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love is a riddle.
untold story

G; Lips that taste of tears,
they say, are the best for kissing.

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orangeeeeyy Missyan

eXTReMe Tracker
Sunday, April 30, 2006


LOOK at this lovely RAINBOW!

lovely aint it? it was captured on thursday,
27th april, also the day of my four mth anniversary
of my BGR. hahas.
it had rained that early morning, and upon chasing
students into the hall for assembly that morning,
someone alerted me of the rainbow over they sky.
and as i turned and looked outta the window,
there i saw this lovely scene.
it captivated me so much that i nearly dint return
to my class after the national anthem (:


* my queue number

okay and so i went for a blood donation drive
yesterday before church service started. was
so excited. others like debbie, darren and mal
were also there.
here's the story:
we hadda like go through a few "stations" before
we'd finally get to the final point, to ensure that
we're suitable donors.
darren and mal both "failed" the first checkpoint
( health screening)
.and that's like the deciding checkpoint.

thus, only debbie and i were suitable donors.
i was thrilled. next, i had to give my blood sample,
and the bloody nurse bloddy pricked my finger!
): sobs. it hurts, i mean it's like irritating, hahas.
and yeah, spent a whole lot of time waiting
and going through this and that...
when finally i was lying on the chair waiting
for a damn needle to be inserted to suck out my

argh, how annoying was that. was there from like,
1.30pm all the way til 4pm waiting.... in the end...
i'm just disappointed.
no worries anyways, i'll try agin next yr (:
or probably just go to a hospital to donate or sth.

* four months and two days, honey.


* she'll never spare me from taking retarded
pictures, carmen.

how to act retarded? i seriously dont know.


these pictures were taken at expo foyer 3,
after Rev. Mark Conner's sermon (:

going to SMU to mug tmr.
amazing yeah? believe it.


unraveled @ 11:45 PM

Thursday, April 27, 2006



Name 20 people you can think of right now at
the top of your head. Don't read the questions
underneath until you write down the name of all the 20
people. Ready? Get Set... Go!

1. kenny
2. kristle
3. estee
4. prunella
5. mallory
6. gaya
7. isaac
8. chelsie
9. sally
10. keith
11. zhen kai
12. stephanie
13. rachel
14. eldora
15. jeremy
16. daniel
17. jun kai
18. ryan
19. gerald
20. jonathan truong

Okay, now the questions...
1. How did you meet 14?
xinghua primary school (:

2. What would you do if you had never met 1?
life wouldnt be half as beautiful as it's now baby.

3. What would you do if 20 & 9 dated?
urm, he's in canada man.

4. Did you ever like 19?
uh huh. we were together before. lols.

5. Would 6 & 17 make a good couple?

6. Describe 3.
she's ma best buddy; i love her loads!

7. Do you think 8's attractive?
totally AWESOME! (:

8. Tell me something about 7.
he's a wonderful friend and brother <3>

9. Do you know any of 12's family?
the whole of her paternal side! she's my family!

10. What's 15's favourite?
talkin' to ME.

11. What would you do if 18 just confessed that he/she likes you?
that wont happen, he alr have a new beau ;P

12. What language does 15 speaks?
english, chinese, malay?

13. who is going out with 9?
i dunno? ask her!

14. How old is 16 now?
sixteen (:

15. When is the last time you talked to 13?
on msn two days ago?

16. What is 2's favourite singer/band?
loads! anything that she can dance along to (:

17. Would you ever date 4?

hell YEAH! <3>

18. Would you ever date 6?Why not?
maybe, if she doesnt "pang seh" me. lols.

19. Is 12 single?
no idea.

20. What is 18's last name?
ryan lee ...........?

21. Would you ever be in a serious relationship with 5?
NO. i'm straight. lols.

22. What school does 7 goes to?
bowen secondary school.

23. Where does 3 lives?
some condominium in yio chu kang

24. What's your favourtie thing about 4?
she's one of my best buds in class.
we get locked outta class together. yeah man!

25. Have you seen 1 naked?
hmmms, nope. half naked without shirt, yes (:


weee! done (:
pru tagged me. so i've gotta do this. but i've enjoyed it.
anyways, new layout (:
done by me, myself and i.
*sticks out chest* -maybe not-

uh huh. the picture's my very own workpiece
on my student handbook's coverpage (:
but of course i made in into black and white.
hope ya'll like it (:

four months today! i'm lovin' it.

Add math test tmr and i'm still skiving.


unraveled @ 9:55 PM

Sunday, April 23, 2006



* physics logic. wth?

* we all look stoned?

