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love is a riddle.
untold story

G; Lips that taste of tears,
they say, are the best for kissing.

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orangeeeeyy Missyan

eXTReMe Tracker
Sunday, December 31, 2006


muahahahas. am finally connected to the internet again.
came home to test if i could use the net with my comp,
and WHOLA~ praise the Lord :DD

service was awesome, partially because june came for service.
this time, it's because she's really interested and really enjoyed
service. you cant imagine the immense joy i'd say (:
coolness, i'll have cuzzie in my cell too soon. i pray.
omigosh!!! today's ZONE THANKSGIVING! oh gosh, oh gosh,
ahhhhhh, you're right mal, butterflies. well, all the performers
are made to dance to this hip hop song. so yeahhh, i just
pray that i will remember all the steps later. hahas.
pray for me will you? ((:

- GWEN & KRISTLE; inseparable.

- GWEN & STEPH; love (:

- my 'fengshui' spot at cherryl's



yeah baybeh! finally got it. mwahhs :DD

- my bible & notebook for church (:

- my friendster profile. CHEEZE```

i love my le coq tote. -hugs. gonna use it for sch next week!
yayness. in the twinkle of an eye... it's the last day of 2006
already. goodness, time is really ticking fast. i needa make
new year resolutions. must. i ought to have an aim, target,
goal. whatever. just sth (:
hokay. i shall bugger off. needa go town early and then to
church. how i miss the jurong west city harvest church building!
steve had gotta make me go down there early cause he wants
to use my powerful speakers :D uh-huh-uh-huh`

Father, thank You that You have made us the object
of Your love. We are amazed at Your forgiveness
and grace. Help us to see ourselves as small
and to marvel at Your great love.

unraveled @ 4:14 AM

Saturday, December 30, 2006


you guys must be wondering why gwen seems to
have disappeared from the online world yeah?
i have got no idea why i cant freaking use the internet
with my computer. i'm thinking it must be linked to
the recent earthquake. so now gwen here is using her
brother's lappie while he's not at home to connect to the
world again. sheesh. i've gotta call up singnet. again.
am really annoyed. i cant freaking blog. i cant chat online.
urgh. darn. soon soon. so no pictures for this post baybehs.

oh yeah, mal, carmen and i made it through the audition
and are gonna be performing for this year's zone thanksgiving.
which is just like... tomorrow. hahas. pretty excited.
i hope i dont make any bloopers :x
rehearsal was yesterday. went on fine. we can do it babes (:
it's becoming a competition. bahhh.

uh-huh. these few days have been awesome. i am legally
accepted into the auntie's club on christmas day. lols.
whereby our bets for poker and some aunty's game called
'cheeky jipoon' are like the maximum twenty cents and
minimum ten cents. hahas. goodness. aye aye, but i was
playing black jack with the uncles earlier on on christmas day,
and of course the bets were higher. and i had a total winning of
$10.10 from that. cool huh. uncle fred at one round
invested on me. and so luckily, i got 'ban luck' that round.
and what's more lucky of me was that i got it three times
consecutively and all three times,
uncle fred invested on me too. hahas. lucky him too yeah? ((:
(gwen has got good fengshui.)

those in the aunties' club had loadsa fun. especially when
tracy dealt the cards for us at auntie dot's house. goodness.
it was hilarious. with her acting as a professional dealer. hahas.
we also played 'taboo' for two days. once at colin's place and another
was yesterday, at junior's place. awesomeness.
and i had just got home from junior's place. should really be
taking a shower and then hopping onto bed right after that,
but the temptation of the internet was once again
over-ruling other factors.
overall, i had tremendous fun this christmas season :DD
and i suppose i made winnings too from all the 'poker', 'black jack',
'casino royal' and 'cheeky jipoon'. and not to forget all the
red packets collected... i can start retail therapy again. coolness ((:

hokay, church today! and june's coming with me.
i am so elated i tell you. this has shown that my Lord is
indeed faithful! i was getting quite hopeless with
reaching out to my cousin already, because she was always
like rejecting it ya'know. but i dragged her to our
christmas candlelight service and she was kinda like touched.
enormous joy. i thank God for this.

