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love is a riddle.
untold story

G; Lips that taste of tears,
they say, are the best for kissing.

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orangeeeeyy Missyan

eXTReMe Tracker
Wednesday, June 27, 2007


the title says much about today already,
dint it? bahh -pfft.

wokay. i dint manage to finish up the whole of
the gp paper. wrote crap for compo & knew
pretty much nuts for econs. doesnt that say much?
sad thing is, i realised that econs wasnt at all as
hard as i'd expected it to be. it's actually kind of
really easy to understand if you take time off to
study, analyse & understand it. baahh. but i cant
help it if lao kok kok keeps making me fall aslp
in lectures ): 'aight, lesson learnt.
spend more time revising!!!
& so you see, econs will be the death of me.
aye, it rhymes okay ((:

well, i'm contented for the moment cause daddy
bought me twiggies! lol. & yeah, i cant wait to go for
a hair cut. hopefully this friday if mal's free. or maybe
i'll go cut without you! -sticks tongue out at mal.
friday spells me freedom from block tests!
yayness. but then again, i'll still have to mug loads.
not much of a difference.

tmr's another death day.
then again, i chose it. pfft -.- what a contradiction.
uh-huh. six texts to study. so i'd better bury
myself in the notes yeah. pray hard i wont
procrastinate this time. again? ((:

my God is an awesome God
He reigns from heaven above

unraveled @ 12:25 AM

Monday, June 25, 2007


i cant seem to take pictures
with a straight face now -.-

we need our haircuts! XP

gwen proclaims that she absolutely LOVES
usher duty! ((: hah. i especially love hall duties.
but i like doing duty together with mal more!
sadly, we're in different teams. well, the pros
is that we get to know more ppl & make more
friends (: that's nice, aint it?
i'm like really looking forward to each week.
-bounces around.

alright. block tests officially starts tmr!
-runs around in shock. that's uber fast.
these are my papers.
tuesday: GP & econs
wednesday: chinese lit (soooo dead)
thursday: geography
friday: mathematics
one whole week before i can take a breather
again. baaah. i need loads of luck ppl.
have not really studied much for everything.
pretty much in deep shit. still, i'll do my best.
so before i think of anything else to blog about
again, i shall run away to finish up my revision
for econs. econs & gwen, so dont click -.-

god bless & sleep tight :DD

unraveled @ 10:56 PM

Sunday, June 24, 2007


call me WOLS, but i caught 'night in the museum'
just. only. online ((: muahaha. i love it!

well, today was pretty much a happy day.
though this annoying woman/girl irritated
the shit outta me. thus, we totally messed
up our table. it could have been much
neater if you dint annoy us so much.

why, we were happily waiting for our meals,
down at amk hub's mosburger though we
were like "forced" to sit in the open-air cause
there werent anymore seats left. uh-huh.
then suddenly that girl (i'd rather call her a
girl than a woman or lady.), she's the mosburger
staff. she came into the open-air area & like
spoke to us in chinese saying "you cant smoke
in this area." omg okay. which part, tell me,
which part of us actually makes you think
we're smokers? pfft. it's not like we're dressed
in drags you know. we were pretty dressed up
for church. urgh. so mal gave her the huh? face
while i frowned & stared at her. she saw me
frowning & she added on saying "just telling
you all only, later you got friends come, cannot
smoke." wth luh. yah & then she went back
inside. dint bother telling the rest you know,
only us. & there was a freaking "no smoking"
sign damnit.
as if that wasnt enough. she came looking
around to deliver the food. & when she couldnt
find the number she wanted there at the open-
air area, she was like cursing under her breath
& going all "aiyah! i really hate looking for the
then why the hell did you choose to work at
mosburger then?! gees. really. i might have
really went to the manager if mal dint mess
the table. lol. alright. we're evil.
sometimes i really dont comprehend why do
people get into the service industry & then
complain all day long. it's called a service
industry, if you dont like to serve others, then
dont get into it. it spoils singapore's image ya'know.

wokay. phew, finally let it out.
anyhow, other than that incident, the rest of the
day was pretty much a breeze (:
serving was great. indoor external traffic. hah ((:

you want to eat?

& i received some goodies! ((:

from estelle.

from jocelyn.


& gwen's really happy today cause she
received her paper usher tag!!! lol.
aye, it's kinda depressing not to have any
identification for the past few weeks okay.
other ushers think i'm the congregation when
i'm like serving with them as well. lol.
hah. now, i'm just gonna wait patiently for
my proper plastic ministry tag :DD awesomeness.


uh-huh. i should really sleep. 4am.
shucks! gotta mug loads tmr.
toodles. & sweet candour dreams :DD

unraveled @ 3:35 AM

Friday, June 22, 2007


ever wondered what mal & i talk about?
well, here goes.


