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love is a riddle.
untold story

G; Lips that taste of tears,
they say, are the best for kissing.

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orangeeeeyy Missyan

eXTReMe Tracker
Tuesday, February 19, 2008


yours truly;

unraveled @ 1:07 PM

Monday, February 18, 2008


this picture was taken on the 1st of feb actually.
quite a while ago yeah (: we were at The Line
in shangri-la. awesome buffet man. yums* well,
we were basically there to celebrate shaun's sister,
sheryl's birthday which falls on the 2nd of feb.
& it so happens that 1st of feb was our 4th
monthsary (: weeeee. expensive, but yet,
scrumptious buffet :D

anyhow, today's my lovely cousin, karmen's sweet
sixteen. so hereby, i am wishing you an
gees, we're all getting old. -winces.
hope you like the necklace, ah mun mun.

am feeling really exhausted today yo. think my
body's giving way. haha. i need to rest. more.
my poor baby's gonna be mugging these days from
now on. exams at the end of the month. ack.
dreadful things. but i know he can do it! pass with
rainbow colours. hah.

posting results are gonna be out tmr at 8am.
damn. i'm getting the jitters. again. second time
i'm going through this. bahhh. considering i just
changed my mind on my preferred course after i'd
apply through jae, i'm praying hard i'll get the
course that i want, so that i wont have to appeal.

well, everyone, i am heading off to bed to wait for
baby's phone call. totally absolutely exhausted.
thus, am gonna save my scarcely remaining energy
to talk to him. haha. goodnight y'all (:

unraveled @ 11:15 PM

Thursday, February 14, 2008


my boyfriend is the best. & yes, he did give me
the best vday! thank you much sweets.
many more to come, till then, you can stop stressing XP

my day pretty much started with the both of us rushing
around, getting more stuff for each other, but without
the other knowing of course.
but we eventually met at kalm's over at centrepoint.
yeah yeah, i know, we always seem to be there. but hey,
you know what? we started there. yeaps, our love story.
it all began there; sweet nostalgia.

anyhow, after a normal lunch, we caught P.S. I LOVE
YOU. it's a pretty far cry from the novel itself, though
i'm only like halfway through it, there was already loads
of differences. but still, the movie was good (: thank you
darling, for meticulously booking the tickets online
before it got all sold out. i bought baby a pretty pretty
balloon which has homer simpson on it. haha. yeah, i did
make him carry it round. but cause he dint want it to
keep bumping into everybody and getting spoiled, we
kept it back into the carrier. rawr.

baby made a reservation at billy bombers over at the
heeren. so that's where we have out scrumptious
dinner. the ambience was good, the food was tasty,
the drink was frizzly and the company i had was just
divine. thank you so much for all your efforts on this
day. for your gifts and the bouquet. & of course, your
wonderfully addictive love :D

here's some pictures. i'm having a terrible headache,
so i shall upload more in the next post yeah. the size of
these photos are pretty big, so they take super long to
be uploaded, yours truly is too tired and lazy to down-
size it again. hah (:

my handsome boy;

-click on pictures to enlarge for viewing, dont
squint your eyes too much XP-

aint this jukebox thingy so vintage?

presenting our set meal...
(i kinda always seem to forget to
take pictures before i start eating,
pardon me.)

starters: cream of chicken soup
(cream of mushroom was actually
written on the menu instead)

my main course: Lovebird
(tender chicken breast with ham, wedges,
salad and strawberries.)

baby's: Coq & Bull
(steak and chicken breast meat with
baked mussel and potato salad.)

beverage: Berry Treasure

dessert: chocolate fudge cake.

yes, baby, i love the meal (:

lovely bouquet delivered by ah hweeeeeee.
thank you (:

from him to me.
(inset: bouquet of roses, card, metoyou bear,
box of sins chocolate, orange rose from movie
combo and another red stalk of rose from baby.)

from me to him.
(inset: metoyou bear, card,
homer balloon, braun buffel wallet.)

alright alright. my headache's taking a toll over me
please. have been up way too long already. bahh.
i need sleep. i want sleep. beddie bed, here i come.
(psst; it's actually 3.40am now -.-)

goodnight ya'all!

p.s. i love you shaun isaac :D

unraveled @ 11:39 PM

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


today has got to be another of one-of-my-
worst-days-of-my-life day.
not funny at all. today sucked.

on a happier note, it's valentine's in bout
half an hour. so guys & girls, enjoy your
day (: spread some love yeah.
i'm anticipating my day with baby tmr,
my best vday ever, he promised (:

since vday is about love, i'd like to share
some love with those unfortunates selling
tissues in underpasses, or those who
performs for a living. i've neglected them
for quite awhile ): well, i'm not trying to be
some boasting philanthropic here, but cause
i know that there is joy in the love of God,
and loving means giving. praise the Lord.

p.s. i love you baby. so very very much.

unraveled @ 11:19 PM

Monday, February 11, 2008


some people wait for their whole lives to
find their soul mates. but not holly and gerry.

they were childhood sweethearts - no one
could imagine holly and gerry without
each other.

until the unthinkable happens. gerry's death
devastates holly. but as her 30th birthday
looms holly discovers that gerry left her a
bundle of notes, gently guiding her into her
new life without him, each signed
'PS, I Love You'.

with some help from her friends, and her
noisy and loving family, holly finds herself
laughing, crying, singing, dancing - and
braver than ever before.

life is for living, she realises - but it always
helps if there's an angel watching over you.

boyfriend got me this book today, as a
monthsary present and sets me a deadline
to finish reading it by valentine's day. that's
really tight, but i'll do my very best.
though a part of me secretly says not to read
this book. it sounds really sad, doesnt it?

on a sader note, i've gotta work tmr ):
rawr, i am sooooo tired. darn.

on a happier note, baby's gonna pick me up (:
i love you boyfriend! :D

for larger viewing, hah...

you've kissed my tears away;

unraveled @ 11:45 PM

Friday, February 08, 2008


hello hello (:
well, first day of cny just went past like THAT.
omg. anyway, i am practically in a middle of a
spasm. i guess that's what jump shots do to you.
uh huh. cousins are like staring intently at what
i am typing -.-
LiLing: "HI!"
Karmen -stares at me blankly-

and.... i'm getting fruststrated with the lappie.
heh. yes, i know you let me blog. but the keyboard
really velly the -shrugs-
(am talking to liling)

anyhow, cny has been awesome. of course.
with all those food, what's not? that means, loads,
and i mean LOADS of calories? pfft.
not to forget the constant hilarious laughters by
my darling cousins and i. rawr.

hokay. it's only the second day of cny. shall be back
to blog soon yeah. will be going home soon anyway.
stayed over at liling's. we're all addicted to DOA 3
aka Dead Or Alive 3. uh huh, that explains my title
for this post. weird names to the weird moves.

and and, i miss boyfriend!!! ): dint get to see him
yesterday and today!!! ): -screams, kick, cry.

toodles XD

unraveled @ 10:02 PM