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love is a riddle.
untold story

G; Lips that taste of tears,
they say, are the best for kissing.

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orangeeeeyy Missyan

eXTReMe Tracker
Sunday, May 17, 2009


some mini lil' personality tests that seems pretty accurate. results! (:

You are sensitive and indecisive at times. You are good at making friends and when the joyful moment arrives, you make the most out of it.

You love your house and family. You are a gifted artist as well.
You are very tidy person. There's nothing wrong with that because you're pretty popular among friends. You often come up with solutions to problems. You are an ambitious person.

You will avoid being alone and seek the company of others whenever possible. You love excitement and create it wherever you go.
You always have plans on your mind. This might cause a lot of stress if things don't go the way you expect. You have a strong personality and you like to command, influence and control people.

You added a flower into your drawing. The flower signifies that you long for love.
We also see that you are sensuous, sexual, and privately passionate.

You are an efficient person but you always need time to think through issues before taking action. You can be a romantic one but you are too hasty making decisions in love. Generally, you are very cheerful.

You've made your way well in this world despite all the obstacles you've had to faced. You have survived a lot more troubles than most people. You have had to deal with difficult people, ridiculous rules, and tempestuous relationships.

Love for you can be as intense as the fire on the face of the sun. You are either very calm on the inside when there is a lot of insanity going on around you, or you shut people up and take charge. You are angry at your parents but you can't change them.

You are a great lover when you find that rare mate who is your equal, otherwise your relationships do not go well. Life is a roller coaster, and you are finding ways to make the good times better. You love sports.

It would be very difficult for you to fall in love with someone. But when you love, honesty is your first priority. You are an emotional person.

  1. When it comes to love, you take your time and do not fall in love easily.
  2. You give 75% to your relationship and expect to receive 25% in return.
  3. If there is a problem in your relationship, you are able to confront it in an optimistic way and full of hope. You want to work it out right away, all by yourself.
  4. You don't expect or need to see your loved one very often, seeing them just once in a while is okay.
  5. You accept your loved one the way they are. You don't expect him or her to change for you.
  6. When you love someone, you tend to stay in love for a long time.
You are a fun-seeking, adventurous, risk-taking, spontaneous person. You are not very rational.

You are a sociable and outgoing person. You enjoy attending parties and seek attention from people wherever you can. The closer you place your words together, the more afraid you are of being left alone. Loneliness is your one great fear.

take all of me;

unraveled @ 2:11 AM


head down to TP Cyber Centre this coming week!

supps soon buddy! GOOD LUCK :DDD


unraveled @ 1:21 AM

Tuesday, May 12, 2009



I'm so terribly frustrated with you that I might just give you another three more chances before I'd seriously blow up on you soon. You do not test my patience. My fear is resurfacing because of you, shit head. Tell you what, STOP ASKING SO MUCH RUBBISH, HAVING ME REPEATING STUFF TO YOU MORE THAN THREE TIMES EVERY WEEK AND REMEMBER YOUR POSITIONS AND STUFF THAT YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO DO. No one is obliged to help you remember important stuff that you yourself ought to know, and stop taking advantage of us girls. Lastly, just screw off.

On a more relaxed note, thank you Vanny for saving me as much as you could today. My head could have just seriously hit ground first if not for you. I love you many many (:
To Lynn, thanks for slowly releasing Vanny or we'd both have fallen fast onto the mats with her on top of me. lol. I love you many many too (:

& lastly to Dennis Tan, this is going to be damn cheesy, but thank you for being there just when i needed someone (probably you in particular, cause i trust you the most there.)! You saw for yourself how much I was trembling, so thank you much for coming over to backspot me for that last stunts up today. & I love you many many many too! :D

the fears you need to conquer;

unraveled @ 2:07 AM

Sunday, May 10, 2009


first and foremost... HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!
to all mothers out there and of course to my mum herself.
&&& a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to mummy too! :DDD

your daughter;

unraveled @ 6:06 PM

Friday, May 08, 2009


from doing PT on the track.

ugly Singaporean.


more PT for you! hahaha. that's like my tag line at cheer. PT was good today, cept for my poor back and tail-bone. hah. my shoulder stand base for the cheer section got changed, booooo ): no more muscle man. how you going to protect me now?!

am currently talking to kiat guan on fb chat now. i miss that guy much please. thank god he's coming back for training after Emerge. can't remember how much laughter there used to be when he was around. that guy is rubbish nuts, but makes ppl laugh like shit, non-stop. omg, kg come back quick and make me roflmaottm (roll on the floor laughing my ass off to the max)!!!

or happy ever after;

unraveled @ 2:09 AM

Thursday, May 07, 2009


autistic kid.

loveeee his kuku expression.

keep your eyes locked on mine;

unraveled @ 1:48 PM

I'm so hungry, imma go eat first before blogging.
okay, this is totally redundant. OH WELL.


unraveled @ 1:01 PM

Tuesday, May 05, 2009


cooking half the day away for E's party.


posing for the picture...

&&& falling right after the flash lights went off.

alcohol landed me on the floor...

when i had to leave cause kor's wedding was the next day.

okay, so these are some of the photos from E's party. was a blast, too bad i couldnt stay the night ): boo. it's okay, we'll host another party during the hols! can't wait :D

hokay, cheer ytd was a bundle of stress. gees. and i'm more injurd than ever now, sigh. but it's okay, i still love cheer many many many.

SSM again tmr, i am dreading it to the max. urghhhhh. whyyyyyyy. this semester is making me really stressed out. shucks. cheer practices increased to 3 per week now, meaning lesser time for everything else. thrice a week practice isn't that all tough, it's just that we always end at 11plus, and i get home way too late after that. which ends up with me skipping morning lectures the next day ):

goodnight and sweet dreams.

pull me close, take one step;

unraveled @ 10:07 PM

Sunday, May 03, 2009


BESE assignment, done. thank god. week 3 of semester 2 starting tmr, man are the days passing pretty fast. & i bet more assignments are going to pile on. sighhh.

dinner's here. i'm so sleepy i think i might head to bed around 10pm. chicken chop, here i come!

grumbling stomach;

unraveled @ 6:41 PM


haven't been blogging again. tsk. wokay. still don't really have an idea of what to blog for this post. so let's just do with some updates (:

I know, zouk photos aren't up here yet. Go check my fb. Am too lazy to upload 'em here. Like i've mentioned, school have started. no time to slack at all ): i share a love-hate relationship for SSM. gosh, the standing hours and training are insane. but the teachers there are still pretty nice. Assignments due this coming week already, i've really got to pick up the pace. no more holidaying, gwen.

Cheer practices have been going on great. been doing alot more for stunts and am really happy :D poly/ite cluster's performance is going to be awesome man. i need to train a lot more harder from now. and i hope my poor hamstring could heal faster ):

my brother's now married and on his honeymoon, i've gotta get used to not having him around at home anymore. feels kinda weird. perhaps i miss those days when we used to play judo with each other. on the other hand, i'm glad that he's finally settled down (:

Well, goodnight loves. I've recently taken a liking to sleeping earlier.

Your love rescued me;

unraveled @ 2:54 AM