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love is a riddle.
untold story

G; Lips that taste of tears,
they say, are the best for kissing.

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orangeeeeyy Missyan

eXTReMe Tracker
Thursday, March 30, 2006


FINE DINNING -no lessons, no textbooks,
no andrew y** today - =P

* after our ala carte (:

* shatec training centre


due to having to out up name cards for
the trainer. i had my card as " PRU"
and prunella had hers as "GWEN" ^ - ^
got scolded by miss suan tho.

* ME and "xiao di-di" =P

weeee! no lessons today (:
and smart casual dressing to sch.
well i broke many rules.
- jeans
- glitter hairband
- untied hair (not fully)

- ring
- necklace
yeps, basically all not to be done.
but who the hell cares? sheesh.

anyways the trip to shatec's training centre
was interesting (:
learnt all the social etiquette. which i alr know.
pru and i were like starving and like...
want to eat oso so "kang kor"
(which mean : difficult)
lols. so many etiquettes to abide by that
i told gaya, "i'd rather serve now... so leh
che..." (such a hassle)
it was useful after all lars.

our set course:
- a slice of rockmelon
- a slice of bread
- cream of mushroom soup
- chicken dish
- strawberry shortcake
- coffee/tea
(i said:"TEH PENG!" aka ice milk tea)

hahas. was bloated (:
oh! jeez... the slice of rockmelon
came with the skin.. and you had to use
the knife and fork to eat it......................
bahh, that was one of the longest time
i took to eat rockmelon. lols.
oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh! the soup was
super DELICIOUS (:
best mushroom soup so far, to me. (:
the rest was just nice...
dint really like the shortcake tho.
too sweet. hahas. i needa diet. -__-

came back to sch after that to continue
the course. overall had fun, laughter and joy.
heh. -pfft-

Free Image Hosting at
* our very own MEI NU~ (aka. chio bu)

Free Image Hosting at
* confident model, GAYAAAAA (:

Free Image Hosting at
* shatec's kitchen

alright, retiring to the comfort of my
bed already (: tatas

Free Image Hosting at
babaaay i LOVE you <3


unraveled @ 10:11 PM

Sunday, March 26, 2006




* MINE <3

yeps, sports day was cool! totally loved it.
my very last year ):
well my class dint managed to clinch the extra
bonus pts cos some freakin' cheaters cheated.
the whole sec 4 express classes totally hates
them. sheesh. they'll never for once play fair.

anyways, i took part in my usual;
100m individual and 4x400m class relay.
gotten a bronze in my 100m. this yr's competition
for 100m was tough. so yeah, bronze.
a lil' disappointed but oh well, at least now i've
sth that's bronze, it's always gold or silver.
*OOPS* hahas. okay okay, be humble =P

we WON again! our class relay 4x400m!
oh man. it was so exciting!
deemei started as the first runner. we kinda
lagged behind, we were the third last i think.
there was altgether eight classes competing.
den she passed the baton to me, i was the second
runner. it's fun being the second runner!
cause after your first 100m, you can cut lanes!
hahas. yeps, it was mentally challenging, realising
that we were amongst the last.
so yeah, i ran my best, in my mind, jin qin's voice
keeps replaying: " MUST WIN LIJUN! MUST!
gosh, it was scary. but it did help. with that i not
only overtook lijun, i ran ahead of two others,
as said by my friends. it was so achieving (:
yeah, so past the baton to shing rong, who caught
up and we were in the third postion as shing rong
past over the baton to our last runner, jin qin,
who raced all the way, and before we know it
we were alr on par with the second. alas!
we overtook and CAME IN FIRST!
it was pure rejoice! we did it again (: GOLD
pride to efour. weeee!

well, this glory is not only my hardwork.
i'd like to thank God, for not only did He answer
my prayers to hold back the threatening heavy
cloud's rain but He also gave me the strength i
asked for for my two track events (:
Praise the Lord
- i can do all things through Christ who strengthens me-

* church service on saturday, 25th march
expo hall 8, we're expanding! (:

* a typical set lunch for me (:
stingray and kang kong -no carbos- lols


went out with pru after geog proj on thurs.
well we had fun, GAYA "PANG SEH-ED" US!
hurh, you missed out on all the fun (:

finally changed my layout. credits to pru
it's her skin (: can i have a custom made one?
hehs. well added in some avatars. jenice
introduced it to me (: thank you!
always wanted to it, but just dint know where
to get it. and then bammed! just as i was changing
layout, she popped the link to me. hahas (:
well, still thinking of what other song to change.
cant really think of one. bahh.

hmms, it's been a week since i've blogged. =P
will try updating as often as i can.
signing off den...


unraveled @ 3:51 PM

Sunday, March 19, 2006


DARN blogger. what's its problem again?!
i cant freakin' upload pics. nvm, my next
resort, host my pics one by one then ):

* we were trying to get the fire started

* ME and estee

* BOO gaya came late

* told'ya she could nv look proper =P

* i LOVE him so so much (:

* we bbq-ed it a lil' toooo long...

* brudda zhen kai and ME

* these are done just rite (:

* meow meow~

* coffee shop auntie
-oops sry mal! it's a candid (: -

* youandme

* piggyback ME

* my dear cousin, june

* chicken, corn or potato anyone?

* it's US again

* and again...

* zombie! =x

* she went drunk after a lil' of this...

* there!

* they started a fire

* babaaaay!

* we just got up

* spastic BABAAAY

* aint we adorable? ;P

* the unit with the amazing memories (:

* babaaay's parent's room

* bacardis

yupps! i guess the pictures makes up
the post of my chalet.
- a picture paints a thousand words -
hahas. basically had lotsa fun at the chalet!
wonderful time.
it was a lil' bored in the noon when we just
arrived there, cos we practically had
nth to do.
however, the fun started when the bbq
started (:
getting the fire started, setting up the food
and misc. stuff.
mixing my orange cordial with sprite (:

some peeps whom i invited dint come
though, they said they were coming!
lols. like that stupid jin qin.
but overall i thank all those who came.
babaaay and i kept on bbqing the food.
mal and june helped lodas too (:
- thank you! -
just endless cookin for my frens.
they eat alot! but it's good.
cos i bought lotsa food too.

yeps, anyways i think they left quite early?
i aint sure bout the time, in the end it was
just left with the 4 of us who were staying.
me, babaaay, june and mal.
so we continued eating... i think i needa go
on a diet now ):

erm, the pics really tells it all and i have
pretty much nth to add on further (:
needa quick get offline before my mum
finds out and starts nagging again =x
and i needa do my homework. sheesh,
a huge mountain of it.... dieeee.............

ps: to all my frens who came,
thanks alot for coming and for the presents
too. if i could i'd try hosting another one
perhaps? at the end of O's of cos (:
or maybe we could have a class chalet den?

thanks to june, mal, estee, ephraim, pru
and gaya for helping me out with the chalet!

thanks babaaay for all you've done for me!
i appreciate it loads. LOVE YOU (:

now, i'd better buzz off before mummy gets up
tatas (:


unraveled @ 1:13 PM

Saturday, March 18, 2006



* i LOVE you babaaay <3


* keith brudda and ME (:
he looks drunk here?

* gaya and ME


yea, these are just some pictures. will be posting
more tonight. gonna go out for church service now
will be meeting babaaay once he's done and
head down to town for lunch.
still rather clueless to where to have lunch at
tatas (:


unraveled @ 12:19 PM