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love is a riddle.
untold story

G; Lips that taste of tears,
they say, are the best for kissing.

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orangeeeeyy Missyan

eXTReMe Tracker
Sunday, August 27, 2006


Brian: Did I hear you right?
'Cos i thought you said,
Lets think it over.
You have been my life,
And I never planned,
Growing old without you.

Shadows bleeding through the light,
Where the love once shined so bright,
Came without a reason.
Don't let go on us tonight,
Love's not always black and white,
Why haven't I always loved you?

Delta: And when I need you
You're almost here
And I know thats,
Not enough.
And when I'm with you,
I'm close to tears,
'Cos you're only almost here.

I would change the world,
If I had a chance,
Oh won't you let me.
Treat me like a child,
Throw your arms around me,
Oh please protect me.

Both: Bruised and battered by your words,
Dazed and shattered now it hurts.

Brian: Oh havent I always loved you?

Delta: And when I need you
You're almost here And I know thats,
Not enough.
And when I'm with you,
I'm close to tears,
'Cos you're only almost here.

Both: Bruised and battered by your words,
Dazed and shattered now it hurts

Brian: Haven't I always loved you?

Delta: But when i need you,
You're almost here

Brian: Well I never knew how far behind I left you

Delta: And when I hold you,
You're almost here

Brian: Well I'm sorry that I took our love for granted

Both: And now I'm with you,
I'm close to tears

Brian: 'Cos I know I'm almost here.

Both: Only almost here


( yes i know i said i wont be blogging
for awhile, but hey english exam's coming!
so i should practice my english here. hahas.)

well, somehow i find that this song relates to me.
i'm taking a break from BGR now. i've gotta
concentrate on my studies now. i must really
immerse myself into studying. it's only like 2mths
away. i cant flop. i've been really stressed...
with school, studies, friendship problems, relation-
ship problems...

well peeps, prelims starts on monday. and i've
got three practicals up on monday. three.
science (phy/chem) and f&n practs. oh crap.
anyway, i'd like to wish those who are having
their prelims too the best of luck (:
tuesday's english, wednesday's social studies and
math paper one papers. wish me luck.

gotta watch service live online today (:
i love worship songs! dint really get what the sermon
was anyway, i dint have the sermon outline notes.
hahas. yeaps, i cant wait to go back to the house
of the Lord again.
oh and my target sheet is up on my wall already.
i'm hoping that by looking at it everyday, it'll kinda
motivate me to work towards those targets for my
prelims. and of course on it written besides my targets
God please grant me strength.

alright, am hitting the hay already.
tuition's up tmr and it's already 1.30am.
sweet dreams ya'all.

only almost here`

unraveled @ 1:07 AM

Monday, August 21, 2006



Who sits next to you?
we're under homeroom system.
however, it's always either gaya or prunella.

Who sits in front of you?
we're under homeroom system.

Who's on your left?
we're under homeroom system.

Who are your bestfriends in class?
prunella, gaya, keith, renuka and suba.

Who is the..most shy?
urm... deemei? hafizah? actually we're all quite bold =x

Cutest guy?
who esle but keith tan.

Cutest girl?
cute... cute... cute?


Most annoying?
jolynn, only in math classes =P

Brightest of all?
Lin Wei Xiang.

practically the whole class.

If you could live one of your friend's life,
whose would it be?
none. i believe all things happen for a reason.

Your favourite teacher?
always be mr Bay Siow Lon.

Favourite subject?
urm... surprisingly, math.

Who's your class monitor? How's he/she?
marcus; boastful?

Who's the class asst. monitor? How's she/he?
jin qin: laid- back.

Who's the class treasurer? How's he/she?
i think it's namira? she's funny (:

class form-teacher?
ms monica suan c**** y***
(she'd kill me if i had posted her chinese name
if she does visit breakmeup-inc.)

Your class..?
4E4 - sotongs.

Do you love your class?
amazingly yes.

