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love is a riddle.
untold story

G; Lips that taste of tears,
they say, are the best for kissing.

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orangeeeeyy Missyan

eXTReMe Tracker
Monday, September 28, 2009


is always written in the stars.

Couldn't sleep till it was 8plus in the morning again. Sheesh. I was seriously considering staying up till my parents leave home then order mac breakfast but thank god that playing Restaurant City on FB finally made me sleepy enough. Woke up and hadn't had anything to fill my stomach and am now waiting for Seema to pick me and drive down for cheer practice. Thanks love (:

I thought I could, but maybe I was wrong;

unraveled @ 6:16 PM

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Good evening loves. & I just only got up about an hour ago. I've turned extremely nocturnal, not that I'm liking it. But somehow I just can't seem to sleep early. Someone help me, I want to turn my bio clock back. Gees ):

Your love has seen me through all my days;

unraveled @ 7:09 PM

Friday, September 25, 2009


Mummy bought me my Dolly Girl!
& I was just only telling her this noon that I wanted it :D

So happy I took pictures with it.

Totally yummy! Go get it from Daiso!

Ladies Night @ Butterfactory.

Loving Butterfact like totally. But this week's Ladies Night wasn't that fantastic. The music wasn't up to its standards, I was mildly dissapointed at the end of the night. Besides E kept getting her feet/toe stepped on repeatedly (poor girl), it was so crowded I could barely move, let alone dance. Then again, I'd prefer crowd rather than an empty dance floor. Hitting the clubs again this weekend, hopefully. E needs to fully make use of her pathetic one-week long holidays. Butter again next Wednesday E! Pretty please.

Mummy stole my new bag bought from Bugis street. Pfft. & she has this new past time of ransacking my wardrobe and grabbing my clothes to wear. Tsk, give me more money to shop luhhh. She also had to go and get her hair permed and came back home with curls I din't like. Lastly, mummy can't seem to remember that I'm having my semester break now regardless of the countless times that I've told her so. She doesn't fail to ask if I've got school/what time is school the next day, every night. Weird mama.

Anyhow, I've totally gotta launch the "Save money, stop shopping" campaign if I'd ever want to save up enough to get my blogshop going. E, please embark on this campaign with me or we'd never get doppelganger going. & omg, building fund is starting soon. I need a savings plan. Dang.

It's 0609am and I've just had supper not too long ago. I'm still looking for a lunch-mate for later. So my beloved buddies, please call me out for lunch. It's Friday again! :D

You're lips like sugar;

unraveled @ 6:09 AM

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Am currently madly in love with my newly manicured nails and I pray hard I wouldn't get it chipped within the next few days. Anyhow, I really don't know about the accounting paper, but by faith! I'd pass it, by faith! So it was to Bugis after the supp paper, retail therapy makes me an extremely happy kid. Butterfactory comin' right up tonight yo. I'd see you there, yes?

So, I've managed a few successful twist cradles at training the other day :D I am so gay. Throughout last week, there was Ben's 22nd Birthday BBQ party, then Lynn's 21st at her place. And then pretty much nothing else. OH! & of course the sleepover at Adel's. Which reminds me that J had not yet uploaded the pictures.

6.15am already. Imma shut down my lappie and start rolling around bed till I fall asleep. With only 1.5hours of sleep the previous day due to overnight mugging, I should have ought to be asleep way earlier. Aight, butterrrrrrrrrrrrrr :DDD

Maybe three seconds is enough;

unraveled @ 5:47 AM

Friday, September 18, 2009


Thank goodness I'm finally sick and tired of what you do, no more butterflies, no more being smitten, and no more silly smiles. So say goodbye, cause like I've said, you and I were never meant to be. Honey, we could have been but maybe you've tried too hard, done too much. Tonight, you mean nothing more than just a mere friend to me. Oh memories, how sweet. Thank you, pretty boy.

Cause I'm not your princess;

unraveled @ 5:54 AM

Saturday, September 12, 2009


So sore throats are absolutely horrible. It took me bout an hour before I could fall asleep just cause the sore made me really uncomfortable. Gave lunch with cg a miss cause the sore throat was so awful that I just wanted to continue sleeping. Damn the sore throat and aching head ): So here I am, finally up and I ought to start getting ready for church soon.

Did manicure and my nails are now purple, the only sad part was that I ruined a few fingers slightly while shopping immediately after the manicure. Hah. Shopping was good, cheap buys. & caught up with dearest E. So anyway, off to shower now. Xoxo.

You make me laugh,
you make me cry;

unraveled @ 2:11 PM

Friday, September 11, 2009


So Ladies Night at Butter was awesome cept that all the queueing was quite a pain. & I had finally gotten down to dying my hair. Nothing that flamboyant, just the usual brown. The night before I was leaving home to head to Dennis' to dye our hair, I was telling Daddy that imma get my hair dyed and then he asked "what colour?". After hearing that I'd be colouring it brown, he went on to suggest absurd colours like pink, blue, purple, and even went on saying that he'd do pink while I should dye mine purple. Sometimes Daddy really cracks me up, and as of 10 September 09', Daddy's officially 55 years old! Happy Birthday! I love you Daddy!

Holidays has been real good thus far, suntanning, clubbing, hongkong dramaing etc. I like (Y). Down to Bugis later in the day, am finally meeting up with E. Been a real long while since I last saw her, and gees, I miss you so much babe! Anyway, will be back to mugging for Accounting after Friday. First thing I saw this morning was the sms from TP stating my results, and I bloody failed Accounting. Damn, & I thought Macroeconomics/BCS was the bane of my life. Now I know it's actually Accounting. Wish me luck, supp paper ain't no fun ):

Collected my blogshopping item from the post office today, am a happy kid :D Much more online shopping to do, and it seem like E and I are never going to really get down to launching our online store. Hah. Soon please! Wokay dokes, back to youtubing.

Maybe I was naive, got lost in your eyes;

unraveled @ 1:41 AM

Sunday, September 06, 2009


Monday's tanning with J alone.

Friday's tanning with both J & Adel.

So Friday's tanning session has left me pretty tanned, I like. Cept that my poor back is in total redness and it hurts, thus I can't really sleep on my back. Nonetheless, had a great tanning session with J & Adel. Our sleepovers soon! :D

Caught I Love You, Beth Cooper with cellgroup! Not too bad, really funny but other than that, nothing that fantastic. I still want to catch The Time Traveler's Wife, like soon. Reviews for it ain't that good, but I really like Rachel Mcadams.

It's now Sunday, but no sleeping in for me. Sigh. Run @ SG event today, IGIGIG. Wonder what I'd be doing, please just not under the sun. I'm as red and tanned as can be already. Aight, bedtime! Alarm is at 9.30am, gees.

Even if I searched all the world
I could never find a love like Yours;

unraveled @ 2:51 AM