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love is a riddle.
untold story

G; Lips that taste of tears,
they say, are the best for kissing.

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orangeeeeyy Missyan

eXTReMe Tracker
Tuesday, January 20, 2009



school's been stressing me out lately. all the many many deadlines and submissions. i'm about to go insane. thankfully dennis and seema came by on ytd night and whizzed me off to gardens to destress for awhile. & even amidst catching up with them, i was doing up my orgbeh presentation speech on my lappie. chinese new year is approaching in less than a week's time, & it kinda makes things worst cause just right after the second day, bcs web design is due for submission and then econs submission two days later ): oh god. this week marks my first week, outta the installment of three, of "hell-season". i really pray hard that i'd meet all my deadlines, it doesnt seem quite optimistic now ):

i was missing from school today, firstly i woke up real late. i thnk my stupid phone's all cocked up, the alarm dint go off at all. immediately jumped out of bed, thinking of cabbing down to school. but too bad midway while getting changed and all, my tummy was hurting badly, not the tummyache kind. i've no idea why was it painful either. skipped commskills today, i suppose the warning letter would come soon since i dint get an mc cause isaac wouldnt let me stay at the polyclinic. met him up early and we went for breakfast before heading down to hougang polyclinic only to end up leaving there with a cup of pineapple that cost $1.

his phone cocked up as well, so we basically went back to his place again to get his phone stuff, & i got to play with Roxy darling again! she's grown so big! but undoubtly as adorable as before. she's a total babe :D so anyway, i chilled the day away with isaac (: got home and slept all the way to 8plus. besides being stressed ttm, i'm also really exhausted. all the late nights and stress aint doing me good. i hope three weeks would be over soon!

cheer prac after school tmr, which means from the east to the west again. tons of work to do still! i wonder how. sigh. but am still really looking forward to cheer prac. havent seen those crazy cheerleaders for quite some time, and i really miss you guys!!!

if you could just
stop time for awhile;

unraveled @ 11:46 PM

Saturday, January 17, 2009


thanks kenny -.-

attended christine, zhuangmian and agnes' birthday bbq at east coast park yesterday. it was a good break after a long tired week at school. and as usual, chef momo was working it away all night. yes, i know it looks ridiculous to be bbq-ing in my jacket, but it was really cold then. well, i'm glad everybody enjoyed their time there and it was nice hearing them go "gwen, the chicken wings are well done!", "thank you for cooking for us!". haha. yeah, that was worthed my hard work (: the sad part is that my right hand's kinda in pain now cause i was bbqing all night, you know like holding the tongs and "kiap-ping" the food away. i hope it'd be better soon.

school is crazy these days. all the projects submissions, presentations and preparations. driving me a lil' insane. and when i look at what's for the next three weeks, i could literally cry. and you bet, i'm feeling all stressed up now. if only people around me could be more understanding and considerate, and not add on to it. so yeah, i pray hard that i'd get by the next three weeks well, and all would go smoothly.
wont have must of a breather either after the three weeks. end semester examinations up right after, then it's goodbye freshmen year, and hello junior year. i'm pretty excited and somehow i'm loving school all over again.

and of course, i cant wait for the holidays to come. about one and a half months, it'd be good for me to recharge myself. prolly leave singapore for a short trip elsewhere and enjoy myself a little. cheer, dance, fly a little. and loads of going out with friends. yes, sounds good already. and maybe take up a job, not that i like the sound of it.

imma divert my attentin to commskills, public speaking and orgbeh now. au revoir!

all that glitters;

unraveled @ 4:37 PM

Monday, January 12, 2009


a happy Kamy & me with our "new hair"!

finally gotten my long-awaited haircut today. went all the way down to a salon in bukit batok that kamy frequents. and she was there hours before me, doing what they call soft rebonding. so anyhow, i think my hair dresser's pretty cute. thus i couldnt stop staring at him. lol. so i've decided to frequent there as well. besides, he's really good, and i'm really happy with my haircut. though it's like shorter now! ): yes, i know it doesnt seem like there's a difference. but, oh well.

class at 9am. goodness, i am so sick of school. got back both econs and org beh results. scored Bs for both, econs (75%) and orgbeh (70%). not too bad, but i can do better! yes yes yes! submissions! projects! crap!

