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love is a riddle.
untold story

G; Lips that taste of tears,
they say, are the best for kissing.

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orangeeeeyy Missyan

eXTReMe Tracker
Saturday, March 31, 2007


i over strained my muscle today. pfft. resulted in me limping away.
& wasn't able to complete training. bahhh.
& now, i'm running a fever.

i shall take my leave. nights (:

unraveled @ 12:53 AM

Monday, March 26, 2007


PE: 2 rounds around the track, stretching, bench climb, lunges, jumps.
TRACK: 4 rounds of the track, stretching, drills, 100m strides (4sets), 500m (3sets), 50m strides (6sets)
cooling down for track: 1 walk around the track + jog 2 rounds of the track

i'm totally dead beat.

unraveled @ 11:45 PM

Sunday, March 25, 2007



mary: i want to wear my zebra jacket out.
me: huh? why?
mary: cause it's like sooo cool luh, got hood one!
me: wth? my jacket also got hood!
mary: yours different!
me: what's the difference?!
mary: your hood will fly when the wind blows.
me: YOURS ALSO WHATTTT -.- *$&%*@#$&!*$

sheesh. mary. sheesh -.-

unraveled @ 10:42 PM


oh hello. i bought my shoe bag today :DD
& a whole lot of other stuff.

- gwen & hans benjamin carter.
he's really an caucasian.

- fiona shouts!



track tomorrow. awesome ((:
& POS meeting straight after that. bahh.

unraveled @ 9:12 PM


haha, okay, random title for this post. yeap yeaps.
well, first & foremost,

do come to yj! lol. & yeah, may all wishes come true :DD

i actually did wish him on the actual day itself, but it'll
be nice to post a shout out too yeah? haha. hope you had
a great day since your class did sing you a birthday song,
you must be lucky! lol ((:

anyhow, church service was good :D
rev. casey treat. great message preached. he talked about
faith. & i found the sermon really useful. &amp;&& EASTER
is coming! yayness, i cant wait (: i shall hope that my vein would
be prominant enough this time round when i go for the blood
donation drive. bahhh. well, i guess it would cause i'd be running
alot during track :DD awesomeness.

kamy did sth uber embarrassing today! muahahaha.
(told you i'll blog about it XP )
well, we were at world of sports after fellowship ended
cause i wanted to get a new shoe bag, & thus, kamy went to ask
this guy where were the shoe bags located. BUT the guy wasnt
an shop assistant there! he's a customer in fact. muahahahahaha.
& yeah you bet, i laughed like mad :DD

dint get my shoe bag in the end, i wanted nike. & sadly they were
only selling adidas there. pfft. met eka, mary & joseph~ trained
home. & silly me, i took the bus home from the train station,
forgot the route of the bus & alighted one stop too far. pfft.
once again, i was laughing hard. this time, at myself -.-

wokay` dry post today. bahhh. gonna get some sleep.
meeting mal later. i miss that woman :D

unraveled @ 3:08 AM

Saturday, March 24, 2007


random post, am uber tired.

oh my gosh, look what mary drew!

- muahahaha :DD


uh huh, & so cca results were out today. & both eldora & i are posted
to track & field :DD hah, arent you shocked? gwen >> track?
somehow doesnt fit. lol. MI friends are stunned. haha.
yeah & anyway, i am in Rodney house~~~ awesome luh, i think it's in
the lead now, izit? bahh. yeap yeaps.
eyes are closing, so tatas! ((:

unraveled @ 1:29 AM

Thursday, March 22, 2007


pressurizing me isn't gonna work.
perhaps you should try understanding my plight.

it's Hobson's choice.

unraveled @ 11:58 PM

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


-we hearts nigel? ((:

- nigel said i look like a guy here. haha ((:

my oh my, entertainment for the day. hah.
yeaps, here's replies to tag first, since there's sth stirring
over at the left side of this blog. lol.

lynn: eh. you too free huh? lol. keep analysing eldora & me -.-

someone: haha, well well, whoever said that i cant upload pictures that i think
look "eeee"? i agree that people usually wouldnt put up ugly pictures & all.
but, c'mon luh, it's just a collage? i wanted to show my friends & seek comments.
it's my first try, so why be so harsh? & why has uploading my collage affected you
anyway? & yeah, the saying goes, it's my blog, i do what i like. it's called free
will aye, if you dint know.
& about the IJ uniform thingy, i guess it really irritates you that i wore it
in MI izit? thing is, many of my other friends exchanged uniforms & alot
of em' wore the IJ uniform too. would you like me to give you their urls
so you could like, go & tag their boards & ask what's up with that too?
things you dont do, doesnt mean it's not right. i like the IJ uniform, i admit,
so what's wrong then?
toodles :DD

mal & nigel: thank you guys (: you know me best!
mwahhs! love love. i miss you both.