* keith's nerdo glasses

okay yeah, i totally forgot to mention this.
lols. got locked outta chem class on thurs.
not only me okay, it was practically half of e4.
bahh. well true that pru, gaya, renu, suba and i
had planned to go to class late, but according to
the darn canteen's clock it only showed that we
were 5-7minutes late. and dammit, we were late
for like 15 minutes. hahas. and that mr ng had
already locked the doors.
like we could be bothered. he dint wanna let us
in so we left. lols. to the basketball court.

while most of us who were locked out were the
guys, and they obviously couldnt care less
either. and since it was like 11.45am alr and we
had health check-up at 12pm.
yupps. and the pictures up there were those
taken during our "lock-out" (:

* fireflies?

wee! the bbq after cellgrp (:
had fun, though yieling and i were attacked
by stupid mosquitoes while chatting and
removing the plastic covering from the crab
sticks. bleh.

* my dear 7610

BOO ): my mum took my spoilt 7610 to trade-
in. it's G.O.N.E.
sobs. though it's spoilt but i have been using it

since last last yr and it's only a lil' over a yr
old only ):

pfft- at least i still have my k750i.

in a twinkle of an eye, babaaay's starting school
tmr alr!!! hahas. no more idling around everyday.
hahas. anyways we'll be meeting after school tmr.
well he's ending at 12 while lucky me, i wont have
chinese noon lesson tmr due to chinese oral going
on. yay! so i can meet my darling earlier!!!
okok.well, i'm done for today then.



unraveled @ 5:58 PM

Friday, April 21, 2006



* the sun hadn't even came out fully; on the
way to macritchie

* WEE! fountain (:

* the famous monkeys of macrit.

phew i'm finally home. freakin' tired.
okay though i dint compete this yr but walking
the 3.2km is still tiring.
uh huh. decided not to compete this yr in
cross-country. a lil' of a waste, since it's my
last yr. but but but, i had reasons.
1. my monthly stuff just like came ytd ):
2. i had never walked and look carefully at
the reservoir at all
3. bond with friends (:
4. erm... erm... look at the monkeys

well, this yr's xcountry wasnt such a big wooha
compared to the previous years alr. so it kinda
lost it's... attractiveness? lols. anyways, i enjoyed
myself, walking. mish, mal and i ran the last
part though. because we wanted to win our
principal. lols. yeah and for that we ran bout...
say 200-400m. lols.
1st: ME
2nd: mal
last: mish

no prize though. hahas.
anyhow, congrats to estee. she competed and
had gotten 31st in B div girls (:
hmmms, i cant recall how i fared for sec 1.
gotten 11th in sec 2 and last yr, i ran whilst i
was sick, was kinda reluctant to run initially
but i just tried and gotten 21st (:
yeah, and isaac and i went down at the bloody
wrong stop ): the windows of the bus was covered
covered with condensation. had to walk quite
a distance ): met him like at 6 this early
morning. *yawns*

was sanwiched in dozens of stinky sweaty
fellow bowenians on the bus *yucks*
went to hougang mall for lunch.
and then..... i went shopping again :P
it seems as though i buy sth everytime i hit
the malls these days.

* oceanus

got this oceanus body mist from the body shop.
love it loads (:
and another two tops. bahh.
someone STOP ME!

whoopee!!! gonna go get ready for cellgroup
now. got daddy's permission to go today.
cause there's gonna be a bbq after cell!!! weeee!
and babaaay's gonna go for cell too after his
poly orientation (:
good that he's starting school on monday,
so that he wont keep idle arnd and do nth
everyday. heh.
and kristle's starting sch too.
i LOVE her so much!
congrats to her and teammates for coming
in third at the hollaback crew by 98.7fm
we need retail therapy together!!!
so yeaps. june's when we'll hit town together.

i digressed. i'd better get off or i'll be late (:
tatas (:


unraveled @ 2:24 PM

Sunday, April 16, 2006



* solarized

* having ice cream on a wet wet day :P

uh huh. these two photos are friday's. just got
it uploaded from my phone and into my comp.
well, i binged alot on friday. felt like a pig ):
pfft. was eating all kinda junk.
cup corn (extra butter and salt),
ice cream.... alot more...

ice cream on a chilly day. feels kinda different
having it when the weather's cold. somehow.

