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love is a riddle.
untold story

G; Lips that taste of tears,
they say, are the best for kissing.

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orangeeeeyy Missyan

eXTReMe Tracker
Thursday, January 31, 2008


wonderful mister boyfriend.

& yes it's a couple ring.

i seriously wonder if ppl still reads my page.
then again, i have a hit counter to find out from.
what am i talking about? -smacks forehead.
ah hah, back. again. not for long, i think?
shrugs. chinese new year is around the corner.
and guess what?... i have not bought anything for
cny yet! this is a major emergency!!! -jumps.

anyhow, life's been pretty much the same.
still working. still loving shaun isaac.
applied for poly together with all the other o levelers.
yadaa yadaa. did a dae too, at tp (:

boyfriend has a lot of work to dooooo. bahhh.
poor boyfriend. go boyfriend, go! (:
and he just bought an ipod classic! rawr. makes
me feel like getting a new gadget too. i'm still happy
with my lil 2nd gen nano. maybe a psp slim in red?!

maybe it's cause of the long hiatus. i dont really
know what to blog about. maybe on ungracious s'pore
next. it's kinda like the issue now. oh well.


i love you many many many.

unraveled @ 9:41 PM

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


gee. once again, this nostalgic feeling is back.
was just chatting with eldora online. and it
seems like we're always reminiscing together.
first was about the good old primary school days in
Xinghua. today was about the not so wonderful yet
still great jc days in yjc. oh man. makes one wanna
cry. no regrets, just watery eyes and misses...

9th march; orientation on my birthday.
gaya & eldora; my besties.

sai gin & sophie; much misses ):

yjc track;
dread the workouts, love the team still.

trust me, this wont be the end of my nostalgia
for yj. this is only part one. hah.

on a happier note, took more pictures with
darling boyfriend. so more to upload. soon.
i hope. i must say again, shaun isaac is the
most magnificent, amazing, wonderful,
awesomest boyfriend! & i love you, baby (:

toodles; i can almost hear my bed callin'.

unraveled @ 2:22 AM

Monday, January 07, 2008


updated wishlist ppl.
new one for a new year!
but hang on, more to update (:


unraveled @ 1:28 AM

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

♥ HELLO 2008;

dinner at the ritz.

greetings (: a brand new year once again.
it's welcome 2008 and goodbye 2007.
well, i'm definitely looking forward to this exciting
new year. especially when i've got boyfriend now.
hah. i'm really excited. wonder what God has
installed for us this year. hmmm....

well, it was great to have gatherings again.
my annual parties with the braberry family and
many others. we're just like one biggggg family.
though we dint have the christmas parties this year,
due to most of them being overseas, it was nice
meeting up again, and counting down to the new
year while playing endless card games.

so, this is it. farewell to 2007. the past one year in
jc, was an insight to me. and now, since i chose to
move on, it's hello to poly (: i wont see it as a year
wasted, but rather a year full of knowledge gained.
that said, i do actually miss my classmates and
track mates still. goodbye to the position of secretary
in track. bahh. it's time to move on...

had a great day with my dearest most wonderful
boyfriend today. although we dint make it in time
for alvin and the chipmunks (fully booked man), we
managed to dine at thai express (: it's awesome just
being able to chill there with boyfriend. so then, we're
gonna catch the movie today. oh oh! before i forget,

i love you with all my heart :D
we'll have a wonderful monthsary today (:

boyfriend's still at hooper's place now, stay over.
how i wished i was with him right now. i miss him can.

aight, time for bed. or say, time to talk to my boyfriend.

praise God for the wonderful 07'
now, await to be amazed by Him in 08'
father you're the almighty.

unraveled @ 2:31 AM