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love is a riddle.
untold story

G; Lips that taste of tears,
they say, are the best for kissing.

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orangeeeeyy Missyan

eXTReMe Tracker
Tuesday, February 28, 2006



* candid shot of council board (:

* retardos. after being invested.

* at council reception. stuck in that blazer...

* head of council management : Giolinni Gomez
head of council welfare : Gwendelyn Tan
the emcee read our names wrongly ):

Well, finally officially invested as head.
weeee! gotten a new badge. it definitely looks
better than the previous. new tie-pin too.
today was fun. mal and i were so bored on-stage
because mr principal was having one of his
long long loooonnngggg speeches again,
it was freakin' warm in that blazer mind you,
that the both of us had to communicate through
writing with our fingers on our legs. hahas.
it was pretty dumb. but oh well, we couldnt talk.

hmmms, then the emcee read both giolinni's
and my name wrongly ): however, i dont blame
her lars. she's still a sec2. needs alot more
practices and experience (:
after school had tea reception. but i was like
trying to eat and revise at the same time.
freakin' combined science paper was like at 2pm
and the reception's from 1.30-2pm. -____-"

dint do well for the paper. dint manage to
revise the 6chapters for physics and only
revised 1chapt outta 2 for chem. sheesh.
but thank God those bloody chem questions
came from the chapter that i revised. hahas.
tmr's Amath papar. have not practiced. ):
argh. shall practice and look through during
tmr's chem lesson. hehe.

cant wait. 9 more days to my birthday.
or wad pri school kiddos used to call it,
eggcrack day??? lols.
1st march tmr alr (:

* tired babaaay at Expo station.

his shirt was kinda oversized that day.
nonetheless, i still reckon babaaay looked
great in shirts. especiall his black, as well
as his white one. (:


unraveled @ 10:05 PM

Sunday, February 26, 2006


* Mal's birthday dinner

* estee and ME at mal's bithday dinner!

* spazzing out with kitty as there were no
other guests at mal's house yet. -___-"

* here's the birthday girl, she's finally 16!

yeps. 24th Feb, friday, mal finally turned 16!
legal for pool, NC rated movies,
that's bout all? hahas. but at least she's
"legal" i aint yet. ):
well had fun at her party. food was great!
all done by her lovely mother!
sheperd's pie, fried chicken wings, and
my favourite of her mum's dishes,
butter prawns!
all nice and butter-y. YUMMY!
after dinner the small bunch
of us settled down
to watch a vcd. they had to...
watch final destination.
i was so psyched out. eek!
but thank God i had babaaay to send me home!
at the end it turns out that mal's maid bought her
strawberry cake! yeps, it was delicious (:

* babaaay and me after yesterday night's
church service. at Expo's mrt station. (:

had a wonderful bible study ytd!
getting to know my Lord more and more.
i'm lovin' it. <3

babaaay it's gonna be 2mths of being
together tmr! (:

` YOUandME

unraveled @ 10:53 PM

Sunday, February 19, 2006


* my k750i

well well, i'd managed 1 solid week
without dropping my precious new
cellphone (: yay!
okay okay. geography common test

tomorrow. surprisingly i studied
this afternoon alr. so there's no need
for me to rush through the chapter now.

hmms, been pretty tired this few days.
had adam khoo's I AM GIFTED
"camp". although it's held in
school for more than 12 hours for
each of the 3 days, it was all worthwhile.
in fact, i prayed that this wonderful
program would not end.
it had changed many of our lives.
brought out the other sides of many
of my peers as well as myself.
it's so inspiring and motivating.
made me.. realise many things that
i've not in my life. for those who needs
sth more in their lives, do try this program out.

and of course, a big thank you to all
my trainers GARY, RAMESH, MELVIN and DANNY.
not forgetting EUGENE for all the
music and quirky sound effects (:
you guys have greatly insipired me.
and now i am able to see where i'm heading more clearly.
you'll not be forgotten. (:
tears were shed during this few days.
it's good that many of my frens have changed.
i was entirely shocked when gerald went up the
stage on the closing to tell his parents that
he loves them. be it sissy or gayish to you
guys, i'm proud of gerald (:

i'm so glad that i managed to pluck up the
courage to go on stage too,
to tell daddy and mummy that i love them
and also to admit that i've made mistakes.
hugging daddy after so many yrs have past,
was definitely a splendid feeling. i've not
regretted going up on that stage on
18th Feb 2006.
at least i told daddy and mummy that
i love them before it's too late,
at least now they know a better me.

i've decided to apply to be an assistant
coach with akltg. so yeps. will try contacting
my trainers (:
well, signing off. start of common test.
hectic hectic hectic, study study study.
i'm sick again ):


unraveled @ 10:50 PM

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

♥ the past and the present. (:

