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love is a riddle.
untold story

G; Lips that taste of tears,
they say, are the best for kissing.

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orangeeeeyy Missyan

eXTReMe Tracker
Friday, October 31, 2008


is the most boring subject ever, besides RHT.
oh god, 1 hour and 8 minutes more to liberation ):


unraveled @ 3:52 PM

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


accidents happen and you've got us all worried sick. our poor chen cheng has dislocated his elbow while doing a back tuck. sunday's practice was one unforgettable night, it happened too quickly and caught us unprepared. seeing him in pain made us all teary, but i'm glad he's alright now. for the few of us that went down to the hospital, seeing chen cheng getting discharged from the A&E was our greatest relief. thank god he's fine now. he even did half a high V for us :D though it's gonna take him bout three weeks to recover, and i dont think he'd be able to join us during the performance already. all in all, we're glad he's alright! :D no more accidents like that kay!
get well soon, chen cheng!!!

anyhow, school is officially starting this week. business week one. here we go again, another leg of my race has started :D GO FIGHT WIN! htmig's ah, vegas! movie screening later! :D rawrrawr. aint sleepy yet, off to korean drama.
p.s. i know i've not blogged about my trip XD

i have a hope so sure;

unraveled @ 1:41 AM

Friday, October 24, 2008


man, i am sleepy. but i'm refusing to go to bed yet. mummy's on her way to thailand now. and i miss her. not so much of the naggings, but i miss my mummy. i hope she enjoys her time there with her clique (: and in the meantime buy back lotsa goodies for me :D
so, first french tutorial today. karen started speaking much in french, and i thought i was gonna die cause i dint get a word and so did the rest of my classmates. thankfully i've managed to grasp it and at the end of karen's lesson, i've at least got an idea of what she has taught.
Bonsoir, Je m'appelle Gwendelyn. Je suis singapourienne. Comment ca va? Enchantee! :D anyhow, saturday's gonna be an interesting day, fill you guys in soon. i'm gonna be having much fun.

perhaps you've been bought over long ago, but i badly wanted you to stay. cause you made me laugh when i'm in the pits, and laughed along with me when i was euphoric. maybe you dont know and might never know, but that favour that i've helped you with, tears me up inside. i dint know a friend like you could ever affect me in this way. whatever your reason may be, you know your motive best. it's time i acknowledge that you're truly gone.
goodbye mister ***** ****.

how now brown cow?

unraveled @ 2:19 AM

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


sleezy start to semester two. my entire day in school only lasted for roughly two hours. decided to skip my public speaking and french lecture, and crash wednesday morning's. i've yet to find out if any friends are in the same cds classes as me. tuesday means commskills2tutorial and then bcs lect, home sweet home thereafter. practice's canceled tmr for us to recover from injuries and have more time to rest. pastor kong's sitting in for this coming sunday's rehearsal! :D

9am class again. sweet dreams.

rain in my heart;

unraveled @ 12:16 AM

Monday, October 20, 2008


semester one point two has officially started. say goodbye to holidays and hello you busy business school ((: i can't wait to get to school later. after one and a half months of holidays, i'm excited that school is finally starting. now, no more sleeping only in the wee hours of the morning, i hope my bio clock and switch back fast. hospitality and tourism management :D loves. oh! and i'd be taking french and public speaking this sem for cds ((: can't wait to see 1h03 later, and other school mates! gosh, i'm feeling jittery already.

rehearsal went well just now at expo hall 8, pastor loved our performance! so now we've been given more time for our routine and so we can add in more stunts :D awesomeness. training on tuesday at sp again this week, and i'm still trying to figure out how to get there by bus from tp :D hahaha. i think i'm more of a bus person to a train person. great job all euphorians today. cmon let's hype it up to the next level!

goodnight one and all :D it's gonna be a great day today!
p.s. 'cept for the fact that J and i are staying back to do pptslides till late.


unraveled @ 12:25 AM

Thursday, October 16, 2008


The Sunday Gang.

i'm kidding bout the sunday gang thingy. but well, this is the sunday crowd, not much of a crowd i know, after service and fellowshipping with our own cells. rica's condo is a beautiful place to chill while waiting for 5.45pm to arrive before raymond drives us all down for cheer practice.
well, i know i've not been updating much, so here goes a short entry before i crash into bed. work again! rawr.

