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love is a riddle.
untold story

G; Lips that taste of tears,
they say, are the best for kissing.

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orangeeeeyy Missyan

eXTReMe Tracker
Sunday, March 29, 2009


We've only just begun.

Shopping with Mother later and cheerleading in the evening.
Goodnight & sleep tight.

I'm coming back to the heart of worship.


unraveled @ 2:42 AM

Saturday, March 28, 2009


More pictures again, here. Enjoy.
Anyhow, I got mummy to buy chili crab for me for supper. & just as she said, it was a King crab. Huge, and heavy. I am currently extremely bloated and I'm not even done with it yet. It's stashed away in the fridge for now. Imma devour it again when I wake up.
Sipping on my "cooling" drink bought from m'sia keeps me happy for the moment.

Watch this, if you're feeling a lil' down. It might crack you up.

P.s. Where's E tonight?!

you taste just like glitter;

unraveled @ 3:40 AM


Reynold & Siang Chong at H03 chalet.

unraveled @ 1:06 AM

Friday, March 27, 2009



I don't know what to say about this.

This is for future use.


Wokay, dimsum supper and then Mustafa-ed after cheer practice on Wednesday. Good stuff please. We dimsum supper sometime soon again aight. For now, please allow me to be a good girl to stay home and clear my messy room and not return home late at 3/4plus in the morning. My room, procrastination. I know right?

I won't elaborate on cheer practice on Wednesday just yet, cause imma sneak into the room to sleep now. I don't want another scolding from daddy. Pffft. And as for Mustafa, just click here and here to satisfy the pictures-hungry you.

Tanning later! Please be sunny. & I also can't wait to collect my badminton racket later and using it to play :D Cellgroup in the evening. Packed day. Roar. Sleep tight ((:

one more;

unraveled @ 3:43 AM

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Cheerobics 09' was awesome, had a tiring but great day nonetheless! :D
It takes a massive order of oily, unhealthy and fattening food, completed with Frolick frozen yogurt flavoured cup C to keep us cheerleaders happy. I want my favourite yogurt again soon, pretty please :D

& I simply can't wait for practice later. All the clusters would be there, I am eggcited! So anyhow, Euphoria meeting at city hall on Monday. It's a wonder the amount of pictures we generate just by standing in the basement of Raffles City after meeting ended.
Had birthday lunch with the Diva before that, HAPPY TWENTY-SECOND LOVE! Did some good catching up. We'll go pub soon!

For now, imma climb into bed. Lack of sleep totally for the past week, or might be even more than a week. Sleep in, finally. Do not disturb me, and i mean it.

P.s. Dennis Tan! I want late lunch later before cheer!

Cheer, Dance, Fly;

unraveled @ 3:25 AM

Sunday, March 22, 2009


After service, at T3 with Kamy.

After Bible Study, at Hall 2 with Delicia.

Ajisen Ramen, where's Rachel?!
Leslie, Shayne & Scott.

Leslie's stupid fingers, and I look surprisingly tanned.

Departing for Genting.

Waiting for the bus to KL; Scott, Leslie, Kristle & Lamont.

Random pictures from everywhere yo. I'm sick again, the flu bug has caught me. Look at the picture, second from top, and you can kinda tell. Damn. Me no like the runny nose, but me kinda like the low voice though. Hah. Anyhow, I can't blog bout Genting trip yet cause I'm still waiting for the pictures from Kristle and Rachel's camera. Which reminds me, I've not gotten down to blogging bout last year's Genting trip with J, Shawn and Ben. LOL.

Thursday's trip to Haji Lane with E was good, cept that we totally forgot to take pictures. Gees. I'm totally loving the new manicure that we did together, which by the way only cost us $5 again cause we signed up for some package. This time not only did it dry pretty fast, it looks glossy and pretty as well. Thank God. Haji Lane and Bugis Street shopping, I'm sure we'd be heading back there soon. At this rate, imma go broke. Pubbing soon, *grins. Love you love me!

Millions of years has passed and I finally got to play badminton again. Sad part was that I sent my precious racket to be restringed and regripped, so I was using my brother's throughout the entire three hours. It nearly left me a blister and made playing kinda uncomfortable. I'm really excited to pick up my precious racket soon though, light blue string with yellow grip. hahaha. Yes, it was on purpose.

Dined at Ajisen Ramen thereafter, and I must say that they sure give big servings. Loads of noodles, madness. The night was still young so Leslie and I headed over to Rachel's, and omg, we mahjong-ed the night away. My "Tai Tai Lesson"! Soon again :D
Did I forget to mention that Rachel has two really adorable Maltese?! I'm completely in love with them.

Aight, am off to hit the hay. I need rest, loads of it. And it's Cheerobics today, omg. Excited. Gonna see Dennis Tan again and Vanessa, and many many others! All the best guys! See you later. Take many many pictures yo ((:

& forever I will sing;

unraveled @ 2:22 AM

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Hello world. It's roughly another two hours before I shower and then start getting ready and all to head to Golden Mile. Genting it is, for full four days. Do you think i might make it for cheer practice? I doubt it, I might prolly reach Singapore kinda late on Wednesday. I'll miss facebook and this blog. Seem like the online world really takes a hold of you somtimes huh?

