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love is a riddle.
untold story

G; Lips that taste of tears,
they say, are the best for kissing.

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orangeeeeyy Missyan

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Tuesday, July 31, 2007


visit my blogshop HERE ((:
nothing fabulous, but well, for a start
this shall do :D

CLL test tmr. in DDS
aka. deep deep shit.

unraveled @ 11:49 PM

Sunday, July 29, 2007


so yeah, as kristle shifts outta avenue 6 today,
we leave behind those childhood memories there.
it was where i fell in the car park, leaving behind a
scar on my left hip, years ago while block catching.
it was where i first had ruffles, my lil yorkie, which
was given away by parents. oh, how i miss him ):
it was also the start of our sisterhood, eight years ago.
countless christmas gatherings & all those block
catchings we played. eating at the void deck &
laughing the night away as the adults made merry
in kristle's house. what can i say? christmas day
would never be the same again. but i guess, it's
time to move on, expecting many more unforgettable
christmas & new year together with the Braberry's (:
& i know that nanny & grandpa are up there,
smiling at us as we all grow up ((:

i miss my phone still. as much as i want it back,
i cant like go "Accio phone!" -sigh.
i'm sorry Lord, that i even questioned why you couldnt
return my phone to me. saturday's service, sorta
snapped me outta my semi-depression? i was just
not of a stable mind, i guess. however, after that
deliverance service, i've been much better.
& i thank God.
"i belong to God, & satan you cant
touch me!", this phrase stung me deeply again.
it seemed like somebody had slapped me awake,
& i woke up to realise once more of God's great love
for me. how can i ever thank him enough?
& i just want you to know, that God, I LOVE YOU.

when my world was in darkness,
you spoke your word
night turned into day.
your beauty filled this place.
when my world stood in silence,
you filled my heart
with songs that never end.
forever i will praise.
to think that the universe
could not withhold your glory
you chose to live in me,
i'm so amazed.

unraveled @ 10:43 PM

Thursday, July 26, 2007


which is barely seven months old.
i am soooo depressed. & together with it,
i lost my ez-link card & my phone pouch,
which has sentimental value, too.

i need those new contacts that are not stored
in my old phone. pfft ):
told parents, they dint scold. just nagged at why
i was so careless. i'm pretty appalled myself, it's
my first time of 17 years of living that i lost sth
that was so impt. i've lost files & water bottles,
but never wallet nor hand phone. urgh.
am upset ):
i want my phone & pouch & ez-link back!
i'm sooo attached to my phone that i feel as
though a part of me is gone.

anyhow, thanks mal & nigel for comforting &
trying to cheer me up.
thanks to zheng yang for coming down to take
a look at me, my favourite oreo cheesecake from
TCC & for sending me home.
much appreciated guys.

i wondered, if God returned my ipod to me,
why dint he give me back all that i've lost
today? i prayed hard, but to no avail...

unraveled @ 11:56 PM

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


today was one of those days that i was feeling
pretty low in spirits. & as i walked outta school,
i kinda fought hard to hold a tear or two.
i dont know what got into me. perhaps it's all
these jc stress & all. perhaps.

well, i tried doing long jump today. quite
hazard-filled. hah. have to idea how to jump,
nor had i done long jump before. which kinda
resulted to a minor back strain now. i assume it
was due to bad landings. no more injuries,
pretty please. i've had enough of 'em.

parental woes are everlasting yeah mal?

math test tmr & if i wanna quickly read a few
pages of potter before bed, i'd better toodle off.

sweet dreams.

unraveled @ 12:08 AM

Monday, July 23, 2007


the long awaited...



gwen's been a bad girl today. tsk.
i skipped school, together with eldora.
gees, i feel so bad & i promise it's my first &
my last! i dont like the feeling at all. bahh.

wokay, i finally bought deathly hallows & you
cannot imagine my excitement. i'm not even 1/10
done of the book yet. damn. but it's already
attracting me deep into it. however, i am also
dreading the end of this book. cause, no more
potter after this. can you even picture that?
i cant. i guess, i'll just keep rereading all the books
all over again. life without having to anticipate
potter? that suck )):

i'm pretty outraged with ppl mass sending contents
of deathly hallows via email. piracy kills! please stop
all this mass sending! jk's effort & hard work. & you're
thwarting it. oh gosh. no way a potter fan if you do so.

anyhow, on top of the book, i bought a new tee again.
rolling stones, finally. muahaha. i want those lil miss
tees too! oh, & i'm really hungry now.

the other day, in school...
i guess lavatories are where ppl love to snap shots.

alrighty. off the comp, & back to potter. lovelove ((:

unraveled @ 11:38 PM

Sunday, July 15, 2007

♥ ;

eldora's dog humps her.
& the dog's female.

never knew dogs can act emo?

when your best friend loves lying on the
floor outside plaza singapura...

'aight. i'm uber hungry now.
i think i've been eating alot these days. gees.
anyhow, i couldnt make it for service ytd!
): all course of some stupid courses.
the earlier one which was some learning skills course,
made me so bored i decided to slp the way through.
the second one, some leadership course, was still
alright. activities were pretty fun (:
but that got me trapped in sch from 8am-5pm! wth.
i did meet cell grp for dinner though XD
did some shopping, got off with a top from mng ((:

my results suck. it's terrible. shucks. i must really
really really mug. hard. no more procrastination pls.
my Lord will help me. i'm sure.

order of the phoenix is out & i've yet to catch it!
i must catch the show by next week!!! i heart
harry potter (:
yeah, anyway, i suppose blogshop would be up soon.
i hope. i've got partners :D haha. wth. it'd be fun (:

oh oh! chinese a level oral!!!
i hope i dint screw it up ): i was shivering. pfft.
& was speaking in an ang moh chinese. shucks.
however, i did managed to read the passage properly
& engage in a somewhat conversation? hah.
oh, whatever`

who am i?
that You would know me from the start,
set me apart.
who am i?
that You would place eternity,
into my heart.
You have given to me
more than this world could give
my purpose is found in You.

unraveled @ 2:00 PM

Sunday, July 08, 2007


my brother has got to be the most childish adult over
the age of thirty on earth -.- you know, i was sitting
comfortably on my roller chair in the room when he
knocked on my door. i had to painstakingly walk over,
unlock & open my door. all that trouble for?
he was grinning from ear to ear & went: "aye, look
what i bought?" with the grin still there.
he pointed to some boxes. which turns out to be board
games. the top one was RISK & what was below was
SPONGEBOB monopoly. oh gosh. i'm like all "what's
that for..." to this, he replied: "cute what, can play
some more. next time lisa (his girlfriend) comes, we
can all play together. you're bound to lose!"
pfft. i gave him an irritated look, combined with a
-.- face & left him still smiling to himself in his room.
brothers never seem to grow up aye?
on a higher note, i've now got spongebob monopoly! (:

anyhow, apologies for the long hiatus yet again.
did i fail to mention that i saw david aw at paragon!
gosh, he's pretty tall. he looks short in pictures.
but yeah, he's a pretty cute dude ((:
in case you dint know, he's the guy who acted in
Men in White, & also seventeen summer hunk 2006.

well well, most results are back. & it aint good.
-sobs. argh. gotta work doubly hard. God, pls help.

anyway, i love usher! did internal duty this week
& was taking a whole zone again, DT03 (:
okay, alien language to most, i know XP
happy happy, cause mal & i served together.
ack, i'm just uber gay luh okay -grins ((:
six more days to church day again...

math assignment not done, so yeah, toodles! ((:

oh, & if you realised. i actually had a haircut.
& now, i totally miss my long hair! pfft )):

unraveled @ 5:49 PM