so much for the "drama" then ((:
well well, school was good today. enjoying, still. eldora's calling
me mad girl though. cause i keep insisting we go to the library
to do homework today. lol. it's good okay. i hope my geekyness
would last. please do. hah.
alright then. shall retire to my slumber. bad head spells all day long.
pfft. am irritated.

unraveled @ 10:03 PM

Monday, March 19, 2007


awesome. i finally got myself a new wallet.
now now, a new pencil case left to go ((:

i'm becoming a geek peeps, i guess that's what jc does to you.
but it's good, i wanna studyyyyy ((: GWEN THE GEEK.
haha. sounds weird aint it?

have i already mentioned that i love my cousins so dearly?

i miss our late night slumbers.
we'll brace through thick & thin together.

unraveled @ 10:41 PM

Saturday, March 17, 2007


pfft. math homework has kept me up this late.
usher training two tmr. like finally ((:

anyhow, i did this collage today. but i think it looks... eeee.
haha. shrugs. i aint good with photoshop still. bahhh. so yeah...

- 07A3; loves :DD

pounding headache. pfft.
goodnight & sweet dreams :DD

unraveled @ 2:24 AM

Friday, March 16, 2007


call me stubborn. but MI days are those that i'd never wanna forget.


[A Year Ago, I...]

1. didnt mug hard for Os.
2. wanted to get outta secondary sch.
3. got hurt.
4. lost two true friends.
5. was a less cheerful person.

[So Far This Year, I...]

1. managed to get into a jc (:
2. am in yishun jc & am happy.
3. made many fantabulous friends!
4. had reconciled friendships.
5. am a much bubbly person!

[Yesterday, I....]

1. went out with eldora, mary, eka, samuel & samantha.
2. watched haunted school.
3. got annoyed by the service of cafe cartel at cine.
4. dint talk much.
5. bumped into edison.

[Today, I ....]

1. am rotting at home.
2. am finally taking a well-deserved rest.
3. am missing 07A3 truckloads!
4. am supposed to be doing homework.
5. am supposed to clear my messy room.

[Tomorrow I will...]

1. go for usher training two (:
2. serve in God's ministry.
3. praise & worship God.
4. listen intently to the sermon & pray hard i wont doze off.
5. fellowship!


i shall change my url soon when i think of the new
url. will inform ya'all, no worries (:

unraveled @ 2:24 PM

♥ GAY :D

am feeling so lethargic today. pfft.
anyhow, movie with eka, mary & 2 other of their friends,
samuel & samantha, was good (:
watched 'The Haunted School' instead of Hannibal Rising
in the end. & missed the chance to drool at the hotness of
the young hannibal lector. lol.
mary & i managed to survive through the movie. hah.
gees, eldora & eka kept laughing at me. probably cause,
as usual, i was screaming & covering my eyes/head with
mary's jacket. call me a whimp, but i really am a scardy cat
towards horror movies. it kinda surprised me that i even
felt like watching it today. weird huh. yeah. mal calls me
'weirder', so you can like imagine how weird i actually am.

it was kinda awkward with two ppl whom i dint know around,
but samantha was really funny & not to mention, spastic/lame.
she's cute. hah. too bad i wasnt in my uber spazzed mood, or i'd
be "laming" along with her. lalala` samuel was just... quiet.
yeaps, sorry mojo, i'll talk more next time round (:
28 mochis & ton less scoops of B&J's :DD

we had our dinner at cafe cartel at cine. service was really absurd.
i had to wait like almost close to an hour for my pan fried linguine.
pfft. i'd never want to go back to that outlet to dine again.

big 'thank you' to eka & mary for lending me your jackets,
or i'd have been frozen alive in those shorts of mine. haha ((:

last sunday, meet-up with some A3 peeps, nigel & mal
to sorta celebrate my birthday ((:
& that was the day i bought my levi's! second pair, awesome :DD

since fiona, joyce & maira wanted to get their uniforms,
i chipped in to have some fun too,
while at BIBI & BABA...

