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love is a riddle.
untold story

G; Lips that taste of tears,
they say, are the best for kissing.

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orangeeeeyy Missyan

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Monday, April 28, 2008


week 2 at tp. still awesome thus far (: though some lectures/tutorials can be really dry.
makes you just wanna fall aslp and start dreaming about floating cows. hah. especially
on blue mondays, it's gets you really bored. but still, i pulled through the day.

went for badminton tryouts with my classmate, wanying, today. and yay! we're through
to the 2nd round of trials (: i tell you, we were like shaking! i think that very very full
"high tea" we had kinda made us all queasy inside. nonetheless, yayness! i think my
love for badminton has kinda been reignited. the feeling of just gripping the racket...

baby came to pick me up at school today! (: THANK YOU DARLING! though you were
like uber tired. i'm happy happy happy.

cheerleading tyouts' tmr. should i go? well, i did sign up for it. but... going for it is actually
a whole new decision. i'm kind of lazy. i think i'll just see my mood then. heh. oh i like
finally bought my num slippers, got braziliano praia instead of havaianas. baby got a pair
as well. that was $99.80 on slippers, thank god i've got vouchers, pretty much covered
70% of the total cost. wheeee. loves.

Jesus you're the one i admire most;

unraveled @ 11:41 PM

Saturday, April 26, 2008

♥ H03!

hiatus again, i know. but school's been keeping me busy.
and i love it. for now. hah.
well, i cant have a better class, love h03. haha. gees. that's kinda cheesy, wasnt it?
i reckon that our class motto should be like 'you'll never walk alone', judging that we
always seem to be lost, as a class. i guess this is what all freshies go through. get lost,
get laughed at & teased by your seniors, feel dumb, continue walking, somehow manage
to find our way.

all in all, business sch's orientation was pretty okay. mass dance, hand sign song,
sch song, and all those cheers that comes with different coloured flags. i'm elated to
have found h03. i cant say that we've been great from the start, but we're definitely
working our way there. it takes effort yo, each and everyone of our efforts. & really,
thanks for making the effort.

lectures only for this week, so far so good. took every opportunity of every break and
early releases to bond the class. be it at terminal3, safra tampines, biz park canteen,
the out of bounds auditorium entrance, lunches etc... h03 has come together as a class.
and i bet i'd be enjoying school everyday (:

overgrown kids at the playground.

4/6 of h03 gentlemen.

9/17 of h03 ladies.

the very lil few of us played 'crocodile' at a nearby playground to pass time before htm's
orientation ytd. uh huh. the game was sure fun, but i kept getting caught. no fair. rawr!
anyhow, though at first reluctant, it was indeed good that we went for htm's orientation
in the end. 14 outta 23 of us attended, we were much short in numbers and loudness.
nonetheless, we made the best outta it. though we got scared by the ghost stories that
our leaders told us, we managed to complete this game called prison break (:
h03 won most enthusiastic class for the orientation. should have seen all our faces when
the title was awarded to us... totally "HUH?!".
h03! you guys are awesome! loves.

so yeah, dont forget those tutorials due this coming week! gosh, i need a printer.

pictures snapped with bff after church.
it was decades ago since our last.

in the midst of everything going on, thank you daddy god for being with me.
thank you for an awesome business school, and the lovely h03. it almost feels like family
already. father, there is nothing that you cant do for me. and i love you deeply.
p.s. sorry that i keep dozing off before our lil chats these nights.
i long to hear your voice.

and to my precious boyf, i know it's been a tough week. a hard patch you're going
through now darling. but hang in there. i may not know what to say, but i'm always
always here. baby keep on praying, god will take you all the way.
i love you no matter what, very very much (:
go boyfriend, go!

dinner time, daddy's 'oi-ing' me. rawr!
tatas, might be back later.

unraveled @ 7:04 PM

Thursday, April 17, 2008


hello moo. enjoy your last one minute of your birthday.
it's 11.59pm! rawr. gees, you're really really getting old.

