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love is a riddle.
untold story

G; Lips that taste of tears,
they say, are the best for kissing.

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orangeeeeyy Missyan

eXTReMe Tracker
Friday, September 28, 2007


mummy just gave me the green lights to get
a new phone. a. new. phone. awesomeness.
i just lost my new one, and here i go.
wrecking my brains over which phone to get
now. sometimes, i'm just the luckiest kid.
i love youuuuuuuuu. heh. mummy just totally
stole my earrings luh -.- tsktsk, haha.

rainy day and ice cream, is a simply wonderful
combination :D and long rides home are my latest
love. haha. i'm sorry people, gwen's basking in
happiness now. or rather, for now. i'd be in
depression soonest, just you see. next week!

will go check out phones tmr. yayness.
thank you mummy, and praise God!
i really wanted a new phone (:
internal hall usher duty this week! awesome.
i want to serve you everyday of my life Lord.

i know i smell nice :D

unraveled @ 12:55 AM

Thursday, September 27, 2007


some southpark thingy i made.
awesomeness right? haha. it's cute hokay! :D


shaun isaac;

i am sooooo sleepy, i think i'm about to doze
off right in front of my computer now. damn.
oh well, today seemed like one looonggg day ):
(& i just dozed off. wth -.-)

i realised i love long bus rides much. as long as
i aint on an empty stomach, lest i'd get a headache
from that.
goodnight :D

unraveled @ 12:08 AM

Monday, September 24, 2007


today's definitely one undulating day.
damn. hours & hours at the polyclinic was,
you bet, dreadful. but thank God for the
company that came later. the heavy downpour
was great, if only it occurred on a day where
i decide to sleep in. i think the strong gusts of
winds nearly all blew me away.

i kinda realise that i've got a fetish for super-marts.
i loveeee to walk around aimlessly in there, and
take a look at almost everything and anything.
anyone willing to be my company? (:
aimless walkings & freezing hands.

then the downfall of the day came, i had to print out
my PW's (project work) WR (written report) by tonight,
at 9pm. and i only received the call at 4.50pm.
hokay, i am not blaming my members okay. am just
expressing my frustrations for the day ):
so i phoned many of my friends to get 'em to help me
print out the WR, which has got to be in colour.
& cause it dint go smoothly, as in dont know who was
able to print & all, i ran all over town. yes, all over.
gwen has never burned more fats at track than today.
to no avail, town wasnt where i could get my WR
printed. RAWR!

thankfully, nigel got home & helped me printed my
WR! ohmygoshlikethankyousososomuchnigeywigey!
THANK YOUUUUU :D &praise God for that.
sooooo, it was like 7plus already when i rushed down
from town to yishun, then walked to sch to grab the
darn official cover page, then to khatib. where sophie
brought me to get my WR binded. THANK YOU
SOPHIE! then bus-ed back to sch again, ran in &
submitted my WR.

you'd think that was the end right?
no way, i got scolded. cause the format, colour and
word count wasnt really correct. aye, cut me some slack
pls. i was away from sch today and i rushed all about to
get it done cause all my members were counting on me.
and which of em did stay back to at least deliver the
official cover page to me? i'm not angry at you guys
kay, i just... wanna voice out. but seriously, i'm not
holding anything against you guys hokay (:
the only thing that i was pissed with was when one
of my members like screamed at me when my friend
couldnt open the file that my member has sent to my
email account. she asked me why, saying how can?
when the teacher can open it. like hello?! how the
freak would i know?! i aint no computer whiz pls.
get some sense luh.

): sigh, am honestly pretty upset, cause in
the end, i had to get "scolded" by the HOD still.
oh Lord, make me forget about this pls.

well, enough of emoing. awful yet fab day still,
cause someone accompanied me at the polyclinic and
all over town today (: THANK YOU SO SO MUCH!
and sorry for troubling and wasting much of your
time today ): i feel so bad for making you run
all around.
momo loves coffeebean much :D

i am not gonna remember about the bad stuff that
happened today. i will not bear grudge, i will not
vent my frustrations on anyone, i will not complain
and grumble tmr. after all, WWJD? Jesus, mould me
to become more like you. you are Christ the king,
my lord and my savior. change me o'lord.
you are my peace.

Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like you have loved me

Break my heart from what breaks yours
Everything i am for your kingdom's cause
As i go from nothing to

unraveled @ 11:14 PM

Sunday, September 23, 2007


fun-filled day i had. if only this would go on.
oh well, momo shall not be negative today! hokayyy.
met up with my darling MNG, shaun, andrew and laurie
today. managed to study a lil' here and there this
morning (: it was raining cats and dogs this early
morning, what a great weather to sleep in aye? but
nooooo, i left for centrepoint's coffeebean. bahhh.
but it was worth it (:

studied alone at bean till the rest finally slowly filled in.
laurie only stayed for a short time though.
it's been a really long time since i last met up with
andrew aka mal's cousin. today was an awesome
laughter day. my dirty secrets were revealed, some.
shucks ): mal's too. we were like the target of their
jokes, how nice right? pfft. but overall, we had an
awesome rocking time!

i seriously love my MNG besties. they never fail to be
there. and i feel that i am just the luckiest person to
have such understanding friends. always listening
me out, waiting for me no matter how late i am, put
up with my rants & whines, bitches with me, and
never let those who bully me get away.
i love you both, really. it's so mushy i
feel like a twit, but really luh! indescribable -hugs :D

not forgetting kristle, june, gaya, kamy, keith, jeremy,
my famous5's cousins (: i am seriously one lucky girl.
praise God.



what you lickin' at?!

my awesome.


say, what more can i ask for?
i am contented. really. i loveeee you guys
many many (:
& thanks mister batman. rainy day.
& thanks moomoo for walking me home.

falling at Your feet
as my whole world fades away
falling at Your feet
let my life be holy thine
my life be holy thine, Jesus.

unraveled @ 11:34 PM

Thursday, September 20, 2007



what do you do when everything just seems to be
crashing down on you alone?
when things happen after one another, leaving you
with no time to breathe?
the going keeps getting harder. and i'm worried that
i'll just crumble. God i need Your strength ever more
so. i will lift up all my worries onto You & just do my best.

on happier note, i'd like to tell the world that...
thank you guys much for cheering dearest momo up.
i aprreciate it loads hokay :D lovelove.

(click to enlarge.)
keith tan xiang wei, thank you! (:

to my loves:
mal & nigel! thank you both for always being there.
rainft lin is my happy pill. thank you moomoo!
shaun isaac. thanks too mister batman, for keeping
me company.
& those who stopped by to cheer momo up.

and the biggest thank you to my dearest daddy God!
for being the pillar of my life :D

goodnight y'all. toodles.

unraveled @ 12:46 AM

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


1. The person who tagged you is -

2. Your relationship with him/her is -

3. 5 impressions you have of him/her -
always spaces out, stones, spaces out, stones, dazes.

4. The most memorable thing he/she has done for you -

5. The most memorable words he/she has said to you -
*thinks hard*

6. If he/she becomes your lover, you will -
we're already having an affair -winks.

7. If he/she becomes your lover, things he/she has to improve on will be -
stop spacing out always.

8. If he/she becomes your enemy, you will -
love her still.

9. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be -
she thinks circles are oval in shape. figure that out (:

10. The most desirable thing you want to do for him/her now is -
improve our nights together! HAHA.

11. Your overall impression of him/her is -
best at spacing out! at any time, even if you just talked to her 1 second ago. uh-huh.

12. How you think people around you will feel about you -
either 'Gwen is sooooo nice' (: or "Gwen's the nastiest girl alive, she queen?! my ass.'

13. The characteristic you love about yourself is -
being a freaking lame-o.

14. The characteristic you hate about yourself is -
being too pessimistic at times.

15. The most ideal person you want to be is -
ME, MYSELF & I. cause God created me unique (:

16. For people that care and like you, say something to them -

17. Pass this quiz to 10 people that you wish to know how they feel about you

1. Kristle
2. Nigel
3. Mallory
4. Gaya
5. Kamy
6. Rainft
7. Shaun
8. Jerome
9. Fiona
10. Liwen

Who is no.6 having a relationship with? -
[rainft] with cows :D

Is no.9 a male or female? -
[fiona] female.

If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing? -
[shaun, liwen] ack. HAH. liwen, what do you think?

What is no.2 studying? -
[nigel] history, econs, literature, chinese B!

When was the last time you had a chat with no.3? -
[mallory] last night.

What kind of music does no.8 like? -
[jerome] breakdancing songs.

Does no.1 has any siblings? -
[kristle] ME!

Will you woo no.3? -
[mallory] TOTALLY.

How about no.7? -
[shaun] i dont like to woo guys you know.

Is no.4 single? -
[gaya] galala's attached to me, like hello?!

What's the surname of no.5? -
[kamy] ONG.

What's the hobby of no.4? -
[gaya] messing up my hair :D thanks arh.

Do no.5 and 9 get along well? -
[kamy, fiona] they dont even know of each other.

Where is no.2 studying at? -
[nigel] millenia institute.

Say something casual about no.1 -
[kristle] she loves me best!

Have you tried developing feelings for no.8? -
[jerome] urh, no. he's like my brother-brother?

Where does no.9 live? -
[fiona] ang mo kio.

What colour does no.4 like? -
[gaya] red & black?

Are no.5 and 1 best friends? -
[kristle, kamy] they're more like sisters to me.