- st' marg girls :P


mal had to leave early... booo.
& dinner at delifrance.

- turtle from them to me :DD

- gwen stealing fiona's minestrone :DD

uber tired. sweet dreams (:

unraveled @ 12:18 AM

Thursday, March 15, 2007


mischief in the washroom :DD

just today did i realise that the initials of eldora, gaya & my name put
together would actually form the word E.G.G. lol. gees.

anyhow, eldora & i were reminiscing back to our primary school days
in starbucks at compasspoint today. i burst out in tremendous laughter
when she told me the reason she wanted to be my friend then...

"i remember that i wanted to be your friend cause...
you know last time we always pass autograph books around?
then i remembered that you gave me a really BIG hello kitty
sticker in my autograph book. & so i thought that you must
be a really nice & generous girl. therefore i wanted to be your friend!"

gees. look what autograph books & hello kitty stickers can bring about ((:
we've been friends ever since primary three & still counting.
i think i wanted to know her then in p3 cause i wanted to swap C-watches
with her. LOL. whatever it is baybeh. most importantly, look where
we've got to today. i'll gladly get her another humongous hello kitty
sticker anytime :DD

yeaps, too bad we dint manage to retrieve that autograph book. pfft.
however, we did find loads of other of the books of hers.
& we realised our hand writings were 99.9% similar then... (haha)

- mine :D

- eldora's (:

- eldora's (:

lol. those were the primary school days ((:
& yeah, the number of ppl in yjc, alone, saying that we look alike,
thought we were twins/sisters/cousins is currently fifteen & counting.
one of them including yj's math HOD. lol. weird man.
we both dont see where & how do we look alike. i lost count of the number
of ppl who says so outside of yj alr. pfft. shrugs, maybe one day we could
like confuse teachers or something. hah. eldora! find that autograph
book with the sticker in it! haha.

am gonna go movie with eldora, eka & mary later.
mal aint free. pfft ): we're watching Hannibal Rising.
not looking forward to it... -cries.


unraveled @ 2:22 AM

Monday, March 12, 2007


hohoho. i am back! after being MIA for soooooooooo long. hah.
i'm sorry guys, kinda dint have the mood to blog & cause i was
always too frazzled. heh. but no worries, i wont abandon my blog.
lol -.- wokay. well well, i am officially seventeen (:
awesome` am lovin' it. lol. i figured seventeen's a nice age. hah.

anyhow, on my birthday, which was also the third day of orientation
at yjc, we had to go to serimbun camp for activities. & i had to step
barefooted on the mud. eew. squishy squishy. i hated it. but still,
it's good to experience it, i guess. must step outta my comfort zone
some times. lol. basically, i got smelly & dirty that day. with water
splashed all over me at every activity station. pfft.
aye aye, but i scored three goals in this soccer game! hah.
birthday luck i presume :D

then there was this jam&hop event in school. & gaya forced eldora
& i to dance. so we had to comply even though eldora's leg was hurting.
see gaya, we're so nice! hah. it wasnt much fun cause there weren't
much ppl around. atmosphere aint there. hah.

dinner with eldora, gaya, eka, zheng yang (aka MARY) & three others
of eka & mary's friends. ate at long john's & they sang me birthday
song there :DD yeaps. that's birthday dinner for me.

& yeah, i was so touched when 07A3, those who are still in MI,
called that morning to wish me happy birthday ((:
i miss you guys loads. & thanks for all your wishes.
class outing this friday, i cant wait! mwahhs! love love love!

frazzled, tanned & dirty after camp, but will still never forget to cam-whore :DD

gwen & eldora.

class 136. we only have two pathetic guys in class -.-

kisses for the birthday girl :DD

for eldora too (:

& only bites for gaya! muahaha.

well, that girl in the background's azia ( i think that's how it's spelt).
no idea why she popped in into the background. beware gaya,
she's gonna hit on you! lol.

there's like no march holidays for me at all. busy everyday. pfft.
anyhow, i am gonna change my h2 chinese lit to h2 english lit.
lol. i went to choose h2 geog, h2 econs, h2 chinese lit aka. CLL
& h1 math. however, after the first lesson for CLL today, i realised
that i should have stuck to english lit instead. dint understand a single
shit of the "li bai"'s poetry at all. bahhh. i'm praying hard that i'd
be able to change my combi, or i'd be doomed )):

nth much has been happening at yj. probably cause we all dont
really know each other yet. weird.... i miss pae at MI. it's like..
everyone knows everybody. & i'd always have my classmates
with me. in yj... my class... i can just see the different cliques
forming already. sigh. it'll get better yeah?