i am cow
hear me moo
i weigh twice as much as you
& i look good on a barbeque

thank you for being such a great friend :D

unraveled @ 11:59 PM


visited bugis today, baby and i.
well, we originally wanted to go for the Doctor Fish treatment thingy.
the one where you're soaked into a pool of fish and they eat your dead skin!
but when we got to the entrance... haha. let's just say that we felt weird. haha.
ack, another day then perhaps (:

we also walked around bugis, so much that my legs are aching now and orientation's
like later... bahh. we covered tan quee lan street, bugis street and also bugis junction
itself. rawr. so tired.
thereafter, had dinner with shaun's dad and some relatives. it's hilarious how his dad
reckoned that he shouldn't still ... (ask me online if you want XP) and how much he
wants to slap shaun's head for that. oh gee. embarrassed? yes, i was.
dinner was good, especially that asam fish head curry *slurps.
got to play some pool with baby at his uncle's house, though his baby cousin, brayden,
kept disrupting our game. he's really adorable (:

right, anyhow, love and i caught 'Definitely, Maybe' yesterday. i love that show, though
kinda complicated. to have found love and lost it, and then finding it again.
dinner at Secret Recipe was delicious. that pan-fried grill of the day, some fish thingy
with lobster sauce :D

at last, orientation's here. 8.30am. that's bloody early. sleep, i need sleep.
changed url finally. mybrooklynbridge.blogspot instead. why? cause someone decided
it'd be fun to create a blog using thybrooklynbridge so that i wont be able to use that
url no more. shrugs. for all the trouble and time you took to go create that blog, what
reaction were you expecting outta me? hah, i seriously wonder.

goodnight blogspot.
oh, and to my radiant sunshine,
i love you darling.

unraveled @ 1:12 AM

Sunday, April 13, 2008


my daddy god paid me a lil visit, just.
and he said, "i'm always here with you."

unraveled @ 3:51 AM

Saturday, April 12, 2008


have you ever had times that you feel so down?
well, i do. just somewhere, somehow, inside of me...
i'm starting to feel really empty.
i don't know how, i don't know why.
tell me, what's lacking?

p.s. take note, changing url to thybrooklynbridge.blogspot soon.

unraveled @ 1:15 AM

Thursday, April 10, 2008


has anyone seen gwen?
i think i lost her somewhere along the way.

living in nothing but a masquerade;

unraveled @ 3:45 PM


i am moody. again. someone get me outta this.
the feeling suck. makes you just all moodless to do anything.
though my salted veg soup did cheer me up a lil and of course boyf's phone call.
but this tide of moodiness just came in again. gees.
well, maybe when boyf calls again in awhile i'd get cheered up.

slept till 4pm today, dont say i'm a pig, i only slept about 5plus 6 in the morning.
so i aint no pig at all. met boyf at his house bus stop and walked back to his house with
him. amazing how guys can be like all sickish, but the meer sight or sound of a soccer
ball can somehow just make them well enough to kick the ball. and so i stood around,
watching baby kick around with his neighbour, this lil kid. and again, his dogs, pluto
and prisca managed to escape through the gate when baby's sister came out. and yeah,
had to chase 'em dogs again. i went after the easier one though, prisca.
thereafter, just basically had dinner and chilled at his house. yeah yeah, nothing much
to blog today. i should get going, baby wants to sleep.

i hope tomorrow, or rather today, would be a better day. i dont want no waves of
moodiness again. amen.

once again, attention! changing url of my blog to thybrooklynbridge.blogspot.com soon!

unraveled @ 2:29 AM

Wednesday, April 09, 2008


these are some of what i bought.

ralph lauren classic tote.

look at my pretty esprit bling bling brolly (:

planners for baby and myself.
$19.90 each can.
practically spent an hour at artbox choosing
planners alone, cause baby had some cellgrp
celebration thingy on.

and this aren't even half of what i splurged on. omg. someone stop me!
i also finally bought my korean phrasebook today! one only though. will do for now.
happy happy. am about to order more stuff online. tsk tsk tsk.

maybe i'll just watch some korean videos on youtube (:

unraveled @ 2:59 AM


hello y'all (:
take note! i'm gonna change my blog's url to
soon! (: so remember to relink hokay.

well well, i dint end up going for orientation anyway. hah. but it's okay, so long as i
dont miss business school's orientation. which is one week away.
i've been spending tons due to online shopping. and i cant stop cause i think i'm
addicted to it. oh noooooo ):
another part of my money's flying out to cab fares. shucks!

on another note, i might change my email too. hah. shall start wrecking my brains
for a new email.

anyhow, boyf's watching soccer now, liverpool vs arsenal. i hope liverpool wins!
so from now till half time, i shall binge on peppermint chocolates and viwawa away.

