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love is a riddle.
untold story

G; Lips that taste of tears,
they say, are the best for kissing.

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orangeeeeyy Missyan

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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

♥ Throw some glitter, make it rain on.

Hohoho. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls.. I is no longer a bummer! I've gotten a job ^^ Yayyy. Well, had really been sitting around doing pretty much nothing ever since my final module in poly ended. Was really bent on getting a job immediately initially, but I guess the taste of liberation and freedom soon got the better of me. Still, I'm glad I took about 2 whole months of "holidays". I've had loads of fun with Wang.. usssgflyershitloadsofmovieseateateatnonstopfroyooystermeesua
swimmingtanningmyawesome21stbirthdayshopping24/7.. so on and so forth. Also, not forgetting all the meet-ups with my favourite bffs that I've managed to have. All in all the past two months were great (Y) but now it's time to start earning some money to at least try to put back what I've been spending :/ I know.. talk so long but haven't tell you where I'm going to work right? Hmm.. maybe the next post or something. Ambiguous a bit. Hah. Well, it's nothing big but I like how the schedule can be really flexible for me and the proximity of the work place is real convenient. So yeah. Anyhow I'm here to update on bbg E's 21st birthday party.. Ikr. I've not even blogged about mine :/ Soon luh kay.

Lighting at her bed at Hard Rock's suite was just right..

But I can't say the same for the lighting in the living room area.

So anyway, this perhaps ain't a proper update of E's birthday cause the gazillion pretty and clear pictures I've snapped were on her camera and she has yet to upload any and I think she's going to take about a 100 years to do so. It was an awesome night. Crazy ass amount of alcohol and I think the drinking games managed to kill some of the guests. Best entertainer of the night has got to be Jeremy, E's classmate. He's pretty hilarious, I like (Y) So I think the killer alcohol of the night was the absinthe. I dint drink too much of it thankfully since it tasted badly of medicine/cough syrup. Cheers to 'Going hard, party rock' Happy twenty-first, I love you bbg! ^^

After I was done getting prep-ed up for the party..

Waiting endlessly for Mok & Eadelin for 2 hours -.-

This baby arrived yesterday around mid noon and thanks to FindMY who delivered it personally to me last night, I've it sitting right next to me as I blog now. So elated! Had been wanting a Fisheye Lomo for ages and at last! ^^ Loaded it with its first roll of film already and I can't wait to get out and snap away with it later :DD

Anyhow.. Wang is starting work today! & is waking up soon to prepare and get to work. So happy that he had gotten a job and is going to have monetary inflow again instead of just outflow all the time. However.. that kinda mean lesser time for us now ): But it's okay I guess. School will eventually commence for both of us, perhaps it's good for us to get used to starting now. Not meeting for a day or two or three wouldn't kill anyway. Love you anyhow ^^

This week I've gotta meet E and do our mani/pedi, collect my graduation gown at TP, meet up together with Wang's bffs to settle the details of our bkk trip, start packing my rooms cause I'm shifting soon, attend Gaya's 21st and meet K up if possible. All these before I officially start work next week.. On a really disappointing note, dad and mum won't be able to attend my graduation ceremony ): Even my brother can't.. All cause the appointment with HDB has to so unluckily clash. !@#$%^&*() Pfft. Why so suay one? Ah but it's okay luh.. My aunts will be taking my parents' place instead.

So.. my resolution to sleep earlier like by 3am was to no avail yet again. Why am I always so awake during the unearthly hours? I think I need more will power. Alright, imma crash before the sun rises. Wang is going to scold me.. sigh )):

unraveled @ 5:27 AM

Saturday, April 23, 2011

♥ That's the price, That's the price I'll pay.

& I'm still missing cheer very much. Haven't gotten back in training. I know I very much want to keep cheering cause whenever I picture myself stunting, there's an adrenalin rush; butterflies in my tummy, heart starts racing madly, I get so excited I start hyperventilating. I'm not even kidding. There's so much more to what I can learn and so much more that I want to do. I'm not satisfied. Even if my torn hamstrings and lousy fitness stand in my way, imma fight away these imperfections to fly up high into the open skies.

I've finally, finally, at last got my IC replaced and passport renewed at the ICA this week. So thankful for Wang accompanying me there though the entire process dint take long, which was good cause we managed to shop for E's birthday present. Btw E, if you're reading this.. Wang contributed a dollar to your present. He wants you to know that. Lol. So anyway, I can't wait for your celebration at Hard Rock Suite later. Make sure we snap a gazillion pictures alright ^^

Y'know.. If I was ever given a chance to erase a section of my life/a part of my memory/someone.. it has to be you. Perhaps you might reckon that I'm really mean and bad but you've got no idea how much you torment me, up till today. Everything was a mistake and you, unfortunately, are a nightmare. So horrible that I cringe and get very upset on the inside. It's this overwhelming regret that I can never seem to put into words that could ever justify how intense it actually is. I'll regret for life because it's a fact that the past is irreversible.