mama mia, here we go again;

unraveled @ 10:14 PM

Thursday, March 08, 2007


turning seventeen in approximately half & hour's time.
however i am going to turn in. that's how i'm gonna usher
in my seventeenth birthday. hah. gettting older. pfft.

as i was in yj today, traces of 07A3 was like everywhere.
dont get me wrong, i dont hate nor dislike yj. in fact, i am
happy to be in yj. but it's just that, i really miss 07A3 tons.
many a time i thought i saw a3 classmates in the hall. today,
i really thought someone there was liwen, & had wanted to
yell loudly for her, till i looked carefully & realised that
it wasnt her. sigh. someone was playing lulu's piano piece
in sch today & for a moment, i nearly forgot that i was in yj
& not in MI, thus, i was expecting to see lulu on that piano.
sadly, it was some weird guy. looking at the track, reminds
me of the grandstand breaks. & the other places respectively.
gees. this must stop, cause it's making me cry every night.
most of all, i miss studying in MI together with you guys!

our last day in school...

not forgetting all the trouble we got into...

07A3; my joy, laughter & comfort.

unraveled @ 11:27 PM

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


hello dearest readers ((:
you must be wondering about the jae results. hah.
my first choice. well, as over the moon as i am,
i'm still having mixed feelings. bahhhh.
fickle-minded, yes i am.

kudos! gaya's accepted by yjc too. awesome!
am gonna meet her & head down to yjc tomorrow.
i'm glad that it's all over, but then again it's more
like a new beginning. phew`.

whatever it is. i thank God for helping me pull through
this period of time. mwahhs!

ps: guys, tag me & tell me where you're posted!
awesomeness. muahahahaha :DD

pps: am currently at jared's house, waiting for the guys
to be done with their soccer game before i can get my hands
on the ps2! metal slug!!!! yayness.

07A3; you're missed by gwen (:

unraveled @ 10:42 AM


- 5th march, monday -

today finally came & now days at MI are over. as i said,
i did cry like a lil' kid wailing for mummy to get me the
doll that i've been eyeing. it's hard ya'know. really hard.
to once again having to let go off these wonderful days
studying at MI, especially with such an awesome class like
07A3. yes, we'll be meeting up & going out i know,
but somehow, 07A3 would never be together in school
anymore, attending lectures & tutorials. playing badminton
&/or basketball during breaks. chilling out at the grandstand
whenever possible. all the class antics, the tonless jokes,
battles with teachers, nasty pe, sucky canteen food...
these are the things that we would not be able to go through
together as a class anymore. & it hurts so much to bade
such daily activities farewell as it all fades into memories.

In the years to come
Will you think about these moments that we shared
In the years to come
Are you gonna think it over
And how we lived each day with no regrets

Nothing lasts forever though we want it to
The road ahead holds different dreams for me and you

Sometimes goodbye, though it hurts in your heart
Is the only way for destiny
Sometimes goodbye, though it hurts
Is the only way now for you and me
Though its the hardest thing to say
I'll miss your love in every way
So say goodbye
But don't you cry
'Coz true love never dies

In a year from now
Maybe there'll be things we'll wish we never said
In a year from now
Maybe we'll see each other
Standing on the same street corner, no regrets

Each and every end is always written in the stars
If only I could stop the world, I'd make this last

Sometimes goodbye (sometimes goodbye), though it hurts in you heart
Is the only way for destiny (is the only way for destiny)
Sometimes goodbye (sometimes goodbye), though it hurts
Is the only way now for you and me (is the only way for you and me)
Though its the hardest thing to say
I'll miss your love in every way
So say goodbye (so say goodbye)
But don't you cry
'Coz true love never dies

And when you need my arms to run into
I'll come for you
Nothing will ever change the way I feel

Sometimes goodbye (sometimes goodbye), though it hurts in you heart
Is the only way for destiny (is the only way for destiny)
Sometimes goodbye (sometimes goodbye), though it hurts
Is the only way now for you and me (is the only way for you and me)
Though its the hardest thing to say
I'll missing your lovin' every day
So say goodbye
But don't you cry

Because a true love never dies

unraveled @ 12:23 AM