* got this for babaaay on Vday. like it? (:

* more pics of roses from babaaay. <3

* dearest roxy.


good news: no lessons for the whole day!
bad news: time's from 8am-8pm.

like... wth. and it's not only tmr.
for my class it's tmr, fri and SATURDAY!
all same timing. have the school got no sense?!
dont they understand that their pupils has got
plans on saturdays too?! darn.
cant go for church service again?! ARGH.

well half-day of school today.
however for me... there wasnt much of a diff.
had council investiture rehearsal all the way
from 11-12plus. den had some "project"
meeting. aint a school-work based project.
mr goy had to made us sec4s take part.
and my group, consisting of 4ppl, i'm the only
one from my class. ):
it's another somewhat like my YMCA-
Youth For Causes project last yr again.
last yr my grp name's humanbeans
-_____-" lols.
this yr with a different grp, we have a better
name. i came up with it.
TheAxis : 360degrees coverage (:

shucks, workload's pouring in ):
STRESS! i have too many commitments.
but i'm lovin' all that i'm involved in still (:

today's a pretty fine day. received another 3
roses and finally gotta give gaya her rose (:
CE CE CE. argh.
i'm dreading tmr.
i've heard that adam khoo is good.
but 12 hours a day, 36 hours a course.
that's... too long. dont we needa study? -_-?

bedtime! need extra energy for
12 hours of talks tmr?
i'd probably just be messing and creating lotsa
commotions with my accomplices in class. (:

* presenting the goofy gwen. OO


unraveled @ 10:33 PM



the long awaited day's finally here.
it's at last february 14th.
a day of showing ya love to ya family,
friends and of course your bf/gf (:

had a great kick off to my day (:
babaaay sent me to school early
in the morning.
i admit i was kinda disappointed
when i saw him empty-handed.
no roses. no flowers. ):
hahas. but you see, he had it all
planned out. (:

well, brought the roses that i bought
ytd and handed it out to my girlfrens
and of course my brudda, isaac (:
recieved some from my gfs and my
"bruddas" as well. got chocolates and
chewing gum too.
hugs were given away. handshakes
flew. the atmosphere was jus different.

* the roses that i've received + 1 of pru's (:

pink rose from mal, 2reds from isaac,
1red from keith and another red's for
gaya. she dint come today. ):

aye. the roses withered anyways. sigh, such a short life span ):

* pru and me in the toilet with keith's flower, given by a girl (: ~awww

* estee and ME at sports heats. solarized (:

* my LOVELY bouquet from babaaay! <3

yeps. this is the bouquet from kenny (: a splendid surprise. but i spoilt his plans. i'm so sorry babaaay. ): but thanks so much for everything. Love ya! <3

okay i needa hit the hay. he's nagging. oops*


14 FEBRUARY 2006

` LOVE is in the air <3

unraveled @ 12:10 AM

Sunday, February 12, 2006


* oh gosh. i LOVE dogs! <3

babaaay and i couldnt have been
more retarded. dumb and dumbmer
okay after having pre-Valentine's day
dinner at Raffles City's Cafe Cartel,
we slowly made our way to city hall mrt
to take a train down town just now.
so yeps, we went straight to one of the
doors of the mrt and stood there and
started talking...
den suddenly babaaay said:" Are we
even at the right side?!"
it was then that we realised. lols.

okok, went for service today.
had actually not wanted to go,
cos i wasnt feeling that good. but i'd
managed to get myself there with
babaaay. (: praise the Lord.

had pre-Vday dinner as i've mentioned
alr. it wasnt a big formal romantic one,
but it was enough to make me smile (:

took a train down to town and walked
from somerset to orchard and den
to ang mo kio and den cabbed home.
couldnt resist the temptations of
having an empty cab in front of me
waiting for me to hop on it... (:

well anyways, that's all.
pretty boring entry. sorry bout that.
feeling irritably sleepy and gotta slp
early so that i'd be able to drag myself
outta bed for tmr's track practice/training.


unraveled @ 12:46 AM

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

♥ the stress is coming in...

*point where?!

okay. i admit i was spazzed.
but hey! it's chinese new year! (:
went to chelsie's house for a CNY celebration.
and while the 3 of us chelsie, estee and me,
got bored out with waiting for the rest to
arrive, we kinda jus lost our heads and
started taking tons of pictures.
with my camera of cos. (:

* yeps. that's me.

* bottom to top:
chelsie, estee and ME. (: smile

*chelsie's dog, wishbone.

oh gosh. wishbone's adorable.
he's 8 yrs old in dog yrs this yr and look at how
tiny he is! well, good that a jack russell is
actually this small. easier to handle.
err, he kept trying to hump my hand?
lols. i guess roxy left some of her female "fragant"
on me the day before. in case you were thinking,
i did bathe. in fact twice.