Supper at Swee Choon down at Jalan Bersah and then Mustafa shopping late into the night with my favourite people whom I've not seen in a while. Dim Sum was too sumptuous, I'd recommend their siew mai, red bean crispy pancake, xiao long bao (of course), har kao.. basically almost everything we gobbled down that night. Somehow I feel that their Si Chuan Dan Dan La Mian isn't as good as the very first time I had tasted it though. To walk off all the bloatedness, we decided to visit the new Mustafa extension. Wasn't too bad and I got off with some loots as well. Mainly a hair product and a pair of sole-padding which I thought was a lil' expensive :/ Highlight of the night was applying tons of make-up on Dennis' wrist, as seen above (Y) Anyhow, Wang certified me a true shopaholic then cause I seriously kinda shop 24/7. Be it in shopping malls or Bugis street/Haji Lane, and also online.. it's really getting outta hand huh? At this rate, imma use up my BKK fund ):

I really hope the trip with Wang and his friends would be finalized soon cause c'mon, who wouldn't want to get to BKK to shop? & not to mention, authentic Thai cuisine? I want the trip so badly I even just dreamt about it yesterday ^^ So.. hurry ppl! We've got to beat iron when it's hot! (打铁趁热)

P.S. I'm so thankful that you're back home safe and sound tonight bbb. Now, sleep tight darlin' (:

/P.P.S. You'll never know what's going to hit you in life. This Easter, my prayer's for total healing upon you. By His stripes, you are healed. To you and your wonderful family, stay strong. Our God is greater and He reigns. God bless.

unraveled @ 4:16 AM

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

♥ Spinning like a bay-blade.

Haven't been taking much pictures, so here you go with long ago unposted pictures. Maybe not so long ago.. but long enough.

Mdm Fauziah; my favourite CSO at Changi. Super motherly and nice to talk to. Thank God for that shitty incident at T1 that night.. :/ But that was one horrendous case. Seriously. One fine night at the airport, this English seaman decided to turn up for his flight back to UK totally wasted. When DTM Mukthar, my partner, Merlvin, and I arrived at the scene it was said that the drunk seaman had already been lying dead asleep at the public area of T1 for close to 2/3 hours? To cut the long horrible few hours of handling that case short.. The drunk seaman was covered in puke and even sleeping on it. He probably also subconsciously removed his jeans, therefore was only in his boxers lying on the floor. The best part that summed up our shitty night was that he also shat/shitted in his boxers while in that drunken stupor.. The stench at that point of time? You will NEVER EVER want to imagine. Poor us. Especially the cleaners who had to clean up all of the mess on the floor when he finally regained consciousness. Well, Mdm Fauziah, DTM Mukthar and the Cisco riders were all exceptionally professional in handling this incident and made sure to contact the seaman's agent and all.. settled his accommodation for the night and even booked the next return flight to UK for him. Not number one airport for nothing :DD

Group picture with mama Jane ^^
Merlvin, me, Jane & DTM Lynette.

Since I was getting hungry, I decided to put up some food pictures. But after looking at these, it really got me craving terribly for all sambal stingray, kangkong and lala all at once. I am starving now. Must go chomps soon once J recovers from his tonsils infection.

Speaking of which.. J had just left on a cruise trip with his buddies this afternoon. Boo ): I hope he wouldn't get hooked to the casino. Anyhow, I woke up feeling horrid this morning. Dizzy max like some ginormous tidal wave had hit me. Couldn't walk straight even when I got up to brush my teeth. I've never felt like this before. Later on in the day while on msn with my senior complaining about my head spinning all day long, he left me a wiki link to this thing called vertigo. & yeah, I guess that's what I have now still. Making my head spin like a bay-blade, except that it hasn't stopped spinning. Felt nauseous and like vomiting.. Even panadol dint help. I seriously hope it will go away after a night's rest :/ Why like that now when J is away?! ):

Anyhow, while watching some detective/forensic science show on channel U with daddy earlier on.. there was this scene in which the detectives concluded that one shouldn't listen to their mp3 and use their cell phones while crossing the road. Daddy totally exploded in a very loud "SEE!!" right after that line was made, which kinda gave me a scare though I knew it was coming. Just dint expect it to be thaaat loud. My papa cute hor?

Okay luh. I should probably go rest. The actual time now is 2.44am already :/ Oh, & I finally traveled down to Clementi and applied at SIM the other day. Uni application is done but sad to say, I've been lazy and have not gotten my IC replaced and passport renewed. Heh. It's almost mid-april already. Gotta get down to planning BKK trip with Chels and both our Js :DD

unraveled @ 11:59 PM

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

♥ Lucky we're in love in every way.

Singapore Flyer to celebrate our third month ((: It sure dint feel like a thirty minute ride at all. After reaching the highest point, while still happily snapping away with my camera and iPhone, before we know it we were already descending :/ But I must say that the night view of the city was spectacular. Really pretty. What more to say cept happy third, my favourite boy ^^

FEP-ed with bbg, E on Tuesday. No photos of us cause we were too lazy so all I got is this of my nails after express mani at Cinderella. Not too bad for a $4, student price, express mani. Sat in the shop till my butt rotted while having to watch 爱 as we waited for her pedi to be done. Catching up was great. We totally missed out much with each other while being busy with classes, projects, reports and my internship. More to come if I do end up at SIM too. Can't wait :D

I've decided to end this entry with a picture of myself. Vainpot much, I know ^^ Migraine is killing me and I feel myself falling sick. I need more sleeppp. But anyway, I really really desire to go back to cheer leading. & I wonder if I should join my friends at Legacy? It'd be my first try at a competitive team and I'm not exactly the most flexible person around. Especially since that now both my hamstring seem to be injured, no freaking idea why. Plus, my fitness level is baddd now. Oh dear.. :/ But the thing is.. I NEED cheer leading in my life!

unraveled @ 5:14 AM