* love my new denim skirt

* the back pocket

finally gotten a denim skirt which i have been
wanting for so long yesterday. went down to
far east with babaaay for lunch at long john's.
dont really like fast food but i just had the
sudden craving for fish.
after lunch, we went to collage to look for a
skirt. i like the skirts there. rather unique.
the price aint that steep too (: and the shop
owner's super friendly and cute (as in the way
he acts and speaks)
i am gonna get more skirts from there (:

- i cant stop buying things -

* replaced my old freshener

use air wick! lols. it's nice smelling.
i prefer the scent of my old one though.
it was outta stock and i had no choice but to
get this blue one.

that's all folks (: HAPPY EASTER
God bless.


unraveled @ 1:25 PM

Saturday, April 15, 2006


* my darling babaaay <3

*simply divine

* irrisistably adorable

* i have a thing for candles (:

uh huh. so in a few moment's time i'm gonna
go prepare for church easter service!
yeah and i'm intending to go for the blood
donation drive on 29th april.
it seems scary and i have no idea as to whether
my parents would allow.

well, i'd give it a shot anyway.
alright then, gonna go take my shower
alr. i cant wait for church!

ps: i bet babaaay's still in his dreamland! <3


unraveled @ 11:04 AM

Friday, April 14, 2006



* all's white; no tan...

* brrrr. raining cats and dogs

* she looks lesbian; YIKES!

* CAUTION; Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease

* check out this swimming trunks :P

urgghh! bloody rain. no suntan!!!
which means i still have uneven tanlines.
okay. enough of spasm. uh huh.
before we got into the pool, it was freakin'
sunny. strong, radiant sunlight.
but just as we finally dipped ourselves
into the poooooool, the sun DISAPPEARED.
wth?! sheesh.

yeaps, and we bumped into xianglong there,
this fellow church fren whom is being naughty
and skipping church. bahh.

well, had a good time "swimming".
dint swim much actually, i was lazy.
my main purpose was to suntan!!!
-pfft- okay, i shall stop complaining.

met up with babaaay after that. was really
missing him! he's been having chalet and we
hadnt met since... wednesday. (:

went shopping after finishing some
homework (: -i've been a good girl-
ran here and there to get mummy's and
my stuff. spent more than a 100bucks today.
and that was just miscellaneous stuff.
i seriously can't stop shopping!
someone please stop meeeeeeeeee...

came upon this gay blog prunella
introduced to me:
serious gayness man. check it out.

i cant wait for tomorrow's church service!!!
we're celebrating Easter (:
there'll be this great performance.
so do go down to Expo hall 8 tmr.
service commence at 4.30pm (:
whieeeee!!! yayness.


Image hosting by Photobucket

Image hosting by Photobucket

Happy Good Friday (:
praise the Lord


unraveled @ 9:56 PM

Thursday, April 13, 2006



* my cellphone look like an iPod now

average day in school today. amath test.
fourteen chapters ): shucks. i am sure to
flung it again. point is, did i improve?
i sure regret not taking my studies seriously
in secondary three. now i suffer. but no point
brooding over the past, i needa pick things
up at where i last left them.

had chemistry test too. relatively easy.
considering it only consists of units 1-3
and i studied. just that i forgot the
kinetic particle thoery of matter,
or smth like that. yeah.

well, there's smth rather important that i needa
write about. last sunday, 9th april,
my mum invited kenny, yes my darling kenny,
to my house. to meet her and my dad.
thus when i told baby bout it,
"sounds so marriage" that was his reaction.

true though, it does sound that way.
but no no no, its not. c'mon i'm only sixteen (:
okay i digressed.
uh huh. so my mum was like asking bout him
and also asking bout me. lols. it felt weird tho.
finally we were allowed to go into my room
(without closing the door of course)
cause i hadda do my amath homework.
and so he slept on my bed...

* there's my sweetheart <3

next, meeting my dad. that was scary.
mothers are okay. dad's arent. but thank God
daddy was reasonable. had dinner altogether (:
then daddy had a long long talk with us...
"i'm neither against nor in favour of your
relationship..." hahas. which means i can just
carry on dating. lols.
all was good at the end of this meet-up.

* yikes. maggie mee; chicken; prawn;

scrambled egg; self-made sauce. rather pathetic,
dint get spaghetti but instead, maggie mee.

* my love

weeeeee! goin' for a dip tomorrow morning.
with mallory low pei wen.
i needa suntan! whoopiee i love my bikinis.
and to the movies and to mug mug mug...
pictures and more juices tomorrow then

God bless; He reigns
it's good friday tomorrow!
ps: babaaay i love you so so much! (:


Your Perfume is Glow
Fresh, sexy, and clean.
You're real, intimate, and exciting.
Your lush sensuality appeals to men...
And you're as sexy as Jennifer Lopez.
Power scents: Orange flower, grapefruit, and citrus.
What Perfume Are You?

