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love is a riddle.
untold story

G; Lips that taste of tears,
they say, are the best for kissing.

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orangeeeeyy Missyan

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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

♥ ONE;

Screw CSIT. God, nothing is going in. 3.57am. Great. Let's hope whatever I read about Cultural & Heritage, Eco-, Food & Wine, Educational, and Dark tourism is somewhere floating in my brain. & I also pray that I will somehow be able to do the paper well later. Amen. Sleepy time. Less than 3 hours of sleep left, shit.

Lee's flight is approximately 2 hours away from arriving at Terminal 3 :D Awesomezzz. Eggcited. Hokay go sleep goodnightz kbye.


unraveled @ 3:51 AM

Monday, December 28, 2009


Great. School is in less than 12hours' time ):


unraveled @ 3:09 AM

Thursday, December 24, 2009


We just keep on getting better.

Happy Christmas Eve! :D

Okay not so happy for me still cause:

1. Lee is in Europe.
2. Six more days till he returns.
3. School is starting on the 28th.
4. Projects projects projects.
5. Deadlines!
7. January, the crazy month is arriving in a week's time.
8. Have not bought printer ink.
9. No idea if I passed Accounting & Finance.
10. Lee is STILL in Europe.

So I know neoprints was like last century, but that was the cousins' first outing. Can you believe it?! Zomg. Our family gathering last week was great. Spent two nights over at Ling's place and it was like the good old times again. I guess the next sleepover would be during CNY, and I can't wait :D

Rebel last night was crazy shit. So packed it was overflowing. & God knows why were there uncles and aunties there. Great, so now they decide to catch up with times? What a place. I know I may sound pretty mean, but it's not funny when uncles try to grind you. Period.

I shall watch tv and have dinner with Daddy now and I shall be back to blog again :D

So can I have this dance;

unraveled @ 7:17 PM

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Seem like not even holidays would make me blog more often. Well, maybe that's just life saying it's fine, and all is well. That's good, right? I've got this recent immense urge of wanting to travel. I guess it's just part of growing up, the older you get, the more you'd want to look at the world. I really hope to at least fly to Bangkok (shopping, omg!) or Taiwan in 2010. Does this count as a new year resolution?

Time is really ticking, half of December has already flew by and the next thing you know, it's already 2010. I can't say that I'm really looking forward because January is going to be a crazy month at school. Total madness, I don't even want to think about it now. But on a happier note, Lee is ORD-ing (Y), & turning twenty-one. Chinese New Year is crawling nearer too, and my birthday is soon. Not so much about turning twenty ): But hey, I love birthdays! :DDD

P.S. Gotta start planning on how to keep myself preoccupied for the twelve days that Lee is going to be in Europe.

Swirling clouds in violet haze;

unraveled @ 2:42 AM

Thursday, December 03, 2009


Am again down under the weather and I know I should really have been sleeping by now. All thanks to the hour plus nap I took in the evening and the supper just taken at 1plus that I'm still here blogging. Well, at least I'd managed to cough up some words for the Culture report. I ain't sure how much help that is, but I hope to wake up early enough to complete my report. Will be taking medical leave from school. I won't want to be dealing with a leaking nose and itchy throat in school. G, you shall very diligently complete your report asap.

If all goes well, I'd be getting the Corby later on! Mummy gave the green lights and the funds for it already. Not bad, considering that I've only mentioned to her on Tuesday. It's time to sign a new plan, I need the unlimited smses. Hallelujah.

Sleepy time again. Am so going to get scolded for sleeping late again, but you know I love this look on your face right? Sweet dreams blogsphere.


unraveled @ 4:38 AM

Wednesday, December 02, 2009


Dinner at MOF was really good. It wasn't just the food, but the great service provided, satisfied me a great deal (Y). Love the entire look and ambience of the restaurant as well, most of all, completed by Lee's company. Totally made my day.

Time check, 1244am. Sleepy. So it's off to bed. Falling sick again, thanks to being last minute about my assignment and not sleeping cause I had to churn out an entire report within the night. Keep that in mind and start working on Culture's report, G.

I want that Corby;

unraveled @ 12:37 AM