practices have became more tiring as we challenge more and more different stunts. i feel that we guys have definitely bonded much and are better as a team now. that said, i can't help but have this upset feeling when stunts do not go up or when ppl fall and get injurd. tuesday's training has left me feeling a lot more like family towards the team now. especially when the accidents happened at our last run-through for the day. it was kinda bad, but i'm glad no one sustained serious injuries. all of us, have a very important role to play in the team, so for the next one month, let us all work hard together! oh, and play hard too! :D we're not always that serious, you know. haha. routine changes constantly, almost at every practice.
so yeah, praise god, i get to fly yo ((: that's one inexperienced flyer for you. haha. and man am i excited :D rehearsal in expo with pastor kong this sunday. you don't know how important this coming day is to us. kinda stressful, but we'll do our best!

3.15am and i need my sleep.
school is starting monday! oh.my.goodness.
oh & new worship song's lyrics HERE.


unraveled @ 2:49 AM

Saturday, October 11, 2008


happy eighteenth to isaac tan again :D tea-ed with my two un-gentlemen again, finally. gomes finally unburied himself from his textbooks tonight. but they interrupted me watching my survivor gabon! rawr. but it's okay, you know i love you guys XD haha.
wanted to walk to prata house but they made me turn back halfway, and said that we should head to the coffeeshop, so yeah. had mini catch-up, and i realised that they still don't treat me like a girl. or maybe they don't treat me like a total girl, why?! pfft.
a black cat on the way home made us burst into fits of laughter. gomes, i think the cat's in love with you, you'd better beware. they reluctantly walked me home and even insisted that i should walk them home instead. great buddies right?

well, then again, i love them cause they know me best ((:

i love you love me;

unraveled @ 2:15 AM

Friday, October 10, 2008


first & foremost, to ck boy :D
you are finally legal dude.

nine years and counting. even our parents are childhood friends. gee, i can already see our grandchildren playing together. haha. i love kristle, period. the sleepover was gooood, had fun teaching her play sims2, while in the midst, i fiddled with her macbook. her cat, muffin, sure is one un-affectionate puss. tsk. and muffin's really fat as well.
so we slept in till mid-noon, wanted to head down to the mall to catch a movie however, decided that we should just watch 'Juno' on her lappie. lunch & dinner by her mom (: rawr, one sleezy day. it's been long since we had sleezy days together. school's starting on monday for her, and i wonder when are we next meeting. shopping, yes?

enough of sleezy days, today's gonna be a long day at work. i pray hard for good customers and i wouldnt mind one that would come by and buy that big megalodon prehistoric fossilized shark tooth. three thousand buckaroos, thanks :D eight hours alone before another staff comes in to keep me company, shucks. i shall have to stock up on food and drink less water. rawr. if only i could use my lappie there. heh.
bedtime ppl, before my stomach starts grumbling again. i'm pretty positive that i'm a major glutton.


unraveled @ 1:24 AM

Thursday, October 09, 2008


well, my dearest kristle is now sims2ing away on my lappie and i have taken over her macbook. so why waste the chance? cam-whore was what i did. hahaha. shall bluetooth pictures over later. anyhow, i just had chicken cup noodles from first choice. i tell you, if you don't like soggy noodles, then please don't buy that brand. i left it there to cook for a few more minutes and the noodles bloated to like twice of itself?! rawr. and gwendelyn likes no soggy noodles.
while i'm bugging kristle to repaint my nails for me (i just painted it midnight blue ytd!), she's telling me to shoo off cause she's hooked to sims2. as expected, who can run from the claws of sims2?! haha. i've got thoughts of buying roller coaster tycoon! anyway, back to what i was saying, my fingernails are now naked and waiting for kristle to manicure it for meeeee!!! rawr! toenails are still shining midnight blue though (:
dinner at thai express was good, it's been long since i last had my seafood tom yum glass noodles. and i tried this drink of theirs, i forgot its thai name, it's watermelon and lime freeze! super good. try it! if i remember correctly, it's $5.90?

it's nice to be sleeping over at her place again. her painting my nails for me seems to have become a tradition already. oh and now her kitty is sleeping in the corner of the room. it's really cute and pretty. snapped some pictures of it with my cammie, upload soon yeah. and yes, i know i've not blogged bout my m'sia trip! yes yes, i remember. coming soon wokay. hahaha.
hmms, i'm currently in my yjc track jersey, it's pretty comfy i must say. right now, i'm wrecking my brains on something to buy tmr. i just need to have something to buy for myself tmr. ahh. i've recently got my eyes on this new guess wallet but am thinking twice cause i've already got three guess wallets, so yeah. i'm eyeing samsung's omnia in pink as well :D canon powershot e1, a holga, new lappie sleeve at isetan and an acoustic guitar. there's still a lil more here and there, but i cant remember 'em now. hah.
off to chit chat, i shall bug her to paint my nails now also.