Does no.7 like no.2? -
[shaun, nigel] would he? rofl.

How did you get to know no.2? -
[nigel] he added me on msnnnnnnn.

Does no.1 have any pets? -
[kristle] nope. at least, i dont think so. i've not visited her since she shifted.

Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world? -
[shaun] nope, I AM! muahaha.


i should go have dinner :D tatas.

unraveled @ 7:10 PM

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


MNG; malnigegwen.

Jesus, Lover of my soul,
Jesus, I will never let you go
You’ve taken me from the miry clay
You've set my feet upon the Rock, and now i know

I love you, I need you,
Though my world may fall, I’ll never let you go
My Saviour, my closest friend,
I will worship you until the very end

Daddy God, all i need is Your strength.

unraveled @ 1:32 AM

Monday, September 10, 2007


TEN weird habits/lil' known facts about MOMO;

1. i like to eat strawberries coated with sugar.
2. i randomly flip my leg backwards to kick walls.
3. i like to read.
4. i wear glasses at home. (only to watch tv)
5. i must recall things in the same manner it happened.
6. i must picture my notes and recall the points in the order it was in.
7. i can cry when watching animal planet.
8. i always think that tablets would get stuck in my throat.
9. i like my right hand more than my left.
10. i love eating spoonfuls of condensed milk by itself.

there, done it! :D

each player will start of with 10 habits/little known
facts about yourself. ppl who get tagged must do this
on their blogs and state the rules clearly.
choose 6 ppl to be tagged!

- kristle
- mallory
- laurie
- gaya
- nigel?
- ehh, anyone luh huh :D

unraveled @ 3:04 PM


-10 September 2007-
God bless, always be in the pink of health.
i love you daddy.
mwahhs; lovelove.

sleezy sunday for me. woke up only at 3pm.
caught extreme makeover; home edition.
and practically lazed around on the couch for
the rest of the entire day, doing nothing but
watch television. i reckon it's a cursed invention
that tends to capture attention and refuses to let
you move away from it. bahh. what a tiny coloured
box can do huh? XD

back to school later. darn. math test, you bet!
i've not revised. 1 week, and gwen did nothing.
gees. i'm such a lazy bum please.
gwen's gotta seriously start being a geek again,
pretty please. embrace your circumstances!

on a lighter note, here's a list of things that i'm
craving for now XP

- 'shopaholic and baby' book by sophie kinsella.
- black skinnys.
- num bag, or some other bags that would catch
my eye.
- that levi's watch. LOYYYYYY!
- long long tank tops.
- customized pumps.
- a bigger crucifix pendant.
- a new phone?
- that wrist cuff from far east

yadaa yadaa. ack, that's quite some stuff huh?
going broke, mummy. but she just gave me my
extra cash for this month already. thing is, i
dont feel like spending it. but how not when there's
so many stuff i wanna get? gees, what a headache.

i should go practise math now, yes?

He came from heaven to earth;
to show the way.
from the earth to the cross;
my debt to pay.
from the cross to the grave,
from the grave to the sky.
Lord i lift Your name on high.

unraveled @ 12:27 AM

Sunday, September 09, 2007


had a great friday this week (:
well, i studied with nigel in the morning,
movied with mal & laurie in the late noon
& board gamed with mal, nigel, steph (nigel's gf)
and laurie at Nebo in amk hub. cool huh? :D

we caught Ratatouille. dint think much of it at first.
but after watching it... i rate it a 4/5 star movie.
it's wickedly adorable. now i really still do wanna
catch Rush Hour 3, License to Wed and Evan Almighty.

Nebo's a nice place to chill and play games, but the
sad thing is that it has too lil' variety of games ):
we ended up playing Taboo. basically... we had a
crazzzzzzzyyyyyy night (:

mal, momo, laurie.

oops, laurie got cut ):

you realise why they're a pair huh?

nigel's the funniest person you can play Taboo
with! muahaha. mal and nigel were a team.
and mal was explaining while nigel was guessing.
so... word to guess: "TEA CUP"

mal: what time of the day is 5pm?
nigel: TEA
mal: uh-huh, okay, and so you drink it with?
nigel: a CUP?
mal: yes yes. and together?
nigel: and SAUCER!

whatthepiangnigel? hahaha. you're supposed to
link the words together! XD
another evidence...

mal: *hums tune of the simpsons*

seriously, that was the joke of the day.
right huh? little wittle icky wicky nigey wigey!
you're soooooooo dead -grins.