Your Career Type: Artistic
You are expressive, original, and independent.Your talents lie in your artistic abilities: creative writing, drama, crafts, music, or art.
You would make an excellent:
Actor - Art Teacher - Book Editor Clothes Designer - Comedian - Composer Dancer - DJ - Graphic DesignerIllustrator - Musician - Sculptor
The worst career options for your are conventional careers, like bank teller or secretary.

What's" Your Ideal Career?

yeaps, i think it's time to refrain myself from
the blogging world for awhile, as well as this
lovely computer of mine. let's say i start off with
only getting online twice only for weekdays frist.
next would be totally envicting internet on weekdays.
it's gonna be real hard. but... for the sake of my studies,
well i guess i have Hobson's choice ):

time to study, gwen. cant keep getting away with
not studying. i wont get into my desired jc if i continue
being so laid-back. besides, i was just so comforted by
daddy's concerns. he'd told me not to get stress and
if i'm willing to study, he'd be more than happy
to sent me overseas. and sadly, i've been disappointing
both dad and mum. it's about time i make them proud
of me again. most importantly, it's really all for God.
grant me the strength and the determination, Lord.
and the day after my Os when i return to your house
again, i am so sure it's gonna be one of my happiest days
of my life (:

when my world was in darkness,
you spoke your word, night turned into day.
your beauty filled this place.
when my world stood in silence,
you filled my heart, with songs that never end.
forever i will praise.
to think that the universe could not withhold your glory,
you choose to live in me.
i'm so amazed.

your ruthlessness surprises me.

unraveled @ 11:23 PM

Sunday, August 20, 2006



tuition day` lalala. anyway, skip the tuition part.
fast forward to after dinner at lot1.
well, carmen, kamy and i decided to get something
that we'll all three purchase. looked aaround for
quite awhile til we finally decided on getting voodoo
dolls from mini toons.
there were tons of designs to choose from.
i alone had a great headache before finally deciding
on my mohawk voodoo. hahas. walked around in
mini toons, fiddling with everything we could.
then we saw these tissue box holders and i remembered
baby showing me the nipples of that character of
the tissue holder under its bikini. hahas.
so i thought it be fun to show kamy and carmen.
LOLS. it was a hit. we laughed like lunatics.
then they both continued grossing with undressing
the underpants of the other two characters. LOLS.
they had dicks. one was a beige dick with yellow hair!!!
hahas. that got us weeping because our stomachs hurt
so much. lalala` we're "dirrrty" minded =P

- left to right: KAMY'S; MINE!; CARMEN'S; <3

oh gosh. fun we had. mini toons sure has lotsa creative
stuff. there were like cushion mahjong tiles.
so being lame, i used it to hit kamy on her back,
and when she turned around, i exclaimed: "i got shi san yao okay!"
(meaning i had winning tiles. sth liddat.)
hahas. such fun we were having. laughing like nobody's
business, till all the mini toons staff were staring at us.
hahas. i love you girls (:

well, i aint really in a good mood now. am feeling pretty
much very upset with a fren now. ( it's a guy, not who you
think it is. not her.)
why are you doing these to me? why?
where's that ck boy i used to know who promised to
be there for me? just where?
come back will you?

unraveled @ 11:14 PM


Can you name 11 people you can think
of right off the top of your head? Don't read the
questions underneath until you write the names of
all 11 people...This is a lot funnier if you actually
randomly list the names first...No Cheating!!!

10) JUNE

~How did you meet 10? [june]
~> she's my cousin. i knew her since i've started
remembering stuff?

~What would you do if you had never met 6? [keith]
~> one less close buddy to share, listen and care for (:

~What would you do if 6 and 2 dated? [kristle & keith]
~> impossible. lols. i'd scream.

~Have you ever seen 4 cry? [estee]
~> yeah.

~Do you think 1 is pretty? [kenny]
~> absolutely <3

~Tell me something about number 11 [estelle]
~> her brother has a girlfriend.

