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love is a riddle.
untold story

G; Lips that taste of tears,
they say, are the best for kissing.

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orangeeeeyy Missyan

eXTReMe Tracker
Tuesday, October 24, 2006

♥ I MISS YOU, E4 ):

today's emo day. sigh. though wednesday's officially the
last day of school for us, we, e4nians, have self-declared
that monday, 23 oct's our last day. though for some, it
had been much earlier.
madness in class today i tell you! or rather again, yesterday.
since it's pass 12am. yeah, i <3 e4 guys. (cept some scum-sucking
bassssttaarrdddss.) keith and gang started playing with mrs y***'s
solar system thingy, and toilet roll. wth.
so hilarious lar! they came up with some stupid opening ceremony
of bowen primary school. goodness.

the opening ceremony, with the planet

as if they weren't already spastic enough, they had to wrap
jin qin up with toilet paper.
wth. i really don't get what guys are thinking nowadays...

the chinese characters on jinqin's head mean "sure win".
lols. and he look like an idiot here. chen jin qin~~~

goodbye my personalized desk. i'll miss you.
i'll miss the lil corner at the back of the class
that belongs to pru, gaya, renu, suba and me <3

went over to gaya's on deepavali! her mum's food's
delicious!!! ((: mutton mutton. i loveeeeee <3
renuka came late. tsk tsk. and pru went back early.
drank that night. beer. it's uber disgusting i swear!
i got heineken. boo. and gaya got a lil' drunk... wth?
it's just beer -.- lols. i was alright. hahas. we played with
sparklers too. coolness. we'll do that after Os again alright <3

gwendelyn; carmen.

went to city harvest educational centre for some lessons
today. pretty good. interesting at least. and joshua, my
friend from monfort sec, he was like so fascinated with
those experiments the teacher did. oh gosh, have you not
done all these chemistry stuff before too or are you just
a himbo? lols. tsk tsk. red-lips joshua.

lessons later, wednesday and thursday too. wee. yayness.
the teacher's pretty lame. sheesh. i'm glad i'm still able to
recall my chemistry. hahas.

and as our lives change, come whatever, we would still be
friends forever -e4 <3

unraveled @ 1:19 AM

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


- loves <33

- my prince charming!

- cargwen; short of kamy! <3

- cargwenkam; full house (:

- who's to be my strength when i am weak?

okay. i can't sleep. had cafe glace today. it was yummy!
oh well, will go off after this post alright. school tmr,
keith's not coming cause he says it'll be retarded tmr.
lols. as in there's only lessons like english, math and mother
tongue and since he's not taking chinese lessons anymore,
it'll be down to only two lessons for him. tsk tsk.
anyhow, though however much i dont wanna attend chinese
lesson, i am still going to school. what a good girl (:

went all the way to redhill yesterday to carmen's house.
and took alot of pictures! hahas. her golden retriever
attacked me. lols. only nine months old and he's already
humongous. bahh. and he gallops arnd the house.
he's up to my waist when he jumped on me, too active.
tsk tsk. carmen please keep him chained the next time
i'm going to your house again (: rover's fine. he can be a dog
model. he'll sit there just for you to click away on your camera
all day long. lols. but rover's got oily hair! hahas.
zoomed off to town for dinner. omgosh, it's so nice
to be back walking arnd in town. gosh. took neos!!! yayness.

managed to study some human geography today. delifrance's
cafe glace is nice! but but but, the amount of coffee's so lil....
right and yeah, i've finally gotten the skin condom for my
nano. smth's still wrong with my comp. i cant freaking install
the latest version of itunes. bloody hell~ argh. after Os, after Os!

alright, i guess i'm boring ya'all with my never ending whines
on about everything. am pretty off today, so, sorry for
the absence of humour in today's entry.
and finally... good night ya'all. i want rainbows and butterflies (:

unraveled @ 11:31 PM

Sunday, October 15, 2006


- journey to the west (:
words by me, drawings by pru. hahas.

- a version of me by pru.

- as i was eating trix in class! ((:

- weee. nano's finally in my hands! <3

yayness. no school on monday and tuesday ((:
marking days. weee. it's good, we do nothing when
in school anyway.
well, prunella and i got really random and bored in
class this days, so instead of talking to each other
directly, we pass notes on foolscap papers to each
other. lols. wth right? used up three foolscaps for
two days for now. hahas. gonna keep them for
memories sake ((:

omgosh, there's like either something wrong with my
itunes or my computer. either i cant open the itunes
setup after downloading it from apple.com or it's that
my ipod cant connect to itunes for some reason. got
really irritated and gave up fixing it for now. it can wait
till after Os. boo. i'll make do with the seventy-five songs
i uploaded from nadia's itunes for now ):

okie. shall blog another time. am talking on phone now.
lalala` ((:

- micah <3

unraveled @ 1:09 AM

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


when lil' ruffles was just six weeks old...

