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love is a riddle.
untold story

G; Lips that taste of tears,
they say, are the best for kissing.

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orangeeeeyy Missyan

eXTReMe Tracker
Saturday, November 29, 2008


and walk into my life.

okay, i look terrible when i'm sick.
i shall remember to keep away from cam-whoring for now ):

so anyway, i slept an entire day. but even sleeping wasnt made peaceful for me. kept waking up and i was perspiring even though i was sleeping with the air-condition on. my arms ached like crap and my head spun, yes, even though i was lying down. haha. oh well, i finally couldnt take it, so i crawled outta bed at 4plus and made something for myself to eat and drink.
after taking my temperature, i realised that my fever was back, this time it became higher. took my medicine and after lots of perspiration, my temperature finally went down. rawr. it sure doesnt feel good being sick. lord please heal me, i dont wanna miss church tmr ):

so, french test was a blur. but i did manage 16/20 for the listening, so i hope i'd do okay for the written test! it's a whopping 40%! and no, i dont intend on failing french.

God is doing great things for Euphoria! so awesome and coolio. hah. no idea what i'm writing? just stay tuned :D

leaking nose;

unraveled @ 10:09 PM

Friday, November 28, 2008


i very much want to kick scream and cry but not much of a voice seems to be coming out from my voice box now. so if you do talk to me or phone me within these few days and you hear no reply, pardon me. the fever doesnt seem to be going away either. so i guess i'd head down to the doctor's after all.
Kristle's 21st birthday party tonight, i pray hard i'd have enough energy to last me through and take me back from lakeside to serangoon as well. which also mean that i might have to give a pass for all the delicious bbq food tonight ): so... what do i get to eat?!

migraines & sore throats;

unraveled @ 1:20 PM

Thursday, November 27, 2008


you know, fever, headache, sore throat, french test, public speaking speech draft, bcs project, bcs test and bcs tutorial totally don't go together. but somehow they've all came together ): boo. yesterday was geogtravel test. and damn, i was like all "stoned". should have just taken an mc. fever, it doesn't allow you to use your brain to think much. still, scored a total of 39/50. considering section B, case study, we were allowed to use the internet and i only managed a 7/10 for that. why couldn't i have done better?
i can't really think now, havent had this high a fever for quite a while. been sleeping earlier these two nights only to wake up early in the morning to mug for my tests. today's french test is a whopping 40% of my total grades. oh, i pray hard that i won't go all blank. public speaking special occasion speech draft is due today and i've not written a single word for it. someone just stop the clock from ticking, please?

sometimes all i need when i'm sick is a lil' more concern. not asking me to do those redundant stuff, not you saying that i could have done better. seeing the doctor to you is a total waste, but c'mon, show a lil' bit more love.

breathe easy for awhile;

unraveled @ 8:02 AM

Monday, November 24, 2008



KAMY'S 21st!


16th November 08.

& there's still a ton of overdue-d pictures.


unraveled @ 8:18 PM