~How do you know 8? [kamy]
~> church cellgrp (:

~Would you ever go on a date with number 5?[gaya]

~What's 7's favorite color? [daniel]
~> blue? hahas

~What would you do if 2 confessed she liked
you? [kristle]
~> i'd cry, cause she'll usually go "i love you" instead.

~Fact about 9: [carmen]
~> she plays para-para to lose weight.

~Who is 6 going out with? [keith]
~> his gang of guys.

~Who is number 5 to you? [gaya]
~> one of my bestest babes.

~Would you ever live with 11?? [estelle]
~> urm, perhaps?

~Is 2 single? [kristle]
~> a hot babe like her, is always taken (:

~How much does 3 mean to you? [prunella]
~> well, i stay in her heart and so does she stay
in mine. what do'ya think? hahas.

~What do you think about 1? [kenny]
~> my honey!

~What's the best thing about number 8? [kamy]
~> she'll always be there for you (:

~What do you like about number 10? [june]
~> she being able to be there for me too, through
thick and thin.

~Favorite Memory with 6? [keith]
~> kota tinggi camp (:

You Are 16% Paranoid Schizophrenic
You're so far from paranoid schizophrenic...you probably found this quiz to be quite amusing.
Are You A Paranoid Schizophrenic?

You Are 56% Brutally Honest
Honesty is important to you, but generally, you try not to be brutal about it.You'll sugar coat the truth when you need to... and tell a white lie when necessary.
How Brutally Honest Are You?

Your EQ is 133
50 or less: Thanks for answering honestly. Now get yourself a shrink, quick!51-70: When it comes to understanding human emotions, you'd have better luck understanding Chinese.71-90: You've got more emotional intelligence than the average frat boy. Barely.91-110: You're average. It's easy to predict how you'll react to things. But anyone could have guessed that.111-130: You usually have it going on emotionally, but roadblocks tend to land you on your butt.131-150: You are remarkable when it comes to relating with others. Only the biggest losers get under your skin.150+: Two possibilities - you've either out "Dr. Phil-ed" Dr. Phil... or you're a dirty liar.
What's" Your EQ (Emotional Intelligence Quotient)?

Your Brain is 73% Female, 27% Male
Your brain leans femaleYou think with your heart, not your headSweet and considerate, you are a giverBut you're tough enough not to let anyone take advantage of you!
What Gender Is Your Brain?

You Are 25% Left Brained, 75% Right Brained
The left side of your brain controls verbal ability, attention to detail, and reasoning.Left brained people are good at communication and persuading others.If you're left brained, you are likely good at math and logic.Your left brain prefers dogs, reading, and quiet.
The right side of your brain is all about creativity and flexibility.Daring and intuitive, right brained people see the world in their unique way.If you're right brained, you likely have a talent for creative writing and art.Your right brain prefers day dreaming, philosophy, and sports.
Are You Right or Left Brained?

You Are Somewhat Honest
You do tend to tell the truth a lotBut you also stretch the truth on occasionYou figure a little lie isn't a big dealAs long as it doesn't hurt anyone too much!
How Honest Are You?

You're Totally Sarcastic
You sarcastic? Never! You're as sweet as a baby bunny.Seriously, though, you have a sharp tongue - and you aren't afraid to use it.And if people are too wimpy to deal with your attitutde, then too bad. So sad.
How Sarcastic Are You?

You Are a Visual Learner
You tend to remember what you see, and you have a good eye for aesthetics.You excel at art, design, and computer programming.You would be an excellent film director - or the next Bill Gates!
What's" Your Learning Style?

Your Ideal Hairstyle:
Long and Framed
What Hairstyle Is Right For You?

You Are a Golden Blonde
Men see you as flirty and fun, yet deep and thoughtfulYou've got all the pizzazz of a blonde...With the intensity of a brunette
How Blonde Are You?

unraveled @ 12:06 AM

Saturday, August 19, 2006



- narcisisst.

