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love is a riddle.
untold story

G; Lips that taste of tears,
they say, are the best for kissing.

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orangeeeeyy Missyan

eXTReMe Tracker
Monday, April 20, 2009


Today marks the start of semester 2.1. Excited as I am, I'm worried about how tough this sem is going to be. SSM on Wednesdays for me. I'd be having my hair in a bun and all fringe held back by hair gel, wax and hair spray, and not to mention many many hair clips. Gees. On a happier note, I managed to get Japanese for my cds and I'm really gleeful over it. I think I do best in languages. Now I know some may protest and begin to say that my Chinese suck now, but I actually aced it back then in secondary school.

2H08, that's my new class. I'm really thankful that I've got Jacq in my class, at least I won't be as lost as I was on the first day of school at TP cause I didn't know anyone then. I hope the new class' good. It would do so much to help make school enjoyable.

Gotta go get my Typhoid jab before SSM on Wednesday. Injection later today, yuck. I hope it won't affect my arm too much, there's cheer pract today. Or else I might have to inject it on my butt. Shit.

Much more to blog about still, but time's running out. I need a good rest. Zouk photos with E, shall wait for it before i blog about the party. So goodnight loves, 9am lecture leaves me with no choice but head for bed now.

Oh you're a womanizer baby;

unraveled @ 12:31 AM

Friday, April 17, 2009


I landed head first on those training mats, and now there's a slight bump, and not to mention it being very painful. Kept getting punched in my face while getting cradled at cheer. Strained my poor neck, this one was dumb. & my hamstring has yet to recover.

& now, i'm heading off for school without any sleep throughout the night. wish me luck. G, you'd better not spout nonsense later on.

pop cradle;

unraveled @ 7:04 AM

Sunday, April 12, 2009

& again, I'm reduced to tears in anger and frustration.
I'm really sick and tired of your endless threats, they never cease.
you torment me, very badly.

i won't ask why you're like this, cause i know God planted you in
my life for a reason. but i hate that you never fail to unveil the
weakness in me. i hate that I'm small, weak and afraid in front of you.

i hate this circumstance that I've been trapped in for the past nineteen years.
you are choking me. always have.

& no, don't bother asking what happened.
Just see for yourself that i'm not a god-damn spoilt princess.

"So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

- Isaiah 41:10

unraveled @ 3:35 AM

Thursday, April 09, 2009


As promised, pictures with June is up on facebook and my blog. Click here for the rest (: It's currently 4.43am, and I guess I should head to bed soon. Major spring cleaning later in the day for my room, then it's off for dinner and then to cheer prac. Life's pretty much all about cheer now, but I kinda like it this way anyway. At least let me go cheer-crazy before the new semester starts.

Have been spending much time with E, hah. I know you love me, I love you too! :D Stay strong pretty, the thunderstorm's ceasing. Friday and Saturday's a date. Awesome. & no, I ain't turning lesbian. hahaha.

Easter's this weekend, I can't wait for the drama! "The Final Solution", sounds good already. Good Friday would be shopping with Dennis, Lynn and E. & the Fish Therapy too! Omg.

Cheerleadingcheerleadingcheerleading later, it's like my part time boyf, like Dennis. Hahaha. So goodnight folks :D


unraveled @ 4:23 AM

Wednesday, April 08, 2009


tons of overdue pictures.

this was just on monday though.
at ntu after cheer training to visit Julian.

dennis' hair-dying session number 2.

nice hair(s)

at minds cafe.

the night at E's place.

& many more overdue pictures still awaits. haven't been blogging much huh, have i? Well anyway, I had a good day with June, my cousin, on Sunday. Pictures ain't up yet, I'll post it up soon, i promise. Anyhow, I went spending money while out with her again. Maybe one day I should totally leave home without my wallet, or maybe just with $10 in it. I am a shopaholic, omg.

Monday's training was good. Conquered my fear, and did it. hahaha. Not forgetting to mention that my bum totally hurts now cause we were teaching the juniors how to do a 'chair'. & again, I've unknown injuries everywhere. But I'm still loving it :D

Bought supper and went down to NTU, where Julian was mugging at, to eat. Ate, chatted, played and contemplated life there till it was almost 4am. and gees, i only got home at 530am. E came along and stayed over. Made maggie mee for her, and then it was to bed only at 7ish where i began to talk non-stop to her cause i was too hyper all the way till it was 8am before i shut up and we both drifted into deep sleep. Sent E off to cab home at 2pm and thereafter i went home and slept till 8pm.

Currently, I'm feeling really sleepy already and am actually rushing this post so that i can sneak into bed before daddy wakes up. So goodnight loves, I'd be back soon.

I was a dreamer before;

unraveled @ 4:45 AM

Friday, April 03, 2009


The sun, sand and the sea. What's there not to love? Slapped with the huge amount of tanning oil, and a lil' sunblock to prevent the unnecessary sunburnt. The three of us were dripping wet in perspiration and suntanning oil. I saw Dennis and Lynn getting tanner, but I can't say the same for myself. Desperately tried to tan my horrendously white tummy, but it only seemed to have gotten a teeny bit brown. Such a disappointment ): I need another tanning session!
Ah, the sad part was that neither Lynn nor I brought our cameras, explains why there's only pictures of the scenery, taken by my phone's 2mega pixel camera.

Cheer practice after suntanning, but unfortunately menstrual cramps decided to be a bitch. I barely managed to drag myself back home all the way from harbourfront. I hate periods, period. Wriggled around on the sofa till I finally got comfortable enough and fell asleep. It was good, but the cramps came back. I pray for it not to bite me later in the day. Why do we, women, have periods again?

I should get that red heels later, yes? I've not stopped thinking about it, gosh!
Aight, some shuteye for me. Just got off the phone with Kris. Imma see her later, pictures please. Au revoir!

the sweetest song that I can sing;

unraveled @ 4:22 AM

Thursday, April 02, 2009


Imagine me and you, I do
I think about you day and night
It's only right

I can't stop thinking of you, really. Imma get my hands on you soon, don't dare you run away. I need you. You're too sexy to ignore. That pair of devilish red heels! Ah gees, I'm going mad.

And you say you belong to me
And ease my mind
Imagine how the world would be
So very fine
So happy together


unraveled @ 4:12 AM