service was fantastic today aka yesterday...
we had nick speaking to us today. he's born without any
limbs. yes, no arms, no legs. he's an awesome
motivator and his testimony touched me deeply.
"that when you see the weakness, God's strength is
perfected." we've gotta embrace our circumstances and
have faith that God who has brought us to it, will bring
us through it! (: for our God is a faithful God :DD

i want to know You Lord,
You are a great big God.
i'm young and do not know a lot,
come and be my all.
i want to love You more,
giving You my life and all.
You died for me, You sacrificed.
i won't forget You Lord.

unraveled @ 4:06 AM

Thursday, September 06, 2007


i'm such a pig i slept till 4pm this noon. hohoho,
refused to get outta lalaland :D anyhow, i received
a phone call from an unknown number today. & i think
it might just be the one that kennysia was referring to
on his web -> CLICK!
it's some scam thingy. i was aslp then, disturbed
by that phone call, and when i picked up some cheena
lady spoke to me in a very heavy chinese accent (i think?)

cheena lady: hi, ni hao. wo shi chong xing tai gong si da
lai de. wo men yao zhou yi ge shi chang hu kou tiao cha
(hi, we're calling from xing tai company. we're gonna do
!@#$%^& survey)

-meanwhile, her background was super noisy. with loads
of phones ringing & ppl shouting -.-

me: wo xian zai mei you kong. bai bai.
(i'm not free at the moment, bye bye.)

hah. i immediately got reminded of the scam that
kennysia mentioned. & so yeah, decided not to
waste my time with that lady. cant really make out
her heavy chinese anyway. muahaha.
thereafter, i fell back asleep (:

aye, i've got the phantom of cutting my hair
short again. but, it's usually a disaster. so...
had better not :DD
dinnering at mal's! shall make my way down
now. tatas!

unraveled @ 7:09 PM


some quizzes i took ((:
it'll look outta place if i pasted the picture of the
result here. so here goes...

what's your love profile?

what very uncommon name should you have?
Faviola Fairy Elzy.

are you a high maintenance woman?

are you happy being single?

how sarcarstic are you?
oops, hehe (:

what is your love based on?

what should you study?

are you spoiled?

hokay dokay. i must say that blogthings do actually
hook ppl. pfft. and i've just only gotten off the hook.
damn, 6.26am. shucks. bed! MORNING everyone!

(malwowie, press on yeah. life's never a bed of roses. &
yes, i believe in you, that you can achieve greater
things. God's always here for you, fret not! He will
never leave you nor forsake you. so laling, do the best
you can & God will take care of the rest! :D)

nothing matters when You're here with me;

unraveled @ 5:19 AM

Tuesday, September 04, 2007


i cried buckets-full during these few hours &
refused to sleep although i've got a meeting at
12pm in school later. the pain in my heart, the
bitterness. i couldnt and wouldnt stop crying.
i'm hooked. you're right. i'm so hooked onto you
i cant quit staring at you.
& now, you've totally captured my heart...

damn mal! you've got me hooked onto
4am, ohmypiang *scrambles off to bed*

unraveled @ 3:56 AM


you could prolly have guessed from the title
itself. yes, today's entry is on reminiscing again.
haha. i'm sorry, but well, you'd get to see how was
the past like... ((:

i miss badminton many many. being in
badminton sch team for 7 years, i cant help
but miss this sport every dayyyyy.
someone go book a court & play with me, yes yes?

cousins. i miss them a hell load! )):
june, li ling, karmen, li hong, li shan! i miss you girls!

i miss the council board too. though it was quite a
bitch. but hey! all those fun, planning all those sch
events. i will never forget. especially since being the
head of council welfare meant higher authority :DD

most of all, i miss GEM! aka gwendelyn, estee
mwahhs. & dont kill me for this picture! XP

oh well, there you go. a very very brief reminiscence.
haha. more to come in time. i'm off to watch soapy
korean dramas :DD

in the end just to hear You say "well done"
bowing before Your throne;

unraveled @ 12:43 AM

Monday, September 03, 2007


well, last week has gotta one of my worst weeks.
i hope this week's gonna be a much better one.
major headache now. freaking stressed out, & in
need of much sleep. all the best at detention later,
gwen. 8.30am-5.30pm. nine hours straight. you've
gotta be kidding me.
& friendster had to be a bitch. darn viruses. & today's
one erased my profile. thanks man. what a nice topping
to my cupcake for the week. mum screamed at me,
then parents decided to quarrel as i fret over my WR.
not good when you're trying to analyse & you so know
you're not good at it. what adds on, is the bad gastric
i'm having now. 2.07am, however am i gonna last nine
hours in detention tmr all alone? friends have decided to
do it another day. but i reckon i shall clear it asap,
lest i've gotta do it on saturdays again. pfft. major
headache & terrible gastric. period.

dearest auntie mal, cheer up hokay. this week's gonna
be a much much better one (: you've got us with you,
fret not. lovelove; mwahhs.

i'll follow You till the end.

unraveled @ 1:58 AM