- negative;

yesterday, as in friday, miss suan pointed out
that pru and my handwriting looks alike.
lols. urmm, we dont think so. but we had fun
trying to immitate each others handwriting
to fool our friends (:

- MINE (:

- PRU'S (:

they're different!!! hahas.
anyway, i got tagged. so here goes the quiz.

Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog
with 6 weird facts/things/habits about yourself, saying
who tagged you. In the end you need to choose the 5
people to be tagged and list their names. No tag backs.

1. Do the following without complaining.
2. Choose 5 people to do this after you've completed yours.
3. Leave a tag on the person's tagboard to say that he/she has been tagged.
4. Start your post with "I have been tagged!" then do this.

color: green, hot pink, black.
food: pasta.
songs: this never happened before.
movie: harry potter, mean girls, lakehouse, white chicks.
sport: badminton, archery, rock-climbing, sprints.
day of the week: fridays, saturdays.
season: winter, spring.
ice-cream: hagan daaz; strawberry cheesecake ice cream.

mood: tired.
taste: smint sweet.
clothes: dresses.
desktop: honey and me.
time: 1.35am
surroundings: noisy neighbours, brother's tv.
annoyance: my headache.

best friend: eldora.
crush: donavan, my boyfriend in K2. he's an "ang moh" (:
movie: the lion king.
music: twinkle twinkle lil' star?

cigarette: EEW. NEVER.
drink: apple juice.
ride: bus ride from school to home.
movie: the lake house.
phone call: mummy.
CD: urm. i dont really buy cds.

dated one of your best friends: nope.
been arrested: only by the discipline mistress.
skinny-dipped: nope.
been on tv: yeah.
kissed someone you don't know: hahas. nooo.

4 things you did today:
a. tried to immitate pru's handwriting.
b. revised the chapter on alkanes and alkenes.
c. changed blogskin.
d. played checkers, bejeweled, hexic and tic tac toe with keith.

sounds you can hear right now:
water flowing from my brother's stupid fish tank,
with only one arawana.

the Chosen Five to do this:
1. kamy
2. estelle
3. carmen
4. gaya
5. renuka

unraveled @ 1:21 AM

Thursday, August 17, 2006



darn. i got nervous. hahas.
overall it was quite a good one i pressume.
the female invigilator looked extremely familar.
but i just cant recall who she is.
yeaps. done. d.o.n.e. with english oral.

- 15 aug, tuesday -

yeah. physical education day.
and as you may have guessed, yes, floorball again.
am feeling proud alright. i scored two goals!
uh huh. improvement aye? lols.
and not only that, because of clarence telling me
to just whack the ball when it comes...
i did exactly that and twice also, the ball flew
and hit Gobi at his *ahem. twice.
followed by him staring at me, calling me a pervert
in his "gayish" voice. lols. it was hilarious.
i'm sorry gobi! it wasnt on purpose!

oh yeah, and before PE we had photo taking!
yes, bowen finally did sth right by employing
that photographer. he's fun (:

- grace lim's plant. she has them all over the school...


- it didnt turn out to look like a star.

- in the girls' washroom.

- OH i so LOVE add math.

okie dokies. am buzzing off to my couch now.
my nine o'clock show!
darn relative velocity test tmr. urgh.
and i gotta find recipes for my CWA,
by tonight... urgh... boring..
alright. ciao`


unraveled @ 8:57 PM

Saturday, August 12, 2006



love you! i hope you'll love your present, or should i say,
presents, from me! (:


www.ImageShack.us" />
- totally tantalizing. sweeeeeet~

www.ImageShack.us" />
- they finally met. awww~

www.ImageShack.us" />
- the dog, jack, it's a she btw, so adorable! she plays chess. lol.

oh gosh! i love the lake house!!!
am definitely gonna get the dvd. it's.... cant describe.
so romantic. lols. i watched it with pru thought. not kenny.
and i'm currently in love with one of the movie's songs,
this never happened before by Paul McCartney. lalala`


- retro is in baby.

- forever 16?