* ME and 4 mth old roxy.

she grew so much bigger since i last saw her!
she looks abid... say... messy now?
hahas. a few mths back she look just so...
vulnerable. just give her a few more mths to
develop, i'm certain she'll look like a princess.
(: love roxy loads! <3

yeps. and i guess i'd be getting sony ericsson's
K750i pretty soon. (:
the anticipation's killing me.

hmmms, anyways, i gotta hit the hay.
it's already 11.27pm.
2 darn tests tmr. ):
nites buddies. God bless


unraveled @ 11:11 PM

Friday, February 03, 2006


* 9 march babies (:

* the same old lion dance troupe at gramps'
every CNY.

* i'm right at the BOTTOM.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
* ME "punching" marvin.
- ouch -

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
* - hugs -

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
* ME with marc and Marielle.
my cousins-cum-god-siblings.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
- huat ar huat ar - ???

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
* com'on and SMILE (:

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
* aww. she dirtied her hands
with chalk. <3

` artist in action.

* ` CHALKwork.

okie dokes. it's been quite awhile
since i really had the time to
"really" update. hahas. yeps. (:

hmmms, CNY went pretty well.
in fact, i'm LOVIN' it. hahas.
not only do we get red packets, but there's
like so much drinks and yummy food +
goodies too. * drooling*

totally enjoyed my first 2 days of CNY
with my family. had loads of fun and laughter (:
as usual the first day was full of visiting.

the same old lion dance troupe came as usual.
while visiting, i saw my very distant cousins again.
and realised that i actually have an ABC cousin?
hahas. yeah. literally distant.
ate alot. laughed alot. drunk alot.
i must start dieting bahh.

2nd day of CNY was at aunt's house.
hordes of laughter only came after
baby micah arrived. hahas.
she's really the apple of the family.
everyone's like looking for her and vying to carry
her? hahas. she's a whoppin' 22kg! ;P
she's really cute and clever. (:
and quite a bunch of peeps commented that
she ressembles me? (: 9 march babies perhaps?
played PS. sheesh was really rusty at my
racing game. "CRASH" -name of game-
next, we were all fumbling over micah. hahas.
played with chalk... micah saw me smudging my
drawing and she did so too. cept, it was with
her whole hand, not the finger. so she got
chalk-covered palms. lols. and when she saw it,
she went like "eeeeeeeeeeee..."
hahas. such an adorable girl. (:

round evening 5 of us, li ling, li hong, li shan,
karmen and me decided to try doin' balance4
again and we succeeded (kinda difficult to
explain it here) ! yeah~
and i dont know why. for unknown reasons,
i got "taupok"-ed -___-" was right below...
it was then that i finally realised why it's
banned in schools. cos when i finally got up,
my head/brain hurt like crap!
lack of oxygen. bahh

well, collected quite an amount of red packets.
however, this sum of money's gonna disappear
really soon... after i purchase my new phone...
probably a K750i or a nokia6111?
cant decided. it's hard trying to get a phone
oso even with the money. indecisive. (:

we'd won the match again Christ Church!
it was a 4-1. triumphant. they won us
3-2 last yr and we were so upset.
anywas, this match against CC. was the
most challenging one i've been trhu.
mentally challenging. gosh.
instead of only the usual 2sets...
my partner, wan wen and i had to play
the rubber match (3rd set).
cos we won the 1st one and lost the 2nd
one and so thus the 3rd match.
scores were all so close. tormenting.
1st set: 17-14
we won it. it was a deuce match.
2nd set: lost. 13-15
another close one...
3rd set. 17-15
we won again. it was so so tiring!
my game had lasted about 30-45 mins?
longest. was freain' shacked.
and when we at last won. i jumped
for joy. literally. and started...
crying! hahas. oh gosh. yes... cried.
was too darn happy. and wan wen and i
were like about to break down alr.
gosh... great game after all! (:

ok. i went to see ROXY today.
isaac's pup. she's so much bigger now!
nonetheless still cute. (: <3
sports day comin' up, i took part in 2
events only. lazy this yr. and so is council
investiture. yay! gonna get invested
again real soon!

that's all folks.
i'm nodding away alr.
nitey nites and take care
God Bless <3


unraveled @ 10:09 PM

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

* the famous5 + baby micah (:
(l - r): li shan, li hong, ME, karmen, micah, li ling.

* mei-mei and ME.
i kinda jus grabbed her to take this pic. (:

* ME, karmen and li ling.
the 3 oldest teens. (:

* want some cracker? (:

i love baby micah <3

* ME, micah and li ling.

she aint light but we all still love her (:

* this bond we'll always share. for life.
` cousins.

[ will continue blogging tomorrow.
i needa hit the hay. til then, see ya (:]


unraveled @ 10:24 PM