So anyway, I'm blogging from this really small netbook of Kristle's now, and it ain't easy to type. But well, I had to blog before I leave. CHEERS TO LIVERPOOL, 4 - 1 YO! Man Utd fans all over the coach later, I hope they wouldn't murder me in my sleep.

Boy, I miss your kisses;

unraveled @ 2:04 AM

Saturday, March 14, 2009


I'm all zonked out and have been lying lazily on my sofa over here at home for at least two and a half hours. I first said that I'd pack my bag at 4pm, and then it became 4.30pm, and it's now already 4.42pm. Well, 5.30pm then. Am missing out on bible study and service today, and it doesn't feel right being home on a Saturday. I shall at least catch service online.

Well girls, never go to far east's top floor and do your manicure for just $5 from that shop that uses their own hand-written poster. Perhaps i ought to have looked to my left and noticed that the opposite store, which looks better, also offers express mani at $5, then maybe I wouldn't be fretting over my nails. Their fantastic nail polish never seem to dry. OPI, the bottle says. What's really inside, I can't be sure that it's really OPI now. Eldora, when I return, we're going to redo our nails together. Yes, thank you.

The sky is really dark out there now and it's only 4.49pm. Rainy days, where are my ice-cream?! Coming to think of it, I haven't had chocolates for a pretty long while. Goodness, how can that be?! And no, I'm not trying to shed some kilos. I'm happy with my weight, but I'm working on those leg raises for a firmer tummy though :D No Eldora, you do not need to lose anymore weight. Please, however, put on some.

So yesterday have been good. Met up with Eldora, talked/blabbered/ranted alot. That was a few good hours before Eka and his friends joined us. Went down to Clarke Quay from Far East, and as expected, my dearest Gomes was indeed clubbing there again. Pretty much still look the same. Oh God, I missed you. & I know that you know that. Well, i doubt Gomes reads blogs, but I love you much army boy :D

Home sweet home, finally at 1am. I very much wanted to pack my stuff but laziness got the better of me. Lunched with none other than Eldora again today, one day I might get sick of you! Hahaha. Known her since... Primary 3. 10 years ago, that sums up to a decade. You were the girl with two pony-tails and the girly C-watch, that I wanted (mine was the male C-watch, I later got my parents to buy me the Powerpuff Girls' C-watch :D), then. Now, you're the girl who neither teachers nor friends in YJ could tell me apart from. I still don't see how they can't seem to tell us apart, but I guess that's just you and me ((:

5.08pm, I shall nap before catching service online. Or maybe Geo Challenge away.

You're a killer;

unraveled @ 4:10 PM


Please head over here (dated Sat, 14 Mar.) for today's post. It's 4.20am, and I'm sneaking off to bed. I will be back to blog later :D LOVE MANY MANY!

Smile baby;

unraveled @ 4:14 AM

Thursday, March 12, 2009



Vanessa and Dennis :D

Kristle. (Ignore the middle finger.)

Scott, Lamont and Leslie.
(& Kristle the photographer.)

Mango cake, I love.

Happy girl.


Big thank you to all the lovelies who spent my nineteenth with me, you can see their pictures on here. Cept for Alvin's picture, we forgot to take one! He came specially to the foot of my block to pass me present and then sat for hours to chat, thank you too (: So yes guys, i had a great birthday! And not forgetting those who sent their wishes to me on Facebook, Msn and through SMS as well, thank you thank you thank you!!! :DDD

Seema, KG, Julian.


Had supper ytd night after cheer practice, finally. It's been a pretty long while since I had supper out like that. Maybe it was good to be away from home for awhile, I don't quite fancy the atmosphere at home recently and I hope that it would change soon. So anyway, Dennis was missing from the usual clique ): and so it wasn't the usual clique then. Okay, who just understood what I had just said? Never mind that.

Moving on, supps at some random coffeeshop near KG's place. We sat and chatted till 2am in the morning, I think? With Julian saying "Okay, let's go" every say... half hour? Hahaha. Scrambled back to Seema's car only to contemplate life further for bout another hour before making our way back.
Cheer practice was quiet yet funny in its own ways ytd. hahaha. Learnt all the basics all over again. Locking, saving, PA stand, shoulder-sit, shoulder-stand, flying, basing, spotting. hahaha.

Countdown two days to Genting trip. I'm fretting over what to bring and what to wear. I'm really excited. Ah gees, this post is going nowhere already. Be back when I've got more stuff to blog on. Tomorrow is going to be a happy day cause i'm meeting Goh You Eldora! Wokay, love you guys many many.

On a weird note, I do not know whether to cry or jump for joy at the sight of my results -.-

Boy, you make me smile;

unraveled @ 9:08 PM

Monday, March 09, 2009


happy birthday song (korean)

saengil chukha hamnida!

goodbye eighteenth;

unraveled @ 11:10 AM