school's starting. as in first three months.
and i'm dreading it. millenia is so darn far from home.
bukit batok... i have gotta like wake up extra early.
booooo. no worries, i'd be withdrawing not long from now,
i think. maybe. perhaps. unsure.

urgh, i miss the cousins already.
well, new year resolution's to keep close.
we'll work on it alright. okay dokes :D
anyhow, i should really go have my shower and then turn in.
meeting dearest cousin, june later. i wanna go get the
le coq tote i wanted, or maybe the purse that i had had
my eyes on. mmm```

for the Christian, heaven is spelled H-O-M-E.

unraveled @ 2:19 AM

Tuesday, December 26, 2006



mal and i finally went over to nadia's house today.
it was good to meet up and chill at her place again.
and yeah, mal, we gotta buck up on our plan to
murder nadia and dominate her gorgeous house!

- gwen; nadia; mal.

- nadia & i have RED NAILS :D

- mirror mirror on the wall.

- NADIA!~~~


i love her room. her living room. her dining room.
her second floor. her attic. her room's toilet. her waterbed.
her dogs, ninja and nicky. her basement. her wine cellar.
her jacuzzi. her chandelier. and her dad's rolls royce :DD

we had dinner at chomp chomp ((:
our favourite sambal stingray, sambal kang kong and
sugar cane!!!

- we had this after having two bbq-ed chicken wings each.

- sambal stingray (:

- sambal kang kong```

- our big big glass of sugar cane!

- and we werent even done eating `grins.

- nadia and my second plate of kang kong!
mal gave up :P

- and after everything... our DESSERT.
ICE KACHANG without red bean & corn.

- Christmas present from NADIA ((:

- mwahhs :DD

thanks for the lip balm from topshop nadia! love love ((:
meet up again soon. loveeeee :DD
am really bloated from all the food we had at chomp chomp.
the kang kong was awesomeness``` hahas.

hokay. tmr's party's at aunty dot's ((:
christmas's party was at leslie michael braberry's house.
hahas. i hope there'll be more life at tmr's party.
okay dokes. will bring back more pictures.
loves :DD

Neither life nor death can ever
from the Lord His children sever,
for His love and deep compassion
comforts them in tribulation.

unraveled @ 11:51 PM


GWENDELYN MONIQUE; blessings. says (5:14 AM):
ler zai si mi si LONG-DAYY-BUUU! BO?
GWENDELYN MONIQUE; blessings. says (5:16 AM):

GWENDELYN MONIQUE; blessings. says (5:22 AM):
hungry hungry (clap clap)
very very (clap clap)
hungry very (clap clap)
very hungry (clap clap)


GWENDELYN MONIQUE; blessings. says (5:26 AM):
pak-te-li !!!
GWENDELYN MONIQUE; blessings. says (5:27 AM):
kamy feel retarded says (5:27 AM):

