture exhibition board, as well as to construct our mummy, Eddie. Am extremely grateful that there's no school on Fridays, I need this well-deserved break. I need sleep, period.

So now, there's still CSIT presentation and the FEM Reflection Paper left, and perhaps the TTB class test coming up soon. Sometimes there's really no time for you to breathe. I shall use the long weekend to catch up on sleep.

Minds cafe (or is it Settlers?) with Kristle and the cousins later/tomorrow (Y) :D Dry. Nails, dry!!! Goodnightzzz.

If only;

unraveled @ 3:32 AM

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Some time last year on friendster,

"Hi Pretty,
How are you doing and how is life going on with you down there ? I am B**** W***** by name and i am widower, I am new on the site and i am looking for a serious relationship on here . I was searching through profiles and i found your profile very interesting and i would love to know more about you get close with you if you dont mind. Please email me back soon so we can start communicating and i dont mind if you can email me on my personal email address which is xxxxxxx@yahoo.com.
Please email me soon and i will be hoping to read from you soon.
Take care and God Bless.

Which I have just uncovered from friendster after not logging on in a million years (Y).


unraveled @ 2:44 AM

Saturday, January 23, 2010


This semester is no doubt the worst ever. & if I thought that Economics, POM, BCS and RHT was the bane of my life, it wasn't till I had Management Accounting last semester, & now Accounting & Finance. Projects are killing, thank God it's almost, almost over. Am not even the slightest bit relieved that the weekends have arrived, cause that only means more work to do and that next week is inching nearer. Next week is going to be another level of hell, presentations. Every single damn day. I know, what's so tough about presentations right? Well, try remembering all the details in all the reports and then having a face to face Q&A sessions. Not fun at all. I need 25th Feb to arrive soon, it marks the end of Semester 2.2. Hallelujah.

Seem like a bad start to 2010 already. But no, it's all going to change. I will not allow 2010 to be a bad year. I need organization, but don't I already have an organizer? How come it ain't working? I guess I'll just have to hang in there, my Lord will be my strength. I know I've been missing from this space for quite awhile, but sorry blogsphere, I've found another space that is a million times more enticing than you are, but I'll still love mybrooklynbridge.blogspot.

You know, I really have no need for another liar around me. You are a big, fat hypocrite & I can't stand your act anymore. Save it, really. You upset me, & I do not like it. & the only way that I deal with such situations is to lock you out of my life. Period.

Poker face,

unraveled @ 4:50 AM

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Oh, grow up already;

unraveled @ 11:03 PM

Wednesday, January 06, 2010


I'm scared, and at a lost. It's tough, and terrible.
It takes every last bit of strength in me to take this step,
to freeze time for a little while.
& you need to know it pains me as much as it does to you.

unraveled @ 3:20 AM