dars white chocolate;

unraveled @ 2:21 AM

Wednesday, October 08, 2008


heyho, i've realised that i always like to upload bunches of pictures onto friendster and then perhaps a week or two or say a month later, randomly remove most of it. shrugs. i've just uploaded a handful onto friendster and i already kinda know which are the ones i'm about to remove soon. so yeah, catch it while it's still there (: there's also seasons where i prefer minimal photos on my friendster, by that i usually mean less than thirty? but i've never got the heart to delete away those many many pictures though i want to. well i guess memories has sure got a tight grip on me. haha. maybe one day, just that one day... i'd reduce pictures to a bare minimum (:

anyhow, i'm actually rushing to go meet my beloved Kristle Esther Chia Bee Hong. you know, i love her so so so so much. and i miss her so really terribly. so dinner, some bitchin', people watch in town and we'd chit chat the night away. it's the eltsirk&newg sleepover again. imma bring my lappie. so, till tonight... XD

all grown up;

unraveled @ 6:00 PM

Tuesday, October 07, 2008


had a great time at the event. while many ran, alot of them actually walked.
& so ben said: "eh gwen, tell them this is 'run for hope' not 'big walk'." haha!
oh well, ben and i then spent close to an hour slowly walking outta east coast park. eh, area G's not exactly very near to area C where the macs is hokay. the walk almost killed me. however, there was an event by spca at east coast that day and i was hooked to staring at all the lovely dogs there. zomg, so so so adorable. they melt my heart.
anyhow, i finally met up with nigey wigey on sunday. too bad i couldnt accompany him for his dermal piercing since i had cheer practice. i sure hoped it wasnt too bloody for him. haha. had a good sleep on the bus to SP from town. i was dead tired. cheer practice was good. many more injuries added though, and my right shoulder is aching really badly now. i think my joint's kinda worn out. and no, i'm not weak. in case you dint know, i'm a badminton player, therefore my arm has been utilized greatly in those seven years in school teams. haha. yeah, it's really painful now ):

it's 5.07am and i'm still wide awake. that's just cause i've slept for 18hours. haha. i know, i'm such a pig right. rawr. well, i'll just hop into bed just before my mom gets up i suppose, she doesnt like me staying up all night. but before that, i'd send daddy off for work first. haha :D practice today again :D i hope yokoyoko would help my aching arm.


unraveled @ 4:55 AM

Saturday, October 04, 2008


moo's egghead makes him look like an uncle sadly. but since i got to rub rub his egghead, it shall bring me good luck! haha. well, went for expo service today at 5.30pm instead cause i've got the 'run for hope 2008' event tmr, that terry fox run. alarm shall go off at 4am. sigh): so yeah, went for service today and saw many loves :D mrhappypill; moomoo, adrina, celestine, merilyn, esther and pamela :D saw many other familiar faces as well, gosh, i miss expo much! bump into many of our zone members as well. overall, service was great and pastor kong looked awesomely dashing.

rawr, see you at east coast tmr morning. i'd be one sleepy head there. i pray for good weather tmr, i dont wanna be running around in the rain. IGIGIGIGIGIG :D cheerleading tmr tmr as well! fun filled day :D and i should be getting some rest.

people change;

unraveled @ 11:19 PM


christine says: "you look flatter."
kamy says (every week): "did you lose weight again?"
qingqing says: "ni hen xiao zi" (meaning, you're very small sized.)
& i suspect that the white tube that i just bought, which is free-sized, is too big for me cause it keeps slipping off and exposing my newly bought lacey bra. i might either have super high metabolism rate or extremely awesome genes. thank god, cause i'm actually quite a pig when it comes to eating.

& now, i should head to bed, cause i've got three meetings in a day starting at 9am in school. attending expo service later! :D cause there's terry fox run on sunday. rawr. now, if you guys think i'm finally going to exercise, you're wrong. i'm there as an area i/c :D haha. cheerleading thereafter on sunday! loves.

p.s. will blog on trip soon! with many many many pictures (:


unraveled @ 2:47 AM

Thursday, October 02, 2008



unraveled @ 3:36 AM