- on the stairs ;D

- he's asleep <3

see this adorable cutie here? he's my dog, ruffles!
but mummy gave him away when i was in sec one.
boo. i cried like mad i tell you. isn't he sooooo cute?
hahas. anyhow, i mentioned to mum that i want a
puppy after Os and yeah, i'm getting it! yayness.
i cant resist dogs!!!

as i was fiddling with photoshop (:

- my hair was tied up in those "kiap kiap" thingy.

- taken last year while i was in the kids central:
big in the city project (:

yeaps. today's pretty boring. and the haze is back again.
and thus affecting my respiritory again. boo.
shopping with mum was quite "reaping".
bought three pair of shorts from 37degree, a retro belt,
lingerie and a black leather casing for my nano (:
it has arrived at nadia's house, going over tomorrow! yayness.
anyhow, am not in the mood to blog much so i shall close up.
tomorrow tomorrow, pictures of the lovely nano! (:

i don't blame you, for being you.
but you cant blame me for hating it.
so say, what are you waiting for?
"kiss her", "kiss her"!
i set my clocks early cause i know i'm always late.

unraveled @ 5:44 PM

Sunday, October 08, 2006


-no one's listening to the teacher.

- additions.

- ninja <3

- nicky <3

boo. the haze's really bad. and i cant freaking breathe
properly ): like there's insufficient oxygen.
if it gets worse i'll needa drop by the doctor's. bahh.
the PSI's rising. goodness, when is the haze gonna float
away? it's really hazey out there. affecting all our healths.

anyhow, have finally ordered a hot pink nano!
coolness. i cant wait to get my hands on it.
well, am gonna go for light shopping with mother tomorrow.
since it's her off day. so am gonna make her buy me my
ipod's accesories (: heh. and whatever i feel like purchasing
tomorrow. vivocity's opened. and i cant go there imediately.
Os. O levels. argh. two more months before i'd be outta this
misery. good luck to me then...

okay dokays. gonna play some games to relieve the growing
boredom tonight/morning. toodles.



unraveled @ 12:51 AM

Thursday, October 05, 2006


- plain and simple ((:

- nope, no sign of any ten year series.

- look, gaya's desk has got mathematics,
oh gosh, pru, we'd better start studyin'

hahas. yeah, these were done during chemistry
period. pru wanted to personalized her desk and
since i was bored, i followed suit (:
gonna know whether the aunty who cleans our
classrooms would dispose of our artwork tmr.

sch's really boring these days, cant we just stay
home to study? then again, i dont think i'd study
it we stay home, i'm contradicting myself again
aint i? oh well. i cant wait to be ordering my nano
tmr ((: after so lonnggg. coolness.

urgh, am having a bad bad wound now. stupid
cab! the bloody small thingy that you can throw
rubbish in in the cab, it was opened when i was
trying to get to the other end of the door inside,
and it had to cut me. bahhh. at first i thought it
was only a minor scratch, but after i got off the cab,
i'd realised it's bleeding ): booo, it's kinda a deep,
bad, broad cut? not just a thin line... it's bout 0.5cm
broad. i pray that it's not gonna leave behind a scar
pretty pls! ):

- see, my hair's brown :D

ytd when gaya and suba both dint come to sch,
this was what madness that had gone on (:
the three of us, pru, renu and i were tying our
ponytails into buns. hahas. and mine being too
layered, cant be tied to look like a nice, dainty bun.
lalala. soon. it will (:

and next, presenting my lovely sweetheart:

- perhaps i'm turning into a bisexual/lesbian?
so? sue me.

second time posting this pic. so not much of a surprise
i guess. more soon, i predict (:
anyhow, am gonna hit the hay, or the foamy bed to
be exact. mummy's gonna be home soon,
and i can just imagine her patting my arms about three
times, brush away my fringe, leaving a goodnight kiss
on my forehead and then say "goodnight darling." and then
standing over me, she'll start saying a short prayer before
retreating outta my room and next burning joss sticks
to the "guan yin" on the altar outside in the living room.
sheesh, mummy could you settle down with a religion?
she's cute aint she? mummy mummy.
okay dokays, before daddy finds out i'm still online
when i'd actually told him goodnight at 11pm, i'd
better run, it's 1138pm already (:

unraveled @ 10:51 PM

Sunday, October 01, 2006


blogger has bloody problems. again. and
it erased my already done post. so here
i am again, to redo this entire post. bahh ):

graduation was a blast! NOT. so not.
sigh. pretty boring. i want a grad night!
pretty pls ): it'd be the only ever so right
thing that the sch would be doing. sigh.
chances are like slim though. this sch is
ruining all our last year in sch. crap.
dint do that well for prelims ): however i did
improve though. and mummy gave me 200bucks
for that (: so i am gonna get an ipod soon!!!
told daddy i want an ipod cos my brother just
got one. coolness. daddy agrees.

(stomach's grumbling now. uber hungry.)
anyhow, i want to sign off for this post now.
blogging second time for this post has spoilt
my mood. and am sooo not in the mood to blog now ):
i miss kristle! <3>

unraveled @ 2:42 AM