- i must stick wit you forever~ lols.
inside joke =P

- The70s`

- gaya's loss. tsk tsk`

day out with pru was great! gaya you missed everything!
you owe us so many dates!
you know what peeps? i think i'm starting to sound more
and more like a bimbo... hmms. weird.
but i'm not dumb~ lols.

anyways, yes, pru wanted me to blog about this.
kinda a lil' lazy to but.. here goes.
alright, while we were walking from somerset to dhoby ghaut,
there was this "ang moh" guy, he was lookin' at me while walking
pass and he made this weird sound.
it's like... okay, open you mouth, bite your teeth together,
and then exhale hard and try to make a sound like that.
some-thing like that.
hahas, well, it cracked us. got us laughing all the way to plaza sing.

i miss carmen and kamy! we'll take neoprints soon alright?!
it's a must. hahas. oh guys, i'm so... kinda broke...
been buying quite a handful of stuff. sigh.
saving time again i guess.

uh huh, there's sth that i havent metion,
on tuesday, to commemorate our nation's 41st birthday,
my school invited some distinguished guests over.
- the elderly from ju eng home
- cedarians from cedar primary
- and of course friends from the German European International School.

coolness aint it? well, the german europeans are really
a bunch of friendly peeps. so cute.
the pretty girls are like really beautiful. and the handsome guys
are like really good-looking. hahas. they all look like some
actor/actresses or in some punk band or sth.
well, there's fred, he totally look like cedric diggory from harry potter.
there, proof :
Free Image Hosting at <a href=www.ImageShack.us" />
- i managed to trick my friends that he's cedric diggory!

fred's really nice, he's also so TALL. 182 cm.
standing amongst them, i doubt i can be seen. they're all so tall.
the girls too. i'm vertically challenged ): hahas.

Free Image Hosting at <a href=www.ImageShack.us" />

Free Image Hosting at <a href=www.ImageShack.us" />
- that's drew.

Free Image Hosting at <a href=www.ImageShack.us" />
- matthew, daisy and me.

Free Image Hosting at <a href=www.ImageShack.us" />

yupps, had fun emcee-ing the national day's concert
with gaya and prunella~ weeee. our last year`...

OH. chinese Os results out today.
i dint get my A ):
i got a B3 with a distinction for oral.
yeah, am gonna retake. go for A1! hahas.
well well, i think.. perhaps blog tmr. i've updated quite alot.
CHURCH! YES CHURCH TMR! and it's baby's birthday!!!
yayness. ciao.


unraveled @ 12:30 AM

Sunday, August 06, 2006



- look at that cake! 7 layers!
alright, get me that cake for my 17th birthday!

- balloons balloons. poor ppl who blew the balloons.

- look at our eyebags! ):

- i'm in shortage of sleep.

- honey and ME (: i look tanner dont i? weird.

coolness. went to attend our church's SEVENTEENTH
anniversary today at singapore indoor stadium (:
city harvest's only a yr older than me. hahas.
to be exact, she's only seven months older. hahas.

happy happy happy! i love church. my God is an awesome
God (: he does wonders. and i know he's always there,
wanting to listen to me. i love jesus! i know he's always
praying for me. ain't this pure bliss.
God is good, all the time, and all the time, God is good =D

oh ya! and it's exactly a year that i've been with city harvest!
i came to CHC for the first time on her 16th anniversary (:
yayness. one year anniversary. hahas.

got up really early and slept really late last night.
thus, eyebags. sobs. i hope i'll slp early tonight. hope.
well we went to have lunch at this coffeshop near kallang mrt.
the food. was. horrendous? okay maybe not to yucky. but it
was not at all a good lunch. after lunch we went to dine at
cafe cartel, since carmen and nancy hadn't had their lunch.
we should have totally just consumed our lunch there.
anyway, had an early dinner. show you the yummy food~

Free Image Hosting at <a href=www.ImageShack.us" />
- kamy's *drools

Free Image Hosting at <a href=www.ImageShack.us" />
- carmen's. NICE.

i forgot to snap a picture of my pork ribs! ):
uh huh uh huh. gonna buzz off to go eat durian! yay.
so long. tatas (:


unraveled @ 9:28 PM

Saturday, August 05, 2006


-aug 4.