unraveled @ 2:38 AM

Monday, April 07, 2008


morning blogsphere.
had just fallen aslp at 4plus, barely 2 hours later, here i am. getting ready for
orientation. am so not looking forward. i wish i could just sleep in. but even so, sleeping
now seem like a major dificulty. firstly, i cant get to sleep. toss and turn, here and there.
might be hours later when i finally slip into lalaland. but hardly even three to four hours
later, not knowing why or what, my eyes would just open. sometimes if i'm lucky, i'd
go straight back to sleep again, other times, it'd take about another half hour or an hour
or so before i get back to sleep. this is frustrating.

anyhow, monday did not have a good start to it. besides having less than 2 hours of
humid sleep, mummy scolded me just and god knows why, both my legs are aching
badly. i just wanna cry. and prolly just tuck back into bed, stare at the ceiling and try to
get more sleep. however, no. i promised baby i'd go and have fun in school today.
orientation hasn't even started, my mind's already at the part where i would leave today.
i miss my baby. really.

father please heal my aching legs. please guide me along today;

unraveled @ 6:59 AM

Friday, April 04, 2008


cause momo's on a shopping spree.
online shopping spree.

& there's still part II of baby's present. bought him a topman belt of his choice the
other day. and hopefully today, we'd be able to get to fcuk before it closes, again.
to get baby his tee (: and i'm wishing i'd get my bag today too. hehe.

loves; am out.

unraveled @ 2:59 PM

Thursday, April 03, 2008


but baby forbids me to eat now. boo ): cause he wants me to go to bed after ryan
reaches his house. yeah, it's 2.43am, no doubt about that. guys and their soccer match.
liverpool vs arsenal! go liverpool, go! liverpool wins = happy baby = happy me (:
yeah, hungry = badddddd headache. -screams!

and so i practically pulled all our sixth month photos into one big collage. heh.
(i'm sooooooo hungry.) yeah, baby surprised me with 50 tea light candles spelling
'i love you' (: thank you darling!
you know, i'm soooo hungry my headache's really bad. so, i'd just write more tmr
hokay. urgh. gastric on the wayyyy ):

goodnight and sweet dreams.

unraveled @ 2:33 AM

Tuesday, April 01, 2008


(boyf's tomato soup aint in the pic though)

look, he got me some candy floss (:

yeaps, we celebrated our monthsary at new york new york.
i want the tomato soup next time baby! i think i'm starting to love what you love. haha(:
and so it was a good celebration, cept that i hadnt got you your presents cause retail
stores closes so early! haha. tomorrow tomorrow. and thanks for your present baby!
i love it. very very much. and am still awaiting my birthday present. heh. and i already
know that i'm gonna love it much.

yeaps, will blog in detail tmr. so many more pictures!
am lazy and tired and i want to talk to boyf on the phone now.

art that you'd appreciate and love when it's from your love (:

from baby to me (:
& you're my sunshine too!

unraveled @ 11:31 PM



you're rocking my world yo.

6th month baby. that's 184 days together.
wow darling. it sure seemed much longer.
and i love you more than ever, the love grows daily.
maybe even hourly. i love you to bits.

you're my boyfriend, you're my soul mate, you're my best friend, you're my tower.
through all the storms and winds, we've hang in till this far. and i know that nothing's
gonna break us down. you & me, it's written in the heavenly book, till death do us
part. no one else i want to be with, it's your arms that i want to fall asleep in, it's you
i want to see first when i wake up. people may age, but darling, you'll always be my
gorgeous knight. you pull me up when i'm down, you hug me tight when i cry, you
wipe and kiss my tears away.
honey, i'm your best cheerleader. rain or shine i'm gonna be with you. none can ever
replace you. you are my sunshine, my antidote to all poisons.
my most awesome superman.

many many more half a years to come baby. it's another half a year more to our one
year anniversary! i can hardly wait. poor boyf, he starts his second semester at SIM
today as well. so... i'd only be able to meet him after 5pm. sch this semester is 2pm to
5pm. think this is better for baby, at least he doesnt need to wake up early in the
morning. sch's starting this april for me too. i kinda realised that i've not been studying
for approximately 4 to 5 whole months. omg.

anyhow, i fell down and broke my left wrist today, so i'm totally only using my right
hand to type and surf the net. poor me ): hah, just kidding. happy april's fool day!
boyf was the first to trick me hokay! no one else has succeeded thereafter, yet (:

yeaps, and thankfully, our sony IT fair pay has just came in today. praise the lord.
if not for that, i think we'll pretty much eat at some fast food restaurant for our 6th
monthsary, we're both broke yo. my lord provides (: i'm really looking forward to
today (: lalala.

honey, you're my wonderwall;

unraveled @ 12:00 AM