You Should Honeymoon in Europe!
You are a traditional romantic at heart...With a taste for fine wine, muesums and beautiful walks.You and your sweetie should get romantic in a cafe in ParisOr get a Eurail pass - and see as many cities as possible!
Suggested destinations: Paris, Venice, London, Greece
Where Should You Go On Your Honeymoon?

Your French Name is:
Stéphanie Lemonnier
What's" Your French Name?

You Are A Margarita Martini
You are a full on partier, with a good deal of sass and spunk.You're always friendly and welcoming - and very tolerant of obnoxious drunks.
You should never: Drink and dance. The pictures will be everywhere the next morning!
Your ideal party: Is loud, with good music and fun drinking games.
Your drinking soulmates: Those with a Dirty Martini personality
Your drinking rivals: Those with a Classic Martini personality
What Flavor Martini Are You?

Your Quirk Factor: 44%
You're a pretty quirky person, but you're just normal enough to hide it.Congratulations - you've fooled other people into thinking you're just like them!
How Quirky Are You?

People Envy Your Compassion
You have a kind heart and an unusual empathy for all living creatures. You tend to absorb others' happiness and pain.People envy your compassion, and more importantly, the connections it helps you build. And compassionate as you are, you feel for them.
What Do People Envy About You?

You Are 20% Boyish and 80% Girlish
Even if you're not a girl, you're very feminine.You're in touch with your feelings, and your heart rules you.A bit of a emotional roller coaster, one moment you're up and the next you're down.But no matter what, you try to be as cute and perky as possible.
How Boyish or Girlish Are You?

You Are 50% Weird
Normal enough to know that you're weird...But too damn weird to do anything about it!
How Weird Are You?

Your Five Variable Love Profile
Propensity for Monogamy:
Your propensity for monogamy is medium.In general, you prefer to have only one love interest.But it's hard for you to stay devoted for too long!There's too much eye candy to keep you from wandering.
Experience Level:
Your experience level is high.You've loved, lost, and loved again.You have had a wide range of love experiences.And when the real thing comes along, you know it!
Your dominance is medium.You tend to be the one with more power.You aren't a total control freak in relationships..But of course you don't mind getting you way!
Your cynicism is medium.You'd like to believe in true and everlasting love...But you've definitely been burned enough to know better.You're still an optimist, but you also are a realist.
Your independence is high.You don't need to be in love, and sometimes you don't even want love.Having your own life is very important for you...Even more important than having a relationship.
The Five Variable Love Test

Your Ideal Relationship is Serious Dating
You're not ready to go walking down the aisle.But you may be ready in a couple of years.You prefer to date one on one, with a commitment.And while chemistry is important, so is compatibility.
What's" Your Ideal Relationship?

Your Miniskirt Is
%20src="` SUNTAN

unraveled @ 9:46 PM


Your Candy Heart Says "First Kiss"
You're a true romantic who brings an innocent hope to each new relationship.You see the good in every person you date, and you relish each step of falling in love.
Your ideal Valentine's Day date: a romantic dinner your sweetie cooks for you
Your flirting style: friendly and sweet
What turns you off: cynics who don't believe in romance
Why you're hot: you always keep the romance alive
What Does Your Candy Heart Say?

unraveled @ 6:05 PM

Saturday, April 08, 2006



1. Do the survey/quiz.
2. Write down the names of 7 people who
you want to sabotage.(not really sabo lah)
3. Tag their tagboard and tell them to read
here for the rules of the game.

So here I go...

Seven qualities that I want my potential
boyfriend/girlfriend to have:
caring, understanding, loving, reasonable,
patient, humour, approachable

Seven things that scares me:
insects, bugs, horror movies, mrs D,
gory stuff, nags, lies.

Seven random songs at the moment:
come holy spirit, hero, the world is black,
just the girl, motivation proclamation,
i'm just a kid, crazy.

Seven things I like the most:
shoes, clothes, skirts, jeans, dogs,
wallets, bags.

Seven important things in my bedroom:
bed, pillows, computer, the door, posters,
boalster, blankie.

Seven random facts about me:
bubbly, sad, lame, silly, medium height,
spastic, dreamer.

Seven things I plan to do before I die:
get baptized, model, get married, have kids,
own 3dogs, go to paris, drive.

Seven things I say the most:
hey heys, lols, hahas, wth?!, aye?,
yeah, what's wrong with you?.

Seven people whom you also want them to do this:
gaya, estelle, kristle, rachel, liling, kevin, jin cheng.

yeap, was "sabo-ed" by pru (:
anyways, gonna go get ready for service.
catch'ya later.


unraveled @ 11:38 AM