- hehe.

wee! got back my add math common test paper.
oh my GOSH. i passed!
i dint believe it at first when andrew yeo announed
the last one who passed. prunella helped me confirm
that it is me. lols.
well, i hadnt pass add math tests in centuries.
so i am freaking happy lar can?! hahas.
though i only passed by one mark (lols) but it's still
better than failing. and i believe that better grades
would be coming in again and again. as long as i
continue working hard. but but but. i dint practice at
all for this common test!? lols. yay! i passed.

i want a cactus. they look so cute.
well, they're strong-willed? i just feel like...
something between the cactus and me.
or have i been watching too much dramas?
whatever. i still want a cactus (:


unraveled @ 12:17 AM

Thursday, August 03, 2006


- immitating chen jin qin.

- shoot you.

actually i was laughing about it all
the way home. thank god no one was at
the bus stop. but i guess some ppl in
the bus did witness my "downfall".
the bus uncle was staring at me lar.

well, i was talking to prunella while flagging
for 315 bus. that bus stop had two steps,
and i, thinking that i was only one step away
from the ground, stepped onto the last step
with only about one third of my foot, and so,
i fell sideways. and i got grazes on my left hand
as well as right knee. so drama.
i landed with a "mermaid" pose.

thinking back, i wasn't really embarrassed.
hahas. i was just... laughing all the wayyy.
pru too. so evil, never help me, just sat at the
bus stop and laugh and laugh and laugh.
i fell right when the bus was approaching...
bus uncle staring at me as though i was a freak?
what's wrong?! you mean humans cant fall
and LAUGH?! hahas.
i twisted my nerve on my left foot a lil'.

You Are 20% Control Freak
There's no way you're a control freak. You're totally laid back - and able to take life as it comes.While you definitely have a healthy mental attitude, don't get suckered into letting someone control you.
Are You A Control Freak?

You Have Low Self Esteem 16% of the Time
Which can be translated to mean, you have high self-esteem and a healthy sense of self worth.You believe in yourself, and you know how to be the real you. You love yourself, imperfections and all.
How is Your Self Esteem?

Your Blog Should Be Purple
You're an expressive, offbeat blogger who tends to write about anything and everything.You tend to set blogging trends, and you're the most likely to write your own meme or survey.You are a bit distant though. Your blog is all about you - not what anyone else has to say.
What Color Should Your Blog or Journal Be?


unraveled @ 6:05 PM

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


more pretty pretty pictures from

- renuka and ME. GORGEOUS.

- ME and erdiah. i wanna wear a
cheong sum the next time! (:

more pictures from day out with pru ((:



lalala` students from japan came to
Bowen today. oh gosh. they're so adorable!!!
though we couldn't make out their english
cause i think they naturally link words together,
but but but!!! SO CUTE!
hahas. well, girls practically went all googoogaga
over a few cute jap guys. hahas.
it was such fun. arrrr~

well, they left around 11am. -sobs.
so FAST. nvm, next week on national
day celebrations, the GERMANS are coming.
girls keep your eyes open! hahas.
i honestly dont know why there's so many
foreigners coming. i mean, yes i know it's called
foreign-exchange or sth, but WHY bowen?!

PE. floorball again. once more i was a casual-tee.
sigh. this week i've got 3 hits. no PE next week =
NO floorball. muahahas. well, resuming the week
after next, so i shall count the number of hits
again then. hahas. but i think i am improving in
it lar. hopefully.
at least now i dont just pose there, i go up and
try to snatch the ball. except when junan's my
opponent. it's better to run. really.
alright. bed it is for me. -yawns.

- 2006 class training for
sports day events.

sorry guys. =X


unraveled @ 11:28 PM