texted gomes today, and am glad to hear he's doing good. i miss him much. and i wonder how did isaac's tournament went. sometimes you stay real close but yet hardly have adequate time to meet up. you hear that buddies?!
on a happier note, though i'm sick of school, it has been getting better. and i figured that i'll really miss my 1h03 mates when we split up ):

there must be one day, one point in your life, you'd realise that friends that you love and trust will end up disappointing you sometimes. and with disappointments, there comes the hurts as well. then you kinda wonder if you should still trust people around you that easily? should you care and be concerned for them still? it makes you just want to let go of it all, and then hide in your shell, like a hermit crab, and put on mask and become pretentious, never letting anyone get near enough to your heart, never showing the real you, and never giving the best of yourself. that's the easy way, isn't it? to protect yourself, so you'd not get let down again.
however, i learnt at church this week that that's not the case. that even though ppl dishonor you, you should still honor them, and love them fervently. it apparently aint that easy to do that, but i've never believed in doing things the easy way.

lifted all unto Your hands;

unraveled @ 11:52 PM

Wednesday, January 07, 2009


so gomes has responded to the national call, and enlisted into army this early morning. doesn't make much of a difference, but i feel a tad lonelier. gomes! come back! haha. in anyway, i'd still have isaac to phone at 4am in the morning if i needed to. you'd like friends like them too, wouldn't you?

i figured that i really need some serious tanning sessions. i've been receiving complaints from kristle that i look pretty much like i'm one of edward cullen's kind, aka. a vampire. and she calls me deathly pale. though honestly, my tans never stay. it kinda took me the past eighteen years of my life to get to this colour today. ah, you get my drift.

lil' cousin, karmen, is going for TP's open house tmr, and i cant be more glad to meet her in school. kinda gives me something to look forward to considering tmr's a day with a horrid time-table. 9am lecture and then classes all the way till 7pm with only a one hour break, that's almost 10 hours of lessons please!
say maybe you're just one unappreciative and unreasonable kid.

unafraid, what's ahead;

unraveled @ 11:33 PM

Tuesday, January 06, 2009


good morning loves. it's currently 8.15am and man, am i tired. well, i'd forgotten that commskills lesson today is peer teaching again and my slot is at 10.30am. so i had wanted to get ready for 9am class. thank goodness i realised it before even getting into the shower. so went to collect my documents from isaac, who very nicely printed it out for me, earlier on and now i'm blogging away. i ought to get movin' and start getting ready for school soon.
thanks zac! (:

i'm missing gomes already. enlisting tmr! omg ):

seasons are changing
& waves are crashing;

unraveled @ 8:00 AM

Saturday, January 03, 2009


so gym-ing plans dint go as planned ytd, but i managed a long, hot shower at sp. had the entire shower room to myself, too bad i dint try out the sauna though. so anyway, thank you dips for being so nice to lug yourself outta bed and accompany me to the polyclinic (: your grandma's cute. hahaha. & yeah, i want to finish watching "bring it on" on your lappie!

went off to meet up with gomes, isaac & his girlfriend, rachel, after my shower at sp. i know, it's kinda retarded, i went to sp just to shower -.- well, we had a good and relatively cheap dinner. & realised that it's the first proper time that gomes, isaac and i were out. we mostly meet for late night suppers and tea around our estate. pictures with isaac, upload quick!
so somehow, i realised that i'm really gullible, thanks to isaac. & figured why i always get bullied by those two. i guess some things never change. hahaha.
too bad it was such a short meet-up. gomes is enlisting on the 7th, and man! am i gonna miss him. & when isaac enlists too next year, i'm just going to cry ): see, i love you both much much hokay!

those three sent me off to sakae sushi over outside plaza sing after our dinner and i met up with dennis, shane and wilson. good thing i got hold of myself and dint go crazy over sushi, cause i'm seriously broke again... haha.
so yeah, for tonight... dad and i are visiting grandpa first before we head over to uncle bernard's place to partyyy, or maybe not. tonight's gonna be interesting (:

aight, daddy's outta the shower. imma take my leave :D

& we'll linger on;

unraveled @ 6:58 PM

Thursday, January 01, 2009

♥ HELLO 2009!



unraveled @ 11:59 PM