p/s: pardon the lameness. it's christmas and we're gayyy :DD

unraveled @ 5:15 AM


kamy feel retarded says (4:27 AM):
si diam puo nia
GWENDELYN MONIQUE; blessings. says (4:27 AM):
GWENDELYN MONIQUE; blessings. says (4:28 AM):
ler si siao eh huh?
kamy feel retarded says (4:29 AM):
lir ai an jua kuan
wo si jin chia siao
GWENDELYN MONIQUE; blessings. says (4:29 AM):
wo mai si mi kuan lah
chyn chye lor~
kamy feel retarded says (4:30 AM):
chyn chye then chyn chye lor
jin ho chio meh
GWENDELYN MONIQUE; blessings. says (4:31 AM):
ler zho ni yong ink-ker-lish?
GWENDELYN MONIQUE; blessings. says (4:32 AM):
ink-ker-lish = ENGLISH
kamy feel retarded says (4:32 AM):
is yin bung lah
GWENDELYN MONIQUE; blessings. says (4:32 AM):
mm zai lah
GWENDELYN MONIQUE; blessings. says (4:33 AM):
ler zai si mi sii HWEELING bo?
kamy feel retarded says (4:34 AM):
if i bo hweeling means i si liao
GWENDELYN MONIQUE; blessings. says (4:34 AM):
GWENDELYN MONIQUE; blessings. says (4:35 AM):
mai tak pai ma si SI SII SIIIIIII
GWENDELYN MONIQUE; blessings. says (4:37 AM):
kamy feel retarded says (4:37 AM):
wo ma nai ta bai gong si,lir ki jump ying sei eh he
GWENDELYN MONIQUE; blessings. says (4:38 AM):
ler zuo ni tak pai yong INK-KER-LISH.
aiyoohhh, buay hor lah. hokkein swee swee ehhhh
GWENDELYN MONIQUE; blessings. says (4:40 AM):
steady steady, ler zai bo?
kamy feel retarded says (4:41 AM):
ink ker liish ma si swee swee,wo si jia kang dang ok
GWENDELYN MONIQUE; blessings. says (4:42 AM):
is 'si bei kan dang ehhhh'
mai hokkein liao
GWENDELYN MONIQUE; blessings. says (4:43 AM):
wo nang huannnn
huang ke ta TA-MA-Errr.
GWENDELYN MONIQUE; blessings. says (4:44 AM):
wahhh ke taaaa TA-MA-ERRR***
kamy feel retarded says (4:44 AM):
yuan de bu nana
GWENDELYN MONIQUE; blessings. says (4:45 AM):
bo lahh
'yuan de bu nana' bo lah
GWENDELYN MONIQUE; blessings. says (4:46 AM):
ler zai si mi si kua-ler-ai-te bo?
GWENDELYN MONIQUE; blessings. says (4:47 AM):
kua-ler-ai-te = CALCULATOR
ler zai si mi si kua-ler-ai-si bo?
GWENDELYN MONIQUE; blessings. says (4:49 AM):
kua-ler-ai-si = CALLER ID
GWENDELYN MONIQUE; blessings. says (4:52 AM):
ba toh tiahhhhhh
GWENDELYN MONIQUE; blessings. says (4:55 AM):
GWENDELYN MONIQUE; blessings. says (4:56 AM):
kamy feel retarded says (5:01 AM):
ha kin sia, wo ai he eh tir bo liao
GWENDELYN MONIQUE; blessings. says (5:02 AM):
tiang wea hiang liao.
tiang wea hiang liao.
tiang wea hiang ler jiu ai tiaahh.
mai kok nang diam diam dang.
nang dang gu oei pek chek kaiii.
tiaahh tiang wea,
tianhh tiang weaaaaa,
meai meaiii tiaahhh tiang weaaaaaaa.

This Christmas...

- ryul ryul :DD

- Kristle & ME ((:

- Rachel & ME

- Mal & ME

- ME & Mal.

- presents :DD

- Marks & Spencer's undies in sheep hp holder ((:


unraveled @ 3:57 AM

Monday, December 25, 2006


here's pictures of me after the hair "trim"

- it looks so much shorter )):

- ignore the messy table in the background :P

hokay, i needa run off to lalaland now.
lest i'd not be able to wake up on time later!
ciao :DD

unraveled @ 5:28 AM



such kids we were...

i jumped off my seahorse to climb up this horse
and i think i kinda like... sprained a vein when i landed.
goodness ): i'm a klutz.

well, CHRISTMAS has arrived (:
i am gleeful. cause my savior was born on this day.