Mal bootiful liar says:
there she goes again. wth can
nag to me abt not calling up my relatives or visiting them

GWENDELYN MONIQUE; mummy said: "you naughty creature!" ❤ says:
give you a break luh
you're seventeen

Mal bootiful liar says:
yea la.

GWENDELYN MONIQUE; mummy said: "you naughty creature!" ❤ says:
we're not aunties yet
we dont do the go around calling

Mal bootiful liar says:
like, i also dunno what to say to them?

GWENDELYN MONIQUE; mummy said: "you naughty creature!" ❤ says:
we just follow if the adults go for visitation
how are we supposed to even hold a long convo with them
it's called generation gap

Mal bootiful liar says:

GWENDELYN MONIQUE; mummy said: "you naughty creature!" ❤ says:
simple. we & them. talk total alien to each other

Mal bootiful liar says:
ARGH. my mum's all " your mama and god ma must be very disappointed with you" what the PONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #@^%^246@#$%

GWENDELYN MONIQUE; mummy said: "you naughty creature!" ❤ says:
aye, i've gotta do chores once in a while too
since young luh

Mal bootiful liar says:
my part time job now is being a house slave

there you go ((:
you know sometimes, my mummy really amuses
me much. she called me a NAUGHTY CREATURE
yesterday night. all cause i dint tell her that i was
on the phone while she was talking to me. lol.
but yeah, i love daddy & mummy. though irritating XD

perhaps i should really stop procrastinating & start
the blogshop soon yeah. my lil' room's running outta
space & i kind of intend to buy many many more tees!
& kristle, I LOVE YOU :DD
& gaya, you look awesome (:

wokay. am gonna continue talking to the bootiful liar
& get wong zheng yang to call me. toodles ((:

unraveled @ 12:31 AM

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


my apologies for the long hiatus ((:
oh. i absolutely love the new shirt i just bought
yesterday. well, nigel & i were supposed to be
studying while mal was supposed to be doing cards
but we ended up shopping after struggling for
some hours. hah. i'm intending to get another top
already though :D but i shall just remain mum
about it for now. lol.

anyhow, here's a few shots of the a3 gathering ((:
i'm missing a3 loads still though. when can we
have a full gathering? :DD

the rise of the crumplers!

okay, due to the many many tags,
i shall reply 'em here ((:

lucy: i'm replying on nigel's behalf.
well, the piercings doesnt last at all.
he had to take it out just not long after it's pierced.
i suppose he just wanted to try it, & perhaps for
beauty too. i think it's awesome too ((:

estelle: ehh. wokay.

gerald: once again, replying on nigel's behalf.
the corset piercing cost him $88. took it out
after snapping pics with it. cause you'll get faint
after going through or while you're going through
the piercing. so it has to be removed once you feel
faint. yeaps.

liwen: sent those photos to fiona already! ((:
she said photos are on your blog. but only a few )):

zheng yang: happy 2nd month too ((:

fiona: just sent 'em to you ytd ((:
another a3 outing!!! mwahhs :DD

a friend? think twice (:

unraveled @ 10:49 PM

Monday, June 11, 2007


my oh my, had fun ytd (sunday) catching up with
nigel. too bad mal couldnt make it. darn.
well, nigel brought me to the guy who did his corset
piercings & i sought him out regarding my lip
piercing. sounds pretty decent. so yeah. it's either
the end of this month or maybe end of the year (:
though i cant decide if i should inform my parents
or not. i dont wish to go around hiding it.

on saturday, this random uncle i saw nearby my
house just out of the blue asked where i was going
when he saw me walking through the car park.
i was pretty puzzled, like wth? i merely replied
that i was heading for church. scary. eeeeeeeeeeee.
anyhow, serving on saturday was great. not to
mention hectic. it was one hell of a day. our service
has shifted to expo hall1 again. so far from the station
can. well, i reported for duty & was assigned to this
zone. which a long while later, i realised that i'm the
only person taking charge of that zone. so imagine
15 rows of 12 chairs each. uh-huh. & i just only not
too long ago completed my usher training. hadnt
even gotten my tag yet. very messy & hectic.
but yet, it was a great experience. i'm learning the
ropes ((: i will do my best to serve God ((:

at last! 07a3's gonna meet up! today!!! i cant freaking
wait. i miss them truckloads, planeloads! omg.
yeah, so it's to school, then to bishan for track &
then to town for a3 dinner. gees, i love 07a3 much!
tickle me baby!
-off to bed (: -

p/s: you're nowhere near being me.

unraveled @ 2:13 AM

Thursday, June 07, 2007


nigel actually had enough guts to do the corset.
applause please. i think it's fabulously wicked!

the pure agony of 45 minutes.
he was running a fever then, mind you.

instead of scowling in pain,
nigel actually look really pleased here.


three cheers for him. next up for him's the snakebites i
suppose.dont forget to call me up when you go for it!
i wanna seeeeee :D
wokay, i'm still pondering bout the lip piercing.
wonder if parents will agree? or maybe i shall just
get it done then let 'em know. hah. that's the way,
aint it? -grins.

it's settled then. a3 dinner on monday evening.
WHOOPEE! i can hardly wait. after decades,
i'm finally gonna meet up with my awesomes. i miss
them dearly. & i like especially the "ME" when i'm
with them ((: too bad i'd be having sch early on tuesday
morning, so i most probably cant stay till too
late. sigh. we must cam-whore yeah. who knows
when's next we'll meet? bahhh.

okay dokay. shall snuggle into bed. CLL compo test tmr.
wth. i've gotta bring the darn chinese dictionary to sch
again. pfft. i pray hard there's no econs tutorial tmr.
aight' candour dreams ((:

unraveled @ 11:28 PM

Tuesday, June 05, 2007


cause we're awesome like that.

what are you staring at?!

the threesome ((:

alright. it was back to school again yesterday, for all
yj's jc1s. gees. you know, everyone out there's like
partying, sleeping & getting up late, shopping &
probably like only doing work occasionally & here
i am, worrying bout the GP homework that i've
not yet written a single alphabet which is supposed
to be due, today. yeah, pfft.
then again, i'm more anxious bout the upcoming block
test than attending parties to dance the night away.
AAAH! GEEK. nooooooooo, i really need to get a life.

anyhow, school was like till 3.40pm ytd.
CT (civics tutor period) was cancelled, like HOORAY!
& so i kept going outta school to buy food, now that
the canteen vendors dont operate till as late as
before since it's the hols, i was uber hungry. -shrugs.
well, i was like jilted out of blue. great yea? william got
a lil pissed off. uh-huh, so yeah, track training went on
with only six of us ytd. with me, the only girl.
tsk tsk tsk. & i've got no idea why is mister ****
calling me sidekick -.- from there, the rest of the
track ppl started calling me "xiao long nu"
(lil dragon girl) & "guo er" (some chinese name).
these two characters are from this story called the
Condo Heroes. urm, i dont think i spelt it correctly XP

it's the great singapore SALE now. but i cant freaking go
shopping. now that's agonising. sobs. baahh. block test!
block test! block test! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh. lol.

i miss kristle, mal & nigel truckloads full! meet up soon!
i am again uber hungry.

one life; i lay at Your altar.
one love; i have with You.
touch me again, fill me as You hold my outstretched hands.
one word; you know i will follow.
one heart; broken to You.
use me again, Your mercies follow me for all my days.

unraveled @ 10:19 PM

Sunday, June 03, 2007


yesterday was one hell of a hectic day.
had usher duty & i started standing all the
way from 1.30pm to about 6-6plus pm.
bahh, it's our emerge conference again.
& there's like tons & tons of ppl coming for
service. the whole expo hall cant even hold
them. we had to relocate hundreds of ppl
into another hall to watch the service. oh gosh.
well, i'm on duty again today. & i expect the
same big crowd. if not, more. since today's
the last day. uh-huh. i pray hard that my duty's
internal traffic today. yesterday's was external
& i was perspiring like shit under that
sweltering sun. alright alright. i've ranted
enough. school tmr. urgh. dreadful )):

thank you baby ((:

unraveled @ 12:33 PM

Saturday, June 02, 2007


meet loy's puppy, baby.

i'm sorry, but i'm not in the best of moods now.
so yeah, goodnight.

unraveled @ 12:54 AM

Friday, June 01, 2007


wokay. was just fiddling with photoshop ((:
i'm off to bed. track's like at 7.30am tmr.
pfft. so darn early. i seriously doubt that i'd be
able to drift off to lalaland now though.
i was being a lazy ass & slept in all the way till
2pm this noon. & did nth but watch meteor
garden the whole day. someone spank me.

unraveled @ 12:25 AM