-Sunday, 24th-
june went back today, early in the morning. i think.
i know she woke me up to say that she's going back,
but i cant make out what had i mumbled to her. lols.
uh-huh. went over to kristle's to return her her shawl,
stayed there cause it was raining cats and dogs.
rach came over, returned her money...
then thank god daddy was arnd the vicinity, so he picked
me up and dropped me off at the salon. finally got my
hair trim/cut! but it looks so short now! -wails )):

but i like my look now better after the trip to the salon.
oh well, i guess i'll just have to wait till it grows and look
longish again. bahh.

funny how i'd always bump into bobby around our house
area, it's always just him. and not the others that i know.
had my dinner with mummy.
we both had a bowl of shark's fin soup first, bought from the
pasar malam while on the way to the coffeeshop, some slices
of mango also from the pasar malam, which the coffeeshop
aunty helped cut. next, we ordered drunken, or izit drunkard?,
prawns. it's prawns cooked in this soup thingy with some either
it's XO or Brandy in it. it's yummy. i had a plate of rice. and
we also ordered baby kailan (:
mum and i were like so darn bloated! i think the food might still
be digesting right now -.-

anyhow, am meeting up with kamy and carmen for lunch at cartel
later in the day! i hope i wont be late. lols.
and then party at uncle bernard's in the evening. coolness.

what shall i give for Christmas
to Him who gave Himself for me?
to Him i give my life, my love,
for time and for eternity.


unraveled @ 4:21 AM

Sunday, December 24, 2006


while having lunch at raffles city's burger king...

- june and i reckon that the smiley ressembles jason :P

our candlelight service :DD

- candles.

- me, carmen & june.

- jason & me (:

- tissue ice cream!
lols. okay, it's called taiwan snow ice-cream :DD

- darling cousin, june, & me ((:

yayness. blardy red nails ((: hahas.
alright. service was AWESOME. especially the christmas
drama. omgosh, they're soooo creative. every year
the drama would come up with a different script to act
out the story of christmas. and this year's one was
totally great. seriously :DD

had a fun time at the carnival too. though we dint play
much. and loadsa fun and "entertainment".
and some sabotages from this someone that i met for
the first time. lols. my cousin enjoyed playing with
anastacia, estelle's cousin. hahahas. and she splattered
her saliva all over june, jason and me :P eeeyer -.-

coolness. i'll update more in the next post alright.
cousin and i wanna hit the hay soon. really exhausted.
oh oh oh! and i wanna get my hair trim by today!!!

- Pastor Kong

unraveled @ 2:53 AM

Saturday, December 23, 2006


finally did some christmas shopping at far east :DD
bought quite alot. however, i dont think i'm done yet.
basically, i got all the important ones first. yayness.
the cute guy working at one of the shops was there.
hehehe. took some time to oogle at him. kamy! your
lost! lols.

bought masks and nail polish at missha there.
i finally got the red nail polish that i'd wanted. so readers,
i am here typing with bloody red nails -creeps
oh, and my toenails are painted black (:
i love the combination of red and black. mwahhs :DD

i am supposed to be asleep cause i've gotta wake up really
early. but but but, mummy came home late and i couldnt
go to bed cause i told her to get me supper. and thus, i had
to wait. then of course, i cant go to bed immediately after
i've eaten the yummilicious bbq-ed wings. it has gotta take
some time to digest! boo. it explains why i am blogging at
such a late hour ): or should i say, early instead?

christmas service later!!! wooohoooooooo! anticipation's killing
me -softly- lols. gonna do carmen's make-up for her. and i wanna
eat at burger king later when we meet for lunch alright!

pictures i took few days back when i was out
with kamy at suntec city mall ((:

- the tiny fish.

neos taken with carmen and kamy on 20th dec :D

(some of the neos were editted with photoshop.)

and yeah, i bought a dress to wear for christmas party
at leslie michael braberry's house (:
shant reveal the dress yet, thus the picture only shows
a lil' of the dress. was trying out the dress with my accessories
and it wasnt long after that that i decided to cam-whore
wtih it on. hahas. i love the dress :DD

okayy dokayy. shall sign off. had better be getting to bed
already. there will be panda eyes on me. boohoo. nvm,
there's always photoshop -grins. lols.

Your love, O God, would spare no pain
to conquer death and win;
You sent Your only Son to die
to rescue us from sin.
- M. Gustafson

unraveled @ 5:01 AM